Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 160 [The Devil Appears]

"At the beginning, we obtained three holy fruits in total, and we knew very well the preciousness of this sacred fruit of Maha, and I was injured at the time, so I have already taken that one. As for the other two, I think the two of them have also taken it. Take it, and it will never stay until now. I think no one can understand the preciousness of the holy fruit of Maha better than you devils. If you don’t take this kind of spiritual fruit sooner, it will leave a big trouble for the future! How can I Could be so stupid?"

Grandma Lan clenched her fists and looked coldly at the possessed girl.

The girl was probably already dead, and her body was taken over by this monster. Just now she checked the entire village, not to mention the villagers, even the animals raised inside were all dead.

"Hmph, trying to lie to me, that guy Zhong Ziyun didn't eat the sacred fruit at all, otherwise how could he get seriously ill and couldn't stop us? And we also checked his body, he is the same as before, there is no excess growth at all. Ability!"

The girl gritted her teeth, and said viciously, at the same time pinched Li Nianbai's face red and swollen, and her breathing became short of breath.

"Impossible, the holy fruit of Maha is extremely precious, who will he leave it to if he doesn't take it? Moreover, this holy fruit is extremely precious to us ghost hunters. The holy fruit is indeed gone. How many demons have come out of you? Besides the Blood Soul Sect, which sect is controlled by you?"

Grandma Lan looked at Li Nianbai anxiously, but there is nothing she can do now, because she was injured back then, she ate the holy fruit of Maha, the holy fruit was finally obtained, and the quantity is very small, where can I get it now ?

"Little girl, don't you believe what I say about Montenegro? Well, this kid's physical body is much stronger than the one I occupy now, then take him away first, and then slowly settle accounts with you!"

Heishan smiled coldly, and brought Li Nianbai in front of him again, and was about to open his mouth to perform the secret technique, Li Nianbai rolled his eyes, pinched the spell in his hand, the black wooden sword that had fallen in the room suddenly jumped When he got up, it turned into a jet of black light and shot out, directly piercing through the girl's chest. Li Nianbai felt the pressure on his neck loosen, and his feet landed on the ground, he was overjoyed.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!"

Hei Shan looked at Li Nianbai in shock and anger, and struck him hard on his chest with a palm, directly knocking him into the air, Li Nianbai struggled a few times, a stream of black blood spilled from his mouth, and passed out.

The wound pierced by the wooden sword was emitting whistling white smoke, burning her body.

"Little girl, I will come to you and that girl sooner or later, until you hand over the Sacred Fruit of Maha and the Mingyin Pendant!"

Heishan reluctantly pulled out the wooden sword. When she held the black wooden sword, her entire palm started to burn. She had to throw away the wooden sword and ran to the entrance of the village.

"It's not that easy to leave!"

Grandma Lan was muttering something, and she slapped her palm forward suddenly, and the air above Heishan's head suddenly tightened, and a light blue palm pressed down from the air, and Heishan was directly hit, and was immediately pressed to the ground, unable to move, Grandma Lan Running over quickly, with a blank expression on his face, he grabbed the top of her head with five fingers, but Heishan showed a strange smile, and then the black evil spirit in his eyes, the magic lines on his face faded, his body softened, and he fell to the ground, a wisp of The black mist that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye drifted away, and the girl fell to the ground.

The girl was already dead, Grandma Lan sighed, grabbed the black wooden sword and walked over to Li Nianbai, patted Li Nianbai's chest lightly, Li Nianbai frowned slightly, opened his eyes, looking very weak.

"I also said that I have experienced a lot. This girl has long been possessed. The Black Mountain devil is hiding in her body. He is very powerful. If you don't use secret techniques to detect it, you won't be able to detect it at all. Everyone here is dead. Why? Will there be any alive?"

Grandma Lan helped Li Nianbai helplessly, he was too careless and underestimated the enemy.

"Well, I see, has this demon been eliminated?"

Li Nianbai looked at Grandma Lan out of breath and asked.

Grandma Lan shook her head and said: "No, let him run away, can he still go? If he can't go, let's take a rest and clean up the traces in this village by the way."

"I'd better take a rest, the energy has been sucked away, and now I'm top-heavy."

Li Nianbai touched his neck, he couldn't laugh or cry, there was a dark palm print on his neck, exuding a cold breath.

"Well, that's good, but you still listen to the strong. If it's an ordinary ghost hunter, this palm may kill you, but you still have to go back to the ghost hunter alliance with me to check your body."

Grandma Lan looked at Li Nianbai who was still holding on, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Grandma, don't worry, I'm the bone of the sword spirit, and I'm not that fragile. You go to work, I'll just meditate and rest for a while."

Li Nianbai sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

Half a day passed, and the small village was engulfed in a fire. Two figures came down from the mountain and went to the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch around Jiuhuang City.


"Zhong Yuan, this is your new partner. You and her are in charge of patrolling. You can change every two hours."

Cuihua found me and led a poor little girl to speak.

The little girl hid behind Cuihua with a timid face, just looked at me secretly, and didn't speak.

"Hello, I'm Zhong Yuan from Zhong's family. From now on, we will be patrolling, just the two of us."

I stretched out my hand and looked at the little girl with the gentlest smile.

"You... hello, I'm Wu Ru from the Wu family."

The little girl stretched out her hands and held them together. Her hands were a little cold and even trembling. Seeing the shock on her face, she should have encountered some unforgettable things.

"Okay, from now on, you will be responsible for the period from eleven o'clock in the evening to one o'clock in the morning, no problem."

Cuihua opened her mouth, and at the same time looked at me with some embarrassment. It is indeed a little unreasonable to send people to patrol during this time period, but people have been arranged for other time periods, and it is not easy to change.

"No problem. After the patrol, you can sleep. But I think it will be easier during this time. The disciples of the Blood Soul Sect are also flesh and blood. It is impossible to carry out sneak attacks in the middle of the night."

I laughed, although the snow has stopped now and the snow has melted, but the weather is still not very good, and there is a distance from Jiuhuang City.

Cuihua shook her head and said: "You can't relax, because the alliance is a relatively large place, so we will send three patrol teams every time, and the intervals are not far apart. If something happens to one party, the other party will be able to know and provide support. , especially at night than during the day. Don’t forget, the Blood Soul Sect has ghost soldiers. Now fewer and fewer ghost hunters in Jiuhuang City have evacuated to the ghost hunter alliance branch. I don’t think it will take long before we will face off.”

"Well, I know, don't worry, Sister Cuihua."

I nodded.

"Well, apart from your team going out on patrol, there are two other pairs, disciples of the Qi family and disciples of the Zhang family. Be careful with the Qi family, that brat Qi Jianfeng will definitely trouble you."

Cuihua reminded me again when we were about to leave the hall, and then hurriedly left the hall.

I glanced at the little girl standing beside me, and said, "Xiao Ru, don't stay too far away from me when you're on patrol later, you know."

"Well, I see, Brother Zhong Yuan."

Wu Ru spoke obediently. We left the hall and walked outside the surrounding fence. At first, I was surprised why we were assigned to a team with this little girl. Later I found out that this little girl has a very magical ability, can With the help of the power of the surrounding trees, if there is something wrong in the forest, it can be sensed.

We are in charge of the woods ahead, I shrank my neck, although Jiang Miao pulled out the Yin Qi for me, but late at night, the temperature was not high, Yuan Qing fell on my shoulder, motionless, but Wu Ru The little girl kept staring at Yuan Qing, wanting to ask me something, but she was too embarrassed to ask.

About an hour passed, and we walked around the woods without finding anything.

The little girl was already a little tired, and followed me closely. Suddenly, she pulled my neck, stared into the distance with horror on her face, and stammered:

"Brother Zhong... Zhong Yuan, there... there is something..."

The place she pointed was outside the woods, and I looked along the place she pointed, and there was nothing outside.

"I didn't find anything, did you read it wrong?"

I stared at the little girl strangely, rubbed my eyes, there was indeed nothing there.

"I sensed that there is really something, but that thing is hidden and has broken into this forest. Not good, they are coming towards us."

Wu Ru pulled me by the corner of my clothes, pulled me under a big tree, and suddenly made a silent movement.

"With the power of Yimu, use my supernatural powers to cover up your figure, and hurry like a law!"

Wu Ru pressed on the big tree, pulled me again, and actually merged into the big tree. I don't know if this is my illusion, but we are indeed in the big tree now, but the strange thing is that we can see it again. The scene outside made me want to speak, but Wu Ru's body trembled. Not only her, but also the Yin Yin seal on my chest started to heat up.

A black shadow appeared at the place where we were standing. This black shadow looks like a human figure, but the whole body is covered with black mist. There is only a puff of black smoke under the waist. The upper body is relatively clear. There were traces of black flames, and the eyes were extremely red. This strange thing glanced around and said to itself:

"I just sensed the aura of a living person, why did it suddenly disappear? Forget it, this place should be a branch of the Ghost Hunter Alliance, and there should be a lot of ghost hunters in it. Sucking their energy should be able to make up for it." With my damaged strength, I have to take away a body, otherwise, with this appearance, it is really difficult to do things, huh? There are people over there? Great."

After the black shadow finished speaking, he floated to the other side. The ones patrolling over there should be members of the Qi family, and it seemed to be Qi Jianfeng.

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