Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 170 [Birth Mother]

I never believed that my father would hit me because of a word, and more importantly, I don't think my words were wrong.

Could it be that during this period of time, the blood soul sect changed his temperament drastically, or is it that the suzerain of the blood soul sect has already tampered with him?I took a few steps back, arrived at Li Nianbai's side, and said to him:

"Nianbai, can you see that there is something wrong with him? Could he be bewitched by some kind of secret technique used by the Blood Soul Sect master?"

Li Nianbai took a careful look at his father, shook his head decisively, and said, "No."

I touched my cheek, it was hot, real, and painful. My father really hit me, and he was very decisive.

"Zhong Yuan, take back what you said. Things are not what you imagined, and it was those demons who killed the old man and the others, not her."

My father looked at me with a gloomy expression, and withdrew his hand stiffly. His expression was very strange, and he obviously couldn't believe that he would hit me. I could see that his hands were trembling, and his face was full of self-blame.

"Hehe, take this sentence back? Do you dare to say that the Blood Soul Sect is innocent? Don't you know, the last time my uncle saw you, and was injured by their elders with Qianye's blood palm, almost lost his life, Blood Soul Sect Zong and our Zhong family will never die!"

I clenched my fist and stared at my father angrily. He already gave me another feeling, as if he had changed into a different person.

"Didn't the little girl take the ice silkworm and ask you to remove the fire poison? San'er won't lose her life."

My father glanced at me and said in a low voice.

I was slightly taken aback, and said: "This is the ice silkworm that Xiaoqing took away privately, how do you know?"

My father smiled, walked up to me, stretched out his hand to touch his swollen cheek, and said softly, "Of course I know, it's just that the elder was there at that time, and I couldn't come forward. If it wasn't for Zi Luo, little It is not so easy for Qing to take away the Ice Silkworm King."

"Who is Violet?"

I asked aloud.

"Zi Luo is the suzerain of the Blood Soul Sect, and... also yours..."

"No, Zhong Yuan, someone has rushed over, let's go!"

Li Nianbai's voice sounded very abruptly, without further ado, I grabbed my father's big hand and followed closely behind Li Nianbai.

"Zhong Yuan, you two go away. There are blood guards here, who can protect my safety. Of course, if you take me away by force, you will also be attacked by them."

Father ran a few steps, then stopped, with a look of hesitation.

"No, this time, besides taking you away, Grandma Lan will also ask your grandfather if he has any last words, or if he knows the whereabouts of those devils."

I shook my head decisively and said.

"It's all in this envelope. It was given to me by the old man before we were attacked. He said he would hand it over to me, the two seniors of Lan Ling and Luo Duohan. I have never found a chance. Now I will take this opportunity to give you .”

Father took an envelope from his pocket and handed it to me.

"Blood guards? Uncle Zhong, don't worry, Zhong Yuan is my friend, your safety is my safety, I am not afraid of these blood guards."

Li Nianbai looked in the direction of the gate with a proud face, only to see a bloody light at the gate, and four blurred blood shadows appeared at the door, blocking our way, these blood shadows could not see their true faces clearly Seeing that their bodies were covered with a layer of blood-colored flames, burning like flames, the four blood guards stood there motionless with their hands clasped around their waists.

"Nianbai, what is this blood guard? Ghost? Human? No, ghosts shouldn't appear during the day. If they appear during the day, they are demons."

I can feel the strong evil spirit coming from these four guards, but their aura is very strange, as if there seems to be nothing.

"I don't know, watch me chop them up with a sword!"

Li Nianbai leaned forward slightly, grasped the spell with both hands, the ebony sword behind his back shot out, and went straight to the blood guards, and the four blood guards stretched out their hands to their waists at the same time, and the blood-red blades appeared on the spot In his hands, these sabers were also covered with a layer of blood flames, and the four guards quickly fought with this ebony sword. Li Nianbai didn't even move his footsteps, just relying on the sword formula in his hand. directing.

Although I really want to see more of this powerful secret technique, but now is not the time, so I said to Li Nianbai: "Nianbai, let's gather outside, can you find me?"

"Don't worry, my young master has already got something on you, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I can find you, you guys go away."

Li Nianbai commanded the ebony sword calmly, while grinning at me.

Because of Li Nianbai's reasons, the four blood guards were held back, and the moment we left the gate, one of the blood guards raised his sword to stab me at the risk of being cut by the ebony sword, and Li Nianbai rushed over. I pointed my fingertips at the blood guard's head. I was relieved, after all, I knew the power of this ebony sword, but I didn't know that the ebony sword wobbled down and fell on one of the blood guard's shoulders.


With one arm cut off, the blood guard rushed towards me without any pain. I was very clear that his target was me, not my father.

"Zhong Yuan, hurry up, as long as you leave me, he will give up attacking you!"

No one knows the strength of this blood guard better than my father, so when he saw this knife slashing at me, his face changed drastically, and he wanted to push me away, but I held my father tightly and refused to let him go. Young relative, I will never lose it again. I took out the golden bone hand from my pocket, and the power of hunting ghosts surged away. A faint golden light suddenly bloomed on the bone hand. I swipe forward hard, and a touch of gold Silk shot out from the bone hand, straddling between me and the blood guard who was close at hand.

I grabbed my father and continued to run. The golden thread burst open and turned into a powerful spatial fluctuation. The blood guard walked in, but he stopped in place and couldn't chase him out. Although he was temporarily trapped, this life-saving method made him Most of my ghost hunting power has been consumed. If I hadn't taken the Hanxue fruit before, I don't think I would be able to escape now.

Just after we ran a short distance, suddenly there was a pretty figure standing on the road ahead, wearing a lavender dress and long black hair fluttering in the wind. She had a good figure and delicate facial features. It's just that there is a trace of evil spirit in the eyebrows, looking at this woman, I suddenly feel a little familiar, and I feel inexplicably fond of her.

Seeing this, the woman suddenly smiled, and walked towards us lightly.

"Zi Luo, you're here."

Dad spoke, with a smile on his face.

"She is the suzerain of the Blood Soul Sect, Zi Luo? The Demon Demon Sword, the second rune formation is activated, and the Demon Demon Sword shines!"

With a bone in my hand, I took out the Demon Subduing Sword, pressed it suddenly, and the sword body popped out, and a silver-white sword light flashed on the entire sword body. I waved my hand, and a crescent-like sword energy shot out from the sword body , went straight to Ziluo, after learning her identity, I made a move without hesitation.

Seeing the light of the Fumo Sword, Zi Luo froze for a moment, but didn't even dodge. The whole person was cut by the Fumo Sword like a piece of paper, and became fragmented.

The air seemed to freeze in an instant, but the next moment, Zi Luo's figure appeared in front of him again, as if what I had hit was a phantom.

I stared at her figure dumbfounded, I was clearly hit by the slash just now, so could this demon girl be reborn?This is absolutely impossible, maybe I didn't hit it, if I hit it, blood would definitely splatter, could it be that I had an illusion, I put away the demon sword, let go of my father, raised my palm, and planned to use the Dao pattern in the palm deal with this person.

My father grabbed my wrist directly and shook his head at me.

The woman walked up to us, looked at me carefully, then frowned, and said to her father with a gloomy face:

"He actually hates me so much, Zhong Weiqiang, have you never told him the truth? My own child would actually want to kill me. If it weren't for the fact that he was still young and I was in the Blood Soul Sect, I would How could it be possible to personally send it to you?! He wants to kill me now?! You have to explain it to me."

After hearing the woman's words, my mind was thrown into chaos. I calmed down, rubbed my forehead, and said to her, "You mean me?"

"Of course, Zhong Yuan, I'm your mother. Maybe your father didn't tell you, but many years ago, I had a relationship with him. At that time, we didn't dare to be together because we were hostile. He left I just found out that I was pregnant. In order to give birth to you, I personally asked my master for a task to deal with the ghost hunter. It took more than a year to give birth to you. I am afraid that you will become a murderer in the Blood Soul Sect. The machine, so it was sent to your father. Didn’t he tell you about it? When you were young, I visited you secretly, but the time was very short, because the old man strongly opposed it, so as soon as I appeared, he will come right away."

The woman gritted her teeth and stared at her father angrily.

"Is this a romantic drama? I don't believe it. I have a mother."

I clenched my fist and shook my head vigorously. How could this kind of scene that was only shown on TV appear on me?My biological mother is also the suzerain of the Blood Soul Sect, God, you are kidding too much!I stared at my father with puzzled eyes, hoping that he would shake his head decisively and tell the truth.

But my father nodded in the opposite direction, sighed, and said to me: "Zhong Yuan, this matter was originally planned to wait until after your college entrance examination, and I did not expect such a big change to happen. After so many years, I He Wanru has always respected each other as guests, this marriage is also decided by the old man, so..."

"Xiao Yuan, I'm your mother, don't do this in the future."

Zi Luo suddenly reached out to touch my head, I stepped back, looked at her coldly, and said with a smile: "Hmph, I finally know, Wei Wuya said back then, getting the Mingyin Pendant, the Blood Soul Sect Some people will be able to use it, I really didn't expect you, father, to be on her side, I was lying in the hospital for more than a week, thanks to him, I was able to show up alive, are you disappointed?"

"No, it's absolutely impossible. I've already told my disciples that no one should try to kill you. It's impossible for Wu Ya to do that. He doesn't have the guts to disobey my orders. Zhong Yuan, I think you misunderstood. gone."

Zi Luo's complexion changed, and her tone softened a lot, as if she ran to me to explain.

"Father, let me ask you one last question, will you follow me?"

I took out the golden bone hand and the thousand-mile talisman, and said with a serious face, I'm not joking, I don't have time to waste here, even if she is really my biological mother, I can't accept it now.

"No, there are some things that Zi Luo can't solve alone, and..."

"Li Nianbai, let's go!"

I glanced at the two of them coldly, the power of ghost hunting poured into the thousand-mile talisman, and I slapped my body hard, and then the last ghost hunting power in my body poured into the golden bone hand, and swiped hard behind me , then lifted his foot, and left here at the fastest speed.

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