Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 171 [Black Wind Village]

For the first time, I felt that my speed had never been faster than before. The surrounding wind almost made me unable to open my eyes. I rushed down the mountain in a very short time, and even the guard who was on duty did not notice my movement Shadow, here is not far from the outside of the city, and there are very few people. For the people around me, I probably felt a gust of wind blowing past them.

After leaving the city, the speed gradually slowed down, and my mind became dizzy. The power of hunting ghosts was consumed too much. Even though this golden bone hand is a life-saving thing, it should not be used too many times. If it weren't for this bone It already contains the power of space, if I want to draw out this space with my own ability, I don't know when it will be, or even in this lifetime.

After all, this is the skeleton of a nine-tailed fox, a creature that can only appear in legends.

I ran a long way out of Jiuhuang City, and then stopped in a forest. There were mountains on both sides, and this place was far away from the road. I found a big tree at random, and directly uncovered the thousand-mile talisman and fell asleep leaning against the big tree. In the past, I wasn't worried when Li Nianbai said he could find me, and even if I rush back to the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch, I'm still powerless to fight, so I might as well just wait here and recover my loss of ghost hunting by the way. Li, but Yuanqing, now I have adopted a stocking policy for it, anyway, because of the power of blood, it will not deny me as its master.

When I was in a drowsy sleep, I felt the bustling noise coming from my ears. I opened my eyes, and my wrists and feet were tied, which shocked me immediately.

In front of me was a wooden stick as thick as an arm, and my hands and feet were tied to it, as if I was lifting a pig. I was bouncing, talking to the people around me. Turning his head, he glanced at a middle-aged man wearing a mink fur coat next to him, and asked:

"Who are you? Where do you want to take me?"

"Yo, you're awake? Don't worry, we'll be there soon. You're going, of course, in our stockade. It's unlucky. You don't have anything on you. If you used to be slaughtered together, something happened in the stockade now." , I can only find people everywhere.”

The middle-aged man turned his head and looked at me with a smile. There was a scar on his left eye from the upper eyebrow down to the lower eyelid. The whole eye was also closed, which looked a little scary. Besides, the middle-aged man’s chin He has grown a lot of beard, has dark skin, and wears a few iron rings on his left ear.

Isn't it true that you can still run into bandits these days?

"What kind of mountain are you guys here? What happened? I can't do this kind of method of robbing the rich and helping the poor. You see, I have thin arms and legs, and I can't do hard work. Boss, you should let me go, I Going to your cottage will only waste food."

I gritted my teeth, hoping that the other party would let me go, after all, I can't support an idler, right?

"Boy, don't talk to me here, who has never seen my leopard? Shut up, be careful, I will send you to the brothers in the village to be happy, don't ask anything, the military adviser said, you can't sacrifice the village The brothers in the middle, so I have to be people outside the village, counting you, there are two, damn it, I don’t know how long it will last, brothers, hurry up!"

Leopard waved his hand and yelled loudly.

Then the two young men who carried me also sang loudly from their mouths, the singing was very heroic, and it was heard far away in the mountains.

I closed my mouth wisely, and began to work hard to drive the source of faith in the sea of ​​consciousness and restore the power of hunting ghosts. Anyway, I don’t want to walk, just lift it.

The surrounding mountain roads became more and more difficult to walk, and in the end there was only an inaccessible path. The few people walked up all the way without feeling tired at all. There were a lot of withered grass mixed with green grass buds, the air was fresh, and there was a cool breeze on the mountain. The wind blows, and I don't feel cold.

"Brother Leopard, here we are. We caught a young man this time. I think the village master will reward us."

A young man spoke happily, and then the two of them put me down. They were not afraid that I would escape, so they untied the ropes on my hands and feet. I patted the dust off my body and stood up. There was a very high mountain on the right. There is a cliff on the left, and the bottom is covered with white mist, which looks quite high. I am standing in front of the gate of the house. The entrance of the stockade is surrounded by wooden fences, and there are Tall wooden buildings, this kind of wooden buildings are very simple, but they look like sentries. I looked up and saw a young man standing on one of the wooden buildings, staring at us at the moment, and waving at the leopard.

"Go forward, why are you standing still?"

A young man pushed behind me. Seeing that I had let go of the rope, I gained confidence. I was about to turn my head when suddenly a big knife was placed on my neck. The young man snorted coldly and said:

"Dishonest, want to escape? After entering our Black Wind Stronghold, it will not be so easy to escape!"

Feeling the chill from the big knife on my neck, I walked forward obediently, and I found that there were white cloth hanging around the wooden building, with some incomprehensible runes written crookedly on it. Walking into this house, I have a very bad feeling.

Inside is a very wide flat area, surrounded by wooden buildings, few people walking around, and there are many crude tables and chairs in this large flat area, where several young people are drinking.

Looking around again, there are many yellow symbols pasted on the doors and windows of these wooden houses, and the doors and windows are tightly closed. In the middle is a large wooden building with stairs, and there are two young people guarding there on both sides of the stairs.

"You lock him up first, and Lord Leopard drinks first."

Leopard shook his hands, put his hands on his hips, and strode forward.

"Stay here honestly, don't think of any crooked ideas, otherwise, you won't be allowed to eat dinner!"

Among them, the young man who was forcing me with a knife pushed me hard and pushed me into a house, then turned around and went out, and then heard the sound of the chain, and then it was locked with a "click".

There was a foul smell in the room, the ground was covered with dry grass, and there was a window, a ray of sunlight was shining in, and at the position where the sunlight shone, a man in very tattered clothes was curled up there, motionless, another place The straw was very damp, and there was a dark shadow inside, motionless.

"Huh? Is that you?"

A slightly familiar voice came from the corner of the wall, and then the black shadow stood up and walked to me. Only then did I see his appearance clearly, a young man with a roe-headed mouse, he opened his mouth full of black and yellow teeth, and saw me. Looking at him in astonishment, he immediately closed his mouth.

"Zhang Jiu, didn't you just leave this morning? Why are you in Heifengzhai now?"

I glanced at him, turned my head away, and asked.

"Hey, I originally wanted to leave Jiuhuang City. When I arrived in the suburbs, I was beaten with a sap. I fainted. I woke up and came here. I didn't know what happened. Before the last time I left, I was just joking. Where I expected to meet so soon, it is really a crow's mouth."

Zhang Jiu sat on the ground and sighed.

"Don't worry, we will definitely escape from here. By the way, will your ability help us escape from Heifengzhai?"

I smiled slightly and patted him on the shoulder. The other party is also a ghost hunter. Although his ability is not very good, he is not an ordinary person after all. However, it is really... rare for a ghost hunter to be beaten by these people.

"No, I have observed that there are at least dozens of people in Heifengzhai, and they are all young or middle-aged. There are people guarding the exit and holding hands. It is difficult to get out. I also thought about going out from the back. Cliff, although there are not many people outside, the rest of the people are inside the house."

Zhang Jiu shook his head feebly.

"I really don't understand why we were arrested here. I don't know if you have noticed that this Black Wind Village is a bit weird."

I remembered the weird scene I saw when I came in. Could it be that this Black Wind Village is still haunted?These people are naturally murderous, how can ordinary wandering ghosts dare to approach them?Even unjust ghosts and evil spirits, with the hostility of these people, they are not afraid. There are dozens of men here.

"Stop arguing, both of you, okay, we won't make it through tonight anyway, so what's the fuss about? People in Heifengzhai are going missing for no apparent reason these days, and they're probably dead. Now it's our turn."

The person who was curled up on the ground suddenly spoke. His voice was a bit vicissitudes. He sat up and took a breath. He was an old man with a few straws on his white hair. He looked very decadent. Listless.

"Old man, do you know what happened here?"

Zhang Jiu crawled up to the old man, with a straw in his mouth, and asked with a serious face.

The old man glanced at Zhang Jiu lightly, and said coldly: "Of course I know what happened here, and I'm also from Heifeng Village, but the village owner thinks I'm too old to work, so he plans to sacrifice me. But I don’t know that none of the people in Heifengzhai can escape, although the military strategist tried many ways to delay, but the people in Heifengzhai are sure to die, and no one can undo this curse.”

"Curse? The people who died in Heifengzhai are related to the curse? Zhang Jiu and I are outsiders. If this is the case, why should we be arrested? It is impossible for us to be called members of Heifengzhai so boringly, and then Cursed, die."

I leaned over to the old man, glanced at him, and asked aloud.

The old man looked at me in surprise, and then continued: "Of course not, because the military division has a way to let you replace the members of our Black Wind Village, that is to say, exchange lives for lives, exchange your lives for ours." Life, let our members escape, you came in sober, so you should see that there are many people outside, and the dozen or so of them are people who have successfully avoided the curse."

"No way, life for life, I... grandma's ball!"

Zhang Jiu vomited the straw in his mouth and cursed.

(Starting today, two more updates will be resumed, and you can rest early after reading it.)

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