Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 172 [Monster Military Advisor]

"Can you tell me about this curse? Why are you from Heifengzhai? You were originally from the village, and now you are locked up here with the two of us, so even if you are imprisoned, you cannot escape this curse. I think you must have committed something else, and judging from your clothes, you must have been here for a long time."

I looked at the old man, his clothes were tattered, unkempt, and he claimed to be from Heifengzhai, so I asked because he probably knew something we didn't.

Entering an unfamiliar environment, if you don’t know anything, it will bring instinctive depression and fear to people. Only when you understand the environment can you feel at ease.

The old man looked at me quite surprised, then nodded, sighed, and continued: "Yes, I did commit a crime, so I was imprisoned here, you are very smart, and this curse, you must Starting from a few years ago, it was also the time when Heifengzhai was the busiest, and there were hundreds of people in the village, and the reason for the curse was because of a mysterious thing, I remember A few years ago, after the military master came back with something, this curse began. At that time, one person died a day, and after a long time, people panicked. Of course, many people thought about running away, but the more people who run away, the more they die. Hurry up, the military division finally controlled it, he thought of a way to replace the people in our village with outsiders, and delayed the time of cursing, sometimes it was several days, sometimes it was a month, the time was different .”

I deliberated carefully, and suddenly I had a clue in my heart. I stared at the old man and said, "You must have discovered some secret of the military division. Curse, maybe the curse is just a cover, isn't it? I have never heard of it." With such an irregular curse, the more the villagers want to escape from Heifeng Village, the faster they die, and they need someone from outside to replace them, what a joke, is this military advisor a demon?"

The old man was slightly taken aback, and began to look at me carefully, finally nodded solemnly, and said, "Yes, I was locked up here because I discovered the secret of the military advisor. I just feel that these dead people are related to him. The military advisor also came to Heifengzhai a few years ago. , very old, but looks about the same age as you."

"What's so strange about these? Brother, is this army division also a ghost hunter?"

Zhang Jiu's mouth suddenly opened wide, and he looked at me dumbfounded.

"Is there any way to get close to this military division? I want to see what kind of person this military division is. If possible, I can find out his purpose by the way. I don't want to die here like this. If you tell me the way, I will I can save you out together."

I looked at the old man and asked again.

The old man thought for a while, smiled, and then said solemnly: "Before you came, you also caught many outsiders, and these outsiders were taken to the military adviser's room. I think you will too, but you Everything on your body will be taken away at that time, and after entering, you will all have to wash your body once, and then the military master will do something to graft the power of the curse on you, if you want to escape, it will only be at that time."

I stood up and walked to the window. The window is not big, and it is made of wood, but a kind of oil is applied on it, which can strengthen the wood and make it effective against insects. The distance between the wood is a palm width. , and the big flat land is outside, and at a distance, I can still see the leopard who tied me up before, and the leopard is drinking with a big bowl at the moment.

"My little bag, please keep it safe for me. If I can escape from the room, I need to use the things inside. Then you can throw it out for me from this window. Don't worry, I will definitely rescue you. of."

I handed my bag to the old man, and then gave him all the things I was carrying, including the golden bone hand, the envelope and other precious things.

"Okay, I'll keep it for you. Just don't forget me when the time comes. My name is Chen Liu. They all call me Uncle Liu. You should call me that too."

The old man nodded, picked up my bag, put it in the corner, and piled it up with straw. In addition, the light in the room was very bad, so it was impossible to see that there was a bag inside.

After doing all this, I sat down cross-legged and began to close my eyes and meditate.

Zhang Jiu was lying on the window, observing the movement outside. It was not until the evening that someone brought us food.

Maybe it’s because we knew we were going to die, and we didn’t pay attention to the food. There was a broken big bowl, with a small half of white rice piled in it, and some green and yellow vegetables on top, if I hadn’t seen this kind of wild vegetables in the countryside , I thought it was the weeds we got from somewhere to fool us.

I picked up a piece of green vegetable and took a bite, it had a sour taste, so I just threw it there and didn’t eat it. At noon, the restaurant in Bingyun was so delicious. Compared with now, it’s a world of difference. Heaven has come to hell, but at that time I was quite full, so I wouldn’t go hungry. Zhang Jiu, like me, was unwilling to stutter, but Uncle Six was used to holding a big bowl and eating deliciously.

Zhang Jiu kept walking around the room, very impatient, cursing.

When it was completely dark, Zhang Jiu and I were escorted out by four young men. Before leaving, they searched us to see if we were carrying any weapons.

Then he took us directly to the big wooden building of the village owner. We stepped on the wooden stairs and made a creaking sound. In the quiet night, it was a little scary. I found that there was no one in the big flat, not even the people around The inside of the wooden house is also dark, except that the main wooden building is somewhat special.

When I entered, the lights inside were flickering, and several braziers were placed in the room, as if there was a gloomy wind inside, the flames swayed slightly.

These fires can only illuminate one side, because this room is relatively large, in addition to ordinary tables and chairs, there are dark red things like curtains around, and no one knows what is hidden in it. Two big chairs, one of which is a very serious looking old man, wearing a leather jacket, half of his hair is black and half is white, and there are some wrinkles on his forehead, but the whole person seems to have an aura of calmness, he He is holding two iron balls in his hand at the moment, holding them with one hand, while looking at us coldly.

The other one is a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, dressed in gray clothes, with long hair combed up and tied up with a rope. The whole person looks childish, but his eyes are extremely fierce, which makes people look I was shuddering, not to mention that there was a big bad wolf crouching in front of him. I can only say that this wolf is so big that it is beyond my imagination. It is as big as a calf, with shiny fur all over its body. But it never looked up at us.

Zhang Jiu had already firmly grasped the corner of my clothes, his body was shaking non-stop.

"Take them and rinse them off."

The old man who spoke earlier should be the owner of Heifeng Village.

"Are you a military advisor?"

Before leaving, I spoke to that boy, and at the same time glanced at the giant wolf at his feet, and spoke coldly.

This boy gives me a familiar feeling, or, I have seen this kind of situation before, he only has a ferocious aura like a beast, and he no longer belongs to human beings. Looking at the giant wolf in front of him, my heart Most of the doubts have been solved.

"Yes, I am a military adviser."

The boy spoke, his voice was weird and a little hoarse, it seemed that he had been working for a long time before he spoke.

"If I can break this curse, will you still kill me?"

I smiled slightly and looked at the young man calmly. The young man's face sank, but the village master next to him stood up, stared at me, and scolded:

"What do you know? This curse can only be undone by a military division."

"If you would rather believe a monster than me, then I can't help it."

I shrugged helplessly. This boy had a beast-like aura. It was the same as when Heipang was possessed by the eel spirit in the countryside before. This boy should be possessed by the giant wolf in front of him, but listen Uncle Chen Liuliu said, he has been here for several years, where did the boy's real soul go?Dispelled?

"Pull it off!"

The boy's face changed slightly, and he spoke almost like a growl.

Zhang Jiu and I were taken to a room at the bottom of the wooden building. There was a big wooden barrel here. As soon as we entered, these young people couldn’t help but pick up our two clothes, and one of them brought two big brushes. Fortunately, I was already prepared, and I nodded at Zhang Jiu. The two of us pretended to cooperate very well. After taking off our coats, we directly covered the young man's head with the coats and beat him up fiercely.

A total of four youths escorted us, and the other two immediately drew their knives from their waists when they saw something was wrong, but Zhang Jiu was quite fast, and his movements hit the vitals directly, knocking out the young man covered by his coat, and rushed He stretched out his five fingers and grabbed the wrist of another young man who was about to pull out the knife.

"Zhang Jiu, I'm going to get something, let's meet at the gate of the village."

I don't want to get entangled any longer. After learning that the military division is a monster, I don't want to stay here even more, and this monster is definitely stronger than the old eel before.

"Okay, leave it to me here."

Zhang Jiu nodded, pinched his wrist, the young man let out a scream, and the big knife in his hand fell to the ground.

I rushed out of the room and went straight to the place where we were imprisoned before. Chen Liu had been lying on the window for a long time. Seeing me running over here, he threw my bag to me, and I took out the crouching demon from inside. Jian, let out a low shout:

"Uncle Six, wait for me at the door."

The outside of this wooden house is locked by iron chains. Without a key, it cannot be opened at all. I just opened the second rune formation of the Fumo Sword, and a crescent-shaped sword qi was cut out.


The iron chain was cut off, I put away the Fumo sword, Chen Liu pushed open the door and ran out, at this time Zhang Jiu also ran over, the three of us got together and were about to escape from the gate of the village, but unexpectedly a giant wolf Looking at the boy before him standing there, a pair of green eyes gave off a cold light.

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