Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 173 [Canglang]

"Oops, found out."

When Zhang Jiu saw the giant wolf with shiny fur all over his body, he shrank back and got behind me, with only half of his head sticking out.

"Why didn't you run away?"

The young man reached out and touched the giant wolf's head, and a hoarse voice came from afar. There seemed to be something stuck in his throat, the voice was very low, and even made a cooing sound.

"I wanted to escape, but you blocked the way. It's not easy for you to practice so much. Why should we fight each other to the death?"

Holding the demon-subduing sword in my hand, I looked at this boy riding a wolf coldly. His life is at stake now, so I can't panic.

"It seems that I met someone who is practicing, and I was able to see through my identity. When I saw you for the first time, I knew that you were different from the previous people. I didn't expect that I guessed it right. With you, the little guy, I think I made it pretty quickly."

The boy gave a weird laugh, patted Gray Wolf on the head and walked towards us.

"Success? What are you trying to do by killing so many people in the name of curse?"

I took a few steps back, feeling the ferocious aura coming from the young man, I already had a bad premonition.

"Of course I want to become a real person. I have practiced for 180 years, and my soul has become very powerful. However, my current body still has a lot of rejection, and I need to adapt slowly, so it is only occupied by my soul, while the human body Blood, can keep me from being rejected, you are also a practitioner, presumably blood has unexpected effects, it is your blessing to be able to sacrifice for this seat, do you really think that with your superficial Taoism, you can To deal with me? I have cultivated for 180 years, and now even if only my seven souls enter this young man's body, they can still drive my main body."

After the boy finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and patted the giant wolf under him. The giant wolf raised its head and let out a wolf howl, which shocked me deeply. The gray wolf opened its mouth wide, revealing sharp fangs, and staring at us with green eyes , as if opening my mouth, I directly bit off our necks. I touched my slightly chilled necks and dared not move easily. This giant wolf is very aggressive. Light, but it is not sure that we can kill it with one blow. If it fails, the opponent will rush forward, and we will have no way out.

"Brother, if you want our blood, it's negotiable, there's no need to do it, why don't we give it?"

Just before I figured out why the other party's soul was separated and he was able to survive, Zhang Jiu stuck out his head behind him and spoke loudly.

The young man grinned and said: "You are quite smart. Since you are also practitioners, you will not easily reveal my whereabouts. How about this, the two of you will return to the village with me, and this old man will not be able to stay."

After finishing speaking, the young man pointed to the sixth uncle next to me. Hearing this, the sixth uncle's expression changed drastically, and he turned around and ran into the village.

The young man snorted coldly, and slapped the giant wolf under him. The giant wolf ran towards us, and then jumped over our heads. Then there was a scream, and Zhang Jiu and I turned around in shock. Looking around, the giant wolf bit Chen Liu's neck and cut it off. Then the giant wolf turned around with the human head in its mouth, staring at us fiercely.

"What are you still doing, you want me to invite you?"

The boy snorted coldly, jumped off the giant wolf, patted the giant wolf, and stared at us.

I braced myself and followed the young man with Zhang Jiu. Looking at his thin back, he exuded a faint fierce aura. This is the aura of a beast. If I were my cousin, I would use the Yin-Yang method I can see it, and I am also very clear that this wolf demon has not yet grasped the control of this boy's body, so he only uses his soul to live temporarily, and his soul still stays in his own body, which is this wolf. If the soul is all on the young man, Gray Wolf will die, and he is not sure that he can completely control this body, so he needs another method.

"I heard that you can cultivate human form. Why do you use such extreme methods? And the human body is very fragile."

I took a deep breath and asked tentatively behind the boy.

The wolf demon boy turned his head, glanced at me, then glanced at the dark sky in the distance, and said coldly: "You must not be able to imagine how much opportunity it will take for us to cultivate into a human body, even if some of the same kind have enlightened spiritual wisdom, they will understand The method of cultivation, but our lifespan is generally not long enough for us to transform into a human form. Human beings are the spirits of all things. No matter what kind of living beings, they all want to transform into human beings. If we want to achieve a positive result, the first step is to be human."

"Although I don't understand your way of cultivation, I know that if you forcibly dispel this young man's soul, occupy his body, and kill so many people, the ghost messengers of the underworld will not let you go. Perhaps, then There will also be a causal relationship in the dark, when you want to achieve a positive result in the future, Lei Jie will not let you go."

The notes written by grandpa also mentioned monsters, saying that there are monsters who can cultivate into a true fruit, but the first step is to transform into a human being, and then practice in the mortal world. Their bodies, those who can't hold on, will be wiped out under the thunder calamity, and those who hold on, cutting down the monsters with evil spirits on their bodies, will achieve a positive result.

I don't know if these are real, but at least I know that there are monsters in this world, and I have seen it with my own eyes. Is this wolf monster the second monster that appeared in front of me, or is it an attempt to use extreme methods A monster who came to get a human body.

"Then maybe, ghosts of the underworld? They will take care of me as a monster in their free time? Hmph, when I fully integrate this body, I can cast powerful spells, and even fly into the sky and escape from the ground. The ghosts can't help me." What? Also, even if you transform into a human form, you don’t know the year and month when you achieve a positive result. It’s better to enjoy the glory in this mortal world and live longer. Am I wrong in thinking? Well, maybe you say, I killed these people. In your human words, I am heinous and sinful, but have you ever thought that you humans hunted us, ate our flesh, skinned us, and used my teeth to make art, Have you thought about it again? This world is a world where the weak prey on the strong, you have to admit it."

The wolf demon boy was holding the stairs with one hand, while staring at me, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a hint of arrogance.

"You are right, but this world is dominated by humans. The survival of human beings is the current general trend, which is in line with the trend of history. If this world is dominated by your wolves, and we humans are weak, you think you will not hunt us down. ?You are now born with wisdom and have lived for such a long time, so you will naturally have different ideas. In other words, you have evolved, and you should take advantage of this opportunity instead of going against the general trend and killing humans , I think you should also be very clear that there are many good people in this world, it is inevitable that you will not be discovered by other good people, they can deal with you, and even deal with monsters that have turned into humans."

I took a deep breath. Since the other party was able to talk to me, it meant that he still had concerns and had his own ideas.

After hearing my words, the wolf demon boy fell silent, stood there motionless, staring at the void with a pair of bright eyes, finally smiled, and said:

"What you said is also correct. Yes, the world is dominated by humans now, not our wolf clan. However, my brothers and sisters were all killed. This revenge must be avenged."

I was slightly taken aback, and asked aloud: "Your brothers and sisters should have been hunted before you were born with wisdom. How many years have passed? Human life is not long. The human who hunted you may have died early die."

The wolf demon boy shook his head, with a hint of ferocity on his face, he snorted coldly:

"Of course he is not dead. I still remember clearly that I scratched his left cheek. The other party is also a man of virtue. My intuition tells me that he is not dead. Maybe you don't believe it, but you can't be wrong. of."

"Well, if you promise me that you will stop killing innocent people and only find your enemies, I can help you, how about it?"

After thinking about it, if he could end the killing of this wolf demon here, it would be considered a merit.

The wolf demon boy let out a snort of disdain, and stared at the void very proudly, without saying a word.

I continued: "I am a ghost hunter, and I can arrange a magic circle. When your spirit leaves the body, I can make it not dissipate. You have cultivated spiritual wisdom. If the spirit appears for a long time, even if you can If you keep going, there will be ghosts and ghosts who will come to take your soul away. At that time, it will be impossible for you to enter this body, and your soul is a Yin body. I don’t think there is much ability to deal with it. In various situations, even if you feed on blood, you still have to go through this stage."

"Zhong Yuan, do you really want to help this wolf demon? If it succeeds, who can guarantee that it won't kill us immediately."

Zhang Jiu tugged at my clothes and spoke softly.

"Hmph, do you think I'll be as despicable and shameless as you human beings? At worst, let's sign an oath together and promise not to violate it."

The wolf demon boy gave Zhang Jiu a cold look, with a smoldering gleam in his eyes.

I glanced at Zhang Jiu, Zhang Jiu nodded, and said: "The power of the oath is very powerful. Don't look at it as if it doesn't work for us now, but the longer you practice, you will gradually realize that this oath is very important. Even practicing some secret techniques will be affected, and they are even more monsters, and they will not violate it easily, we promise, we will not suffer."

"I am Chapter Nine!"

"I'm Zhong Yuan!"

"Cang Lang, my mountain wolf clan, is willing to sign a contract with Zhang Jiu and Zhong Yuan. I swear by the ancestor of the wolf clan. If the two of them help me and succeed in taking my life, Cang Lang will never harm you for the rest of my life... If you violate the contract, When the blue waves crossed the catastrophe, I was wiped out..."

"Well, you can modify it, you don't know the year and month when you cross the catastrophe, be realistic..."

I said hey to the cautious wolf demon boy.

"If you violate the contract, you will be killed without a whole body, and your soul will be scattered!"

The young wolf demon who called himself Canglang gave me a hard look and stopped talking.

"Is that the end?"

I touched my head and asked.

"Hmph, do you still want me to swear in blood?"

Cang Lang glared at me, with a fierce light in his eyes, and the giant gray wolf not far away also roared in a low voice.

"Don't dare, dare not, let's go in quickly, if my guess is right, Zhong Yuan, you still have something to do."

Zhang Jiu tugged at my clothes and shook his head at me.

"Well, come on, let me talk about my enemy by the way, maybe we can be friends, and you two are also good people, maybe you can meet my enemy."

He led us into the second floor, but the village owner was not there, so Cang Lang found a place by himself, sat down, and spoke quietly.

"I would like to hear more about it, if your memory is still clear."

I stopped not far from him and spoke.

Cang Lang nodded, with a look of reminiscence on his face, and said: "Of course it is clear, if it weren't for him, I'm afraid I haven't even opened my spiritual wisdom yet, this person is wearing a black cloak, and he has a bloody aura, I remember His palm is very powerful, one of my older sisters was directly slapped on the head with his palm, and died on the spot, and I also saw that the fur on my sister's head was burned, and there was a bloody palm print..."

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