Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 174 [Meeting the ghost again]

I wish all readers and friends a happy National Day and have fun.

"Qianye Blood Palm?! Is your enemy a disciple of the Blood Soul Sect?"

I was slightly taken aback. The people and methods Canglang described were not caused by disciples of the Blood Soul Sect. I asked again:

"How many years ago?"

"170 years ago!"

Cang Lang gritted his teeth, and when he saw that I said Blood Soul Sect, his face also changed slightly, and then he continued: "I don't know if I am a disciple of Blood Soul Sect, if according to what you said, this palm technique is very vicious, In the end, my sister's entire body was burned by the fire poison contained in this palm print, not even bones left, why, do you know the Blood Soul Sect? You mentioned the Blood Soul Sect before, and it seems that you are going to fight against it."

I nodded, recalling the Chiba Blood Palm my uncle had hit back then, but it didn't seem to be as serious as what Cang Lang said, the power of fire poison can actually burn a whole wolf, how powerful is this?And it was 170 years ago. If he is still alive now, wouldn't he be at the level of an old monster? Moreover, this person would not be at the headquarters of the Blood Soul Sect. The Luo Duohan clan, I am afraid that they are not opponents.

"A relative of mine was also hit by Qianye Blood Palm, and the other party is also a member of the Blood Soul Sect, and members of the Blood Soul Sect usually wear black cloaks, so I conclude that the one you mentioned is also a member of the Blood Soul Sect, but this sect The gate is too powerful, the ghost hunter family is too scattered, and they work independently, so they are not their opponents at all. In fact, this time I have something to rush back to participate in the battle with the Blood Soul Sect, but now it seems that the ominous situation is not so good. "

"You? You can fight with such a small body? If I met that enemy of mine back then, I'd probably punch you through with a single blow."

Cang Lang stared at me with a sneer, and then a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

"Cang Lang, where did the soul in your body go?"

I hesitated for a moment, and asked in a deep voice.

"When I found him back then, he fell off the cliff, and his soul disappeared long ago. Don't believe everything I told you before. Didn't you realize that when I walk, my feet still feel a little uncomfortable? It's because of this body. The body is injured and cannot be recovered. As for asking me why I did this, because, because I also want to cultivate a positive result, and the people in these cottages do a lot of evil, and getting rid of them is to let them do less harm to others and accumulate merit. The captives also have requirements, you two probably brought them here to receive rewards, the people I killed were all heinous people."

The corner of the old man's mouth raised, with a sneer.

"Okay then, when do we start?"

I feel relieved, if I want to help the evildoers dispel this person's soul, how can my conscience be at ease?

"Let's start as soon as possible, because I want to see with you whether there is any enemy of mine in the Blood Soul Sect. If there is, hmph, I will fight him to the death!"

Cang Lang stood up suddenly, turned around and went to another room. I watched him walk carefully, and it was really a little abnormal. Although it was difficult to detect when he went up and down, he could still tell the difference when he looked carefully.

The room was spacious, and Cang Lang let out a howling sound, and then we heard a huge sound from far to near, the gray giant wolf broke in, and lay down at Cang Lang's feet.

"The snow demon cinnabar, yellow mounting paper and other things that I want to arrange, please help me prepare them."

I recalled this formation, and began to ask Cang Lang for the materials one by one, but he had already prepared, and all the materials were available. The Soul Gathering Talisman needed seven or forty-nine pieces, and the task was heavy, but fortunately, the kid Zhang Jiu Yes, so under our division of labor, these talismans were quickly completed. I set up a soul-gathering array around one person and one wolf according to the shape of the magic circle, and 49 soul-gathering talismans have been placed.

"The soul-gathering array must be guided by blood. If you really want to match this human body, then you need the blood of this human body and the blood of your own giant wolf. With blood, we can start. Of course , I can't guarantee whether there will be ghost messengers coming, so I have to watch outside the door."

After thinking about it, I expressed my concerns. Although the Zhong family used to deal with ghost agents a long time ago, it is different now. It is different from the past. When I was injured in the hospital, even a haunted ghost agent would not let me go. in the eyes.

"Zhong Yuan, your Zhong family often deals with ghost messengers. Leave the matter here to me. Ghost messengers are a big trouble, so I leave it to you. Before you finish, you must not let ghost messengers in, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted. The soul will also be hooked away."

Zhang Jiu smiled at me and decisively assigned the task.

"Well, that's good. I'll try my best to hold back the ghost messenger. Don't think too much about me. You can go as fast as you can."

I nodded, walked out of the room, and stood outside the door.

After a while, the low growl of the giant wolf came from the room. I turned my head away, glanced behind me, and looked down at the whole village with the demon-subduing sword in my hand.

In addition to ghost messengers, there are also these vicious villagers. If they really know the news, they will definitely take action. When Zhang Jiu and I are captured, Cang Lang's soul cannot be integrated into the body, and will disappear completely.

About 10 minutes later, the wind blew up outside, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger, showing a little cold. At night, the temperature inside the mountain was low enough, and there was a trace of blood in the wind. Chen Liu's body lay on the ground. There, the corpses were separated, which was a little shocking, and the huge braziers on both sides of the wooden stairs were blown out by the cold wind.

Suddenly, I felt that the dark pendant on my chest was a little hot, and I looked forward again, and there was already a figure there.

It was the same as what I saw in the hospital. A black cloak, red eyes, and no hands or feet stood in front of Chen Liu's body. The ghost seemed to sense that I was looking at her, with his head slightly Raised, a pair of red eyes stared at me, and I could only see his red eyes, because his entire face was covered by a layer of black mist, and I couldn't see the specific face at all.

A black iron chain shot out from Guichai's chest and sank into Chen Liu's body. After a moment, the chain moved, and a headless soul was pulled out. This soul was naturally Chen Liu's ghost, but it lacked its head and was bound by an iron chain around its waist. Entangled, this ghost messenger suddenly floated towards me, headless Chen Liu followed behind him, step by step.

The sound of iron chains scratching on the ground was very crisp, sweet, and loud, directly hitting my eardrums.

Oops, I was discovered, do you want to come up?

I tightly held the demon-subduing sword in my hand, and saw that the ghost messenger had already floated up the wooden stairs, and Chen Liu was closely following behind him. When I got closer, I realized that Chen Liu was still holding himself in his hand. His head, staring at me with round eyes, looked extremely strange.

Just after the ghost messenger came up, he stopped moving. Another iron chain shot out from the robe on his chest. I thought he was going to attack me, so I immediately raised the demon-subduing sword in my hand to block it. It actually passed through the wooden door next to me without a sound, until the crisp sound of the iron chain being scratched.

"Zhong Yuan, what are you doing! It's all at this juncture!"

Zhang Jiu's terrified voice came out from inside.

Immediately after the iron chain was pulled, a giant light green wolf was pulled out. The giant wolf roared angrily and shook its head desperately, trying to shake off the iron chain around its neck, but it was of no avail. His eyes fell on me.

"Oops! The soul has been pulled out!"

I took a deep breath and looked at the straight iron chain. The power of hunting ghosts poured into the Demon-Destroying Sword. In an instant, a faint silver glow appeared on the Demon-Destroying Sword. I didn't think much about it. Cut over the past.


A crisp sound came out, and the iron chain was cut off by the Fumo Sword. The giant wolf was overjoyed, and immediately turned back and sank into the room behind him.

"The Zhong family, what do you want to do? How dare you block my ecstasy?! Do you know that this is a monster!"

The haunted ghost obviously didn't believe that I was going to stop him, staring at me with those red eyes, he spoke in a cold voice.

"Zhong Yuan, I didn't expect you to become a gang with this wolf demon, I won't let you go!"

The head in Chen Liu's hand stared at me resentfully, and spoke angrily.

"I didn't become a gang with him. You can't blame me when you die. I promised to rescue you, and I did it. How dare you say that you are innocent, and you have stayed in this Black Wind Village for so many years. , Didn't you do anything outrageous?"

I looked at Chen Liu coldly, there was a light green aura faintly emerging from his whole body, and the crimson light of the head in his hand and eyes was already an evil spirit.

How could an ordinary person become such a vicious ghost after death?Even if he died unjustly, it would take a certain amount of time before he could turn into a wronged ghost.

"This is my own business. It's not your turn to take care of it. If you obstruct the work of the ghost messenger, what should you do?"

Chen Liu gritted his teeth and looked at me, then stretched out his hand and lifted his head, and said to the ghost ghost: "If you don't punish Zhong Yuan today and capture the wolf demon, I will go back to the underworld, and I will definitely not let it go."

"When is it your turn to speak here?!"

The ghost guard gave Chen Liu a cold look, and began to scold him, but Chen Liu was honest, shut up obediently, and stopped talking.

"You are the head of the new generation of the Zhong family, and you actually do such a thing as a waiter. If you still don't get out of the way, don't blame me for taking action against you."

"Since you know that I am the new generation head of the Zhong family, why do you still speak in this way? Naturally, what I do will not endanger the safety of the underworld, hehe, I can't believe that the lowest level of ghosts in the underworld will not let me go." In my eyes, since this is the case, it's okay, it's time to revive the reputation of my Zhong family in the underworld, and let you go back, so that I can spread the word in front of many ghosts, and let you see the resurgent Zhong family! "

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