Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 181 [Result of the War]

The car from Jiuhuang City to Hongli Town finally arrived. I squeezed a seat and sat down, and then began to sort out these problems and make plans for the future.

The most important thing now is to find my uncle, my cousin, and Jiang He. To ensure their safety, the next step is to go to Yonghe City with Li Nianbai to find Lan Longer, the owner of Jiulongzhai, and then get the news of Blood Soul Sect. Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle. I heard from Li Nianbai that the news from Jiulongzhai is very reliable. It would be even better if you know who has been arrested. , we are in the dark, as long as the layout is done well, we will be able to rescue those ghost hunters.

Of course, what we will face in the future will not simply be the Blood Soul Sect, but also the monsters from the Maha Great World, and those monsters from the Mountain and Sea Realm.

Sometimes I really wish I had never met Li Nianbai, but I haven't been relieved for a long time to talk about these worlds from his understatement.

As for my father's problem, since he has that relationship with suzerain Ziluo, I don't need to worry too much. My father doesn't want to go with me. I think there should be some other reasons besides Ziluo. Being killed by the Black Mountain devil, my father will not let it go. No matter how much my father loves Ziluo, grandpa will never go unrevenged. I even think that people from the Blood Soul Sect secretly want to take my Mingyin Pendant. , because he has the power of faith of the Zhong family, and is a member of the Zhong family, he can summon ghost messengers to deal with the devils in the Maha world, or, I... did I do something wrong? !

The speed of the car was not fast, and I gradually became sleepy. After all, I was injured and walked for a long time, and consumed so much power of hunting ghosts, I was already physically and mentally tired.

When I woke up, there were not many people in the car. It was already dusk outside, and I had already got off the highway. The road was bumpy and bumpy. It reminded me of when I left Hongli Town and went to Jiuhuang City.

"Zhong Yuan, what's delicious in your hometown?"

Li Nianbai pulled my clothes and asked with a smile.

I thought for a while, then grinned, and said, "Yes, northwest wind."

"Northwest wind can also eat?"

Li Nianbai gave me a weird look, like looking at a fool, I turned my head away, I didn't want to talk to him again, lest I lower my IQ.

The car has slowly driven into the town, and we also got out of the car. Before, Gu Anan, Xu Wanzhou and I had a big meal at the small restaurant where Xu Wanzhou was. The overflow spread throughout the small restaurant, Li Nianbai wished he could eat it with his fingers, the little girl serving the food next to him was dumbfounded.

"Stupid...why are you standing there! Serving the dishes! Not enough!"

Li Nianbai held the roasted pigeon in one hand, while winking at the little girl.

The little girl's face turned red, although Li Nianbai was not flattered by his eating, but he was good looking, no matter how ugly his eating was, he still had a solid foundation, this little girl probably saw him forgetting to move.

After eating and drinking, we will start our journey again.

By the time we left Hongli Town, it was already night, and the breeze was blowing by, and I felt my hair flutter slightly, the familiar road, the familiar air, and of course, the smell of cow dung on the roadside.

Li Nianbai rubbed his lips, looked at me with a smile, and said, "I'd better follow you, there are delicious food, fun, and you can also increase your experience and hone yourself."

I glanced at Li Nianbai, and said with a blank expression: "Yes, but it won't take long, we will be poor, I have no source of income, and I can't receive tasks, I can't get paid, you know How much did you eat for me today?"

Li Nianbai immediately shut up and didn't speak, just kept giggling and said at the same time: "Don't worry, we will have missions and money, these are not problems."

"hope so."

I nodded, and walked a little faster, but I didn't dare to go too fast, for fear that the wounds on my body would open. Apart from the arrow wounds on my shoulders and back, the scratches on my body and face were not special. Seriously, because I lost a lot of blood, my complexion looked very bad, and it was already very good to be able to travel long distances.

Just when I felt tired again, I finally saw the familiar big tree at the entrance of the village, and there was still light.

Just when we entered the village, the dog of Hei Pang’s family barked. This hysterical barking, except for rhubarb, which dog is more powerful?Walking from the entrance of the village to where my house is, I saw the lights in my house turned on, and the stone in my heart finally fell to the ground. What I fear most is that there is no one at home. At this time, no outsiders will come to my house.

Pushing open the yard, I knocked on the door, while Li Mubai looked around carefully at the surrounding scenery.

The door opened, it was my cousin who opened the door, seeing me, he was a little surprised, even forgot to speak, but I glanced at my cousin, he didn't wear the half glasses, but his left eye was wrapped with gauze, tied in on the head.


Uncle's voice sounded a little tired.

"Uncle, it's me, I'm back."

I pushed the door open and walked in. There was a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine coming in, and I almost ran out again. My uncle's leg was injured and he was lying on a rocking chair at the moment. Jiang He was helping him It seemed that Jiang He was the only one of the three who was not injured.

"Xiao Yuan! That's great. I'm relieved if you can come back. Where are Aunt Ling Zi and Zhong Xiaoman?"

When my uncle saw it was me, he glanced behind me and saw only Li Nianbai and no one else. He immediately stood up, but just as he stood up, he let out a scream and fell on the rocking chair.

"Uncle Zhong Shan, you can't move now. You hurt your leg. It will take a while to get better."

Jiang He spoke helplessly. He turned his head and smiled at me.

"I didn't find them, and I met Zi Luo, the suzerain of the Blood Soul Sect, and my father, but..."

I sighed and found myself a chair and sat down.

"It's just that big brother doesn't want to come back. With Zi Luo's temperament, I think you already know about your relationship with her. How do you feel?"

There was a look of disappointment on the uncle's face, and then he stared at me and asked again.

I glanced at my uncle, my heart was slightly shocked, and I said in shock: "Uncle, do you also know that Zi Luo is my biological mother?"

The uncle nodded in embarrassment, and then said: "Yes, of course I know, because I informed your father, Zi Luo first found me, and then found your father through me, and handed you over to your father , so I know, but they are hiding it from you, although I really want to tell you, but you also know my relationship with the old man, he doesn't want to see me, so there is very little chance for me to come back. "

"Oh, in this case, I think with my father's relationship, even if Aunt Ling Zi and Zhong Xiaoman are arrested by the Blood Soul Sect, they will live in peace. After all, there is a special kind of relationship between our Zhong family. The induction, I think, should be the induction of the blood of the relatives, there will always be a special induction when seeing your relatives, can you tell me what is going on with you now, when Li Nianbai and I returned, the Ghost Hunters Alliance It has been destroyed, and the alliance branch has been burned, how many people died in this battle? How many people were arrested?"

I am more concerned about this question. Of course, I am more worried about Luo Shui'er's safety. It is impossible to ask Luo Shui'er's whereabouts directly.

"This is thanks to you reminding us to be careful of the people of the Qi family. Thousands of calculations, we never expected that apart from the Gu family, even the members of the Qi family would be controlled by the Blood Soul Sect. In the original battle, we were sure to win the battle." Yes, after all, with the help of Snow Mountain Girl and two members of the Luo family, Senior Lan Ling and Luo Duohan have already completely resisted the Black Mountain Demon, and there are also many elite disciples in the sect. Jiang He, they have five elders over there, but we have Elder Wu Tianxing on our side, that girl Luo Shui'er can also compete with one elder, her sister Snow Mountain Girl directly deals with the remaining three elders, it's a pity that the Qi family behind The people on our side shot and hurt the people on our side, and Qi Shitou even shot and hurt Luo Shui'er and Elder Wu Tianxing secretly. I don't know who came to the Blood Soul Sect. Say you met the suzerain, then I think that person should not be the suzerain."

When the uncle said this, he swallowed his saliva, with a look of horror on his face, and he couldn't continue talking.

My cousin sat down beside me, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and was about to light it, but unexpectedly, Jiang He snatched it quickly with his eyes, and said: "Zhong Li, before your eyes are healed, don't you dare to smoke in front of me again?" Try smoking once and see if I don't directly poke your yin and yang eyes!"

After finishing speaking, he threw it on the ground vigorously and twisted it hard. Although he looked very angry, it could be seen that there was a trace of guilt in his eyes.

"Okay, isn't it just a cigarette, and you won't be blind, I think, if our abilities disappear, then we will die, so Jiang He, you don't have to worry too much."

There was a hint of a smile on the cousin's cold face, and the uncle wanted to persuade him at first, but when he saw the gloomy face on his son, he shut his mouth wisely.

"That person is not the suzerain, but the abilities are all in these elders, especially those hands, as long as the ghost hunter is shot by him, he will be immediately enveloped in flames and burnt to ashes. In the end, Snow Mountain Girl resisted it. However, because of Qi Shitou's sneak attack on Luoshui'er, Snow Mountain Girl no longer cared so much, and directly protected her sister. In the next scene, one can imagine that the disciples of the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch retreated one by one, and many of them were captured alive. , including Tang Wenyan, Wu Tianxing's assistant, that is, the woman in the cheongsam, and your partner, Wu Ru, who is good at wood-type secret arts. Jiang He and I were besieged by two elders. The formation map trapped the elder, and the load was too heavy, so he was injured, and Zhong Shan's injury was because he used the Sky Cracking Foot to deal with the mysterious Blood Soul Sect member, but this was just asking for trouble , the opponent just punched him, and his legs were almost crippled. Seeing that the situation was not good, Grandma Lan and Luo Duohan retreated at the same time, but they should have gone to the snowy plain. Wei Xiaoqing got along secretly and erased our tracks, otherwise the other party would come here after us, well, Wei Xiaoqing said that they would set up an ambush there, so let’s talk about your situation now.”

My cousin finished speaking in one breath, then took out an apple, took a bite, and stared at me with interest.

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