Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 182 [Hometown]

"At that time, I escaped from Jiuhuang City. I originally planned to come here, but unfortunately, I was taken away by someone and went to a cottage. What's even more outrageous is, guess what I encountered there?"

I stared at my uncle and my cousin with a cold face. Jiang He was still holding a bowl of traditional Chinese medicine in his hand and handed it to my uncle. He shook his head at me and said:

"What did you encounter?"

"Hehe, you would never have imagined that we met a wolf demon, a wolf demon who has been cultivating for more than 100 years... We did encounter an attack in the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch, and even Wei Wuya and the ten elders of the Blood Soul Sect ambush us , At that time, Cang Lang and I separated for our lives, and even the Thousand Miles Talisman bestowed on me by Grandma Lan was exhausted. Relying on the golden hand bone, I escaped to a cliff... In this way, Li Nianbai and I joined hands to kill After seeing the ten elders, I returned by car. By the way, my father gave me a letter and I haven’t handed it over to Grandma Lan and Senior Luo Duohan. What should I do with this letter? Are we going to visit the snowy land? Original?"

After I finished speaking, I took out the envelope from my bag. The seal was intact, and it seemed that even my father hadn't opened it.

Uncle took the envelope and weighed it in his hand. There was not a word on the yellowish envelope. After a while, uncle handed it to me again, saying:

"I must go. It must have mentioned the mystery of the old man's death and the whereabouts of the escaped demons. This time you go to your father, isn't it just what the two seniors ordered, and the matter is getting worse and worse. The sooner the better, your cousin and I will stay here, and Jiang He will go to the Snowy Land with you."

"Uncle Zhong Shan, your injuries and Zhong Li's are not healed. If the people from the Blood Soul Sect chase you here, what should you do?"

Jiang He hesitated.

Because I also took a special look at my uncle's legs. Since it is called "Split Sky Legs", I think it should be my uncle's ability, and my uncle said that he is very confident in escaping. Now that his legs are injured, his ability Definitely can't show it.

"Don't worry about this. Since Wei Xiaoqing has helped us erase the traces, he will definitely not leak the news here, and the uncle is in the Blood Soul Sect, and the eldest aunt is the suzerain of the Blood Soul Sect. Although the Blood Soul Sect is very likely to be Maha Founded by the devil of the big world, but being able to be the master of a clan, this ability can still be achieved, but Zhong Yuan, do you really want to fight against your mother?"

My cousin grabbed the apple, leaned on the old-fashioned wooden chair with his legs crossed, and stared at me coldly.

"Mother, my mother died a long time ago. She is a member of the evil sect, and there is no balance between good and evil. Moreover, they killed so many ghost hunters, arrested many people, and even burned the branch of the ghost hunter alliance. Can you stay out of it? If they know that the suzerain of the Blood Soul Sect is my biological mother, they will probably tear me apart."

I glanced at my cousin, and said coldly, "Auntie, he actually called that woman Auntie?" !

"Actually, Wu Tianxing set off the fire at the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch, because there were many information about us ghost hunters in it, and they would not be able to find us until it was completely burned. For these disciples of the Blood Soul Sect Hunting and killing us is just an order from the Black Mountain devil, although Zi Luo is the current suzerain, but I don't think it's that simple."

The uncle sighed, his eyes full of complex expressions.

"In any case, even if I face her head-on in the future, I will try my best. I have opened the fifth Dao Rune, which can form several Dao Talismans, and I have also activated the third rune array on the Fumo Sword If this is the case, Jiang He, Li Nianbai and I will first go to Jiulongzhai in Yonghe City to investigate the news of the Blood Soul Sect, and then go to the Snowy Plains to find the two seniors of the Luo Duohan family and grandma. Then we will deal with the Blood Soul Sect."

I told my plan, and they all agreed, but Li Nianbai came out and asked, "Isn't the entrance to the Great World of Maha just in the Snowy Land? Yuzhiyuan must be very dangerous, Zhong Yuan, I know you have gained a lot of ghost hunting power after eating Hanxue fruit, but to be honest, it is difficult for you to kill those demons with your strength. Back then, my grandma and I were in the village When I met the Black Mountain Devil, his strength was not strong at that time, but was weakened, he has been sucking fresh blood to recover, and it was just a coincidence that I was able to hurt him with the ebony sword."

"Xiaobai, are you afraid?"

I stared at him, there was a bandage made of cloth strips torn from my underwear on his arm, there was some blood on it, and he looked rather haggard. These days, he suffered a lot. I think he, in front of his parents, In the Demon Catch Sect, I probably would never have experienced these things at all. From the time he yelled for food and asked others to fetch water to wash his feet, I knew that this guy must be spoiled.

In the battle with the ten elders, the life-saving means he displayed really shocked me. In addition to the secret arts such as the star god thunder that can arouse the power of heaven and earth, he can actually drive the golden body divine light, although it is not What he cultivated by himself may have been sealed in his body by a powerful senior with a secret technique, but the power is already so strong that even the Tenth Elder's Qianye Blood Palm was broken and injured. Is there any secret method that has not been displayed, this so-called Ksitigarbha Golden Body, I am afraid that my Zhong family's body protection is not as good as it is.

For a young man with so many secret arts and mysterious origins, it is far better to be a friend than an enemy.

"Am I afraid? I think back then when I was sitting on brother Huo'er, all monsters were retreating. Who would dare to provoke me? Okay, I'm just telling you, be careful of the monsters coming out of the Great World of Maha, they are really Qiang, it seems that I am going to practice the secret technique taught to me by my father. After all, you are my friends now, especially you, Zhong Yuan. "

Li Nianbai was walking around the room with an ebony sword on his back, and finally he pointed at me and began to mutter.

Uncle stared at me with a smile on his lips, and Jiang He was also watching me quietly, but my cousin still had a gloomy face, and finally said: "His brain is a little abnormal, very white, you need me in your team, I'm going with you."

"Zhongli, you can't go, your yin and yang magic eye can only be used in a month at the earliest. I know your magic eye is very important and can see through many things, but..."

Jiang He clenched his fist and looked worriedly at his cousin's bandaged left eye.

"Huh, I have a problem with my brain? It's not impossible for him to go. I didn't expect that there is a second person with such eyes in this world. It's a pity that I didn't bring the Taiji diagram, otherwise I will let you use it. We don’t have to worry about the devil at all, we are going to Yonghe City some distance away, since I am afraid of heights, so the plane is avoided.”

Li Nianbai pursed his lips, and stared at his cousin with the same unfriendly expression, but his face was a little strange, it was a curious but unconvinced expression. ,

"There are still people with yin and yang Dharma Eyes? Since you know them, you may be very proficient in using Dharma Eyes. Can you tell us about them?"

Jiang He looked at Li Nianbai with great interest, but Li Nianbai glanced at his cousin, who turned his head away, and stopped looking at him.

Li Nianbai nodded, and finally sat down quietly, his eyes were slightly red.

"what happened?"

I patted him on the shoulder. His mood changed so quickly that it was a bit inexplicable, and I couldn't fathom his mind.

"I miss them, it's all my fault, I lost the map, I can't go home, Grandpa Bai... Oh, no, brother Bai, in fact, he is my father's master, he should be a figure from the grandfather's generation, but because a long time ago After going through the rest, his face is not old, and his appearance is about the same age as ours, so he asked me to call him brother. He is very good to me and protects me everywhere. Sometimes my parents punish me, but he is the one who rescues me. Even when I came out this time, He also presented me with a lot of magic weapons. He is the giant of the demon catching sect. He even used the Tai Chi diagram to complete the entire mountain guard formation by himself. What I want to say is that he has Tai Chi yin and yang eyes. It is not just one eye, but two eyes, the same is true for Taiji Yin-Yang Eye and Yin-Yang Magic Eye, when you use it, black and white Yin-Yang fish will appear in your eyes, and you can..."

Li Nianbai shrank his nose and opened his mouth softly.

The things he said, not only me and Jiang He, but also the well-informed uncle were shocked, and my cousin never expected that there would be such a powerful person in this world characters.

We didn’t go to sleep until late at night. In the middle of the lobby, I saw the Soul Cultivation Cauldron placed under the photo of Grandpa, and there were three sandalwood sticks burning slowly in front of it. After Bingdie Yuanqing and I returned to the village, it automatically It disappeared, and I don't know where it went, but I don't think it will leave the vicinity.

The result of this discussion is that we will live in the village for a few days now, and Jiang He will try his best to prepare some helpful medicines for his cousin. Moreover, we still need to spare some. When we are on the road, we don't have time to get these medicines at any time.

I got up very early the next day, holding the Demon-Suppressing Sword, practicing in the yard. Besides me, Li Nianbai was also arrested by me. One reason is that his swordsmanship is also superb, but he is not familiar with it. , he can also be regarded as the main force, and he must not make any mistakes.

"Yuanyuan... the wound on your arm hasn't healed yet. It will be bad if I hurt you later. You also know that I am not familiar with swordsmanship. Compared with my old mother, I am not only a little bit worse."

Li Nianbai was holding on to the door frame desperately, he didn't even open his eyes, he was breathing heavily.

"You... When did you give me such a name again? Your dog! If you hurt me, then don't mix with me in the future, watch the sword!"

I raised the Fumo sword and stabbed at Li Nianbai. The Fumo sword technique also needs to be improved in constant battles, and it can be integrated. Li Nianbai suddenly opened his eyes, leaned forward slightly, and the ebony sword on his back Unsheathed, and then he grabbed it, and the ebony sword was in his hand, and he began to fight with me.

I have fought against him once before, Li Nianbai's strength is higher than mine, I guess even if I activate the third rune formation on the Fumojian, killing spirit, I can't beat him.

We fought for several rounds, and my arms started to become sore, Li Nianbai seemed very calm from the beginning to the end.

"Zhong Yuan? You're back?! That's great. No wonder my rhubarb kept barking yesterday. I didn't sleep well all night. I have something to tell you, Xu Wanzhou told me."

A loud and clear voice came from outside the yard of my house. I put away my sword and looked outside the fence. There was a huge familiar figure standing there, waving my hands vigorously.

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