Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 184 [Visit Man Ye]

"Li Nianbai, are you sure you're not joking with me?"

I squinted and looked at him very seriously. The result, Gu Anan, can she accept it? She turned into a bouncing zombie with arms stretched out, no, it was a one-armed zombie.

Li Nianbai nodded very seriously, but suddenly remembered something, stood up with a slap on the head, and said: "I forgot one very important thing, do you really think you want to become a zombie if you want to become a zombie? The location, time, environment and other factors, but the Yinsha land is absolutely indispensable, and other factors are easy to deal with."

"A land of evil spirits? How can there be such a thing? Can mass graves work?"

I also stood up and rubbed my head. It is very difficult to find a dark place now, and this kind of place is not something we can find just by looking for it.

The place of evil spirit is very cloudy, and it is most suitable for raising corpses. The soil quality is different from ordinary places, and this kind of place cannot be irradiated by the sun all year round.

"Mass graves? Of course not, it must be a place of evil spirits. Although we can't find it, are you afraid that the Zhong family won't find it?"

Li Nianbai grinned, staring at the uncle who pushed open the wooden door with a cane. When I saw him, I suddenly understood that he is proficient in the art of wind, water, and geology. With his help, he will definitely succeed. Immediately, I laughed with Li Nianbai Got up, uncle rubbed his arms, stared at us and said:

"You two little guys, what are you doing looking at me like this? Are you playing your uncle's bad idea?"

"No, where are my cousin and Jiang He?"

I trotted all the way over, put away my smile, and asked aloud.

The uncle walked a few steps forward with a cane, and then said: "Jiang He is brewing Chinese medicine, and your cousin is probably still asleep. In the last battle, although we took care of the Qi family, the two The elder is really too powerful, Zhongli used the magic eye array one after another, his face was covered with blood..."

"In the past few days, you just stay at home and don't cause trouble anymore. If possible, I think you will be here in the future. It's ridiculous. I just came back after the old man died. Everything here has changed. The elder brother is not here. The old man is gone, I have to go to Huai Village to see Uncle Man and pay him a visit, Xiao Yuan, come with me, I have already greeted Zhongli and the others."

Uncle suddenly stared at me and said.

"Well, okay, let's go now. I haven't eaten the scallion pancakes from Manye's house for a long time. Now that I have passed, I think I can eat them."

I nodded like a chick pecking at rice, and then helped my uncle to walk out of the yard.

"I'm going too, Xiao Yuanyuan, I haven't eaten yet!"

Li Nianbai also ran over, looked at me anxiously and angrily, then supported my uncle's other side, and glared at me.

My uncle's feet were barely able to walk, but he still had to rely on crutches after walking for a long time. Facing Chiba's blood palm, my uncle was really lucky. The other ghost hunter disciples were all directly beaten to death.

Huai Village is still the same as before, the sky is already slightly bright, and white smoke is rising from the chimneys of every house. I went straight to Manye's house without any difficulty. Before I got to the door, I smelled the familiar smell of scallion pancakes.

Just as I was about to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened from the inside. Man Ye opened the door with a dry cigarette in his mouth, and the stick almost hit me.

"Xiao Yuan, didn't you go to Jiuhuang City? Why now, huh? Zhong Shan?"

Man Ye was a little unbelievable when he saw me, but when he saw my uncle, he was even more stunned.

The uncle coughed a few times in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "Uncle Man, long time no see, how are you?"

Grandpa Man nodded, waved to Uncle, and said, "You guys haven't eaten breakfast yet, come in, you just made a lot of scallion pancakes."

I went in directly, Li Nianbai followed closely behind me, his eyes swept around stealthily, finally sniffed, and went straight into the kitchen, I took four scallion pancakes and handed them to my uncle Well, after the uncle took it, he started chatting with Master Man again. Master Man made tea, then sat on the wooden chair and observed the uncle carefully.

"Shanyao, is there something wrong in Jiuhuang City? How is the investigation of your father's murder? Have you found Qiangyao?"

Grandpa Man was smoking a cigarette. It had been a few months since he had seen each other. The wrinkles on his face seemed to have increased. He was still wearing black clothes and trousers, black cloth shoes, his back was slightly raised, and he wore a A red knitted hat.

"Well, if I'm not wrong, all the ghost hunter families in Jiuhuang City should have evacuated. The old man was killed by a demon from the Great World of Maha. My eldest brother is now in the Blood Soul Sect, and... With Violet."

The uncle hesitated for a while, then spoke, and then took a bite of the scallion pancake, not daring to look directly at Man Ye.

Man Ye sighed, took another deep puff of cigarette, and said slowly: "I knew it would not be so easy, but he still refused to listen to me, if it wasn't for the Maha Holy Fruit given to Xiao Yuan, he would have Helping Xiao Yuan seal his ability, how could he end up like this? When he escaped from the Great World of Maha, he even showed off to me, saying how great a chance he got, but unexpectedly, the enemy he provoked still came to him. Also stubborn, must stay here."

"Why is the sacred fruit of Maha given to me instead of my father or uncle? Or my cousin or Haotian?"

I couldn't help but interrupted.

Man Ye glanced at me, walked to my side, touched my forehead with one hand, rubbed it, then looked at my uncle, and said, "Did you tell him?"

The uncle shook his head, then lowered his head, eating scallion pancakes, just like a child.

Man Ye took a puff of cigarette, continued to sit back on the chair, and said: "The reason why your father and your uncle didn't eat it is because they are both healthy and healthy, and this holy fruit of Maha is very precious, your grandfather is reluctant to eat it." , after Zi Luo sent you back, your grandma carried you out to play, because of an accident, your grandma died, but you unexpectedly survived, but your life was dying, so your grandpa let you take this holy maha fruit Yes, it’s just that I never expected that after you took this holy maha fruit, you inspired the power of hunting ghosts. At that time, dense dao patterns spread all over your body with the palm of your hand. We were surprised and happy at that time, such a powerful Power, the Zhong family has never appeared before, but...hey..."

"But my body can't carry so many dao patterns at all, that's why grandpa expends his ghost-hunting power to seal the dao patterns in my body? Even seal my ability? Master, you know A lot, I don't believe that your ability is only so small. When grandpa had an accident, I came to you. At that time, Haotian told me that there was an evil force chasing me. He told me not to leave that area. Could this force be those monsters in the Maha Great World? Impossible, if it is really those monsters, how can Haotian resist it?"

I glanced at Man Ye strangely, Man Ye's eyes flickered a little, his head tilted, and he didn't intend to look at me again.

Something must be hiding from me, what else happened that night? !

Grandpa Man will definitely know about this matter, and you must ask clearly. I walked over, walked behind him, squeezed your Lord Man's shoulder, and said, "Master Man, just tell me. The devil from He Da World came over. Grandpa was also very ill at the time. Even if he could make a move, he would definitely not be their opponent. How could the soul escape and even report to me in a dream? My mother didn't, it should be the spirit completely was sucked away."

"Well, I can tell you what happened that night, but you can't say anything."

Man Ye had a cigarette holder in his shriveled mouth, squinted his eyes, and finally opened them, his face suddenly became very painful:

"I don't intend to hide it from you two anymore. I was restless those few days. Xiao Yuan, you should be very clear. I often ran to your house during that time. In fact, it was because of the enmity that Grandpa Xiao Yuan had forged. Even Zi Luo was able to show up at Zhong's house and save your father. I did it, but in the end it was a step too late. At that time, Qiang Ya gave the jade pendant to Xiao Yuan. This was also arranged by Grandpa Xiao Yuan himself. , I drove them away, but after I drove them away, Xiao Yuan's grandfather and adoptive mother still left, although Qiang Ya is not there, but I believe he is safe and sound."

"Master Man, are those monsters you chased away? Didn't you say that your ability is very weak? I have seen this monster before. Although I didn't fight head-on, Grandma Lan and Li Nianbai fought against the monster. They Very powerful, what is going on here?"

I looked at Man Ye curiously, this old man, it seems that he is not simple, or he is hiding too deeply.

"Xiaoyuan, Shanya, in fact, there is one thing I haven't told you all the time. It's okay to tell you now. In fact, I'm not from your Zhong family, but Ziyun and I are like brothers. When we were young, we We have been together, just like you and Qiang Ya. Over the years, we don’t know how many disasters we have survived. Only this time, it seems that the years are really unforgiving. After so many years, we still can’t escape. I just Exorcising these monsters, I have no ability to kill them, and they can't wait to find Ziyun just after crossing the interface. Their strength has weakened a lot, so I am kind enough to manage the dispersal, but even so, let them Killed Ziyun! It's all my fault! We didn't protect him well, we clearly agreed that as long as the other party has the strength, we must guard the other party!"

Man Ye was very annoyed, holding a cigarette in one hand, his eyes were lost in thought.

"No, you protected me. If it wasn't for you, I would have been poisoned by this devil too. I know that after they killed Grandpa, they rushed over. I don't believe that little devil has the ability to protect me."

I pursed my lips and said, and at the same time glanced at my uncle, who also looked at Man Ye in surprise, probably he didn't think that Man Ye was not his own biological uncle.

Man Ye recovered and stared at me again, with a smile on his face: "He has this ability, although he is cursed, but he still has this ability, maybe he has hidden a lot of things from you, but every time Even if a ghost hunter dies, his ability to hunt ghosts will not disappear, or if he is killed by a ghost, his ability will disappear. This is only a part of the disappearance of punishment. I know his ability very well. It is indeed him, or it is Haotian used his ability to let you escape this disaster."

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