Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 185 [Re-entering the Gu Family]

"Uncle Man, but are you from the Zhong family, you are always my Uncle Man, I don't mind, Xiao Yuan, Zhong Li and the others won't mind, but what is Haotian's ability? I don't know ? If so, Haotian is also Ziluo's child?"

The uncle stared at Grandpa Man suspiciously and asked.

"No, Haotian is Wanru's child. You will know about his abilities in the future. By the way, how long do you plan to stay in your hometown this time? My days are not long, and I am about to die."

Man Ye sighed, closed his eyes, and just sat there stiffly, motionless.

"Uncle Man, your health is still very good. I plan to continue to benefit here. Anyway, I can't go back to Jiuhuang City for the time being. I just happen to learn something from Uncle Man. However, these little guys may die in a few days." Get out of here and go out and wander around."

The uncle had already eaten the scallion pancakes, clapped his hands, and said.

"Well, that's okay. At this time, it's time to go out and experience the world. Haotian should stay too. His ability is very important. Although he only appears in a spirit body now, he will be of great help in the future, so I It’s like teaching him, after all, Ziyun is gone, so I’ll take over the burden.”

Man Ye opened his eyes, and the cloudy eyes seemed to be much brighter at this moment.

"Well, that's good. It's not far from our home now. I'll come to see you often, Xiao Yuan. It's getting late. We have to go home."

The uncle stood up with a cane and stared at me with a smile.

"Uncle, Master Man, can you help me find a place, Jue Yin Land, do we have a Jue Yin Land here, Master Man, you should know."

Before leaving, I suddenly turned around and asked, although Man Ye may not know the art of geomantic omen, but he has lived in this land for many years, he may or may not know this.

Grandpa Man was stunned, staring at me, and said: "What are you looking for? There is a land of extreme yin, but it was covered up by me and Ziyun a long time ago. It won't be easy to find."

"In short, you can just tell me the approximate location. Don't worry, I won't do anything bad. You should know my nature."

I grinned.

"Your disposition? Didn't you want to sell the ancestral jade pendant back then for money? By the way, the jade pendant is still on you. Let me see if it is safe."

Man Ye smiled helplessly, then patted my head and stretched out his hand.

"The Mingyin pendant has been broken, but Man Ye, don't worry, my jade pendant has already been branded on me, so it's fine."

I pulled up my clothes to my chest and let Man Ye see the brand marks. Man Ye became serious and stared at me and said: "The brand marks on your body are unknown to outsiders, otherwise, you will feel better, just cut your skin Come down, alright, I will tell you the approximate location of the Land of Absolute Yin, but you have to find it yourself, if you can’t find it, don’t blame me..."

After a cup of tea, I remembered the location clearly, nodded, and left here with my uncle, and called Li Nianbai before leaving.

With a greasy mouth, Li Nianbai came out of the kitchen with a grin, and walked forward with all his might.

We hadn't gone far when Man Ye's terrified and angry voice came: "This kid is a pig! He ate them all!"

Back in the village, I greeted the people in the village. Hei Pang’s mother brought us food and helped us clean up. Uncle’s legs are inconvenient, and Jiang He is in charge of cooking and brewing Chinese medicine , although my cousin's eyes were injured, he didn't intend to do anything, and Li Nianbai was even more outrageous, he climbed directly to the tree to dig out the eggs and didn't come down to work.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Xu Wanzhou came, just like what Hei Pang described, his left arm was in plaster, and his face looked haggard. When he saw me, he regained some energy. I pulled aside and said:

"I was relieved to hear that Fatty said that you were back. I had always wanted to find you, but it happened so suddenly. Our family received secret news and left the city overnight. I heard that after we left the city, there were hunters. The ghost masters began to be poisoned by the blood soul sect. Later, when we returned to our hometown, someone in the family went to inquire about the news and learned that the branch of the ghost hunter alliance had been destroyed. But I am relieved when you come back. Let me tell you why I'm looking for you."

I nodded, looked at his listless look, and asked, "How is the Gu family doing now?"

Xu Wanzhou sighed, and said slowly: "Everyone was wiped out, except An An, but An An is no longer the An An before, she didn't say a word to me when she came back, and I didn't even really see her, at least during the day I haven't seen him before, I went to her house to look for him at night, and it was just Mrs. Amu who received me, Zhong Yuan, do you know what happened?"

I glanced at Xu Wanzhou and looked at his expression. I probably didn't know that Gu Anan was dead, so I said, "The reason why she refuses to see you is because she is dead, and her soul is sealed in her body." Now, the body is estimated to be slowly decomposing, so I won’t see you.”


Xu Wanzhou staggered and almost fell. I supported him in time. He looked at me in shock, hoping to learn more from me. Tell him everything, including me and Li Nianbai planning to make Gu An'an a zombie.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly, and then take An'an Dao Yinsha, if it takes a long time, her body will completely rot, it will probably be too late by then."

Xu Wanzhou stretched out his other hand and clenched his fist, looking anxious.

"Well, I know, but I still need to ask An An about this. If she doesn't want to become a zombie, there's nothing she can do about it. No one can force her to. Let's go to his house tonight. I'll prepare something during the day. You stay and have dinner with us later, and then go to Ann's house together at night?"

I patted him on the shoulder and said comfortingly that the relationship between Xu Wanzhou and Gu An'an is unusual.

"No, if you need any help, you can come to me. Almost all members of my family are back, and there are still many things to be busy, so I will leave later, Zhong Yuan, thank you."

Xu Wanzhou put his other intact hand over, his face full of gratitude.

I shook my head and said, "Gu An'an is also my classmate. I'm busy with this, so I should help."

"Well, okay, I'll go first. We'll meet at An An's house at seven o'clock in the evening."

Xu Wanzhou nodded at me, then turned and left.

Although I only went to Gu Anan's house once, my memory is still fresh. After all, there, Gu Anan's mother used to trap me with a ghost formation, but now that I think about it, she should be the only one left in the Gu family, Amu The sister-in-law is not from the Gu family. Gu An'an's mother, the calculating woman back then, is also dead?I don't have much hatred for her anymore, and now that she is dead, I don't care much about her.

In the evening, Li Nianbai and I arrived at the door of Gu's house, surrounded by mountains, the house inside was flickering with faint lights, although it was very weak, it was a bit dazzling in the dark mountains.

The iron gate was tightly closed, and Xu Wanzhou seemed to have been waiting at the gate for a long time.

"You are finally here, what now? An'an doesn't want to see me."

Xu Wanzhou lowered his head, clenched his fists tightly, and his whole body was trembling.

"Don't worry, it will. Wei Wuya killed her brother, and the Blood Soul Sect killed her family. It is impossible for her not to take revenge. Xiaobai, can you go in and explain the situation? There is a middle-aged man in this house." The housekeeper, with long braids and white clothes, she can come and answer the door."

I turned around and looked at Li Nianbai with a smile. Li Nianbai glanced at the high wall next to him, shrugged, turned directly over the wall, and then strode inside. Xu Wanzhou was dumbfounded watching this scene.

"He... he is light body technique?"

"I don't know, he is very powerful, don't provoke him, of course, he is also my good friend, Xu Wanzhou, if your injury is healed and you still want to fight with me, you can fight him."

I grinned.

"Why with him?"

Xu Wanzhou pursed his lips and asked.

"He... he can be regarded as my little brother."

I put my hands in my trouser pockets and said with a smile.

After a while, Mrs. Amu hurried over to our side, and Li Nianbai followed behind her like a shadow. When Mrs. Amu saw me, she showed a little surprise on her face, and said:

"Zhong Yuan, why are you here? Did you come to see the Gu family's joke?"

"What are you talking about, you haven't opened the door yet, looking for a beating."

Li Nianbai raised his fist at the side, and said fiercely, Mrs. Amu gritted her teeth and gave Li Nianbai a nasty look, took out the key and opened the iron door.

"Where is Gu An'an, we want to see her."

I walked in and spoke directly.

"Miss is not feeling well, she is sleeping and sees no guests."

Mrs. Amu stood beside her, and spoke with a gloomy expression.

"People are dead, still sleeping? We are here to deal with business. No matter what grievances we had before, I will not blame you for stealing my jade pendant. I know that Gu An'an's mother ordered you. Gu An'an is mine. Classmate, Zeng Jin let me go, I will not harm her, take me there, I will make her better, and even avenge the Gu family myself."

I stared at Mrs. Amu, she hesitated, but finally nodded, she did not take us to the house, but walked around in a circle, and walked back, here is a grassland, some trees, I sniffed , There is a strange smell in the air.

"Corpse gas."

Li Nianbai whispered next to me, and at the same time pointed to the distance, I saw a lot of graves under a big tree, a one-armed woman sitting there, motionless, like a sculpture.

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