Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 187 [Yanshan]

"An'an, I'll carry you on my back."

Xu Wanzhou squatted down in front of Gu Anan. Gu Anan stood behind him with no expression on his face. When the wind blew, the white gauze skirt was blown up, and the scattered hair covered most of her face. Suddenly she raised her head. White eyes stare at me.

At this moment, I seemed to feel Gu An'an's mood, and seemed a little restless.

"An'an, go up."

After hesitating for a while, I spoke slowly, Gu Anan nodded, and then lay on his shoulders, Xu Wanzhou followed behind us with Gu Anan on his back.

There are more and more dogs barking, and the sound is getting louder. People in the countryside generally have dogs in every household. The most important thing is to prevent theft. There are also many lonely souls and wild ghosts in the countryside. There are also many old people who keep some black dogs in their homes. , and cats, and even old roosters, were used to ward off evil spirits.

Another point is that people in the countryside usually go to bed very early because they are afraid of encountering something dirty. In the village we passed by, no one came out to check the situation, as if this kind of thing has become a habit.

Walking to the middle of the village, there are already many dogs surrounded on both sides, and they are still relatively big. They keep barking at Gu An'an, but they still dare not approach.

Gu An'an's body was trembling slightly on Xu Wanzhou's back, her head was buried in his back, not daring to lift it up.


Li Nianbai suddenly let out a low growl, and the barking of the surrounding dogs immediately became much quieter. Some smaller dogs ran away with their tails between their legs, and the rest were larger black dogs, but these black dogs were full of fear. , with its tail between its legs, backed up while whimpering.

"Go quickly!"

Li Nianbai's voice came again, he took a horse stance and made a seal with his hands.

"follow me!"

I waved at Xu Wanzhou, and ran all the way to the outside of the village. Xu Wanzhou followed closely behind me. I was not worried about Li Nianbai, he would naturally follow.

But as soon as I was about to leave the village, Gu An'an behind me suddenly let out a scream, I turned around, and a big black dog followed us at some point, and now it launched an attack, jumping directly at Gu An'an's back, now I rushed over, it was too late.

Xu Wanzhou immediately turned around, gritted his teeth and looked at the big black dog, and raised his good arm without hesitation. Before the black dog closed its mouth, it bit Xu Wanzhou's arm, and Xu Wanzhou shook his face with a ferocious expression. He moved his arms, but he was tainted with Gu An'an's corpse aura, so the black dog was a little hesitant, because it felt that the aura of the person in front of him was very unusual, and his intelligence was not high, so he still couldn't distinguish it well. Even biting Xu Wanzhou did not let go.

Gu Anan, who was extremely panicked, yelled: "Run away, leave me alone!"

"No, I won't leave you alone!"

Xu Wanzhou gritted his teeth, still shaking his arms desperately, Gu Anan suddenly stretched out, and knocked on the black dog's head, the black dog immediately let go of its mouth, took a few steps back, its eyes gleamed fiercely.

"Go away! You go first."

At this time, I had already run over, took out the demon sword in my hand, waved it, and drove the black dog away. The big black dog squeaked and barked at me a few times, and then ran away.

When I rushed to Xu Wanzhou's side, Gu An'an had already got off him and was staring at the wound on his arm. Fortunately, I had bandages in my bag, because a lot of bandages were needed on the shoulders and back, so Jiang He She kindly helped me prepare these things, even some wound medicines, but the wound needs to be cleared first. I took out the mineral water from the bag, washed the wound directly, took out another bottle of wound medicine, and pulled out the cork. It was some white powder, poured evenly on Xu Wanzhou's wound, and then wrapped it with a bandage.

"Although the medicine is applied, you still need to get rabies vaccine."

I clapped my hands and packed the remaining bandages into my bag.

"Zhong Yuan, thank you."

Gu Anan spoke softly.

I shrugged my shoulders and waited for Li Nianbai's arrival. After we leave the village, there is no need to control these dogs, but obviously his skills are not deep, otherwise how could this big black dog attack us?

After a while, Li Nianbai hurried over, and then we started on the road again.

After crossing a few hills, I didn’t see any houses, and it’s already past twelve o’clock in the morning. I was about to enter a big mountain. Suddenly, Li Nianbai stopped me and pointed to the place where I entered the mountain. I used the flashlight to go up. As soon as it was photographed, there was a dilapidated cyan stone tablet at the foot of the mountain.

The stele was originally supposed to be rectangular, but a corner was missing. It was covered with moss, and there was a vague word "Swallow" in the middle. I reached out and touched it, and a word "Mountain" appeared.

"It's actually Yanshan. I thought I had to climb over this mountain."

I clapped my hands, stood up straight, and looked towards the mountain.

It seems to be no different from ordinary mountains, but if you look closely, you will find that the trees on this mountain are particularly lush, there are almost no extra roads, or it is full of plants, and outsiders can't get in at all.

"Did you feel anything very different?"

Xu Wanzhou looked at us with some embarrassment, because he didn't feel anything wrong.

Gu An'an took a few steps, stopped, and said: "There are very few creatures inside. I don't feel any living things inside, not even birds."

By the way, it's quiet, it's very quiet here, when we passed by a few mountains before, we would startle some birds, or some birds would fly by, but there are no birds here, it's very weird, the surroundings are so quiet that even our breathing can be heard hear.

"Let's be more careful. I'll open the way ahead. Gu An'an and Xu Wanzhou will go in the middle. Xiao Yuanyuan, are you in the back?"

Li Nianbai showed me a questioning expression.

"It's better for me to open the way. If you encounter danger, you can take action in time. Besides, you don't know our side. Master Man said about the place of evil spirits. Only I can sense it."

I hesitated for a while, I knew that Li Nianbai was doing it for my own good, walking in the front was not only responsible for leading the way, but also faced many dangers, of course, he also had to open the way.

"Well, let's not be too far away. Gu An'an is a living corpse and can sense the breath of living things around her, but if she says no, it proves that this Yanshan is extremely unusual, and these living things don't want to stay here .”

Li Nianbai nodded.

I pulled out the Fumo Sword, turned on the flashlight, and looked around. Grandpa Man said that there are three big locust trees at the foot of the mountain. As long as we walk up the locust tree, we can find the right way. We turned around at the foot of the mountain. After walking around, I found the locust tree, followed the locust tree, and then went up.

There are a lot of weeds in the mountain. I kept waving the Demon-subduing Sword, and when I touched some branches, I would directly activate the second rune formation on the sword body. It's not too wasteful of my ghost-hunting power now.

With the increase of my ghost-hunting power, or the strength of the source of belief, more and more ghost-hunting powers are derived. Now, I just need to grasp the demon-subduing sword light, which was very difficult before, because now it stimulates The power of hunting ghosts consumed by the sword light once, my source of faith will be restored within 10 minutes.

When I reached the middle of the mountain, I felt a little tired, so I leaned against a big tree, closed my eyes and began to rest.

Xu Wanzhou was the same, let alone he was injured. Gu Anan stood quietly beside Xu Wanzhou, while Li Nianbai climbed onto a big tree and began to observe the surrounding situation.

Once a person rests, he wants to rest endlessly until his fatigue disappears completely, and I am no exception. Leaning on this big tree, I don't want to understand at all.

Suddenly, I felt someone pat me on the shoulder.

"What's the rush, I'll leave later, Xu Wanzhou, aren't you tired?"

Without opening my eyes, I sighed and said.

"Zhong Yuan, what did you say?"

Xu Wanzhou's voice suddenly came from another corner, and I shuddered in my heart. I opened my eyes and stared not far away. Gu An'an in a white dress was standing beside Xu Wanzhou, and Xu Wanzhou was looking at me curiously.

I felt that the arm was still on my shoulder, so I smiled and said, "Xiaobai, if you continue to joke like this, I will..."

"Zhong Yuan, it's not good, this mountain is very wrong, I found..."

Li Nianbai's voice came from the big tree next to me, suddenly the voice stopped, and he stared at me vigilantly.

I felt a chill all over my body, Xu Wanzhou, Gu An'an, Li Nianbai are not them, so who is patting me on the back?

There was no sound coming from behind, this palm slowly moved from my shoulder to my neck, his hand touched my skin, I felt the skin of my whole body tremble, the hairs stood up, and a cold breath came from The big tree behind me came.

Xu Wanzhou and Gu Anan also noticed something was wrong with me, but they did not act rashly, including Li Nianbai.

The other hand also reached towards my back, and both hands reached my neck, stroking gently, I felt my heart beating fast, my scalp was numb, and I winked at Xu Wanzhou, but Xu Wanzhou shook his head.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew up, making the leaves rustle, and the branches of the surrounding trees were swayed by the wind.

I wanted to take a few steps forward to see if I could break free, but just as I was about to lift my feet, I found that my feet seemed to be nailed into the soil. I looked down and saw that two black vines had become entangled at some point. It hurt my feet, and the roots of this tree were so strong that it was impossible to break free for a while.


Li Nianbai, who was standing on the tree, suddenly let out a soft snort, and saw some branches rolling towards him one after another, and besides him being attacked, several dark brown branches also emerged from the feet of Gu Anan and Xu Wanzhou. Roll over them.

There was an earthy smell around, and besides this, there was also a strange corpse smell. I knew that this corpse smell was not from Gu An'an, but came out suddenly.

"Corpse vine, no, Zhong Yuan, we may be in big trouble!"

The ebony sword in Li Nianbai's hand burst into gray sword light, after cutting off the vines, he stretched out his hand and threw the ebony sword straight towards my head.

I was startled when I saw the ebony sword shining all over my body. Is this kid trying to stab me to death with a sword? Out of instinct, I leaned away. The ebony sword passed by my ear and stuck in the On the big tree behind me, suddenly, I felt the vines under my feet loosen, and the two hands around my neck also loosened. I immediately broke free and ran towards Li Nianbai.

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