Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 188 [Huanghuai Ghost and Corpse Vine]

Turning around and looking at the big tree before me, I was taken aback.

There seemed to be a transparent figure inside the big tree, waving its hands non-stop, and the head of this figure was directly stabbed by the ebony sword, unable to break free.

Li Nianbai stretched out his right hand, one hand was empty, and he began to mutter something, before the incantation was halfway through, a vine as thick as an arm suddenly appeared from under the tree, the vine made a sound of breaking through the air, and twitched fiercely On the ebony sword, it flew straight away, Li Nianbai frowned, and immediately stretched out his hand to call it back.

The figure was able to break free, and immediately rushed into the tree and disappeared.

At the same time, the vines that trapped Gu Anan's feet were torn off by her hands. Xu Wanzhou had a short wooden dagger in his hand, and there was a yellow talisman on it, which was burning slowly. As soon as the black-brown vines touched the burning yellow talisman, they immediately started to burn fiercely as if oil had been poured on them, and a stench emanated from these vines.

"Fire virtue is real fire, burn demons and punish evil, be as urgent as laws!"

Xu Wanzhou threw his wooden dagger forward vigorously. The wooden dagger was stuck on the ground. He reached into his pocket and found a stack of yellow talismans scattered around the wooden dagger. The burning yellow talisman on the dagger was very Strangely scattered, it turned into several flames and landed on these yellow talismans. The blue-red flames began to burn crazily, and the vines disappeared into the ground one after another.

"Corpse vines? Sure enough, we still met them! It's just that these corpse vines dare to attack us on their own initiative, which is really unexpected."

Because of the flames Xu Wanzhou summoned, these corpse vines temporarily disappeared.

Corpse vine, I have also seen it in my grandfather's notes. This plant grows from the corpse, grows with the flesh and blood of the corpse, and lives in a dark and humid place. It does not like sunlight and is able to move. Plants are very rare.

There are so many corpse vines here, which also means that there should be many corpses buried under our feet. These corpse vines only have instincts, but they only absorb the carrion from the dead corpses. How can they even attack the living?Although Master Man reminded us to be careful of this kind of corpse vines before, Man Master said that as long as there are no wounds on my body and no blood falls on the ground, these corpse vines will not attack me.

Thinking of this, I unbuttoned my clothes and glanced at the position of my shoulders. There was already blood oozing from the white bandages. Oops, it was probably because I was leaning against that big tree, the wound on my back was split open, and the blood stimulated me. These corpse vines, but these corpse vines are buried in the ground, so what is the figure hidden in the tree?

"What's so strange? Of course, we won't be afraid of ordinary corpse vines, but there is a pagoda ghost here."

Li Mubai pointed to the big locust tree that I relied on. This big locust tree has been around for a certain period of time, the bark is peeling off, and the branches are strangely shaped, but the leaves are very dense. Under the locust tree, there are many There are few protruding roots, and these several roots of different thicknesses are coiled around the locust tree.

"You mean this pagoda ghost can control corpse vines to attack us?"

Xu Wanzhou walked over with Gu An'an, and spoke with an uncertain expression.

"There is a possibility that corpse vines will only appear in places where many corpses are buried, and they will only grow by chance. Look around, except for this old locust tree, are the other trees inferior to this old locust tree? The tree grows luxuriantly? That’s because besides these corpse vines, there is also this old locust tree. They may be associated with each other. In fact, it is this old locust tree that mainly absorbs nutrients from these corpses, while the corpse vine is secondary. What we have to face is this old locust tree."

Gu An'an's voice sounded without a trace of emotion, her tone was very certain and beyond doubt.

"Then is this pagoda ghost an elf conceived from the pagoda tree itself, or is it a latecomer?"

I asked again, this is very important, if it is really a wood elf, then if you catch it, it will be of great help, such as my cousin's peach wood puppet, there is a peach spirit living in it, it is born in the peach tree And out of the wizard.

"It should be the latter, look at the branches!"

Li Nianbai spoke again, staring at the branches of the old pagoda tree with bright eyes, I looked along the past, except for the branches and leaves, I didn't seem to find anything, just when I was about to give up, suddenly a relatively low A rope appeared on the branch, which should be a hemp rope, and the rope began to shake as the wind blew.

The rope hung down with a round knot at the bottom, just about to fit a head.

Looking at this rope, I felt a little dizzy, and started to walk forward step by step. When I was about to reach the bottom of the tree, Li Nianbai reached out and grabbed me, saying: "Don't be confused!"

I woke up, shook my head, and raised my head to look up the tree. I saw a person hanging from the rope, swaying in the wind, and the branches made weird "creaking" noises. Looking at my head, with my toes pointing down, I suddenly felt a chill in my heart, and quickly took a few steps back.

The surrounding atmosphere was very oppressive, except for Yin Feng, no one spoke anymore. Xu Wanzhou was guarding Gu An'an's side, and the white dress on Gu An'an was particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

There is no doubt that this person was hanged from a tree. He was a young boy with black cloth shoes on his feet and dark gray trousers that seemed to be stained with some dirt. He was wearing a pair of jackets. The vest, on the top, the hemp rope strangled his neck, his face was blue, his mouth was open, his eyes were round and protruding, his handsome face looked very scary at the moment, his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth were all covered The blood flowed down, drop by drop into the ground in front of me.

I stared at his distorted facial features, his split mouth suddenly closed, and turned upwards, evoking a strange smile.

I clenched my fists, shaking with fear.

On a dark and windy night, in the deep mountains and old forests, suddenly there is such a corpse hanging in front of him, and it swings with it, no one will be afraid.

Li Nianbai grabbed my hand and said word by word: "This Huai ghost has come out to play tricks, don't be fooled by him, what you see before your eyes is an illusion, this corpse has long since ceased to exist, it's an illusion. "

I nodded stiffly, what should I do now?Directly chop off this non-existent corpse with the Subduing Demon Sword?

"We just need to leave this area. I think even this pagoda ghost can only move here. Although corpse vines can be active, the body of the pagoda tree cannot be moved. As long as we leave here, this pagoda ghost will also be able to move." Then we have nothing to do, he dare not do it lightly, I have burned many corpse vines with talismans, he should be afraid now."

Xu Wanzhou picked up his wooden dagger from the ground, stared at me, and said.

"Wait, this pagoda ghost is different. There have been no living people in the mountains for a long time. Don't you know that he attacked us just to want us to be his nourishment? If we don't eliminate him, he won't let us leave so easily. of."

Gu Anan stood still and shook his head.

"Do you want to burn this old locust tree with fire?"

Xu Wanzhou asked a little puzzled.

"You don't need to burn the old locust tree. If it causes a fire, it's okay. Fortunately, this is not the spirit of the locust tree. Otherwise, we really want to burn the locust tree. We just need to find the body of the locust ghost and destroy it." Well, corpse vines and old locust trees are in a companion relationship, these corpse vines will not take the initiative to attack people, Man Ye said before, but at that time, there should be no pagoda ghosts, so they found it and didn't deal with it, now it's just There is an extra pagoda ghost, they came to this place more than 20 years ago, which also means that this pagoda ghost should be a ghost 20 years later, at the same level as Gu Qingqiu."

I rubbed my head, stared at Xu Wanzhou, and then at Gu An'an.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's do it, now is the best chance to find the land of evil spirits and turn Gu An'an into a zombie."

Li Nianbai was holding the ebony sword and was about to go forward to do a big fight, I grabbed him and said:

"Okay, since that's the case, let's assign tasks. When we find the corpse of Huai Gui, he will definitely attack us, so we need two people to guard and two people to dig. Xu Wanzhou's fire talisman is very useful. And both hands are injured, not suitable for digging, so Xu Wanzhou is one of the people in charge of guarding, and the other is the three of us. Among the three of us, Xiaobai is unscathed, and the sword energy is very effective against corpse vines, so you are The second guardian, and the excavation work will be handed over to Gu An'an and me, do you have any questions?"

As soon as I finished speaking, Xu Wanzhou was unhappy and said, "An An is a girl, how can she be suitable for this kind of work?"

"No, I am very suitable, and I can feel the position of the underground corpse very effectively, and my current body is also very suitable for digging."

Gu An'an walked up to me and spoke softly, her face was expressionless, extremely stiff, and her chest didn't rise and fall at all. You didn't need to look carefully to know that she was a dead body.

"Don't be mother-in-law, you don't listen to Zhong Yuan, what are you doing here?"

Li Nianbai glared at Xu Wanzhou, raised the ebony sword in his hand, and said again: "Let's begin!"


I nodded, looked at Gu Anan, and walked directly under the locust tree, as if I knew we were going to destroy the corpses, the surrounding land began to shake slightly again, corpse vines as thick as arms broke through the ground Out, one after another entwined towards me and Gu An'an.

"Damn corpse vines, retreat to me! Flaming sword energy!"

A flame slashed across in front of us, and a huge sharp sword energy came towards us, destroying the dead, and these corpse vines were cut off in one go.

We moved forward a lot, and Gu Anan had squatted down, stretched out his arms, patted the ground with his pale palms, and then changed positions.

At this time, there were more and more corpse vines around us, and gray-brown corpse vines were all around us. These corpse vines twisted their bodies like giant pythons, and then rushed towards us at the same time.

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