Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 201 [Promise]

"What?! No, four are too many. If the underworld finds out, I will have no good fruit to eat."

Qinghe City God stared at me in surprise, then closed his eyes and meditated, finally opened his eyes, looked at me with a complicated face, and shook his head firmly.

"Your temple is occupied by a monster, so you will have good fruit to eat? If this fact is found out by the underworld, you will not be happy either. You have to think about it carefully. Although I don't know what this monster has to do with you, but I I think the origins are quite deep, it is not uncommon for a majestic city god to willingly give up his temple."

I grinned, the other party was so scrupulous, it seems that I still have a chance.

Qinghe City God opened his mouth, glanced at me again, then nodded, sighed, and said slowly:

"Yes, this monster does have a deep relationship with me. About a few years ago when I took over the post of City God of Qinghe, I was out of the water for too long on the road, which caused me to change into my original shape and almost died in the forest. He saved me, I promised him one condition, and a few months ago, he found me, but he died physically, leaving behind a Yin body, but he was almost disorganized, and most importantly, he was hunted by the underworld. To use the power of my incense to condense, I agreed to him, and let him live in my statue, which can be regarded as the end of the cause and effect between us."

"As a result, the other party took possession of the nest and refused to give up your temple? You can't personally drive him away?"

I glanced at the very complicated and strange Qinghe City God, and asked aloud.

"Almost, but it's not that I don't want to drive him away, but it's too late. In just one month, the power of incense in my temple allowed him to stabilize his yin body, and he successfully escaped from the pursuit of ghosts. He started Gradually try this powerful taste, because the power of incense is very helpful to his cultivation, and he is lodged in my idol, and he can move freely in and around the temple. You should know, the temple As long as there is a master, all demons and ghosts will not trespass without authorization, and the consent of the temple master must be obtained."

A trace of memory appeared on the face of Qinghe City God, but it was replaced by anger: "He has my permission, coupled with the power of my idol, even I can't drive him away, you know, he can still use Isn’t it ridiculous to attack me with the power of my idol? Being attacked by my own idol, I think I’m the only useless city god in the world. What I want you to do is to force him out of the idol, even It is to drive him out of my temple. The cause and effect between us has long been over. When he comes out, I will not let him go. You are not ghosts, but mortals, and you are still ghost hunters. It must not be very difficult to force me out of the statue, or to move my statue out. I promise you that I will only leave the official seal of the city god on your back. No matter how many people there are, I can't help it. You don't want to , I have no choice but to think of another way, if it doesn’t work, I can only go to the underworld to find Lord Zhong Kui at the risk of danger.”

"Okay, I promise you, by the way, you said that your life was saved by him and turned into the original form in the forest? Are you a monster? No, how can a monster change into a human form? I know a few monsters , the most powerful one can only take away the human body and cultivate slowly. Could it be that you also took away the house? But in this way, why can you be the city god? Can you explain this problem for me, I don’t doubt you, I just want to grow more It’s just a quick experience, don’t be surprised.”

This serious question suddenly came to my mind.

Hearing this, Qinghe City God chuckled, and said: "City God can only be aquarium, and of course it also includes water ghosts. Water ghosts are promoted to city gods. You should have heard that I am not a water ghost, but a carp spirit that has been cultivated for 500 years. , because of concentrating on cultivation, and protecting some people, and by chance, I got a romantic relationship, so I was appointed and promoted to City God. There is a time limit, the first time I left my own waters, because I was too excited, I forgot to prepare, when I passed through the forest, I encountered fog and miasma, so I delayed the time to enter the water, and it was for this reason that I I was woken up by that monster."

"You have practiced for 500 years, and you have transformed into a human form, yet you are still lost by the miasma. This miasma is really powerful."

I rubbed my head and stared at Qinghe with a smile. I already had some speculations in my heart, but I was not sure. Since that monster really saved Qinghe, it must be a kind-hearted monster. How could he be hunted down by ghosts? Magpie's nest occupied by doves?So the misty miasma is almost indistinguishable from that monster.

"Yes, I thought it was weird at the beginning, but then... hey, let's not talk about it, I didn't know much before, and I was deceived by this guy. You will do it tonight. The Temple of the City God is by the river in Yonghe City, not too far away from here. Yuan, if things are settled, come to this box tomorrow night, and I will personally grant you the seal of the City God."

After Qinghe finished speaking, he poured himself another glass of wine and drank it down in one gulp.

"Do you know what the body of that monster is? If you know, it may be very helpful for my next actions."

I thought about it, and asked again.

He recalled it carefully, then shook his head, and said: "I don't know his real body, he also met me with his yin body, and his yin body turned into a human, so I don't know what his real body is, just It feels a little familiar."

I nodded, but didn't say anything, and left here directly.

"What's the matter? Lord Qinghe didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

In the teahouse, Yan'er personally brought me Xiaolongbao and Crystal Shrimp Dumplings, then sat next to me and asked.

"I didn't embarrass me. These gods have duties. The most important thing is to protect us. How could they embarrass me? He just wants me."

I stretched out my chopsticks to hold a small steamed bun, took a bite, and the hot juice flowed out. The taste was very delicious, but not greasy.

"I hope you can solve this trouble. He has been here longer than Lord You Yue. He has a headache. If you can help us solve the problem, Luo Yan and I will entertain you well."

Yan'er lifted her veil, picked up a pair of chopsticks, and picked up a crystal shrimp dumpling.

"Senior Lan Long'er has a very important relationship with a senior I've been friends with. Besides, Li Nianbai has lived here for so long, so he should help. By the way, You Yue is here."

I asked casually.

"He has already left here, thank God, Lord You Yue likes to drink and gets drunk easily, caused a lot of troubles these days, and made us worry, I heard that he went to your room, what did you say to him? Are you really the person he is looking for? That's right, you are from the Zhong family, so the ghost messenger is naturally looking for you, eat slowly, there will be more later."

Yan'er has become very familiar with me, although I have only met a few times.

When I was about to fill up, a few of them came late, and they all looked sleepy.

"Cousin, are your eyes okay?"

I looked at my cousin with a smile, and wanted to reach out to lift half of his glasses to see what was going on. From the previous conversation with Qinghe City God, I knew that monster was good at fog. If something unexpected happened, he would use it to hide Wake up, only my cousin can help.

"Ask me for something?"

With a blank expression on his face, the cousin picked up the chopsticks, picked up a crystal shrimp dumpling, and ate it slowly.

"Hey, of course."

I nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. They must be involved in this matter. Although Jiang He is a ghost doctor, he is the most powerful here. If necessary, the City God Statue will also need his help .

"Don't hide it. I heard from Luoyan that you have met the local city god. Is it about him? Tell me in detail."

My cousin stretched his chopsticks towards a small steamed bun again, and moved his mouth a few times. Li Nianbai and Jiang He ate with their heads down. Luoyan came over with a lot of breakfast in his hand, smiled and blinked at me.

I told several people about this, including this condition of course.

"Zhong Yuan, you have done a good job in this matter. I know that you have been afraid of water since you were a child. We went to the Snowy Land because of the water. Maybe the seal of the City God Official can save your life. Okay. Have a good breakfast, and then we will go to inspect the Temple of the City God, so we can plan our actions for tonight."

My cousin raised his head, raised the corners of his mouth, and showed a rare smile. Although he was very stiff, I froze there.

"What are you doing in a daze, go, get me an apple."

The cousin put down his chopsticks, and ordered.

"By the way, help me get a fruit platter. I know Luo Yan has made it. Hurry up."

Li Nianbai said to me while chewing his mouth.

"I just need a cup of clear tea, not too good, Dahongpao will be fine."

Jiang He sat very straight, Yan'er, who was doing the accounting on the counter, was taken aback for a moment, then showed a helpless expression, and began to look for the treasured Dahongpao.

After eating, it was already past seven o'clock in the morning, and we went directly to the Chenghuang Temple.

The Town God's Temple is built in the scenic belt of Yonghe City. It took us about half an hour to arrive. The style is similar to that of ordinary temples. Just when we arrived nearby, we saw many believers holding incense candles going to the Town God's Temple.

"I can't see that the Temple of the City God in Yonghe City is so prosperous. Qinghe City God has done a lot for these people for so many years, so he is so admired. Look at the archway, it is magnificent, and there are stone carvings and steps. Go to the temple of the tourist attraction."

I pointed to the endless stream of people in front of me, and said with a smile, it's only after seven o'clock, and so many people have come here. This Town God's Temple is really brilliant, which is rare in this era.

"It's good, but it's a pity that the evil spirit is soaring."

The cousin glanced at the sky above the temple, then slowly put down his glasses, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

I followed my cousin's line of sight and saw that there was nothing wrong with the sky above the temple, but it was cloudy, which made sense, after all, it was still early.

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