Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 202 [Jia Daoren]

"I can only feel that there is something wrong with the Temple of the City God. You can actually see it directly. The yin and yang magic eye is really extraordinary. It's only at this level. You can see the evil spirit. I'll go in first. We'd better separate Action, just gather here at noon."

Li Nianbai glanced at his cousin in surprise, with admiration on his face, but then strode forward and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"This monster shouldn't dare to do evil during the day. Everyone check the terrain separately. We have to find the place where we come in and where we escape. If we can't fight, at least we have to save a way out for ourselves."

Looking around, there are many believers. It stands to reason that at this hour, this monster should only be possessed by the statue and dare not come out.

"Well, be careful yourself."

The cousin nodded, and then went to the two sides with Jiang He.

20 meters in front of the Chenghuang Temple is the Qinghe River, the river is very calm, there are some scattered fishing boats on it, it seems normal.

After watching for a while, I followed the flow of people around me into the temple. Before I entered, I was stopped at the door. A Taoist in a yellow robe, around sixty, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, said to me: "Do you want to go to the Temple of the City God to worship the City God?"

I was a little stunned, and said, "I don't worship the City God, what are you doing here?"

"What kind of incense do you want to burn? Ordinary incense is [-], and high-grade incense is [-]. But I suggest you burn high-grade incense, so that you will be blessed by the city god. Young man, let me tell you, come here."

The Taoist waved at me, led me to the side, and said softly again: "Listen to my advice, burn high incense. If the city god is satisfied with your high incense, he will come to bless you."

I rolled my eyes, stared at the old Taoist priest with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and said, "It's too expensive, I can't afford it."

The yellow-robed Taoist priest immediately became unhappy when he heard the words. He stood up straight, cleared his throat, and said, "Even so, it's three sticks of incense, one hundred. Please go to the gate to pay and receive the incense."

I was taken aback again, and said, "Is this a tourist attraction or is it? A Town God's Temple even compulsively buy incense as a ticket?"

"How ugly is the ticket, young man, are you here to make trouble? Now, I'm going to call the security guard."

The yellow-robed Taoist gave me a grinning look.


I took a cold look at this yellow-robed Taoist priest, no, he is not a yellow-robed Taoist priest at all, he is just an ordinary person wearing a Taoist robe. Sleep very deeply, and then have nightmares? After waking up, do you feel powerless, palpitations, restlessness, as if something big happened?"

Hearing my words, the old Taoist who was planning to leave here stopped suddenly, looked at me in disbelief, then walked quickly to my side, and said softly: "How do you know? It's really like this, but this situation has been going on for many days. , It's strange to say that I am sleeping in this Temple of the City God, but I still have these nightmares, but after burning incense and worshiping the Lord of the City God, these so-called symptoms will disappear, but at night, they are still the same."

"Find a quiet place, let me talk to you, maybe it will help you."

I grinned and looked at this old man. From the first time I saw this old man, I felt that something was wrong with him. His face was sallow, covered with dark clouds, and his seal was black. When he was close to him, there was a very uncomfortable feeling. I feel that the most special thing is that he can still be so energetic in this state, which is fun.

"Okay, come with me."

The old man didn't doubt me. It seemed that he was suffering from the symptoms. He immediately panicked when he heard me tell the truth.

Passing through these crowds and bypassing the main hall, the old Taoist took me directly to the backyard. This backyard is not bad, the greening is well done, this place should be a place for them to rest, and there is actually a small A curved arch bridge crosses the bridge, and opposite is an octagonal pavilion. In the pavilion, there are two young people dressed as Taoist priests, who are eating melon seeds and chatting. When the old Taoist saw it, his face immediately became gloomy and he walked over. ,road:

"You little bastards, the front is so busy, you still have time to chat here? Do you want me to drive you out of the Town God's Temple? Make you homeless and continue wandering on the street?!"

Daoist Huangpao gritted his teeth in a high spirited manner, and went straight to the two young Taoist priests, reaching out his hand and hitting each of their heads hard.

One of the Taoist priests who looked thin immediately knelt on the ground and said: "Master, I don't dare anymore, I will go to the front yard with my junior brother to help now, you are always calm."

Another Taoist priest who looked younger saw his senior brother kneeling on the ground, and did not dare to hesitate to kneel beside him, but a pair of dark eyes rolled around, and finally landed on me, this kid, unexpectedly He stuck out his tongue at me.

"Hurry up, what are you doing here in a daze, the master has guests, don't let anyone come over to disturb you!"

The yellow-robed Taoist priest sat on the stone bench and spoke angrily.

The thin Taoist priest nodded desperately when he heard the words, and then rushed towards the front yard with his own strength.

"I made you laugh, my two incompetent disciples."

The yellow-robed Taoist pointed to the stool opposite and said with a slight smile.

I sat down, glanced at the yellow-robed Taoist priest, and said with some surprise: "I can't see that you still have a little bit of Taoism, but you still accept disciples. Since you have the ability, why can't you solve it?"

The yellow-robed Taoist gave me an embarrassing look, then sighed, and slowly said: "I do have some simple abilities to exorcise ghosts. These are all learned when I was young. Hey, I have tried a lot. Again, there is nothing I can do. When I went to bed at night, I even asked for incense in front of the City God, but I couldn't get rid of this weird dream. The strange thing is, but it's not the entanglement of dream ghosts. Don't you think it's strange? Strange, it has been like this for the past few months, if this continues, I will leave here."

"It seems that you are still kept in the dark. You don't even know that the city god has changed. Now the monster has occupied the statue. You can't drive him away with the incense. The monster has already been contaminated by the breath of the statue. Xiang can't force him away."

I grabbed a lot of melon seeds, knocked them, and opened my mouth. These melon seeds are not bad, with a creamy taste.

"Impossible, Lord Chenghuang reported my dream to me. The reason why I asked believers to buy incense at the front door was because Lord Chenghuang reported a dream. And every time he appeared in my dream, my nightmare would dissipate, and the next day When I go to worship, some bad things in my body will disappear, how could it be a monster? Moreover, it is impossible for evil spirits and monsters to enter the Temple of the City God. Seeing that you are also a practitioner, you don’t understand this truth, do you?”

The yellow-robed Taoist secretly broke into a cold sweat.

"Of course I understand, but Lord Chenghuang has some relationship with this monster. The monster's physical body has dissipated, leaving only a Yin body. It was Lord Chenghuang who let him live in. With the help of incense, he can restore his Yin body and get rid of the ghost's pursuit. To be honest, I am Zhong Yuan, the patriarch of the Zhong family. This monster must have made a big mistake when he was hunted down by ghost messengers. Now this monster occupies the Temple of the City God, and the City God cannot return. I just asked me to come and help him. Your nightmare is also like this What the demon did, his purpose of doing this is to let you help gather incense and increase his own strength."

After sorting out my thoughts, I told the Taoist priest in Huangpao about this matter. He should be in charge of the Town God Temple. If we have his help, we will definitely save a lot of trouble.

"It turns out to be the Zhong family. They are so young, and they are fearsome. Hello, my name is Jia Daoren. According to what you said, I'm afraid it really happened. However, this monster has been in the Town God's Temple for several months. I'm afraid I can't deal with it. Monsters are stronger than ghosts, and these monsters can do magic."

Hearing this name and looking at his attire, I immediately grinned. Jia Daoren was a little puzzled, and looked at me eagerly, hoping to get a solution from me.

In fact, he was a little happy at first, after all, the more expensive the incense sold in the Temple of the City God, the more it would help his income, but the fake City God in the dream asked him to use all the money to buy incense, so that He had a great headache.

"Spell? It's just the secret technique equivalent to our ghost hunters, hehe, don't forget, I told you before that this demon's physical body is dead, and now it's just a Yin body, and there is no physical body to attach to. It exists in the statue, don't worry, I will come over with a few friends to eliminate the demon at eleven o'clock tonight, and you will cooperate with us when the time comes."

I stood up, stared at Jia Daoren, and said with a smile.

"There is one more thing I don't know. How do you know that the real City God has changed?"

Jia Daoren stared at me, and spoke with a hint of doubt.

"Because he was the one who found me. Originally, he wanted to ask the underworld ghost messenger for help, but he didn't meet him. Instead, he met me. Maybe you don't believe me, but since you are from Yonghe City, Jiulongzhai should know."

I glanced at Jia Daoren and put my hands in my pockets.

Hearing Jiulongzhai, Jia Daoren froze for a moment, with a look of longing on his face, seeing me staring at him, he immediately regained his composure, coughed a few times and said, "Of course I know about Jiulongzhai, but Jiulongzhai only caters to Yin gods. You are a living person, so how could you go? Did you get invited? What is your relationship with the Veteran? Can you recommend one or two for me?"

"No, Jiulongzhai doesn't entertain the living, but my relationship with Jiulongzhai is unusual, so don't ask too much, aren't you doing a good job in this Town God's Temple? Why do you want to change places? I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with this monster. Then he troubled you?"

I stared at him with a sneer, his face flushed red.

"Forget it, if I help you this time and you don't succeed in driving them away, it's no wonder he doesn't bother me."

Jia Daoren laughed a lot in his voice, then lowered his head, not daring to look directly at me.

"Don't worry, don't forget my identity. I'm going to the City God's Hall to see how capable that monster is, to have so many followers."

I waved at Jia Daoren, then left the Bajiao Pavilion, crossed the arch bridge, and went to the front yard.

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