Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 203 [Strange things by the river]

It is now around 09:30 in the morning, and the number of people has not decreased but increased, because this time is a peak period for the Temple of the City God, and most of the people who come to worship are elderly believers. I found that these believers have a common The characteristic is that the eyes are different from ordinary people, and they are all crazy. Many people are rushing to buy Gaoxiang at the door, shouting "Master Chenghuang".

When I arrived at the City God Hall, the surrounding area was even more blocked. There was a huge incense burner in front of the hall, and many believers inserted the burning incense in their hands into it, and at the same time kowtowed around. I managed to squeeze into the hall.

The City God Hall is also simple, except for the statue and some ordinary facilities, there is nothing wrong with it. There are many yellow cloths hanging from the beams around, and some runes are written on it with cinnabar. It is similar to the appearance and appearance of the Qinghe City God I saw before, but it looks more mighty. The facial features are carved very finely, just like a real person. There is a red cloak on top of the statue, and there are many futons below. There were nine incense burners on the altar table in front of them, and sandalwood incense of different thicknesses were inserted in the incense burners. White smoke was permeated in the hall, and the strong sandalwood fragrance was very pungent, and everyone's figures changed in the white mist. It got a little hazy.

Well, the censer has been moved directly in front of the statue, why not ask someone to move the statue to the front yard in a dream, and then place incense burners around it?Wouldn't it be faster to absorb the power of incense like this? !

I glanced at the statue of the city god, and thought contemptuously, of course, I just thought about it in my heart, if I said this on the spot, I would not guarantee that I would be besieged by these guys.

There are very devout believers kneeling in front of each futon. Some of these believers are holding sandalwood, and some are holding horns and hexagrams. The Niujiao hexagram fell on the ground and divided into two, one up and the other down, which is also the so-called holy grail, a kind of appellation, which means consent, promise, etc., and if all smooth and flat sides face up, it is a Yin hexagram. All the bulges facing upwards are Yang hexagrams, and the latter two types both indicate bad phenomena.

I found that many believers played the holy grail, and it was the same for one person several times. When I looked closely at the statue of the city god, a red light shot out from the eyes, directly hitting the hexagram. It was this red light that changed the hexagram image.

Glancing around, I didn't dare to act rashly, so I quietly exited the hall. At the same time, I thought to myself, this statue is as tall as an ordinary person, but I don't know if it is made of all stone sculpture, or something is mixed in. I think Jiang He should be able to do it with his strength. Move it, or see how to force this monster out of the statue.

When I came out, the dull surroundings improved a little. It was only past ten o’clock, and my cousins ​​didn’t come out. I walked directly to the river. There was a high guardrail by the river, made of stainless steel. I lay on it and went down. From the looks of it, it's not very high from the river, only one or two meters away. I was thinking, if there is a flood, wouldn't it be flooded?Because the terrain here is not high, when the flood comes, it cannot be stopped.

There are many people by the river, and there will be long wooden benches at intervals for people to rest. I was looking for a bench to rest when I heard crying not far away.

Turning around and looking into the distance, there are already many people surrounded in the distance, I hurried over, there is no fence in this place, but stone steps submerged in the water, on the stone steps, a woman in white is hugging A posthumous portrait crying dimly.

And beside the woman, there was a brazier, and a middle-aged man threw paper money into the brazier with a sad face.

"Little Treasure, Mom told you not to come to play by the river. If you don't believe me, now that you're gone, how do you want Mom to live!..."

The cry was very miserable. I walked over and saw the portrait in the woman's arms. It was a boy who looked seven or eight years old. Back, some people on the boat had stretched out their pennies. Seeing this scene, my heart skipped a beat, as if I had returned to a few months ago.

In the pond at the back gate of our school, there was also a boat fishing for Yinghong's body, and the scene was similar to this.

"Little treasure mother, don't cry, I told you to go to the Town God's Temple to burn incense and worship, if you don't believe me, you were still making noise there a few days ago, now you should repay the child, the child is innocent Ah, you have sinned against the gods!"

An aunt next to her pointed at the woman. Apart from this aunt, there were also many onlookers, but most of these onlookers came out of the Town God's Temple and pointed at the woman. The woman seemed to be in a daze, she didn't care, she just kept crying.

"You guys are endless! If you want to worship, do it yourself. Since you are a god, why don't you protect my little treasure?! Instead, you want to drown him. Is this still a god?"

The man who had been silent for a long time, silently burning paper money finally spoke. His eyes were red, like an angry lion, and he roared at the people around him.

However, his words only attracted more reprimands.

I reached out and patted an aunt next to me, squeezed out a smile, and asked, "Auntie, what happened here?"

The aunt was dressed very fashionable, she was still holding the yellow talisman she had asked for from the Town God's Temple, she had a dignified face, when she saw me, she suddenly smiled, then leaned towards me, and said to me: "It seems that you still don't know, you are You are from other places, come on, aunt is in a good mood today, let's chat with you."

After finishing speaking, I didn't let me explain. She grabbed my hand and sat down on a long wooden bench. The aunt squeezed my face and said with a smile: "Young man, what are you doing here? Are you also here to pay respects?" City God's?"

"Mom, you haven't answered my question yet."

I moved my body, why are all the female friends in Yonghe City so enthusiastic and unrestrained?

"Oh, you're asking Xiaobao's mother. It's a pity for Xiaobao. It's all because he has such a mother. It's just the wrong birth. Xiaobao's parents are vendors who set up a stall near the Town God's Temple, selling some oil. Fried food, Xiaobao often does homework here, and occasionally sneaks into the Chenghuang Temple to play. Just yesterday, Xiaobao went in again. Such a small child, going to the Chenghuang Temple to play every day, isn’t it related to the gods? Xiaobao’s mother wants to go in Looking for a child, I didn’t prepare for it, and was stopped, so I yelled there, isn’t this offending the gods, Xiaobao fell into the river early this morning, and now the couple are asking someone to find the body.”

Big Mom sighed.

"Often run to the Town God's Temple? Besides Xiao Bao, are there other children running there?"

My heart skipped a beat, and I asked again.

Aunt looked at me with some surprise, and said strangely: "How do you know?"

I grinned, stood up, and said, "I've finished asking my questions, thank you aunt."

Then I slipped away, of course, I passed the poor couple, this stone staircase is very wide, I think it used to be a pier, I was on the other side, and I took a look at a few corpse boats, from seven in the morning I mistook it for a fishing boat when it was past one o'clock. I didn't expect that more than three hours had passed, and there was still no news. The river was very calm, and there were almost no waves, just like a mirror. Even if Xiaobao fell into the water , and will not be rushed too far, the only explanation, that should be the fake City God in the City God Temple, now reaching out to these children, it is estimated that other children will have accidents in the next few days, so tonight must To resolve this matter.

No wonder there are ghosts from the underworld chasing him, and they actually kill people!

I walked down a few stone steps and reached out to touch the river water. It wasn't too cold, and the temperature was okay. I hesitated a bit, and walked up to the woman. He had a pair of small sneakers beside him, and there were some water marks under the shoes. But I did a lot, and it should be the belongings of the drowned. I walked over and grabbed a shoe.

"You...what do you want to do!"

The woman suddenly grabbed my feet and asked with tears in her eyes.

"Help you find your son, but you need his personal belongings. If you want to find it as soon as possible, you'd better need the blood of your loved ones."

I don't have as many skills as my cousin, so I can only use this stupid method, hoping that Xiaobao's soul has not left Qinghe, otherwise I can't do it, the only thing I have to do now is to cast a spell to let Xiaobao sense his closest relatives position, allowing the corpse to surface automatically.

The reason why I did this was because I wanted to see Xiaobao's death symptoms, and to see whether it was the monster in the Town God's Temple who claimed that it was really me who accidentally fell into the river and drowned.

After hearing what I said, the woman let go of her hand, looked at me dubiously, and remained silent for a long time.

"Use mine."

The man next to me stood up and handed it to me. I didn't hesitate, and I didn't care about the surprised eyes from the people around me. I pulled out the Fumo Sword, pressed it, and the sword body popped out, and then cut a small slit on the man's arm. , blood was spilled on the shoe, I nodded, and then asked Xiaobao's real name, then let go of the man's arm, and then stood by the river, holding the shoe with one hand and the Demon Demon Sword with the other, Muttering:

"Thousands of laws and universes, guided by blood, the little treasure of the Zhao family..."

After chanting the incantation, I threw my hand directly. The shoe fell into the water. The shoe actually began to sink into the water and disappeared. I stood beside me, and the young man stood motionless beside me, staring at the rippling water. On the surface of the river, his face was full of anticipation, but at the same time there was also a hint of sadness. He looked very nervous, with his hands clenched into fists.

After a while, two meters in front of us, suddenly bubbles appeared, and amidst the splashes, Xiaobao floated up from the river, and his body gradually floated to the shore. Xiaobao's father stretched out his arms and hugged him I came up and put it on the steps. I took a look at Xiaobao's appearance, and suddenly felt the hairs on my back stand up and my scalp explode.

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