Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 204 [Carp Demon]

Seeing the appearance of her son, the woman forgot to cry, and was still sitting on the stone steps holding the black and white photo of her son tightly in her hands. The man stood beside me, silent, and finally turned his head to stare at me. There was a look of begging.

Little Treasure's appearance was very strange. Although his whole body was wet, it seemed that he had indeed drowned and forgotten, but his stomach was very dry. It was obvious that the water did not enter the stomach. Did he die first and then be thrown into the water?I can't explain this strange phenomenon. What shocked me the most was that his eyes were opened, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, as if he was smiling, very happy.

He was lying motionless on the steps, his eyes staring at the void. Seeing this scene, I was a little horrified, but I still squatted down, holding the Demon Subduing Sword tightly with one hand, and touched his chest with the other. , the body was already stiff, there was no heartbeat, I hesitated, stretched out my hand to put on his pale face, covered his face, and muttered softly:

"Little Treasure, rest in peace."

Then he flicked his hand down, sighed and withdrew his hand, his eyes were closed, but the corners of his mouth were still raised, showing a happy smile. Just when I was feeling surprised, Xiaobao suddenly opened his eyes again, round and round, It looks scary.

"Little treasure!"

Seeing this, the woman suddenly howled and rushed forward, shaking Xiaobao's stiff body.

This is death, I gritted my teeth, reached out to grab Xiaobao's cold hands, and said, "Xiaobao, go at ease, I will avenge you."

His eyeballs seemed to move, staring at me, with a smile still on the corner of his mouth, I let go of my hand, unexpectedly his small palm held me, and a clear and clear child's voice sounded in my mind: "Definitely To avenge me."

I nodded, and suddenly felt a little heat in my chest, and a dark wind was blowing around me. I withdrew my hand and turned to look at the river. Li held the Demon Subduing Sword tightly, ready to strike at any time.

Unexpectedly, he nodded at me, and said: "I didn't expect to meet Mr. Zhong Yuan here. The child has a lot of resentment. It should not be a normal death. Please ask Mr. Zhong Yuan to find out."

The voice is a woman, she is not the ghost messenger who had a grudge against me last time, I immediately heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

A dark chain shot out from the cloak of the ghost messenger and sank into Xiaobao's body. Xiaobao's soul was pulled out. I took a closer look, and Xiaobao was covered by a layer of green flames. I was a little unwilling. He even wanted to break free from the iron chain, but the haunted ghost whispered something in his ear, and then stared at my position with red eyes, Xiaobao turned around, bowed deeply to me, Then they went to the river with the ghost messenger. They walked directly on the river surface. After walking about five meters, the figures began to blur and gradually disappeared.

His eyes were closed, the corners of his mouth did not move up, and he returned to his normal appearance. I left here and walked to the Temple of the City God in a state of distraught. The three of them were already waiting for me there.

Seeing that I was depressed, Li Nianbai grinned and said, "What happened? Could it be that monster also made a move during the day?"

I nodded, then shook my head in contradiction, glanced at the location of the Town God's Temple, and said, "He did it, but he didn't do it to me, but to a child. Just now, one drowned and died. The child, I checked his body, the essence has been sucked away."

"Don't let the children go?! Damn monster!"

Li Nianbai gritted his teeth and spat in the direction of the Town God's Temple, while Jiang He stared at the river in the distance with a solemn expression, and said, "It's probably not that simple. If it's really like this, can he still enjoy the incense here? These Believers have already smashed the temple."

"That's true, I heard from my aunt before that Xiaobao often goes to the Temple of the City God, but yesterday his mother went to the temple to look for him, because she refused to buy incense, she quarreled with them, and even said a lot of disrespectful words At that time, many believers scolded him and said that he would get retribution, but today Xiaobao fell into the water and died, this monster is really cunning! He even knows how to take advantage of it!"

I squeezed my fist and said coldly.

"Let's not talk about it, we will see the outcome in the evening."

My cousin left here first, and I had to follow closely. When we arrived at Jiulongzhai, Luoyan had already prepared lunch for us, but thinking of the drowned Xiaobao, I couldn’t swallow it. When did I become so sentimental again?Have the dead seen less?Why is my heart so uncomfortable?

"Zhong Yuan, are you not hungry? Is it because my cooking is not delicious?!"

Luoyan stood behind me with his hands on his hips.

"Luoyan, don't bother him, you go to the kitchen."

Yan'er came over, patted Luoyan on the shoulder, and winked at her, Luoyan froze for a moment, then slipped into the kitchen.

After barely eating a few mouthfuls, I went back to my room and closed the door.

Originally, I just wanted people around me to live happily and safely. Now, it seems that after my ability is awakened, some things are beginning to ferment, expand, and develop in a state that I cannot recover. Things are developing more and more unbelievably, but all this seems to be doomed somewhere.

Shaking my head, I drank a cup of tea, closed my eyes, rested for a while, and started to practice, because there may be a fierce battle tonight, I still have to review the secret art of the Zhong family, the demon sword technique.

My cousin and the others also went back to their room, they were making preparations, only Li Nianbai walked back and forth in our room, not taking it seriously at all.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, we walked together, left Jiulongzhai, and went straight to the Town God's Temple. The Town God's Temple is by the river, and there are not many buildings around it. The weather is not good, it will rain at any time, so there are almost no people here.

It was already eleven o'clock when we arrived at Chenghuang Temple.

I knocked on the door, and after a while, Jia Daoren opened the door for us, but he was full of panic, followed by two disciples, he was relieved when he saw me, and hurriedly invited us in.

Before arriving at the City God's Hall, I stood still, and then said to Jiang He, "You don't have to go in, if it's really not possible, I'll ask you to come in again."

Jiang He nodded, pulled the medical kit on his shoulder, and smiled slightly.

Pushing open the door of the main hall, Li Nianbai, my cousin and I walked in, Jia Daoren came in with two disciples, suddenly a gust of cold wind mixed with water vapor blew in from outside the door, the yellow cloth in the temple was shaken by the blowing, The statue of the City God sat there motionless.

After the cousin closed the door, he took out a yellow talisman from his pocket, and slammed it hard on the door panel.

"How courageous, you dare to break into the temple of this seat!"

The sound of urn and urn came from where the statue was, with a hint of anger.

"The magpie's nest is occupied by the dove! Are you ashamed to say that this Town God's Temple is yours? If you don't come out again, don't blame me for smashing your shelter!"

I looked at the god statue coldly, and spoke unceremoniously, thinking of Xiaobao who drowned during the day, I suddenly became furious, directly drew out the Fumo sword, activated the first rune formation, and a faint silver light shone on the sword .

"It's a joke, this Town God's Temple was originally owned by the deity, but Qinghe took the lead. You guys still have time to leave. A small town house talisman is like trapping me. I'm overwhelmed!"

There was a hint of disdain in the voice, huff, and there was a soft sound behind me, and the yellow talisman that my cousin had posted started to burn automatically, and finally turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Cousin, look at his true form."

I spoke to my cousin next to me. If I can see what kind of monster he is, it will be easier to find a way to deal with it.

"Thousands of heaven and earth, yin and yang are boundless, and the eyes of magic are opened!"

The cousin took off his glasses, the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, his right eye was closed, his left eye had already turned into chaos, and the chaos began to gradually transform into a black and white yin-yang fish slowly turning in his eyes, and a smear of gray light shone on the statue.

A burst of red light suddenly appeared in the statue, and a carp with fleshy whiskers flashed out in the red light, but the red carp fell into the statue after struggling a few times.

"Carp essence? Are you from the Shui tribe? What is your relationship with Qinghe City God?"

I was slightly taken aback, because Qinghe Chenghuang told me that he is aquarium, but this monster is also aquarium, and it also happens to be a red carp. Could there be any relationship between the two of them?

"Hmph, what's the matter? It seems that he is hiding something from you. I am his brother, Qing Shui. He invited you to surrender to me? Haha, he is so old-fashioned that he even sent a few little babies to die No matter, sucking up your energy can also boost my cultivation."

Shimizu's voice was insane.

"I don't care if you are Qinghe City God's younger brother or not. I just want to ask you, is it what you said that Zhao Xiaobao drowned today and his energy was sucked away? Are you being hunted down by ghosts because you hurt people?!"

Raising my head, I pointed the demon sword at the statue and spoke loudly.

"So what? You humans prey on us, don't you deserve to die? Human children's energy is very pure. I like it very much. It's a pity. If there are more stray children here, I can eat more energy." , How about this, help me find a child, and I can spare your life."

Qing Shui laughed loudly, and there was an evil red light in the eyes of the idol.

"You...you really should go to the underworld! No, it's your soul flying away, read Bai, do it, cousin, Luezhen!"

I gritted my teeth, stepped forward, and the demon-subduing sword in my hand went straight to the head of the idol, but just as the demon-subduing sword in my hand was thrust out, suddenly the idol raised its arm and directly blocked it. At this moment, he stood up completely and jumped off the altar.


A big hole was directly stepped on the ground by the statue.

Looking at this scene, Jia Daoren was already stunned, and it was the two little apprentices who carried him away from the left and the right.

Li Nianbai and I started to attack the statue. Although the statue can move beyond our imagination, it does not hinder our fiery hearts.

The point of the sword pierced on it, making the sound of golden swords clashing, and even splashed a lot of sparks when it was stabbed on it.

Oops, my Fumo Sword couldn't hurt this idol, Li Nianbai retracted his ebony sword, and stared at me in surprise, it seems that his ebony sword couldn't hurt this idol, this is really bad !

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