Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 207 [Brothers Enmity]

"What are you doing standing so high?"

I stared at Li Nianbai curiously, and asked aloud.

Li Nianbai smiled mysteriously, pretending to be thinking, then raised his head and said: "With you in the melee combat, I will not get in the way. I will drive the ebony sword to help you. Of course, the most important thing is that my spellcasting is Can't be bothered because I'm not very proficient. Also, what do you think will happen? We're facing an aquarium monster, and we're by the river. If you think about it, you'll see why I stand so high .”

"Oops! Cousin, Jiang He, let's go!"

Thinking about it carefully, I was slightly startled, and I grabbed the hands of the two of them and ran towards the Temple of the City God.

"I want to leave now, don't you think it's too late? No one has ever hurt me and was able to leave my sight alive. Others are like this, and you are no exception!"

A very large eddy suddenly appeared on the calm river surface, with the sound of splashing water, and one of them came out of the eddy, it was Qingshui, the carp monster. Yang, the water is coming straight towards us. The surface of these two water streams exudes a faint red light, just like glazed emeralds. It is very beautiful, and of course, its power is not small.

I let go of the hands of the two of them, raised my sword and slashed towards one of the water streams, while Li Nianbai on the archway grabbed the ebony sword and threw it down, the ebony sword immediately turned into a gray light, and slashed towards the other water stream .

These streams of water couldn't be broken up at all, or in other words, my Fumo Sword was indeed hit, but it slipped out from the other end. I was slightly startled, and the red stream of water quickly entangled me and wrapped me up. Suddenly, I felt as if I had fallen into a big water. As soon as I opened my mouth to breathe, water poured into my mouth.

"Dharma Eye Formation, broken!"

My cousin opened his left eye, and a gray light shone on me. A slowly rotating Tai Chi figure appeared under my feet. The red light on the water flow on my body disappeared immediately when it was illuminated by the Tai Chi figure. I was drenched all over by ordinary river water, and I was choking with cold.

"Yin-Yang Dharma Eye? No wonder you are so confident and dare to find me, but your ability is still too weak, Yin-Yang Dharma Eye is not something you can master now."

Qing Shui smiled coldly, stepped forward with his toes, and immediately a wave rose from under his feet to support him towards us, and he had already crossed the fence, only about ten meters away from us.

"Thousand laws of heaven and earth, the soul of the seven stars, the thunder of the star god punishes evil spirits, and is as urgent as a law!"

Li Nianbai's crisp voice sounded, and the ebony sword flew over the clear water, turning into seven clusters of stars, and the brilliance of the stars sprinkled down, clusters of star thunder were brewing, ready to pour down at any time.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Do it!"

Li Nianbai stood there motionless and yelled at me.

However, Qing Shui still moved. Although it was very slow, his body began to leave the range covered by the stars. He was not so confident now, but became very frightened and angry.

"Dharma Eye Formation, sleepy!"

Black and white yin and yang reappeared under Qingshui's feet. On the yin and yang diagram, he could no longer move, and finally showed panic and fear.

I took a deep breath, everyone took action, then now, use the Dao pattern in the palm to destroy him directly, avenge the persecuted people, and avenge Xiaobao!

"How is it possible?! How could it trap me!"

Qing Shui struggled inside, but was still unable to move.


Groups of fist-sized star god thunders fell from the sky, and these god thunders exploded Qing Shui's body, especially the splashes under his feet, which directly turned into ordinary river water and fell to the ground.

I don't dare to hesitate. My blow is related to the lives of several of us. If it doesn't succeed, the other party will be relieved, and we will not be able to resist. There is only one dead end, so I will not hold back this blow. After putting away the Fumo Sword, the power of hunting ghosts frantically surged into the palm of my hand, and I felt that my palm began to split little by little, as if a knife was carving strokes in the palm of my hand. Pain came from the palm.

"The Dao pattern in the palm, transforming the universe, and the pattern transforming into a demon-killing talisman, now!"

Raising the palm, the golden light overflowed from the palm, and the golden dao pattern in the palm began to swim in twists and turns, and finally turned into an ancient talisman. The golden light was dazzling, and no one could see the appearance of this talisman clearly. Knowing that it was covered by the golden light, I slapped the clear water hard with my palm.

But what surprised me was that my palm was not imprinted on Qing Shui's body, but was used by Qinghe City God. He had a faint yellow glow all over his body, and stood there gnashing his teeth. When Qing Shui saw the City God appearing as He blocked the palm, a little startled, but he soon regained his composure, and roared with a ferocious expression on his face:

"Why do you want to save me? I don't want you to save me. Even if I lose my soul, I don't care if you save my life. Get out of the way!"

Qing Shui forcibly twisted his body around, sticking out his palms. At this moment, he was already disfigured by the lightning strike of the Star God, and red scales appeared on his arms.


Qing Shui pulled Chenghuang away, and my palm was printed on Qing Shui's chest. I could even feel my palm being hit by the thunder of stars and gods surrounding him. At first, my whole arm felt a sharp pain, and finally I lost consciousness. It's ridiculous , I was not injured by Qing Shui, but by Li Nianbai's Star God Thunder.

Seeing this situation, Li Nianbai on the archway immediately stretched out his hand and made a move, the seven clusters of starlight in the sky merged into one, turned into an ebony sword and fell into his hand, and the light of the stars disappeared.

"Zhong Yuan, stop, I can agree to your conditions as promised and print the official seal of the City God for you."

Qinghe City God saw that his younger brother was about to lose his soul, so he spoke anxiously, he is the official City God, he has divine light to protect his body, and his evil spirit has receded. He can live in peace, but Qingshui is different, he is a Yin body, and kills too much, and the Demon Slayer Talisman has a great effect on him.

"I can't hold back, the dao pattern has appeared, I can't control it, unless it can make me lose consciousness."

I gritted my teeth and wanted to withdraw my hand, but I couldn't control it at all. I had already exceeded my own strength to perform this technique, and it was too late to withdraw my hand.

"Then offended!"

Chenghuang came to me, and before I could react, I lost consciousness.


When I woke up, it was already noon the next day, before I opened my eyes, Jiang He had already started preparing Chinese medicine for me, but there is a kitchen here, there is no need to cook it in my room, he knows that I am very tired Hate this liquid, even though the decoction was placed next to me, I could still smell it.

I planned to sit up with my hands on the bed, but when I moved my left arm, a piercing pain came, and I couldn't help but let out a scream.

"Are you awake? Don't move, I'm coming!"

Hearing this, Jiang He immediately ran to my bed, stretched out his hand to support me, and when I leaned against the head of the bed, he quickly picked up a bowl of steaming traditional Chinese medicine from the side and handed it to me, directly pinching my nose and saying: "Drink him up, and I can tell you what happened after the coma."

Then I looked at me with a smile, and I glanced at my arm, which was already wrapped in bandages, like a mummy.

Hey, I gulped it down, my mouth was filled with bitterness, my chest was a little stuffy, and I felt a strong sense of vomiting. It took me a while to get used to it.

Jiang He let go of my nose, then put away the bowl, and went straight to the door.

"Wait, you cunning guy, didn't you say what happened after you told me?"

I rubbed my drowsy head with the other hand. The power of hunting ghosts has recovered a lot, but it has not fully recovered, and my mind is still relatively drowsy.

"I saved you. At worst, you can drink traditional Chinese medicine to help you prepare a candy in the future. Well, your cousin will tell you about this. There is still medicine in the kitchen that hasn't been fried, so I can't do it here. delay."

Jiang He glanced at me with a smile on his face, frowned again before leaving, looked at me with a blue face, and walked out laughing.

After a while, my cousin and Li Nianbai arrived late.

"I know that I will use the Dao pattern in my palm to attack me closely, Li Nianbai, when will you be able to control your secret technique freely? Don't tell me that some spells cannot be changed after being cast. I only know that the Star God Thunder is Derived from the big formation formed by your ebony sword, hum! My arms are scorched by you, if I become disabled, I..."

I took a glance and saw Li Nianbai shrank behind his cousin, poked his head out, grinned at me, and said:

"Little Yuanyuan, don't be angry. I'm already in control. Didn't I withdraw the big formation in the end? It wouldn't be so easy if it was before."

After speaking, he blinked at me a few times.

"Okay, I won't pursue it anymore. How did I pass out? What happened next?"

I leaned against the head of the bed, stared at my cousin quietly, and asked, my cousin expressed it much more clearly than the two of them.

My cousin sat by my bed, thought for a while, and then said: "It was the Qinghe City God who confused you, but there is nothing serious, you are just unconscious, your palm almost made Qing Shui's soul fly away, no, it should be the soul fly away , but the city god cast a spell to let him reunite his yin body, but he lost his spiritual wisdom. The city god put his brother Qingshui's yin body directly into a red carp in the small pond in the backyard of the city god's temple to practice again. "

"He promised me the seal of the City God Official!"

I stared at my cousin, this Qinghe City God won't go back on his word. I didn't expect this monster to be his own brother. Although the two brothers have turned against each other, it is estimated that Qinghe City God wants to use our power to eradicate Qingshui. He can't help himself. Secondly, Qing Shui is his younger brother, so he can't make a move, otherwise he won't be able to block the Dao pattern in my palm and cut off the power of the Dao pattern, otherwise Qing Shui will be directly scattered by the demon-killing talisman in his palm .

A lot of things must have happened between them, but I don't have the heart to take care of it anymore, and I can't intervene in it. I only know that Qing Shui has a deep grudge against his brother.

"Don't worry, the official seal of the City God is already on your back. He used a big seal to imprint it that night, but he said that it will only appear when it encounters water. By the way, he also told us not to tell it. , so that the official seal is so amazing, the water-repelling beads are much better than this official seal."

Li Nianbai rolled his eyes at the side, looking very disdainful.

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