Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 208 [Emperor Queen's Land]

"Why can't I feel it at all?"

I stretched my other hand back from my shoulder, scratched my back, and asked.

"Should I try throwing you into the river? We are all present, he is the City God after all, how could he break the contract and break his promise? And this result is what he wants to see the most."

Li Nianbai shrugged, walked to the window, opened it, and the bright sunlight poured in, bringing warmth to the dark room.

"Cough cough..."

I covered my mouth and coughed lightly. Although I drank some medicine, I was still a little groggy. It seemed that my body became weaker all of a sudden. Even a little cold made me weak. This feeling was strange but familiar.

Maybe it's because my body was soaked and I fought with the carp demon Qingshui for so long yesterday, not only exhausted my physical strength, but also exhausted my power to hunt ghosts, but what I'm most worried about is that my body will become weaker when I cast the dao pattern in my palm up.

My cousin put his hand on my forehead. His hand was a little cold, but it was slowly getting hot. He withdrew his hand, a look of surprise appeared on his cold face, and said, "Why do you still have a cold? How come you still have a cold?" Fever so severe?"

"It's just a small cold, it's not that serious."

Li Nianbai quickly walked over from the window, and at the same time put his hand on my forehead, and stared at me in surprise for a moment, then he put his hand on my back, and shouted strangely: Drenched with sweat."

"If it was someone else, I wouldn't worry about it, but when my cousin got a cold when he was young, you know, it took him a whole month to get better. It was after that drowning that he caught a cold and kept comatose, talking nonsense, Then he woke up and didn't remember what happened, I thought he had a brain burnt out."

My cousin stood up with a solemn face, and started walking around my bed, with his hands in his trouser pockets, wondering what he was thinking.

"I just feel weak and dizzy. I don't feel any discomfort. It's not as serious as you said."

I glanced at my cousin and asked in a soft voice. Every time my cousin has a solemn expression and paces back and forth, I know that nothing good will happen. I hope I won't be guessed this time.

My cousin raised his head and glanced at me, and said: "This is just the beginning, and then you will fall asleep and have a high fever. Too bad, grandpa is gone, and I don't know if Jiang He can heal you. Does Li Nianbai have alcohol?" And cotton wool, we must ensure that his body temperature is normal, and we need to wipe his whole body with alcohol at all times."

"Why don't you go straight to the hospital?"

Li Nianbai asked curiously.

My cousin smiled wryly, and said: "Don't, you can say that he has a cold, or you can say that it's not. This symptom may be related to the Dao pattern in his palm. I don't know. I don't want him to be caught again after he recovers." Sent to a mental hospital, when he spoke, he completely changed into another person. This feeling was very strange. At that time, only grandpa was taking care of him, and the rest were driven out of the room, but grandpa did not send him away. Going into the hospital, I think there is naturally a reason for grandpa, at that time grandpa just ordered uncle to prepare alcohol and cotton pads, so now, you should prepare too."

"Cousin, do you mean that you will enter a state of insanity? And it will last for a month?"

I shook my head, trying to keep myself awake.

"You should have been in a coma for a month when you were young, but I can't guarantee it now. After all, you are so old now, and some aspects such as physical fitness will determine the time you fell asleep, so I can't be sure. By the way, I still have to Tell you a little bit, besides I will disinfect you with alcohol cotton, I will also tie you up, because I don’t know what you will do, and I don’t know whether your consciousness is clear or not, Because Grandpa was alone in the room at the time, he didn't tell us about your situation."

The cousin pursed his lips and spoke.

"How is my arm injury? Can it be recovered?"

I broke into a cold sweat secretly. I had never had this strange disease before, or if it happened, my memory became blurred.

"Don't worry, with Jiang He here, you will be fine, and it was only a small part of the Star God Thunder back then."

My cousin spoke coldly, looking at my cousin's face, it suddenly began to gradually blur, and I fell into a coma.

In my sleep, I came to a place, this place was an endless sea, with no end in sight, but the land under me was crimson, and cracked, spreading in all directions like a spider web, some cracks There was still a trace of flames, and I lifted my foot, but I didn't feel the burn.

This place is very strange, one side is the black sea, the other side is the dry land, only the outline of the mountains can be seen in the extreme distance.

This is the first time I have seen this kind of black sea, it looks very calm, without any ripples, like a pool of stagnant water.

The reason why I concluded that this is the sea is because it is vast and boundless, and I have never seen the end at all, and there will never be any lakes as wide as this.

I walked to the black sea, intending to reach out and touch the sea water, after all, it was the first time I saw this kind of sea water.

But I found a boy in gray clothes standing on a big rock in the distance. This boy's long hair reached his waist. Because it was from the side, I could only see a faint golden light shining on his face, and he was about to reach out for a handful of sea water at this moment.

"You don't want to die!"

A crisp voice sounded behind the young man, the voice was very pleasant, like a silver bell.

I turned my head in some astonishment and saw a barefoot boy in a goose-yellow gauze dress with fluttering long hair stepping on the ground. , but with a hint of sadness and pity, and even frowning slightly, very unhappy.

"Of course I want to die, but if I don't find out the root cause, how can I win?"

The gray-clothed boy spoke, and the tone of his words was familiar to me. I walked over, but the two of them didn't notice me, as if they regarded me as air. Could it be that I am a dream now?

After seeing the gray-clothed boy clearly, I took a few steps back, and my heart beat wildly.

How is a golden mask?But these eyes are so familiar, as if I have seen them somewhere, I was lost in thought beside them, trying to find them out of my memory.

"Do you want to fight Patriarch Nether?"

The girl glanced at the gray-clothed boy in surprise, then began to scrutinize him carefully, and finally twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a little smile.

"You know this old guy? Could it be that you are his maid? It is said that Patriarch Nether kidnapped many women to be his concubines."

The gray-clothed boy looked at the girl with a hint of wariness, and spoke indifferently.

The girl smiled, raised her foot and stepped forward slightly, her figure blurred and she came in front of the boy, her red lips parted slightly: "My name is Houtu, what's your name?"

"Houtu? You are the Houtu among the twelve ancestor witches? Isn't the witch clan already extinct, how can you still survive?"

The gray-clothed boy's sharp eyes narrowed, looking at the girl in front of him, he had already put on a posture, and at the same time, a powerful aura was faintly flowing from his body.

"I have my own destiny. Naturally, it is impossible to accept the disaster now. You haven't answered my question yet."

Hou Tu pursed his lips and looked at the gray-clothed boy, not paying any attention to his movements.


The gray-clothed boy spoke coldly.

"Oh, Huangtian, I understand. You are the emperor above the nine heavens, but why did you come here? Even if you want to deal with Patriarch Nether, you can definitely send immortal soldiers to the lower realm."

Hou Tu smiled slightly and asked again.

After learning the boy's name, Houtu didn't panic much, and there was nothing wrong with it. Instead, he was very calm, with a smile still on his face.

"Fighting against your witch clan, how many immortal soldiers are left? Besides, do you know how this place came to be? Ordinary immortal soldiers descend to the realm, probably before they get close to the Nether Blood Sea, and their immortal energy will be defiled, let alone capture Patriarch Youming, you can’t even return to the fairy world, this Nether blood sea is formed by Pan Gu’s belly button, this water can pollute anything, and Patriarch Youming was born in the sea of ​​blood, what are you doing here?”

Huang Tian stared at Hou Tu with a somewhat cold tone.

"Of course I'm here to help you. In this battle, our Wu Clan and your fairy world have suffered countless deaths and injuries, and even the mortals on the ground have been affected. I want to help you destroy the Nether Patriarch, and I will wait for this matter to succeed." , to establish the Six Paths of Reincarnation, so that these unjustly dead creatures can be reincarnated."

Houtu knew it very naturally, from the heart, and the sea breeze blew in, making her dress flutter.

"I don't need your help. You, a great witch of the witch clan, do you still want to be the master of the nether world? The West has sent Ksitigarbha to subdue the ancestor of the nether world with me."

Huang Tian glanced at Hou Tu proudly, and said in a cold tone.

In this battle, many descendants died in the Immortal Realm, and even his left arm and right arm died at the hands of the Wu Clan. Houtu is the great witch of the Wu Clan, so naturally he would not speak kindly to each other, let alone join forces.

"I've been in this place for a long time, and I don't want to be the lord of the netherworld. If the Six Paths of Reincarnation is successfully established, Yama will naturally be in charge. Are you angry? This time the Wu Clan and you are fighting, it is a catastrophe , Both of us have suffered a lot in this battle, and even the people of the Wu clan have gradually disappeared in the long river of history, and it is estimated that the heaven will also change hands."

Hou Tu glanced at Huang Tian's gradually turning blue face, then at his gray clothes, and spoke quietly.

"We won't withdraw from the torrent of history so easily. You Wu people are another matter. You can build whatever you like. I'm afraid you don't have that great ability. Six realms of reincarnation, hehe, you really think it's like those little things in the mortal world. Is the child playing with mud?"

Huang Tian chuckled, and there was an evil smile in those cold eyes.

I was stunned watching from the side, how could the Queen of Heaven appear here?When was the conversation between them?

Wait, let me think about it, Houtu said to build the Six Realms of Reincarnation, and here is a sea of ​​blood. Could it be that this time point is before the formation of the underworld?

This... what does this have to do with me?Why do I have an unusually familiar feeling?How could I have such a dream?The gray-clothed boy fought against the black-robed man in the sky before. Could it be that the gray-clothed boy is also Emperor Tian?

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