Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 211 [The Land of Corpses]

"How many ghost hunters other than Wu Tianxing were imprisoned in the Corpse Land? Their abilities were sealed?"

I was slightly startled, I didn't expect the Blood Soul Sect to be so cruel, even the disciples of my own sect would use secret techniques to turn them into evil spirits, and even raise them with living people to absorb their essence.

The energy of ordinary people is different from that of ghost hunters. The stronger the ghost hunter, the stronger the energy, and if he is killed by a ghost, he will be cursed, and even reincarnation is impossible. A good example, though his powers are only suppressed, not completely lost.

"There are probably more than 50 ghost hunters. The ability of ghost hunters can be sealed. Generally, ghost hunters with strong strength will have a source of faith in their minds, and all the power of ghost hunters will become the source of faith. Source, the power of hunting ghosts is provided by the source of faith. Of course, there are also some ghost hunters who have not derived the power of faith, and their ghost hunting power is also stored in their minds. There are many strange side-door talisman secret techniques, among which they use the spirit-sealing talisman to seal their minds and imprison them, so that they cannot manipulate the power of hunting ghosts. Because of this, these ghost hunters imprisoned in the place of corpses are even All consciousness is asleep, if this is the case..."

My cousin opened his mouth and took a bite of the apple, and after a few bites, I could hear the sound of his teeth clinking.

"If this is the case, if all their energy is sucked away, then they will die and become ghosts, and then they will find themselves dead. Although it is cruel, this is the most real situation they are facing now. Speaking of how powerful these raised evil spirits are, even if their abilities are not sealed, they may not be able to deal with these evil spirits, I hope they can persevere."

Li Mubai walked to the window again, stared out of the window, and his tone was extremely heavy.

"Since Aunt Long has a way to know so much, can she help rescue them?"

There is so much information that I don't know, and Aunt Long was able to inquire about it, which proves that she has penetrated into the Blood Soul Sect. Otherwise, how could it be possible to obtain this kind of information?

"If there was a way to rescue them, they would have been rescued long ago. I don't know what method Aunt Long used."

Li Nianbai shook his head, expressing that he didn't know what method Lan Longer used to find out the news.

I nodded, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, I stared at Li Nianbai and said, "By the way, since Aunt Long is so capable, why don't she help you find the lost map? If you can find the map, you can be found." On the way home, the people in your interface are very strong, and the Monster Catching Sect is even stronger, so you can find a few helpers and you will be able to completely defeat these demons."

"Yes, Li Nianbai, you have to find senior Lan Longer."

The cousin also nodded in agreement.

"Of course I know, and Aunt Long helped me find it a long time ago, but I haven't found it. The scroll seems to have evaporated out of thin air. Okay, let's not talk about it now, Xueyuyuan, do you know where to go? , but I heard that the land of the snowy land is in the far north. We have to take the train for three days and three nights, and we have to go north after getting off the train. Some cold gear."

Li Nianbai quickly changed the subject and walked over.

"I don't know about the Snowy Land. You must buy the equipment to keep out the cold, but I'll leave this to my cousin, hehe."

I grinned. Now I have almost no money on me.

My cousin nodded, then glanced at me, and continued: "We will get off the train at Ice City, and then head north from Ice City. Although the Luo family is the largest family on the Snowy Land, there are still many families there. For other families, we will use these families to find the Luo Duohan family and Grandma Lan, and I will prepare these cold-proof equipment, so we can set off tomorrow?"

I nodded and said: "Of course we can go, time is running out, I hope Xiaoqing can secretly help us, so that Wu Tianxing and the others can live longer."


Blood Soul Sect, underground prison, place of corpses.

This is a very large basement, but it is full of neatly arranged graves. It seems that someone can arrange these graves. There is no grass on these graves, but there are many human skeletons scattered around them. There are 200 graves. There are many, and the strangest thing is that there are many wooden sticks standing on top of the graves. These wooden sticks are black and shiny, with big arms and look very strong. There are more than ten of these sticks, and none of them are buried in the grave Among them, many people were tied up on these wooden sticks. These people were covered with bruises, but the wounds were not treated at all.

The entire basement looks ghostly, and the surrounding walls are sealed with that kind of red cloth, with dense runes drawn with cinnabar on it, and a torch is erected in every corner, with a burning flame on it, and the entire basement looks It looks very weird and gloomy, and occasionally a gust of wind blows in this basement.

These people's hands were tied to black wooden sticks, and each of them had a yellow talisman on their foreheads. They didn't make a sound, let alone move, as if they were dead bodies hanging there.

At this time, at the only entrance, a man in a black cloak slowly came down from top to bottom. The man held a string of bells in his hand and a torch in the other hand. As soon as he came down, he shook his hand. bells, and shouted:

"Eat, eat and let go..."

After calling three times, the bell in his hand didn't stop, but became more and more loud. The originally crisp bell became extremely harsh, echoing in the basement.

As the bell rang, the dark wind in the basement became more and more intense, even blowing the clothes of the people tied to the wooden sticks to rattle, but the surrounding torches were still burning slowly, and it seemed that they were not affected. In addition, some lights of different colors began to emerge from the surrounding graves, and faint figures crawled out of the graves.

The sound of the bell stopped abruptly, the man in black gathered his robe, and stepped back a little.

Black figures crawled out one after another, revealing hideous and abnormal faces. Almost all of these faces were rotten, and some of them could be seen with white bones inside. , protruding from the mouth, nostrils, even ears and head, one of the evil spirits has very thin hair, and the only body has two eyes on the face, but they were soon arched out by maggots, and the eyeballs fell out On the ground, feeling unwilling, he stretched out his big bony hands, grabbed his eyeballs, and pressed them down forcibly, but he didn't succeed, the eyeballs were pinched by him, he beat his chest with both hands, and roared loudly.

At this time, there was a person hanging in front of him, and the evil spirit immediately climbed up, put his hands on the young man, tilted his skull-like head, grinned loudly, and then opened his mouth and punched the young man hard. Sucking, traces of faint golden breath overflowed from the young man's mouth and spread towards the evil ghost's mouth.

After inhaling these essences, the eyeballs that disappeared from the evil ghost's eye sockets gradually emerged, and blood-red muscles began to gradually grow on the skeleton-like face.

Except for this evil ghost, the rest of the ghosts are just as normal, but there are a lot of evil ghosts, and many evil ghosts have begun to fight for the energy of these people.

The energy of these people can help them recover the lost energy, and it is also their delicacy. Naturally, it is impossible to miss it. The one who wins eats the opponent directly, and then enjoys the energy. These are ghost hunters, their energy Much stronger than ordinary people.

After about 5 minutes, a petite figure came down from above, grabbed the bell directly, stretched out his white arm and shook it in the air, and said softly:


Hearing this sound, many evil spirits have already returned, but there are still [-] or [-] evil spirits who simply turn a deaf ear, are still smoking, and make weird screams from their mouths, as if they are demonstrating.

"Hmph, if you don't listen to me, then wait to be punished!"

There was a trace of anger in the clear voice, and then the girl threw the bell directly on the ground, reached out and grabbed a large yellow talisman from the cloak, and threw it into the distance.

As soon as these yellow talismans were thrown out, they shot toward the evil spirits like cards, stuck directly on the backs of these evil spirits, and burst open one after another.

After the explosion, these yellow talismans turned into a blue fire, which began to burn the evil spirits. The evil spirits stopped eating, twisted their bodies frantically, and finally screamed and disappeared into the graveyard.

Seeing these evil spirits disappear, the girl breathed a sigh of relief.

"Didn't I tell you that once every three days, every 5 minutes is enough? Are you trying to kill them by doing this?"

The girl turned around and spoke to the man next to her.

The man trembled slightly, then bowed his body immediately, and said in a trembling voice: "Senior sister, it's not that I don't want to stop in 5 minutes, but these evil spirits have indeed consumed a lot of energy, and it is difficult to recover if they don't replenish their energy." .”

"Huh, these people are dead, where are you going to catch them? Don't you fear the suzerain's blame?"


When the girl shook her hand, she slapped the cloaked man in the face, and the sound echoed in the basement.

"Junior brother no longer dares to make up his own mind, please punish me, senior sister!"

The man fell to his knees, not daring to speak anymore.

After the girl sent the black-robed man away, she breathed a sigh of relief, then walked up to the bound people, took out a medicine bottle from her bosom, and poured out black pills from it to feed them After eating, I walked towards the entrance.

But as soon as he walked to the entrance, a cold voice came from inside:

"Junior Sister, what are you doing? You want to save these members of the Ghost Hunter Alliance? Have you forgotten how many members of our Blood Soul Sect were killed by them! You actually saved these enemies!"

Suddenly, on top of a grave, a man in a black cloak jumped down and walked directly towards the girl.

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