Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 212 [Go to Ice City]

"Didn't our Blood Soul Sect kill the ghost hunter?"

The girl stretched out her plain white arm and pulled her hood, revealing a delicate but evil face. This girl is Wei Xiaoqing, the direct disciple of Sect Master Zi Luo.

"Junior Sister, you still don't know your current position?"

The man in the cloak pulled down his hood. The man's lips were extremely red as if they were stained with blood. There was a mole at the corner of his mouth. His nose was straight, his eyebrows were sharp, his hair was tied up, revealing a smooth forehead, which was very eye-catching. , his hair was blood red, extremely coquettish, this person is also the direct disciple of Sect Master Zi Luo, Wei Xiaoqing's junior sister, Wei Wuya.

"Brother, of course I am very clear about my position, and I also understand why I did this."

Wei Xiaoqing glanced at Wei Wuya coldly, the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing a sneer.

"Junior Sister, maybe you can't let your temper go now, if you cause big trouble, even the master won't be able to protect you."

Wei Wuya waved his hand, and stood in front of her. He was so cruel that he couldn't do anything in front of Wei Xiaoqing. I don't know if it was because he was really afraid of Wei Xiaoqing's strength, or because of his feelings.

"Don't bring the master in, hum, you traitor!"

Wei Xiaoqing folded his hands on his shoulders and snorted coldly.

Wei Wuya glanced at his junior sister with a complicated expression, sighed slightly, and said, "Other people misunderstand me like this, even you do the same? Junior sister, you should be very clear about my character. It's not what I want, you should know that many elders of the Blood Soul Sect have become Hei Shan's confidantes, if they go against Hei Shan, there will be no good fruit."

"Black Mountain? The Blood Soul Sect has been separated from the Maha Great World for many years, and has already severed ties with those demon heads. Now that I come back, I want to take charge of the Blood Soul Sect. What do you mean? Even if the master agrees, I will not obey , make me angry, at worst, I will fight to the death with them."

Wei Xiaoqing smiled evilly, with this expression, Wei Wuya's hairs stood on end.

"Junior Sister, I know that you are very powerful, even the master entrusted you with the secrets that cannot be passed on, but don't forget that all the secrets of the Blood Soul Sect are passed down from the Great World of Maha, so what about us? Can you compete with these monsters?"

Wei Wuya thought for a while, then said slowly.

"You also know that it came from the Maha Great World? Then you should be very clear that these demons are nothing at all. The ones who founded our Blood Soul Sect were real demons. How can these small characters compare? Although in our generation, magic skills are very rare, and there are very few people who practice advanced magic skills successfully, but the master and I are different, especially the master, she is definitely the most qualified in the magic sect for hundreds of years Man, I'm about to get her true biography, and I'm still practicing a magic skill that you can't even imagine. If Heishan dares to provoke me, hmph, I'll fight him to the death. I know why you can be ten elders, and I also I know that Heishan has met you in secret, but the ugly words are up front, you are against the master, you are against me, this matter, you can handle it yourself, and I will leave when the time for cultivation is up."

Wei Xiaoqing put on the hood again, and left in a hurry, leaving Wei Wuya standing alone in the place of corpses.


With Yan'er's help, we purchased a lot of cold-proof equipment, alpine shoes, and cold-proof clothes, all of which are suitable for trekking in the snow. On the second day, Luoyan prepared a lot of durable and preserved food for me. For example, secret beef, canned fish and other things, these things are very filling and replenish energy.

On the same day, we bought train tickets to Bingcheng, and the four of us embarked on the journey to Bingcheng, each carrying a half-person-high bag.

When I got on the familiar train again, I immediately thought of Menggui whom I had met before, and felt a little sighed in my heart.

"Zhong Yuan, don't worry, we are in Jiulongzhai these days, and the ghost messenger can't get any specific information about us. Besides, didn't you say that Youyue's third-rank ghost messenger will secretly help you? You just recovered soon, you Let’s have a good rest first, it’s rare that all we bought were sleeper tickets this time, otherwise it would be very sad for three days.”

Jiang He patted the table and smiled slightly.

I nodded, climbed directly to the second floor, covered the quilt and fell asleep, and this train was not as noisy as I imagined, I didn't wake up until dinner time, and I was more relieved that, Jiang He has prepared dinner for us.

During this period of time, there is a strong smell of instant noodles in the entire carriage, and many passengers must bring this equipment when traveling.

"Cousin, I always feel that going to the Snowy Plains this time will not be so smooth, or it is not so easy to find Luo Shui'er and the others. The entrance to the Maha World is in the Snowy Plains. I don't know if you have I have heard the legend that the land of the Northern Kingdom leads to another world, where the dead appear, and it is the capital of the dead."

I unscrewed a large pot and placed it on the table. Inside was the secret spicy beef. I poured a little on the rice, and the aroma immediately overflowed.

"What's wrong with the dead? You are ghost hunters, and you are born to deal with these things."

Li Nianbai picked up a large amount of beef with chopsticks and put it in his own bowl, grinned, and started to eat after speaking.

"It's really troublesome there. It was suppressed by the Luo family in the past. After so many years, it must have developed very spectacularly. How did you know about the kingdom of kings? I learned about it from Zhong Shan, and I also checked the information myself."

My cousin put the chopsticks on and looked at me curiously.

how could I know?By the way, how do I know?

"I don't know, this information is imprinted in my mind like a brand. The king's kingdom is not so simple, because in this place, the dead can also appear during the day, and they wander on the snowy land, looking for the living to eat. It is estimated that they were the descendants of the devil who escaped from the Maha Great World a long time ago. These dead people came and went without a shadow and no wind. Attack at night, sucking the energy of living people."

I thought about it, and this kind of weird information kept pouring out of my mind. After I calmed down, this kind of information disappeared.

"Listen to you, it looks like I have to bring some talismans with me. It's best that whenever ghosts appear, the talismans will automatically prompt this. Otherwise, we'll be camping in the snow and ice, and we won't even know we're dead."

Jiang He shrank his neck, and spoke half-jokingly.

"Don't worry, I have prepared it for you a long time ago, and when the time comes to set up camp, we will also live in a tent with two people, and we will also have a caretaker. Okay, let's not say more, hurry up and finish your meal and build up your strength."

My cousin had finished eating and took out another apple.

It’s been the third day since we arrived in Bingcheng, and we didn’t encounter any weird things on the train. As time went by, the scene outside the train began to change. On the last day, there was already a bleak scene outside the window. .

Arriving in the northern region, the outside is already silver-white and covered with heavy snow. Because the heater on the train is on, we can't feel it. After getting off the train, we can feel the severe cold here. It's still extremely cold, and it's still a snow-white world. Among the few of us, the only one whose clothes haven't changed is Li Nianbai.

After getting off the train, he was still dressed in a denim suit, with an ebony sword on his back, and he looked very heroic. Seeing my surprised gaze, Li Nianbai smiled triumphantly, and said:

"The weather is really nice, what are you doing in a daze? Do you want to imitate this handsome guy?"

I froze for a moment, and stretched out my hand to grab his hand. Li Nianbai's hand was exposed, but when I grasped it, it felt a little hot, and I became dumbfounded again.

"When I was young, I greedily ate a demon pill. Although my whole body was almost burnt, I was lucky. I survived in the end. Once I got to such a cold place, that demon pill would work and automatically adjust my body. The temperature of the body, I am very envious, come on, do you want to give you a little warmth?"

Li Nianbai gave a smirk, stretched out his hand to hook my neck, and said with a smile.

"If that's the case, then why don't you have a demonic aura in your body? Moreover, monsters that can give birth to demon cores are all powerful. It's a miracle that you didn't become half human and half demon."

The cousin glanced at Li Nianbai lightly, and asked.

"What half-human, half-demon, how unlucky it is, the evil spirit has been eliminated long ago, where is there any more?"

Li Nianbai let go of me, turned around and said triumphantly.

"Is there any extra demon pills, give me one, I really can't bear it."

With my hands in my pockets, I stomped my feet and opened my mouth.

In the northern land, it is frozen for thousands of miles. It is already spring in the south, but it is still bitterly cold here. People walking back and forth around the station platform are covered by thick clothes, wearing masks on their heads and wrapping scarves around their necks. , Only the eyes are exposed, and the walking is also in a hurry.

"How do you say that there are demon pills? And it's not an old monster, so you can't give birth to a demon pill at all. I guess the city god's demon pill doesn't know if it's as big as a broad bean. Well, at worst, I will teach you how to resist the cold, but This is not a good place, should we rest at the hotel for a night before going to the Snowland Plain, or leave today? It is now three o'clock in the afternoon, and it is estimated that we will arrive at the Snowfield Plain at night, and we have to set up camp by ourselves."

Li Nianbai stared at me and asked.

"No matter what you think, I plan to leave today, because if we settle this matter one day earlier, we will be able to return to Jiuhuang City earlier and rescue Wu Tianxing and the others. Otherwise, even if Xiaoqing is willing to help secretly, they will not survive how long."

I hesitated for a while, and expressed my concerns.

"Okay then, I hope we can catch the last bus to the Snowland Plain."

My cousin had no objection, and went to the exit of the station first. Coincidentally, there was a direct bus to Xueyuzhiyuan at this railway station, and it was the last bus.

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