Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 213 [Ice Field Inn]

There were not many people in the car, they were sitting sparsely, and the air conditioner was turned on in the car. As soon as they entered, it was like walking into a greenhouse.

I found a seat by the window and sat down, waited for 10 minutes, and after a few more people came up, the car slowly started, gradually left the ice city, and headed towards the direction of the snowy land.

In fact, this car does not go to the real snowy plain, but at the edge of the snowy plain, where there is a small town called Icefield Town, surrounded by a vast land of ice and snow.

Pulling the scarf tightly wrapped around my neck, I said:

"Cousin, we went to that small town, do you want to take a rest? Or go straight? I can't get any news about them in the vast snowy field. I want to inquire in the town to see if anyone knows the Luo family. I think Luo Shui'er's family must be on the ice field, but they always go to the town for supplies, maybe they can know the right way, even if they are not in Luo's house now, we can stay in Luo's house to avoid the wind and snow, or even Find their whereabouts from their homes."

"Well, although the hope is slim, it's better than being like a headless chicken on the snowy field."

The cousin sitting next to me nodded in agreement.

After the car left Ice City, it drove slowly because of the icy ground. There were many big trees outside the window, but none of them had leaves, but bare trunks covered with snow, and occasionally branches would Folded by the heavy snow.

There are no buildings around, and there are very few vehicles on the road. The sky is dark and dusty, and it seems that another heavy snow is coming.

Unfortunately, when we arrived in the town, it snowed heavily as expected. Finally, after we discussed it, we planned to stay for one night, because the heavy snow may cause great trouble to our actions.

There are not many hotels in the town, there are two, but almost all of them are full. There are many tourists here who are going to explore the snowy land. As soon as we walked in, the boss said that the room was full and told us to go to the second room to have a look.

The second one is the Icefield Inn. After walking in, it feels warm inside.

The hotel here is not like the one in Jiuhuang City, it is more like a restaurant, only the waiter changed his clothes, and then came over and asked: "Objectively, is this a top-notch place or a hotel?"

The first floor is basically similar to a restaurant. There are six or seven tables, and about five tables are already full of people. There is only one guy inside, serving tea and delivering food alone. The scale is small, but it looks like Business is still booming.

"Boss, we want four rooms."

Jiang He walked to the counter and spoke to this burly woman in a mink coat. The woman had makeup on her face. It was obvious that her lips were scarlet and the powder on her face was not evenly applied. Beads of sweat dripped from her forehead, so her face seemed to be covered with flour. She fiddled with some wooden signs and said after a while: "Sorry, there is only one room, because of the heavy snow, The house is rented out."

"Just one room, let's make do with it, and we'll leave tomorrow."

After the cousin finished speaking, he grabbed his purse and was about to ask the price.

The proprietress glanced at the cousin in surprise, and said in amazement: "Little handsome guy, you don't know that this heavy snow will fall for at least three days."

"Three days so long?"

Li Nianbai let out a strange cry, which immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding diners.

"Three days is three days. Anyway, we have some things that must be resolved in the ice field town, don't we, cousin?"

I winked, my cousin hesitated, but finally nodded and paid for the room for three days.

This is really a lot of money, I almost scolded the proprietress for being black-hearted, she seemed to know what I was thinking, the proprietress smiled and said: "You don't know at all, there are only two buses a day from our Bingyuan Town to Bingcheng, But if it’s snowing heavily, then there won’t be any. Maybe you are here for the first time, but there are many tourists here, all of whom are going to explore the snowy land. It’s my utmost benevolence to charge such a small fee. It’s still because you are young handsome guys, if you are allowed to stay outside, let alone freeze to death, you will be taken away by Snow Mountain Girl at night.”

"Ah Xiang, are you talking here again to scare the little babies? Do you think you can scare them? Those who should go will always go."

The door opened, and an old man wearing a mink fur round cap and overcoat came in with a cane. This old man had a weathered face, and the long beard on his chin seemed to be frozen, and he was looking at it with a faint smile. Looking at the proprietress.

"Ba Ye, why are you here?"

The proprietress called Ah Xiang immediately threw us aside, walked out from the inside, and came to the old man.

"Can't we come and see?"

Ba Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Ah Xiang.

"No, no, Ah Xiang would like to thank Lord Ba. Is it according to the usual practice, a catty of cooked beef and half a catty of ice spirits?"

Ah Xiang smiled and looked at Eighth Master with respect and admiration on his face.

"Well, yes, I came here this time to remind you that you must inform your customers that it is best not to go out at night, we will solve the situation, as long as it is resolved, this snowstorm will pass quickly , Of course, it will also cause losses to your family's business, you won't blame our Sikong family, right?"

Ba Ye stood there, the smile on his face unchanged.

"Of course not. Icefield Town has the blessing of the Sikong family. It's our blessing. You keep sitting."

Ah Xiang pointed to a nearby table and said with a grin.

"Miss Boss, you have to give us the key. After paying the money, you want to drive us out?"

Li Nianbai was careless, and spoke very dissatisfied.

"Oops, I forgot, wait a minute."

Ah Xiang turned around and immediately walked to the counter, reached out to feel inside, a wooden sign came into her hand, and then handed it to Li Nianbai.

"Icefield Inn is very lucky. There are many ghost hunters here. Ah Xiang, it seems that your inn doesn't need our protection."

Sikong Baye sat on the long wooden bench, glanced at us, and spoke softly.

However, I noticed that as soon as he finished speaking, many people present showed different looks, and they all looked at Ba Ye Sikong in disbelief. It's a ghost hunter. Ba Ye Sikong glanced at these people one by one, then stopped looking at them, but said slowly:

"If you are here for Han Xueguo, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible."

"Why? Isn't it the season for Hanxue fruit to grow? A Hanxue fruit can increase our ability to hunt ghosts a lot. Why give up?"

It was a man with a rough face who spoke. He was a little excited and stood up directly from the wooden stool, with his hands resting on the wooden table.

"The Hanxue tree is blessed by the family, how could you get it? So, I suggest you go back, and don't you think this snowstorm is weird?"

Ba Ye Sikong showed a meaningful smile, then poured himself a glass of wine and drank it down.

"Who doesn't know that the Luo family offended the kingdom of the dead and was wiped out? Now that the Hanxue tree has already become a thing without an owner, you, the Sikong family, don't want to take it for themselves."

Sitting in the corner, a thinly dressed woman with a snow-white sable fur cloak spoke coldly.

My cousin and I were stunned watching from the sidelines, but Li Nianbai and Jiang He didn't seem too interested, so I handed over my cousin's and my luggage to them, and they went upstairs to tidy up, and then we waited downstairs They were eating, and at the same time we sat down at the table next to Sikong Baye.

Ah Xiang seemed to be used to this kind of situation, and ordered the waiter to order for me, and then sat at the counter leisurely eating melon seeds.

The ghost hunters here don't seem to have any taboos. They say these words, and they don't care whether there are ordinary people around. After hearing the woman's words, Sikong Baye's face darkened, and he threw the chopsticks on the table. Putting it on, he said coldly: "There are more ghost hunters like you in the original snow region, otherwise the Luo family would not have been wiped out. Hmph, do you think they were really wiped out? The Luo family is the ice god they believe in, and Luo The new generation of patriarchs of the family has appeared on the snowfield, so none of you can get the Hanxue fruit, our Sikong family needs to eat the Hanxue fruit all by itself? A joke! The Luo family was once our alliance anyway."

"Can you blame us for the destruction of the Luo family? Old man Sikong, don't think that you are so great just because you are members of the Sikong family. Now that the Sikong family is also in decline, do you think you still want to be the same as before? Yes, this wind and snow is indeed very serious. It's weird, someone must be making trouble to prevent us from entering the Snowy Land, but how could it be against us? To tell you the truth, our Xianyu family has already visited many people and stayed in another inn. This time , Our purpose is to go straight to Hanxueguo. You also said that the Luo family is even worse than you now, family? Haha, a yellow-haired girl can also defend Hanxueguo? Or worry about the king's kingdom's revenge Bar."

The woman who spoke before had a message on her face, but she looked at Ba Ye Sikong with unusually cold eyes.

"A little girl is indeed incapable of guarding the Frost Snow Tree. What if there is a Snow Mountain Girl to help her?"

Looking at the ghost hunter of the Xianyu family with a gloomy face, Ba Ye Sikong smiled strangely.

"No, it's impossible. Although the Luo family believes in the Ice God, there hasn't been a snow mountain girl in their family for hundreds of years. Now the family has been destroyed by the kingdom of the dead. No way."

The woman from the Xianyu family gritted her teeth and said harshly.

"It's only a few days before Han Xueguo's harvest. It just so happens that it's snowing heavily at this time. It's not the snow mountain girl from the Luo family, who is it? The weather forecast didn't say that there will be heavy snow these days, and it seems that the weather is still sunny."

Ba Ye Sikong didn't look at the woman from Xianyu's family any more, instead his eyes fell on me and my cousin, he grinned and walked towards us with the wine bottle in his hand.

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