Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 214 [Eight Master Sikong]

"Two little brothers, may I have a drink?"

Sikong Baye sat down opposite us, raised his hand, shook the wine bottle in his hand, with a big smile on his face, and didn't care about the disdainful looks from the group of ghost hunters around him.

I hesitated for a moment and glanced at my cousin, who didn't say anything, I nodded and let him fill the glass in front of us, he also poured himself a glass of wine, then raised the glass in his hand to drink Looking at us, he said: "The two little brothers must have come to the Snowland for the first time. They are all ghost hunters from Ice City. They must have come from other places. There is something , we can cooperate, come, toast a glass of wine to you who came from afar!"

"Are you talking about Han Xueguo? Although I don't know what the situation of the ghost hunters on your side is, I think your Sikong family is also for Han Xueguo, and what you mentioned earlier , The Snow Mountain Girl from the Luo family is responsible for the wind and snow covering the small town in the ice field?"

I raised my glass, clinked glasses with him, and drank it down.

This wine is very cold, but after drinking it, it feels like a fire is pouring down the throat, and finally the whole stomach is warm, like a flame is burning, no wonder it is called ice spirits.

After hearing my words, Ba Ye Sikong narrowed his eyes slightly, put down his wine glass, stretched out his hand to stroke the long beard on his chin, and began to look at me. After a while, he nodded and said:

"Yes, it's about the Hanxueguo. Since you were able to find this place, you should have investigated it thoroughly and prepared to get the Hanxueguo. The Hanxueshu is the spiritual tree of the Snowy Land. In addition to increasing the power of hunting ghosts, it can also change people's physique, improve people's physical fitness, and even protect the body from the cold. Everyone wants to get this kind of spiritual fruit, but there is only one Hanxue tree, and the fruit yield is extremely high. At least, these used to be allocated by the Luo family, but today is different from the past. Now the Luo family has declined and offended the kingdom of the dead. This battle has broken the balance. Even our Sikong family has withdrawn from the snowy land. , When we arrived in this small town, hehe, these are all things in the past, so we don’t need to mention them. In short, because of this reason, we have already broken with the Luo family. The most important thing now is that we can join forces to deal with this snow mountain girl. With her, we will be able to reach the Snowy Plains smoothly, Hanxueshu won the Hanxue fruit, and as for the Hanxue fruit we can distribute, these are easy to talk about."

"Isn't your Sikong family related to the Luo family alliance, and you also know that the head of the Luo family has returned to the land of the snowy land, so it's fine if you don't help, how dare you take Han Xueshu's idea? Is it because the Luo family offended you? The kingdom of the dead will be broken?"

I glanced at Ba Ye Sikong in surprise, and asked.

Sikong Baye took a sip of his wine, smacked his mouth, and said slowly: "You also know that the Luo family is almost wiped out, and it can't be compared with the past at all. In the past, their family was the largest family in Xueyuyuan. Lead us The rest of the families are fighting against the kingdom of the dead, but now that something happened to the Luo family, everyone has become a mess and can no longer be united. Moreover, the kingdom of the dead is becoming more and more rampant, and its power is gradually expanding. It is estimated that it will spread to this side. Now we But no matter what the alliance is or not, each family has the interests of each family. The current Luo family cannot be supported at all, and prosperity will inevitably decline. The glorious era of the Luo family has passed, and it is estimated that it will not be long before their entire family It will disappear, the Hanxue fruit is inevitable, and our Sikong family will join forces with some ghost hunters to drive away the snow mountain girl. As soon as the wind and snow stop, we will go to the snow field to find the Hanxue tree, you guys Are you going to join forces with our Sikong family?"

"Drive the Snow Mountain Girl away? It depends on how capable you are. We will not participate in this matter. Our friends are about to come down, so please leave here."

The cousin had already heard the news he wanted, and immediately issued an expulsion order.

Sikong Baye looked a little embarrassed, glanced at his cousin with a cold face, snorted coldly, grabbed his own wine bottle and returned to his table.

"Cousin, why don't we hang out with them? If we find Han Xueshu with them, maybe we can find Luo Shui'er and the others."

I don't understand why my cousin did this, ruining a good opportunity for nothing.

My cousin glanced at me, lowered his voice, and said: "The family who even betrayed his own alliance, and made trouble, took advantage of the fire, and robbed the family. Together with them, we have to be careful of our own lives. Haven't you noticed the ghost hunter here?" Are they all very unfriendly to Baye Sikong, are these ghost hunters all bad guys?"

I nodded, thinking that what my cousin said was reasonable, anyway, we have now received definite information, and even know that the snowstorm was caused by the snow mountain girl of the Luo family, this snow mountain girl should undoubtedly be Luo Yueer, But since this is the case, then Luo Shui'er and the others can be found through Luo Yue'er.

Li Nianbai and Jiang He came down, but Li Nianbai's face was ugly, and he was cursing as he came down the stairs:

"What kind of broken place? Is it decent? The fee is so expensive, why can't you decorate the room? Is it a place where people live?"

"Okay, the room is fairly clean, but it's a bit small. Everyone is looking at us, so stop making trouble."

Jiang He glanced around and saw many diners present listening to the two of them, immediately patted Li Nianbai on the shoulder, and then came towards us.

The drinks and dishes here are very monotonous, even without rice, but I like the ice spirits here very much. It is very cold in the mouth, but it is very hot in the stomach. After a while, I feel a little dizzy. Regarding what happened here, we didn't talk to Li Nianbai and Jiang He now, there are so many people, this is not a good place to talk, and maybe the ghost hunters around have some magical ability to spy on us The content of the conversation, I chatted with Sikong Baye before, and I didn't disclose that we came to the Luo family, not Hanxueshu.

After dinner, we went straight upstairs to our room.

The room is very small, the four of us lay flat on our backs and lay motionless on it. It is estimated that this bed can barely accommodate us. There are a few wooden stools inside. Jiang He and his cousin sat on it, and Li Nianbai and I sat on the bed. I spoke first:

"While the two of you were tidying up the room, my cousin and I had already learned an important piece of news. To make a long story short, the snowstorm was caused by Luo Yue'er to prevent these ice city ghost hunters from going to the snowy land. Obtaining Hanxueguo, I think Hanxueguo should be Luo Shui'er's biggest reliance now, we have to go through Luo Yueer to find them, but now there is some trouble, because the ghost hunter of the Sikong family plans to do something to Luo Yueer gone."

"I don't know what the place is here. I don't know the difference between Snow Mountain Girl and Snow Girl, but I don't think the difference is that big. The senior Bai Rubing I know has a younger sister. She is Snow Girl. Among them, no one can hurt them at all, as long as there is heavy snow, their shapes will not disappear."

Li Nianbai folded his hands on his shoulders, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, as if he was not optimistic about these ghost hunters who were going to attack Luo Yueer.

I thought about it for a while, and I was still a little worried, so I said, "I don't think it's that simple. This is not the Nine Desolation City, but the Ice City, and the secret skills of the ghost hunters here must be based on the surrounding environment. It has something to do with it, maybe it can pose a threat to Snow Mountain Girl, after nightfall tonight, my cousin and I will go out and have a look."

"Can't I go with you? His eyes are good, but this is a world of ice and snow."

Li Nianbai looked at me very puzzled, with doubts in his eyes.

"Because my cousin and Luo Yueer are old acquaintances, if my cousin shows up, Luo Yueer will definitely come to meet him. Besides, as you said, his eyes are very good, and he can always discover things unexpectedly. , you and Jiang He stay here just as a caretaker, Jiang He is just a doctor, you have to protect his safety, because all the people living in this inn are ghost hunters."

I slowly said, I have considered this carefully. Li Nianbai has many secret techniques, which can protect Jiang He's safety here. Of course, Jiang He's strength is not bad, but he can't deal with supernatural events.

"I'm an old acquaintance with her? I only met her twice, and every time we met, this crazy woman wanted to kill me. You actually want me to go with you. If something happens, you will be missing A loved one, let's see what you do!"

My cousin looked at me coldly, with a serious tone.

"Don't worry, I will make arrangements for this matter. Besides, you guys have settled down. The reason why Luo Yue'er came here is for the Luo family. She will not disregard the overall situation, and I can see that she treats you too. There are a lot of good feelings."

I smiled and glanced at my cousin, who turned his head away in embarrassment, reached out and took out an apple, and took a hard bite, as if he was preoccupied.

"Xiaobai, teach us how to keep out the cold. I have taken Hanxueguo, so it is reasonable to have a certain chance to resist the severe cold. Maybe it is because of my body, this characteristic does not show up in my body. Use something to stimulate, and walk in this snowy plain, if we go there like this, it is estimated that we will be terribly frozen."

I grinned, stared at Li Nianbai and said, it's still early, and Li Nianbai mentioned before, maybe it's not too late to learn the formula to protect against the cold.

"Okay, yes, but with conditions."

Li Nianbai stood up and smiled at me mysteriously.

"What conditions."

I rolled my eyes at this kid. Everything we use, eat, and drink is ours, and he dared to negotiate terms with us.

"Our Monster Catch Sect has a rule. If you want to teach skills to outsiders, it is absolutely not allowed, unless you are willing to worship me as a teacher, or join the Monster Catch Sect."

Li Nianbai walked around in front of us before speaking slowly.

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