Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 215 [Hui Yang]

"So harsh? The Demon Catch Sect is not in this interface, can this work?"

I glanced at Li Nianbai and asked aloud.

Joining the Demon Sect will definitely not be a bad thing, after all, Li Nianbai's abilities are there. If I have the opportunity to catch the Demon Sect in the future, I will definitely learn more secret techniques, so his request is exactly what I wish for , how can there be any reason to refuse?Too many skills to overwhelm you!

Suddenly, I thought of Wang Sheng, the young man who always advised me to learn more skills, but unfortunately, his spirit was sucked away by the Black Mountain Devil, and he died in the Ghost Hunter Union branch.

When I have learned my skills, I will definitely avenge you, Wang Sheng!

"Of course it can."

Li Nianbai nodded his head, his eyeballs were rolling, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I agree. If there is a chance, I would like to catch the demon sect and see the expert you said has a pair of yin and yang eyes."

The cousin smiled slightly, then stared at Jiang He.

Jiang He smiled wryly, sighed, and said, "This kind is not suitable for me. I'm not a ghost hunter, and I don't have the source of faith, and I don't have the power to hunt ghosts in my body. It's impossible to learn the art of protecting against cold, but don't worry. , In addition to our excellent medical skills, we ghost doctors also practice ancient martial arts, we can cultivate internal strength, although my internal strength is not strong, but it can play a certain role."

"Ah? You can cultivate your inner strength? Then you must join the Demon Catch Sect. In addition to several medical experts in the Demon Catch Sect, my father also has a brother named Lu Fei. He is the strongest disciple of the White Tiger Family. If you can cultivate white tiger qi, you should be familiar with qi. If you can get his advice, your combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly improved. As long as you cultivate qi, you should not encounter evil spirits or ghosts in the future. Find someone to help, just punch it and break it up, be domineering."

Li Nianbai let out a cry of surprise, and immediately ran to Jiang He's side, squeezed his shoulder, and said with a smile.

"Gang Qi? Now there are still masters who can cultivate Gang Qi? Gang Qi is a gas that can harm all substances. Hehe, whether you agree or not, I will go to catch the demon sect to see this senior Lu Fei, even if he I am very satisfied to be able to show my strength in front of me."

Jiang He's face showed envy. Gang Qi is what martial practitioners dream of, and it is much more advanced than internal force.

Li Nianbai taught me and my cousin how to keep out the cold. This time, I actually learned it faster than my cousin. What's even more outrageous is that Li Nianbai only taught me once, and I just memorized the formula and seal formula. It's really unbelievable , It seems that I have learned this secret technique a long time ago, but it was forgotten by me. Now when it appears, it is displayed instinctively.

The ghost-hunting power in the body began to rush through the limbs and bones of the body, and a scorching power was derived from these ghost-hunting powers, which began to be lower than the surrounding cold air. This almost burning ghost-hunting power must be A cycle is formed in the body, all parts of the body are filled, and then these ghost-hunting powers will operate on their own. If the external conditions are too cold, then the ghost-hunting power will be depleted, and you need to mobilize the ghost-hunting power again .

Fortunately, I practiced the cold protection formula, and finally let the power of Hanxueguo dormant in my body burst out. In addition to making my body better, it also increased a lot of ghost hunting power. With my current ability, In the icy and snowy world outside, it only takes one-tenth of my ghost hunting power to cycle for a day.

In the following time, I will make better use of this scorching power.

I am quite envious of this kid Li Nianbai, because after taking the inner alchemy of the fire attribute monster, his body can become like a stove, and he doesn't need to consume his energy to maintain his body temperature at all.

After eleven o'clock in the evening, my cousin and I went out.

The people on the first floor were almost gone, only two people, one big and one small, were left sitting at a table in the corner. One was an old lady in a black padded jacket wrapped in a headscarf, and a flower was pinned to her headscarf. Plum blossom, of course, this is not a real flower, but a headdress.

The other one is a boy of seven or eight years old. The boy is wearing very thin clothes, no hat or scarf, and he even wears cloth shoes on his feet. No, they are straw sandals. He sits there rubbing his hands vigorously. Is it because of the cold, or something else.

I went over and took off my scarf and wrapped it around the kid's neck.

"Thank you brother benefactor, are you going out?"

The little boy’s voice was crisp and clear, and he looked at me very gratefully, his eyes were bright, he had no hair on his head, he was bald, like a little monk, no, he...he is really a monk, because I gave him When wearing a scarf, I saw a string of Buddhist beads hanging around his neck.

"Yes, kid."

I patted his bare head and replied with a smile.

"Can you take Huiyang out together?"

The little monk suddenly grabbed my clothes and begged me, looking very pitiful.

"It seems that this little guy likes you very much, so the old man will resign, baby, listen to your brother, grandma will leave first, and wait with you, grandma can't stand it."

The old lady wrapped in a turban stood up suddenly, looked at Huiyang with a smile, and then left the Icefield Inn very quickly.

"We have business to do, little monk, you should find the person who brought you here."

The cousin came over, and after speaking, Huiyang's big eyes were filled with tears, he blushed, and immediately grabbed an apple from his pocket, took a look at the apple for a few times, and handed it over with great distress.

Huiyang took the apples and finished eating them quickly. He reluctantly put the cores on the table, and then said: "Brothers, they haven't come back for a long time, I'm going to the Snowy Plains to find them, brothers, you guys Are you going to the land of the snowy region too? How about taking me? Huiyang won't cause trouble."

"Yeah, take him with you. This little monk has been wandering around the ice field town for several days without a place to live. He will come to me every night to wait for his brother."

The voice of Mrs. Ah Xiang came over. She took off her makeup and looked more natural, but she looked very tired. She was still holding two steamed buns and a bowl of hot soup on the table next to the little monk.

"Thank you, Lord Axiang."

Huiyang clasped his hands together, saluted the proprietress, and then gorged himself.

It's really hard for me to imagine that such a young child can still wander around this small ice town for a few days. What kind of belief is supporting him?

"Boss Nian, do you know this little monk? Who is their brother? What temple?"

The cousin asked aloud.

Boss Nian sat down next to us, and said with a slight smile, "They came from Kuzhu Temple in the south, counting the little monk Huiyang, and ten big monks, seeing you chatting with Baye Sikong during the day, you should be ghost hunters too. Teacher, then you should know about the kingdom of the dead on the snowfield. I heard from the Sikong family that many people who died there entered the kingdom of the dead. The undead in the kingdom of the dead have begun to swell outward. A month ago, even ten miles away from the ice town, there were undead attacking hunters. These monks from the Kuzhu Temple came to subdue the undead, but it was a pity that they had been there for many days There is no news at all, the little monk ran back alone at the beginning."

"Bitter Bamboo Temple? Cousin, have you heard of it?"

I glanced at the heavy-faced cousin next to me, and asked.

The cousin nodded and said: "The Kuzhu Temple, which is used to overcome hardships, is said to be isolated from the world. Someone found a monk from the Kuzhu Temple there on Putuo Island. I didn't expect that there would be a monk from the Kuzhu Temple here. Ten, no, plus this Huiyang, eleven."

"Master asked us to come here and unite with the ghost hunters in Ice City to subdue the undead from the kingdom of the dead, but they didn't help, so we had to do it ourselves. In the snowy plain, my seniors and I got separated and couldn't find them."

After eating, Huiyang looked at us energetically.

"It's ridiculous. The ghost hunters in the ice city are indifferent to such a big thing happening in the snowy land. Could it be that the ghost hunter alliance here doesn't care about it?"

I squeezed my fist, seeing Huiyang's pitiful little face, I couldn't help reaching out to touch Huiyang's little bald head, and said.

"I can't control it. Many years ago, the Ghost Hunters Alliance and the Luo family fought against the Kingdom of the Dead, but they failed. In addition to the Luo family being wiped out, the Ice City Ghost Hunters Alliance branch was also seriously injured. Now even ordinary families I can't control it anymore, let alone be in charge, don't look at me like this, my sister Axiang has been here for so long, although I am not a ghost hunter, but I am still very well informed, and most of the people who live here They're all ghost hunters."

The proprietress glanced at me who was stunned, and said with a smile.

It seems that we have more troubles this time, besides finding the seniors of the Luo Duohan clan, we also have to face the undead from the kingdom of the dead.

"It's strange to say that the undead in the kingdom of the dead didn't dare to do this, and they also restricted each other with the Luo family, but one day, it seemed that with the help of some mysterious power, the strength of the kingdom of the dead was greatly increased. Say it's weird."

The proprietress spoke very seriously, and at the same time she frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about this question.

Could this matter be related to the Great World of Maha? After all, the entrance is on the Snowy Plains. If the devil inside came out to help the Kingdom of the Dead, then the Luo Family might not be the opponent. I secretly speculated.

"Okay, it's getting late, I advise you not to go out, and tell you a secret, I'm not trying to scare you, there are really Snow Mountain Girls haunting you ghost hunters."

After the proprietress finished speaking, she put away the bowls and chopsticks, and quickly walked into the kitchen.

"Brother, are you looking for the big sister who appeared in the snow? I can tell you where she is. It was under her guidance that I was able to walk to Icefield Town, but brother must take me with me. I'm going to find my brothers."

Huiyang reached out and grabbed my clothes again, and spoke with a firm face.

"You really know? But if you go out like this now, you will freeze to death."

I touched his little bald head and said.

Luo Yue'er actually helped Huiyang return to Icefield Town. I glanced at my cousin, who immediately turned his head away from me.

"No, Huiyang is practicing Buddhist Kungfu, and these are not in the way."

Huiyang said with a smile.

I nodded, took his little hand, and left the Ice Field Inn with my cousin. As soon as I opened the door, the cold wind outside mixed with heavy snow came towards us.

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