Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 216 [Goodbye Luo Yueer]

The formula to protect against cold has worked, but I am worried about the little monk Huiyang, because his clothes are too thin, and his body is too thin. I took off my gloves and helped him put them on, although they were a bit big. But it was quite warm, Huiyang did not refuse, but gave me a mischievous smile, and then began to carefully observe the furry leather gloves.

"Huiyang, where did you see Sister Xueshan?"

I touched his bare head and asked.

"Outside the town, I'll take you there."

Huiyang withdrew his curiosity, smiled at me, and trotted all the way out of the town. My cousin and I followed quickly. The street was covered with thick snow, which had completely covered Huiyang's calf. He caught up with him a few steps, picked him up easily, and continued to walk forward. Although he was not afraid of the cold, the pants wrapped in straw sandals were all soaked. How could he not be cold?

My cousin looked at me in surprise, but didn't say anything, he just followed me and looked around. Suddenly he reached out and patted me, and I stopped at the entrance of the street.

"Don't look back, someone is following us, right behind us."

The cousin spoke softly.

"Can you get rid of them?"

I didn't turn around, and spoke in a low voice. The people following us were most likely the ghost hunters of the Sikong family. I really didn't expect that the other party would actually be following us.

"It can be thrown away, but it will take time. The other party uses footprints to trace our whereabouts. With the heavy snow now, it will take less than half an hour to completely cover our footprints. We have to find a place to hide, no, not hiding. , it's too cold here."

My cousin frowned, glanced at the side, it was a small alley, and immediately led me in. This small alley was also covered with snow, and there were a few houses around, but all the houses in this alley were side doors , No one would open the door for us at all. Halfway through the distance, my cousin stopped, reached out and grabbed a few yellow talismans, and threw them behind him, and these yellow talismans quietly sank into the snow.

"Cousin, what are you?"

I don't understand my cousin's actions. These yellow talismans don't seem to be placed to cover our tracks.

The corner of my cousin's mouth raised, and he sneered slightly: "This is a trap I set up. It will only be effective within 10 minutes, and it will lose its effect after 10 minutes. If that person follows, the trap will activate. You've been in a hurry for a while, and we can take the opportunity to get away at that time, is it possible that you still really want to find a place to hide for an hour?"

We left this small alley, and just after we walked not far, we heard the sound of crackling in the wind and snow. I think it was my cousin's trap being stepped on by that Sikong family member.

After we got outside the small town, we kept going north. After a few 10 minutes, the surrounding area was already completely white, and we could not even see the houses. There were hills in the distance, and heavy snow fell everywhere, and it soon covered us. body.

"It's here, I'm the sister Xueshan I met on the hill in front of me."

Huiyang, who was huddled in my arms, raised his little head and spoke excitedly.

There are some trees on this place similar to the slope, but these trees are covered with heavy snow. When we rushed over, we saw a girl in white standing on the branch of a big tree, dancing. The girl was wearing a long white dress, barefoot, exposing her snow-white arms, and her hair was already silver-white, dancing with the wind.

Her dancing posture is graceful and agile, like an elf in the heavy snow. When she raises her hand, a silver halo blooms in the palm. Although it is night, because the ground is covered with white snow, our sight is very clear .

She suddenly stopped dancing, and jumped down from the big tree. She touched the void with her bare feet, and her figure became blurred. When she reappeared, she was three meters away from us.

"Huh? I think the breath is a bit familiar, but I didn't expect it to be you!"

Luo Yue'er looked at us in surprise, then stared at her cousin with a smile on her lips, but her cousin turned her back directly.

"We are here to find Senior Luo Duohan. I brought a letter from my grandfather, and I must teach her. There is also a farewell to the Ghost Hunters Alliance branch last time. Are you all right?"

I smiled at her and asked.

Luo Yue'er nodded, and a cold voice sounded: "Fortunately, we were sure of winning at first, but we didn't expect a traitor to appear in the alliance branch, so we failed. Although my sister suffered some minor injuries, she returned After arriving at the Snowy Plains, her strength has greatly increased. As long as she takes the Hanxue Fruit, she can completely transform into a Yuanhan body, mobilize the power of ice and snow, and don't need to spend a lot of power to hunt ghosts. Originally, she still had to persevere. Waiting for you to come back at the alliance branch, but the method of the other party's devil is too vicious, we have no choice but to return here."

"By the way, I also know about Hanxueguo. It seems that these few days have matured. Many ghost hunters from Ice City have come to Icefield Town. They just plan to pick Hanxueguo. The Sikong family must find a way Get rid of you, you have to be careful, and we want to meet the two seniors of Grandma Lan and Luo Duohan. Now Jiuhuang City has been occupied by the Blood Soul Sect, and Wu Tianxing and the others have been captured. We Rescue is needed."

I remembered what Sikong Baye said, and immediately told Luo Yueer to see what countermeasures she had, and at the same time told her some news about Jiuhuang City.

Hearing this, Luo Yue'er just sneered, and then slowly said: "I already knew that the Sikong family would be like this. In the previous battle, they didn't make much effort at all, and they also joined forces with other ghost hunter families to make troubles, so that the Sikong family would be like this. Members of our Luo family and the Bingcheng Branch of the Ghost Hunter Alliance have suffered a lot. Now I am different from before. It is not so easy to deal with me. The matter of Jiuhuang City, we will discuss it after you see grandma Now, I will take you to the place where we live now."

"Sister Xueshan, have you met my seniors?"

The little monk Huiyang in my arms looked at Luo Yue'er eagerly and asked softly.

Luo Yue'er was stunned, and said, "I see, hey, it's like moths to the flame. The eminent monks of Kuzhu Temple are indeed very powerful in subduing demons, but there are countless undead in the kingdom of the dead, and the ants bite more." Dead elephants, it is estimated that they are in danger."

"No, I'm going to the Kingdom of the Dead to rescue my brothers and the others. Without me, they wouldn't be able to succeed."

Huiyang struggled a few times from me, then stood beside us with a very firm tone.

"The kingdom of the dead, we will go there sooner or later, Huiyang, it's too dangerous for you alone, and you should be very aware of the current climate. I don't doubt your magical powers, but how do you fight against this harsh climate?"

I touched his little bald head and said.

"My sister will also promise you that we will go to the kingdom of the dead in person, and the Luo family's revenge will definitely be avenged, so don't worry, you are really careless, someone is following you, and you haven't noticed yet."

Luo Yue'er's smile froze slightly, she stared into the distance, and said coldly.

"Impossible, I have set up a trap, that person is absolutely impossible to find us."

The cousin turned around and looked at Luo Yue'er very coldly.

"Oh? Don't you believe it? Then let you have a look."

Luo Yueer stretched her hand forward a little, and the snowflakes around her began to condense, turning into densely packed blue ice crystals, and with a flick of her finger, these ice crystals shot away into the distance, and instantly landed somewhere on the snow and exploded .

Snowflakes fluttered, and a faint figure stood there, motionless.

"Sikong Chixing didn't expect it to be you, did the Sikong family send you to deal with me?"

Looking at the figure, Luo Yue'er snorted coldly, her face became more and more cold, and there was a strong hatred in her eyes.

"Yue'er, you are still the same, you haven't changed at all."

The straight figure came over here, with a loud voice and a hint of emotion.

The person who came was a tall man. The man was not wearing a lot, but a black leather jacket, leather pants, boots, short hair, and a pointed chin. He looked very cold. I suddenly found that this person was called Sikong Chixing's man is somewhat similar to his cousin.

I glanced at my cousin, and found that my cousin was also a little shocked. He didn't expect the man in front of him to be similar to himself. He was also tall and thin, with a thin face and a cold expression.

"Do you really think that I have not changed? You were not my opponent before, and you are still not my opponent now. If the Sikong family sent you to deal with me, it would be a big mistake, because tonight the Sikong family will lose again An elite disciple!"

Luo Yue'er's long hair fluttered, and she looked at Sikong Chixing coldly, with a murderous intent on her face.

"Yue'er, listen to me. This time, I didn't make it difficult for you. If I really wanted to drive you away, how could I come here alone? I know your ability very well, and now you are even more Snow Mountain Girl, I will not be able to be your opponent if I practice for decades, this time, I just want to meet you, so many years have passed, I can't forget the little things about us in the past."

A stiff smile appeared on Sikong Chixing's cold face, and he walked a little further.

"If you hadn't reported the situation to the top of the Sikong family, how could our Luo family have been in such a miserable situation? Our past messes have long since disappeared. There is no need for you to come to me. Today I can spare your life and leave quickly. here."

Luo Yue'er was taken aback for a moment, but soon regained her composure, her words were cold.

"Don't you know the number of undead that time? We were simply hitting a stone with an egg. I notified the family to retreat for the benefit of the family. I asked you to go with me at the beginning, but you chose to stay there. That scene After the battle, I went back to Luo's house to look for you, but I didn't find any trace of you at all, but I didn't expect you to have left the Snowy Plains, and even the Ice City."

Sikong Chixing sighed, looking very helpless.

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