Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 220 [Ice Corpse]

"Hui Yang, pick up my Demon Subduing Sword!"

I spoke to Huiyang, who seemed to be frightened, and then Huiyang came to his senses, let go of his hand, and planned to run towards me, but he stopped after just a few steps. , staring at the snow ahead with a pair of big eyes.


As if something was torn apart, a pair of big blue hands stretched out from the snow, the fingers were very slender, and the nails were glowing with black halo. Huiyang stepped back a few steps, his face showing fear again.


I felt a sharp pain in my arm, as if something had bitten my arm, I turned my head slightly to the side, and saw a man in blue who was biting my arm with his mouth open.

Huiyang was startled by my cry, and struggled on his face, because the pair of big blue hands in front of him stretched out to both sides respectively, and a man with a blue head came out, his eyes were closed at first, but suddenly The mouth opened at an inconceivable angle, revealing a mouth full of sharp fangs. The tongue protruding from the inside was at least a foot long, and it was still stained with blue mucus. The blue-skinned man propped his hands on the snow and tried to crawl out. Huiyang gritted his teeth, and suddenly ran forward. When he reached the top of the man's head, he stepped on it hard, and stepped on the head for a while.

"Amitabha, sin!"

Huiyang picked up the Fumo Sword not far away, waved the sword a little jerky, and came towards me. Now I have confirmed that I was lifted up by four humanoid monsters. One bit me.


An almost beast-like roar came from under me, and then my whole body was thrown heavily on the ground. Just as I was about to get up, suddenly a big blue foot stepped on my chest from the sky, and I saw At a glance, this monster can no longer be measured by humans. He has blue skin and muscles all over his body, but there is no trace of clothing on his body. It is strange that he cannot be seen as male or female. His facial features are the same as those of normal people, but his eyes Grayish-white, bald head, although the body is bluish, but smooth, without a trace of hair, not even the organs that should be there below.

In addition to the four monsters that grabbed me, there were others in the snow. After one of the monsters stepped on me, it roared at the others, and then the others went straight to Huiyang.

Their movements are similar to those of wild animals. Even running is very different from normal people. Their bodies are arched and their arms are hanging down on the snow. This appearance reminds me of apes.

I was terrified to see this scene. Huiyang was fighting with them with the demon sword in his hand. Although Huiyang was able to block these monsters for the time being, his strength was limited and he was young. It is unknown how many such monsters there are in the earth.

I tried my best to stand up, but the monster in front of me stomped on me so hard that I couldn't use my strength at all.

Just when despair was growing in my heart, I suddenly found a layer of frost on the body of the monster that was stepping on me, and the frost spread quickly. I reached out and grabbed the monster's ankle, and turned to the side Rolling over, the monster lost its balance and fell to the ground stiffly. A palm-sized butterfly came over from behind the monster and flapped its wings towards me.

"Yuan Qing?!"

I was overjoyed, the ice butterfly Yuanqing landed on my shoulder, I haven't seen it for many days, it seems to be a bit bigger than before, and the crimson patterns on the thin wings are extraordinarily bright.

"Help the little monk solve these monsters."

I tentatively issued an order, Yuan Qing flapped his wings and flew up, but landed on my injured arm, sucked a few mouthfuls of uncoagulated blood, and then flew over, flapping his wings like ice crystals The powder from the icy wind was blown onto these monsters, and their movements immediately slowed down. Huiyang got short, jumped out from between them, and came straight to me.

"Brother Zhong Yuan, we are in trouble. These ice corpses, your ice butterfly can't restrain them for long."

Huiyang glanced at Bingdie first, with a curious look on his face, then pulled the corner of my clothes and said.

"Ice Corpse? We won't be so unlucky, these ices can only be formed in the icy world, bloodthirsty, very agile, and hard to kill, the body is almost invulnerable to water and fire."

I glanced at Huiyang suspiciously, unexpectedly this little monk knew a lot.

"These are ice corpses. Take a look at your wounds. Have you started to have frostbite wounds? Huh? It doesn't seem to be there. What's going on?"

Huiyang glanced at my arm, the sleeve had been bitten, and the wound inside had solidified, there was no frostbite as Huiyang said, I thought it was because I took Hanxueguo, or practiced to keep out the cold The reason for the trick.

"Let's go quickly, when they recover, it will be very difficult for us to escape."

I took my Fumojian and stretched out my hand to swipe at the ice butterfly Yuanqing, it flew to my shoulder, and then I dragged Huiyang to run away.

After running for about tens of meters, the frost on these ice corpses has completely subsided, revealing strong blue muscles, opening their mouths, exposing sharp fangs, howling, and running towards us with their arms lying on the snow. I turned my head and looked, startled, the speed of these ice corpses has far exceeded my imagination, because I have seen the living corpse Gu Anan, Gu Anan's movements are very stiff and slow, but these ice corpses are like beating a chicken Like blood, like beasts, they run fast, and more importantly, they obviously have a certain amount of intelligence and wisdom.

While running, it was like a series of cyan shadows, with a few flashes, they were about to catch up with us.

"What should I do? These ice corpses are extremely powerful. My brothers have said that they are more terrifying than the ice wolf on the ice field. An ice corpse can tear apart the ice wolf with bare hands, and they especially like to eat living people. Zhong Yuan Brother, will we be eaten?"

Huiyang's little hand grabbed me firmly, and spoke in extreme horror.

The power of hunting ghosts in my body is almost exhausted now. Before using the demon-subduing sword light to deal with those undead, and turning on the body-protecting divine light, it consumed more than half of it. Now saving Huiyang and using the Dao pattern in the palm is almost exhausted. I want to If there is no other way, even if I have a golden bone hand, I can't use it.

No, I can't cast it. It doesn't mean that little monk Huiyang can't cast it either. I think since he has the ability to cast something similar to Buddha fire, he should be able to use it.

I put away the Fumo sword, took out a golden bone hand and handed it to Huiyang, and said, "I don't know if you cultivators are cultivating the power of the Buddha or what, but as long as you input the power of your cultivation into this bone hand." The gas will be able to exert its effect, now only relying on you to survive in this desperate place, the golden bone hand can create a space to trap these ice corpses, try."

Huiyang found the golden bone hand, and nodded ignorantly. As soon as he took his hand, the golden bone hand emitted a faint golden light. Huiyang was overjoyed and said, "Huh? Could this be the treasure of a Buddhist monk? I can feel it. The owner before this hand bone practiced Buddhist exercises."

After finishing speaking, Huiyang grabbed the golden hand bone and swung it back vigorously. A golden light shot out from between the five fingers of the bone hand, like a golden thread passing over the snow, and burst open before the group of ice corpses. The space behind him was hazy for a while.

I breathed a sigh of relief, with the obstruction of the power of space, our chances of escaping are much greater.

But Huiyang said, the owner of this bone hand has practiced Buddhist skills, how is it possible?This is a fox from Qingqiu country, so it should also belong to monsters. How can monsters practice Buddhist skills?

On the way to flee for my life, I always gritted my teeth and insisted on staying awake. As long as I passed out, Huiyang would not be able to take me forward. He is so young, even if he practiced Buddhist exercises, his strength would not increase much.

Fortunately for me, neither the ice corpses nor the undead appeared again. My feet seemed to be filled with lead, and finally I walked under a big tree and stopped.

"I can't, I can't move anymore. Although the danger is still there, I need to regain some of my ghost-hunting power. Huiyang, stand guard. If something is wrong, call me up!"

After finishing speaking, I sat cross-legged under the tree, pinched the magic trick, and removed the circulation of the cold protection formula in the body. As soon as I withdrew it, the surrounding area suddenly became a little bit colder, but I don't have time to worry about it Many, now as long as the power of hunting ghosts is recovered as much as possible, and the second rune formation can be used to kill these ice corpses, Huiyang's Buddhist technique is powerful, but it is only for dealing with Undead, these ice corpses are not just simple undead creatures, they are also flesh and blood, and they are even more flesh and blood than ordinary humans.

Under such circumstances, I dare not neglect in the slightest, and devote myself to cultivating my ghost-hunting power. The source of belief in my mind seems to rotate faster, and every time I rotate a circle, I can emit a lot of hunting The power of ghosts, and then I will control my power of thought to mobilize these powers.

This state was unexpectedly good. After a while, I recovered nearly half of my ghost hunting power.

"Oops, Brother Zhong Yuan, they are coming after you."

Huiyang's anxious voice sounded, he grabbed the golden bone hand and walked to me, but he didn't reach out to interrupt me, I slowly opened my eyes, stood up, my mind was much clearer, and the power of hunting ghosts was exhausted. Too much, as if something was taken away from the mind, the whole person will become extremely drowsy, but as long as it recovers, it can become a normal state, even surpassing the normal state of the human body, and even the thinking becomes Extraordinarily clear.

"Five ice corpses, not many, how many times can you activate the golden bone hand?"

I glanced at Huiyang and asked calmly.

"I can't use it anymore. Just now, all my Buddha's power poured into the bone hands. I have been able to trap them for a longer time. How could I have expected them to break through? Could it be that someone secretly helped these ice hands?" corpse?"

Huiyang touched his little bald head, a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

"If we can't get away and insist on fighting them, then you must not let these ice corpses catch you. With their strength, your little arms and legs will be removed at once, understand."

I said softly, Huiyang nodded.

In addition to these ice corpses, we also encountered even greater difficulties, because behind the ice corpses, there was a black mist and ghost howling. , but these undead are still in the state of the upper body is human, and the back half is in the state of smoke. Unexpectedly, in addition to the vicious undead, there are such powerful creatures as ice corpses in this kingdom of the dead.

We were still running forward, but our distance was gradually shortened. Just when I made up my mind to fight them to the death, there was a long howl in front of us, shaking the snow from the surrounding trees.

In the air ahead, a figure flew towards us, I held Huiyang tightly, and a gust of wind whizzed by in front of me, and I was lifted up directly.

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