Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 221 [Legend]

"Catch me, don't fall!"

Li Nianbai's voice came from in front of me, and Huiyang was already lying on my back, holding my shoulders firmly with both hands.

The wind howled in my ears, if Li Nianbai was not standing in front, I would not be able to open my eyes at all.

He actually came with a sword. Didn’t he have a fear of heights? The ebony sword under his feet was shaking a little. I grabbed the clothes behind him. Now we are more than ten meters above the ground. Falling to death, I will definitely be disabled. I felt Li Nianbai's body trembling, as if he was trying to overcome his fear.

In order to distract him from noticing that we are at a high altitude at the moment, he immediately said: "Why did you turn back again?"

"If I don't turn back, you will die. We are good brothers. I have the ability to keep you alive. Why don't I come to save you? Zhong Yuan, it seems that it's not just the undead who are chasing you, what else? "

Li Nianbai's voice was still trembling, but his body was not as trembling as before.

I patted his back and said, "It's an ice corpse. Have you seen these ice corpses before? I feel that they are more powerful than living corpses. I was bitten, but it's not a serious problem."

"What? Ice corpse? It's all because I'm stupid. Although I've never been to this kind of place, I've seen ice corpses. In fact, ice corpses are more terrifying than ordinary zombies. They live in this kind of ice and snow world. You Do you know what to eat? Eat living people, suck human blood, if they are too hungry, they will go to the human world, because they were living people before death, so when they die and form ice corpses, some things in their brains The powerful consciousness has not dissipated. Over time, they will become like ordinary people, but with stronger bodies. Although they don't wear clothes, their physical bodies are similar to zombies. Ordinary swords are not It won’t hurt, by the way, where did you get bitten by him?”

Li Nianbai's unhurried voice came over, revealing a little worry.

"I was bitten on my arm, what's wrong?"

I grabbed his waist with both hands, and looked down at my injured arm. There were scabs on it. It seemed that there was nothing wrong, but I always felt a little weird.

"Your arm is still there?"

Li Nianbai asked strangely.

"If not, then what am I holding you with? Is it holding you with my feet?"

I gave Li Nianbai a hard look from behind.

"I don't mean that. These ice corpses usually share food when they catch a living person, and their teeth are extremely sharp and hard. They are stronger than the canine teeth of wild animals, but not as good as those zombie teeth. Their masseter muscles are special. Well-developed, human bones can be broken with one bite, which is strange. Could it be that the ice corpse will show mercy to you? Impossible, even if the ice corpse is born with wisdom and wisdom, facing a living person, it will You will want to eat him immediately, it is really not easy for you to escape from the ice corpse's mouth."

Li Nianbai began to speculate to himself.

"I remembered. At that time, four ice corpses caught me. If they really wanted to eat me, they would have eaten it long ago. Where did they want to catch me? Or is there a leader directing them?"

Recalling the scene that happened before, I broke out in a cold sweat. I just came to the Snowy Plains, how could I provoke this group of ice corpses?

"These ice corpses belong to the kingdom of the dead?"

I asked curiously, but after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, Li Nianbai does not belong to our world, he probably didn't know, but Huiyang behind me said:

"Ice corpses should not belong to the kingdom of the dead. Although I don't understand how they can mix with these vicious undead, I have read some classics, and I have done some homework when I came to this place with my brothers. These ice corpses It is true that they are changed after the death of living people, but the reason for their formation is similar to that of zombies, not everyone will become ice corpses after death, and there is a secret that neither of you probably knows."

"Little monk, stop haggling and speak quickly."

Li Nianbai's curiosity was aroused, and when he saw Huiyang's sudden interruption, he became a little impatient.

"These ice corpses can reproduce. I didn't believe it at first, because I saw these ice corpses today. Although they look like adult men and even have strong muscles, their bodies don't have any organs. , Amitabha, since there is no such thing, how can it multiply? There is a legend involved here, although the legend is not credible, but I think there is something to be studied about this legend.”

Huiyang's face became very calm, revealing an temperament that did not match his age. He thought for a while and continued: "It is said that many years ago, at that time, the Maha Great World did not separate from the Snowy Plain. At the beginning, this group of demons angered a big man, but that big man finally used his powerful ability to separate the Maha World from the human world. It seemed that for some reason, this big man had many followers around him. Female, it is said that this big man has the ability to directly call her the Ice God, and the other man who is with the Ice God is called Teng. He is a person standing shoulder to shoulder with God, and his physical body is very powerful, extremely powerful, and he is good at using ice supernatural powers, but in another battle, he fell."

"Is this big man using his own ability to save Teng?"

I continued.

"Yes, but after Teng was resurrected after death, he lost most of his memory, because his soul is no longer there, and he just relied on the strong consciousness remaining in his mind. This method was originally against the sky, so Teng had a lot of changes , he likes to suck human blood, and because of that battle, he was seriously injured and his body was split apart. It was formed by that big man with supreme supernatural powers. Although Teng was resurrected, he lost his lifeblood. For this, he was very upset Later, this big man taught him a method to reproduce with the help of human beings, but this method is very extreme, that is, the essence in Teng's body is spit out from the mouth, and then transferred to human women, and they can reproduce with the help of them."

After saying this, little monk Huiyang's face was already red, his little face was as red as a tomato.

"This legend is not credible at all, or in other words, there are eight layers of falsehood. I can understand what you said because they took me back to reproduce. Don't forget, I am a man."

I shook my head, suddenly feeling amused.

But now that I think about the way those ice corpses opened their mouths, it's really scary. The tongue is more than a foot long, and there is still green juice in the mouth.

"What happened afterwards? Zhong Yuan, don't interrupt, let him continue."

Li Nianbai's voice came again.

"I said yes, but if you see my senior brothers in the future, you can't mention these things to them. Some ancient myths, my master is strict with us. If I am caught peeping, I will not be spared. "

Huiyang pursed her mouth and spoke.

"Little monk with six unclean roots, how old is he? His hair hasn't even grown yet, haha."

Li Nianbai let out a loud laugh, which made Huiyang immediately retort: ​​"It will be my birthday in a few days, and I will be nine years old, so I am not young anymore."

"Tell me, we won't tell your senior brother."

I smiled and spoke.

"Teng later used this method to reproduce his offspring, but what troubled him was that these offspring had the same physical characteristics as him, so when they grow up, they must use this method to reproduce. Heir, according to the book, for some reason, Teng's wife betrayed him and lived with another man. Teng was so angry that he ate his wife alive and took his wife with him. His descendants settled down in the Snowy Plains."

"After the Great World of Maha was stripped off, the big shots left, and the Ice God and Teng stood by and helped each other to manage the Snowy Land together, but Teng's offspring were far less intelligent than Teng's, and many of them needed to eat people to make a living. The God of Ice is the one who protects the people of the Snowy Land. Therefore, the two had conflicts and became hostile. Later, Teng wanted to return to this big man, but he got a very bad news. The big devil who had attained the Tao fights, both losers, his body is destroyed, and his soul is reincarnated. From then on, he began to search for the reincarnation of this big man, and after thousands of years, he still found nothing, so he made up his mind. He told his heirs to find this big man, and he didn't want to be hostile to the Ice God. After discussing with the two of them, Teng decided to seal himself under the ice abyss, and he would follow him forever when the big man found him. By his side."

Huiyang finished speaking in one breath, and the surroundings were extremely quiet except for the strong wind.

"Could it be that this Teng gave up his heir? Was it because of guilt that he sealed the Dao under the icy abyss?"

I spoke softly, feeling a little inexplicably uncomfortable.

Finally survived, and found a way to pass on to his offspring, but his offspring are the same as himself, but they can't control their behavior very well, they kill everywhere, and finally become enemies with their former friend, the Ice God, and want to leave , Abandoning one's own heir, how painful it is.

"If I were Teng, I would definitely not be able to bear this kind of thing. It's better to let that big man take back this right to eternal life. I think he sealed himself under the ice abyss to escape this reality, because he waited for thousands of years. I still couldn't see the reincarnation of that person, so I was desperate, so I sealed it myself, but although his descendants have become fierce, they have been following the orders of their ancestors. When they see someone appearing, they will definitely bring these people to the ice abyss Go there, if the big man is not reincarnated, he will share the food, little Yuanyuan, do you think my guess is right, after being with you for a long time, I feel that I have become very smart."

Li Nianbai smiled very proudly.

"I have also thought about the speculation you said, but I think the bigger reason is that he wants to use his behavior to warn his descendants. The ancestors are gone, and they must restrain themselves. Otherwise, who will protect them? They can fight with Han Bing The snow-mountain girl under the god's throne contends? Only by letting them suffer can they grow, Teng is a soft-hearted person."

I sighed in my heart.

After speaking, the surroundings became quiet again, only the whistling sound of the strong wind.

"It's here, it's finally here, my mana is almost exhausted, I can persist for such a long time, I feel that my strength is completely different from before, when you land, you have to be careful, I am still out of control and very proficient, I hope my mother won't see me in such a mess, otherwise she will have to spank my ass."

Amidst Li Nianbai's yelling, we stopped, swaying and falling slowly, I glanced, my cousin and Jiang He had already got off the ice cart, seeing us coming back, our originally tense faces relaxed down.

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