Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 222 [Island in the Lake]

What makes me a little depressed is that Li Nianbai has never landed safely, even though he has briefly overcome his fear of heights, the ebony sword suddenly vibrated violently in the air several meters high, Li Nianbai let out an exclamation, and suddenly put I opened my hand and said:

"Zhong Yuan, wish yourself good luck!"

After speaking, he stepped on the ebony sword under his feet, opened his arms, and slid down to the ground in a very elegant gliding posture.

I fell directly from mid-air with Huiyang on my back, and fell heavily on the snowy ground. I cursed and climbed up as I acted as a human cushion. Naturally, Huiyang had nothing to do with him, but he was very caring Patted the snowflakes on my body for me, and then glared at Li Nianbai who came triumphantly from afar.

"Zhong Yuan, Hui Yang, are you two injured?"

Jiang He walked up to us and asked with concern, but as soon as he finished speaking, his eyes fell on my arm. The sleeve of my arm was bitten through, and there was still a faint blood stain on it.

"Brother Zhong Yuan was bitten by the ice corpse, but it doesn't seem to be a serious problem. It seems that he is completely immune to the ice corpse poison, but I suggest that it is best to check."

Hui Yang pursed his lips and spoke to Jiang He.


Jiang He looked at me with some surprise, grabbed my arm, and directly tore off the clothes on my wound. Suddenly, the surrounding cold wind rushed over, making me shiver.

"Is there any discomfort in your body?"

My cousin frowned, and walked over, staring at my injured arm, he is very aware of this corpse poison, if not dealt with in time, the seven spirits of the whole person will gradually disappear, and the scattered souls of heaven, earth and people will also disperse, At that time, it will become another ice corpse, without its own consciousness, only bloodthirsty instinct.

"No, I am very aware of my current physical condition. Look at my nails. When Xu Wanzhou was bitten by Gu An'an, how long did the nails grow? You should have seen it. I am fine now, except that the wound still hurts a little. , let’s hurry, otherwise those ice corpses and undead will come after us again.”

I took Huiyang back to the ice cart. If we want to reach the place where the Frost Snow Tree is, the ghost hunters in Ice City should also pass through this snow forest, so we will also encounter these ice corpses and undead. These supernatural beings are enough to hold them back for quite some time.

Luo Yue'er drove the ice cart again, and moved forward at a fast speed again. Originally, the sky was so dark that it couldn't melt away, but at this hour, the thick fog in the sky has dispersed. In the east, faint orange clouds appeared. It won't be long. , the sun is about to rise.

"After midnight, we are almost arriving at our destination."

Not long after, Luo Yue'er's relieved voice came from the air.

When the sky was completely bright, the surroundings were a bit dazzling. The snow was thick and white, and the sky was blue, as if it had been washed by a flood.

There is a large lake in front of me. It makes me a little strange that there is actually a lake in this kind of place, and the lake is not small. The ice cart stopped beside the lake, and a warm wind blows from it The lake was blowing head-on, and I stopped the cold protection formula directly.

I got out of the car and looked towards the center of the lake. There was a small floating island there. The island was only a few hundred meters away from the shore, and there were bubbles blowing on the surface of the lake. I stretched my hand into the lake water. Once it was picked up, it was a little warm, and suddenly said in surprise:

"This lake is simply a huge hot spring. Sister Yue'er stopped here. Could it be that Han Xueshu and Luo Shui'er are both on the small island?"

"Well, yes, this is the lake of ice and fire. Our family used to live on a small island in the lake of ice and fire, and the Hanxue tree was also in it. Because of the special climate here, the Hanxue tree can survive. I will Casting spells condenses a suspended ice bridge on the surface of the lake, but you have to hurry over, because these ice bridges are also melted by ice, and will be dissolved by heat in the lake of ice and fire."

Luo Yue'er glanced at us, smiled slightly and spoke, then stood on a certain shore, with her hands in mudras, muttering something in her mouth, a moment later she stretched out her hand and pressed it into the lake, a circular magic circle emerged under the palm of her hand , Silver-white patterns emerged in the formation, these patterns intertwined with each other, and spread towards the distant path. After a while, these patterns turned into ice for interpretation, and a thick ice bridge appeared in front of us.

Li Nianbai was the first to step on it, because there was no guardrail, so we walked extra cautiously, for fear of accidentally falling into the water, in fact, it’s okay to fall in, the main reason is that the clothes and some carrying items cannot enter the water. Otherwise it will be scrapped.

It took us nearly half an hour to set foot on this small island in just a few hundred meters.

The island is actually very huge, but we only feel small when we look at it from a very far distance. I turned my head and glanced at the ice bridge behind us. These ice bridges have become extremely weak and will soon be melted by the lake and disappear. , apart from faint bubbles appearing on the entire surface of the lake, there is also a faint white steam.

This is the first time I have seen fresh trees on this snowy plain, and the temperature here is very suitable, very warm, the surrounding forests are very lush, and the area covered by the forests of the entire island is very humid and lingering With a little mist, it's like a fairyland.


Suddenly a wolf howled in the forest, scaring us to stop quickly. I looked along where the howling was, and there was a huge silver wolf in the distance. Zhai met Canglang's body, which looked even more majestic. It stared at us fiercely with a pair of green eyes, as if it would pounce on us at any time.

However, there was a young girl sitting on top of the silver wolf, upon closer inspection, it was Luo Shui'er.

I heard Luo Shui'er say before that she has a spirit creature called Little Silver in the Snowy Plains, and I think this silver wolf is the spirit creature Luo Shui'er was talking about.

Luo Shui'er, who was originally nervous, was a little surprised when he saw us, but then he became happy, patted Silver Wolf's head lightly, and came towards us.

Luo Shui'er's hair was rolled up, and she was wearing a long silver-white dress. She looked gentle and generous, and she still wore the pair of tassel earrings on her ears, but sitting on the silver wolf now, she added a bit of madness With a wild temperament, the silver wolf stopped in front of us, and a crisp voice sounded:

"Zhong Yuan, why did you rush over here? We originally planned to return to Jiuhuang City to look for you after waiting for the Hanxue fruit to be harvested."

"Shui'er, take them back to the house first, senior blue and grandma will be very happy to see Zhong Yuan appear."

Luo Yue'er spoke beside her.

Seeing our dusty appearance, Luo Shui'er covered his mouth and smiled, nodded and said: "I ignored it, I am so happy to see you, let's go, I will take you Luo family."

After finishing speaking, Luo Shui'er rode the silver wolf to lead the way, Huiyang grabbed the corner of my clothes tightly and refused to let go, her immature face was frightened, but her eyes showed the silver wolf Out of curiosity.

"Little guy, can I return my golden hand bones?"

I stretched out my hand and glanced at Huiyang with a smile. He took out his golden bone hand from his bosom reluctantly, touched it, and handed it to me: "Brother Zhong Yuan, this hand bone should be fine. Which temple is it the remains of an eminent monk? I can really feel that the owner of this hand bone has practiced Buddhist skills. I won’t lie to you. This must be a very powerful monk. The bones can also stimulate the power of space. Otherwise, let me take it back and show it to my master to see if I can figure out the identity of the owner of the skeleton?"

Taking the golden bone hand, I patted Huiyang's small shoulder with a smile, and said, "This is the corpse of the eight-tailed or nine-tailed fox in Qingqiu. I heard that as long as they cultivate three tails, they can transform into a human form, and Only the foxes in Qingqiu Kingdom have the talent of spatial supernatural powers, so it must not be the eminent monk you imagined, let alone your master, it may be due to his own good fortune that this fox can practice Buddhist skills."

"Huh? Is this the hand bone of a monster?"

Huiyang's complexion changed instantly, and at the same time, he spread out his palms to see what changes occurred on his palms.

"What's wrong? Can the monster's hand bones still eat you?"

I touched his little bald head, put the golden bone hand into my pocket, and asked with a smile.

"No, I'm afraid that there is this monster's soul stored in the golden bone hand, and I want to take the opportunity to resurrect. Since the other party is so powerful, then the soul will definitely not perish so easily. Maybe it's hiding in my own remains, waiting One day we will be able to see the light of day."

Little monk Huiyang said while walking, with a solemn expression on his face.

"You have also used the golden bone hand, but found that there are souls living in it? Don't worry, this is just a very unusual monster hand bone."

I let go, looked at Huiyang who looked like a young adult, and couldn't help laughing. Li Nianbai and the others in front turned their heads to stare at the two of us.

In the center of the island, there is a large flat land, and there is a relatively large wooden house with two floors in total. The wooden stairs connect the second floor, and a lot of flowers and plants are planted in front. On the large lawn, two roads The figures were fighting, their speed was so fast that they almost turned into afterimages.

"Grandma, stop beating, the guests are coming!"

Luo Shui'er looked helplessly at her grandma and grandma Lan, and spoke loudly, and the crisp voice spread far away.

The two figures slapped each other, retreated evenly, and then flew towards our direction.

Grandma Lan's appearance is still the same as before, but Senior Luo Duohan has returned to her appearance the first time I saw her. Although the skin on her face is not loose and wrinkles are rarely seen, her hair is full again. Her hair was silver-haired, and even her body was slightly bent, but her movements were very vigorous.

Seeing me staring at her like this, Luo Duohan smiled helplessly, and said: "You guys are finally here, don't look at me like this, when I retreated last time, I used a secret method to escape, but my current Appearance is the price, by the way, Zhong Yuan, how is the work entrusted to you? Did you hear the news from your father?"

"Well, my father gave me a letter, saying that it was left by my grandfather, and it was for you two seniors."

I took off the backpack behind me, then pulled out the envelope from the inside, and handed it over.

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