Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 226 [Ghostland Reappearance] Part 2

After I walked out of the room, I walked towards the shore. On the way, I spread out my hands. Both hands were able to display the Dao pattern in the palm, but because the right hand was used to holding the demon sword, the left hand was always holding it. display.

There is no difference between the palm and other people's, but there are five red marks in the palm that have not disappeared. I know that these five red marks were cracked by the Dao pattern before, and they have not fully recovered, leaving temporary scars.

The crystal-like red source of belief in my mind is slowly turning. Sometimes I wonder, if I lose my belief in Zhong Kui, will all my abilities disappear?

Will the Zhong family's secret technique, the power of hunting ghosts, and the Dao pattern in the palm disappear?

How can those ghost hunters who have no source of faith in their minds perform this method of catching ghosts and exorcising evil spirits?

Does it have to be the belief in the ancestors? Could it be that if you have your own beliefs, you can't succeed?

I shook my head, and there was a cold wind blowing in front of me, icy cold, this wind was abnormally cold, it seemed to be blowing hard over my soul.

No, how could it be the cold wind?This is Binghuo Island. The lake is like a hot spring. Even if the wind blows, it will be mixed with the heat from the lake. It can’t be so cold. There are forests in front of us, and we will reach the shore after crossing the forest. I ran all the way. Arriving at the edge of the woods, seeing the scene inside, his face suddenly became gloomy.

The originally lush woods were shrouded in a layer of black mist, and this sinister wind was blowing from the woods. There was a silver light in the forest, and there was a blood-red light and the sound of screaming.

A few minutes closer, these forest trees shrouded in black mist began to show a withered state, the original emerald green leaves had curled up, and the visibility to the forest was very low. His sight can only stay at about two meters, and he can no longer see the scene inside.

Glancing at the sky again, it was extremely gloomy, the dark clouds in the sky were rolling faintly, it seemed that someone was moving, and ghost howling sounded.

"Little Yin, don't worry about me, just guard yourself!"


Although the voice changed a bit, it seemed to be slightly distorted from a long distance, but when I heard this voice, I immediately knew that the one in the forest should be Luo Shui'er, the silver light must be Xiao Yin, and the blood-red light It should be the precious light emitted by Luo Shui'er's magic weapon made of blood emperor dragon wood.

Without thinking too much, I took out the Demon Demon Sword, grabbed a few flame talismans from my pocket, went to the side of the woods, glanced at the thick ghost fog, and waved my hand, these flame talismans quickly disappeared into the black mist In the middle, it began to burst open, turning into groups of crimson flames and starting to burn.

These talisman fires will only burn Yin Qi, I am not worried that Luo Shui'er will be affected, and although Little Silver is a monster, but its body is an ice wolf, if these talisman fires really burn itself, there must be a way to deal with it, I just want to use these talisman fires to dispel some Yin Qi, as much as I can burn, after all, these Yin Qi are harmful to the human body.

But what surprised me was that as soon as these talisman fires appeared, they disappeared strangely, even the sparks disappeared, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

"Don't come in, Xiaoyin and I have already fallen into the ghost realm. Although these talisman fires can penetrate, they simply cannot exist for a long time."

Luo Shui'er's anxious voice came out suddenly louder and then softer, at one moment it seemed to be far away, and at another moment it seemed extremely close.

Ghost domain? !

I was slightly shocked. A ghost domain must have many evil spirits staying in one place for many years. It is possible to form a concerted effort, but why does a ghost domain suddenly appear here?When we went to Jiuhuang City, Wei Xiaoqing and I met before. If we didn’t burn the corpses of those evil spirits, we might not be able to escape. Although my strength has improved a lot, I don’t have enough confidence Can come out of the ghost domain safely.

Touching my palm, I gritted my teeth, and finally stepped in. The reason was nothing else, because Luo Shui'er was inside, and she would be in danger.

After entering, the scene inside became different from before. It seemed to be a world of ice, with a thick layer of ice under the feet, a wide surrounding, and the sky surrounded by black mist. Not far from me, Luo Shui'er was holding a magical sword Dancing vigorously, the wooden sword in his hand was only about a foot long, but the surface of the wooden sword was shrouded in a layer of blood-red flames, and he did not know the mysterious power of the magic weapon made of the blood emperor dragon wood , with a wave of her arm, an undead was chopped off and wiped out.

However, there are too many undead around, and these undead seem to jump down from the sky, endlessly, no matter how powerful Luo Shui'er is, there is no way but to eliminate these undead bit by bit, and these undead gradually become more and more.

Xiaoyin has always been guarding Luo Shui'er's side, rushing towards these undead very fiercely, with fierce emerald green eyes, when the wolf's claws are raised, a green brilliance blooms on the paws, as long as these undead are hit by the paws, they will be completely killed. broken.

, since it is a ghost domain, there must be some flaws, because the support of the ghost domain requires a very special reason. The reason for the ghost domain that we entered with Wei Xiaoqing before is because of those bones. Once the bones disappear, the ghost domain will collapse. The ghost domain looks very different, and there will be no bones, but there must be similarities, or in other words, there are very powerful undead supporting this ghost domain.

Because of my entry, some evil undead began to come towards me. I raised the demon-subduing sword and activated the first rune formation. A layer of silver light lit up on the demon-subduing sword. It can completely harm the spirit body, there is no need to use the demon sword light, reduce the minimum consumption, and find out the flaws of the ghost domain.

The Seven Star Step has been performed very proficiently, and there are no very powerful undead attacking me here, because most of the main force is attacking the powerful Luo Shui'er, so I am relatively relaxed and can be distracted.

Soon I felt Luo Shui'er's gaze, but don't go there soon.

Oops, could it be that the flaw of this ghost domain is above the sky?The black mist is the thickest there, or in other words, the undead who control this ghost domain are hiding in it, but how can they go up?

No, I can't think about it anymore, even if I can't go up, then I will force this powerful undead to take action. Luo Shui'er has been here for a long time, although she is still supporting, her movements are far from as flexible as before. No matter how powerful she is, she is only a girl, and she is not a martial artist, so her physical strength must last too long.

It is necessary to lure this powerful undead down, and then launch the strongest blow, or severely injure this undead, so that the ghost domain can be disintegrated.

But this requires the cooperation of Luo Shui'er. I danced a few swords and flowers to force some undead to run in the direction of Luo Shui'er, but there are too many undead around Luo Shui'er. I also couldn't take care of what was behind me, and soon I felt my back was grabbed by the undead, the cold clothes were torn, and the cold nails were caught in the flesh, and then grabbed down hard.

I was a little appalled, how could these undead be so powerful?The closer you get to Luoshui'er, the stronger these undead are. They can even attack my body and injure me physically. The undead we met before can only absorb the essence, but have no ability to destroy the physical body.

Now that I can't control so much, Luo Shui'er glanced at me, was slightly startled, stepped on the tiptoe of the ground, rose into the air, and passed directly above my head, swung the magic sword in his hand vigorously, behind me The undead who followed were beheaded.

"Why did you come in? Didn't I say that you can't come in here?"

Luo Shui'er leaned on my back and asked, now that my back is handed over to her, I feel much more at ease, at least no undead can attack me from behind.

"Of course I came here to help you destroy this ghost domain. I also encountered a ghost domain before, and I just burned the corpses, but I guess the ghost domain here should be formed by the control of powerful undead, so we only need to severely damage or destroy that ghost domain. The undead is fine, but I'm not sure that this undead will come down from the sky, so I ask you to help clear up the surrounding undead and see if this powerful undead will make a move. At that time, we can leave this ghost domain."

I glanced at the dark sky, there were undead flying down from the black clouds, and I didn't know where this powerful undead was hiding.

"Okay, I'll cast a spell to eliminate the surrounding undead and draw out that powerful undead, but then you can only deal with it, are you sure?"

Luo Shui'er's worried voice sounded.

"Of course, look at me."

I giggled, swung the Fumo Sword, and forced an undead back, and said.

"Little Silver, protect the two of us with all your strength, and make no mistakes!"

Luo Shui'er spoke from Xiaoyin not far away, and there was a resonant wolf roar from Xiaoyin's mouth. Suddenly, his body began to change, and his whole body seemed to swell in a circle, becoming even bigger. The wolf hair is like a steel needle, it gallops to our side, opens its bloody mouth, and crazily bites into these things.

Our stress has eased a lot. Luo Shui'er put a finger into his mouth and bit it, then stretched out his hand and began to draw on the magic weapon made by the blood emperor dragon wood, while chanting:

"The Ice God borrows the law, the Ice Soul Talisman, all evils are frozen, hurry like a law!"

As soon as the fingers were retracted, a layer of icy light immediately appeared on the wooden sword, and Luo Yue'er spoke loudly again: "Little Yin, come to us!"

Hearing this, Xiaoyin immediately ran to our side, and the surrounding undead rushed towards us from all directions like a tide, densely packed, with gusts of sinister wind.

Luo Shui'er smiled slightly, and with a wave of his arm, the silver light on the magic weapon poured out, like streaks of white light passing through these undead, and waved around us four times, all these undead were captured After freezing, it became a dense ice sculpture, which looked quite spectacular.

She pinched the magic weapon in her hand, and said in a low voice, "Broken!"


These sealed undead shattered together with the ice around them, turning into dots of cold stars and dissipating, and all the surrounding undead were cleaned up.

Just when I was dumbfounded, a huge vortex suddenly appeared above our heads, and a huge, angry face appeared in the vortex.

Because only one chapter was updated yesterday, there will be another chapter to be updated later, before twelve o'clock.

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