Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 227 [Big Mouth King] Part 3

"Zhong Yuan, he has appeared."

After Luo Shui'er performed the secret technique, her face turned pale, and her body was even a little unstable. She fell over to my side, and I quickly supported her.

A faint fragrance radiated from her body, coupled with her soft body leaning on me, suddenly I felt my heart beat suddenly faster, and even some parts of my body showed signs of recovery, but I forgot for a while. Move, I really want her to be leaning against me like this all the time, this feeling seems familiar.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie...Little girl, you are quite capable. If you are allowed to continue to grow, how can you escape? But you are too stupid, you have already escaped , but now you are still returning to the Luo family, wanting to repeat the same mistakes?"

The giant face in the air let out a strange laugh. Facing this giant face, I felt a huge aura, as if the whole sky was covered by this giant face. In front of him, we couldn't lift it Any resistance is like ants, and I even have a very weird illusion, as if the owner of this giant face can blow me away with a sneeze.

Except for the mouth, the rest of the facial features of this giant face are slightly blurred. The mouth is so big that it almost takes up more than half of the whole face. Stirring constantly, some black mucus fell from the mouth and fell around us. The ground immediately made a "chi chi" sound as if it had been splashed with sulfuric acid.

The strong, only the strong will have this kind of overwhelming aura. The undead we are facing is stronger than I imagined. If we want to destroy him or seriously injure him, I guess it will take at least five Dao lines. , I touched the faintly red wound on my palm, feeling a little hesitant in my heart.

"If I remember correctly, you should be the King of the Giant Mouth in the Kingdom of the Dead. There are four undead in the Kingdom of the Dead. They are the King of the Giant Nose, the King of the Giant Mouth, the King of the Giant Eyes, and the King of the Giant Ears. Cousin, you ate him."

Luo Shui'er clenched her fists tightly, I could feel her anger, because of her anger, her whole body trembled, she broke away from my hand, raised her wooden sword and pointed at the King of Giant Mouth, and said coldly: "I I will definitely avenge the people of the Luo family!"

"Overestimate your own strength. At the beginning, the elders of your Luo family only hurt us, and they didn't do anything to us. Why do you have it? Hehe, speaking of that little doll, the taste is quite good. I still remember it, so many years have passed Well, if he hadn't been eaten by me, he would probably be as tall as you, isn't it heartbreaking? Besides your cousin, your cousin was also eaten by me. Your cousin is not bad, soft and tender, but Not as chewy as your cousin, I came to snatch Hanxueguo today, even if the guy with the big nose didn't follow, I can handle it, and the big eye said that it saw you coming to rescue the soldiers, I think that's just the case."

The Giant Mouth King laughed loudly, and the black ghost fog around him also boiled, wave after wave, and the momentum was astonishing.

Luo Shui'er took a deep breath, tears welled up in her eyes, but she didn't reach out to wipe the tears off her face, and the silver light on the wooden sword in her hand flickered again: "King of the Big Mouth, today is your death day."

After finishing speaking, Luo Shui'er suddenly threw the magic weapon in his hand upwards, turning into a silver light and shooting it towards the giant mouth. The king of the giant mouth gave a strange laugh, opened his mouth and sprayed, and a thick black mist sprayed out. However, as soon as the thick black mist touched the magic sword, it cracked and turned into a layer of ice mist, and then the sound of "ding ding ding..." came.

The surrounding time seemed to stand still, Luo Shui'er couldn't stand still after launching this blow, and fell to the ground.

I supported her, she looked at me with tears all over her face, her mouth was stubbornly pursed, she didn't raise her hand to wipe the tears, hot tears slipped from her eyes, seeing her uncomfortable, my heart tightened slightly, as if A needle stabbed me hard in the heart.


Suddenly a silver light in the sky came straight towards us, I didn't think much about it, and swung the demon-subduing sword in my hand viciously.

This silver light was hit by me, and then stuck on the ground not far from us. The silver light swayed slightly, and gradually returned to the appearance of a wooden sword. The black mist in the air rolled again, and the big face of the giant mouth king appeared , but this time the appearance is a bit more ferocious than before:

"Little baby, your ice soul talisman is really powerful, and it actually caused me to lose a lot of energy, but judging by your appearance, you can no longer use it, no, it should be unable to move, you have tried your best, today I'm going to eat you, and replenish the damaged essence!"

Hearing this sentence, Luo Shui'er's face showed a trace of panic, she bit her lips, as if she had made some kind of decision, I stretched out my hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and said softly:

"Shui'er, are you really sure you want him to die today?"

The hot tears in Luo Shui'er's eyes remained again, and she nodded solemnly.

I smiled slightly, and helped her dry her tears again, then called Xiaoyin over, stroked its soft fur, and said, "Little Yin, if the ghost realm disintegrates later, take your master and rush out." , go to Senior Lan and the others, find Jiang He, I will take care of it here."

After speaking, I picked up Luo Shui'er and put it on Xiaoyin's body.

"Zhong... Zhong Yuan, what do you want to do? I know your ability. Even with the ability of the Dao pattern in your palm, you may not be able to defeat him. You might as well use the Dao pattern in your palm and the golden hand bone to see if you can do it." Find a way to go out directly from here! I was just joking just now, this revenge will be reported later, we first find grandma and the others, and join hands to defeat King Juzui, he... he is one of the four kings of the kingdom of the dead!"

Luo Shui'er's weak voice came over with a trace of sobs.

"Even if I can go out now, I won't. Don't worry, I will help you eliminate him. If you want to eat that big-mouthed undead, you might as well eat me. I'm also a ghost hunter, and I'm still a boy. I'm full of gas, come and eat me."

I waved at the giant mouth king, then stared at Luo Shui'er and laughed.

"Hmph, overestimate yourself. The current head of the Luo family is my opponent. That's right. You have no other choice but to be eaten, little girl. Then I will eat him first and then you, haha .”

After the giant mouth king finished speaking, he opened his mouth, and the scarlet tongue rolled out from the mouth, fell from the air, wrapped around my waist extremely fast, and sent it into his mouth.

Being entangled by this tongue, I twisted my body, it was very tight, although the tongue was very slippery, but I couldn’t break free. Fortunately, my hands were not entangled, watching the ground getting higher and higher from me, Luoshui The figure of my son gradually became smaller, I turned my head, put away my smile, and looked at the King of Giant Mouth coldly.

It was already very close to his mouth, apart from seeing his sharp teeth, there was also a stench coming from him.

If five dao patterns can't deal with him, then six dao, seven dao, and more.

Now my power of hunting ghosts is much stronger than before. If I overdraw it, I should be able to use the six dao patterns. I don't know the consequences, but this giant mouth king is going to be killed no matter what. With our current situation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape from this ghost domain.

The King of the Big Mouth mentioned it before, and the King of the Big Nose came with him. He should be entangled by his cousin, Hui Yang and Luo Yueer. Luo Yueer is a snow mountain girl, and she has never used the real Strength, coupled with the help of my cousin's Yin-Yang Dharma Eye, and Huiyang's Da Ri Fu Mo Sutra, I think he should win. Although the consequences may be serious, it should not be a problem.

I raised my hand and looked at the King of Giant Mouth with a smile. When he put me into his mouth, all the ghost hunting power in my whole body poured into my palm frantically. After the ghost hunting power all over my body poured into my palm, I It felt like my arm was about to split open, and the scars had spread from the palm of my hand to my arm.

Not enough, not enough, more dao patterns are needed to kill this big mouth king who eats people without blinking an eye. Kill him, so please, source of faith, give me strength.

Although I don't have the power to hunt ghosts in my body, I still forcibly draw this power from the source of belief. The source of belief is controlled by my consciousness. It was originally fixed in a certain place in my mind, but this Forcibly mobilizing it, it deviated from its position, and suddenly the source of faith burst open, and the crimson ghost-hunting power crazily filled my mind.

I am overjoyed, these ghost hunting powers are far beyond what I can hold now, they are all accumulated, if my method is in the world where Li Nianbai shrinks, for the practitioners on their side, It is simply self-destruct.

The cultivators there have cultivated to a certain level, and they will condense golden cores and nascent souls. These things are similar to the source of faith. If they burst, it will greatly increase the strength of the master, but at the same time it is very dangerous, because losing these things , that means you have to re-cultivate.

I am not very clear about the source of our ghost hunters' beliefs, but I know that I am a little different from others, because I feel that my whole body is covered with scars, and I don't know how many Dao lines I have. I started to feel drowsy, and I didn't even hear Luo Shui'er's call from below very clearly.

The giant mouth king became very frightened, and sent me into his giant mouth, even forgot to chew, and let me seize the last chance, raised my left hand, the ancient Dao pattern began to reunite in the palm, time seemed to pass After a long time, it passed very slowly.

Although I have defeated many enemies with the Dao pattern in my palm before, the enemy I met today is likely to be at the same level as the Luo Duohan family and Grandma Lan. It will not destroy the entire Luo Family.

I... can I do it? !

"The ancient ghost-slaying talisman, break it for me!"

Dao pattern has been formed, I slapped forward hard, the golden light in my palm was so dazzling that I couldn't open my eyes at all, this is a powerful ghost-slaying talisman in ancient times, I have heard of ghost-slaying talismans, and there are ghost hunters It can be made, but I think the Dao talisman condensed from the Dao pattern in my palm should not be so simple.

(I finished yesterday's work, I was so tired, everyone went to bed after watching it, and tomorrow will still be 2 more.)

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