Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 233 [The Body of Fire Virtue]

"Oops, has the conversion started yet?!"

Teng Qing's face changed slightly, and he stretched out his hand to grab me. His hand pressed on my shoulder like a piece of ice, which immediately made me feel a lot better. Bai Wu, the smell of barbecue came from the tip of my nose, I immediately broke away from him, Teng Qing glanced at his palm, it was a little burnt, but after he let go of me, he quickly returned to normal.

"Don't be surprised, what Zhong Li said is right, I am a body of ice corpse, and you are now full of fire energy, it will definitely affect me, I am just a martial artist, and I don't know any mysterious techniques, It seems that this catastrophe should only be survived by yourself, but you are the reincarnation of Lord Huangtian, so there should be no problem. If the rebirth is successful, you will be the body of fire virtue, and some low-level wandering ghosts will not dare to get close of."

Teng Qing flicked his palm, and opened his mouth with a dull expression.

"You shouldn't have said one more thing. If these powers of fire make him reborn, it also means that he has become vigorous and full of energy since then, and he is also a meal for those monsters. Those who like this kind of pure yang essence can increase their morality by taking it, so you will also become their delicacy."

The cousin had already grabbed a handful of red mud and applied it on his left eye, and he said while covering his eyes.

"What should I do? I feel like my whole body is burning. Will I be burned to death?"

Every inch of skin in my body, including bones, is in a sea of ​​heat. Will I be burned to ashes? !I panicked, this is the first time I have encountered this feeling.

I know that there is no such thing as a white pie in the sky, and I wonder how such a good thing will happen to me. It turns out that there is such a big hidden danger. If I can't transform into the body of fire virtue, then the consequence will only be me turning into coke.

"No, this is just your illusion. You must restrain yourself. I think there must be a talisman to soothe your soul in the dao pattern in your palm, but you have to understand it yourself."

Standing by the side, Teng Qing spoke solemnly.

When my cousin saw my appearance, the fluke in his heart was completely extinguished. He originally planned to dive into the bottom of the pool and absorb the power of the red mud to strengthen his body, but now seeing my painful appearance, there should be no more This plan.

I tried my best to calm down my heart, and tried not to think about the burning sensation in my body, but I didn't use it at all. There seemed to be countless flames burning crazily in every corner of my body.

Seeing me rolling on the ground, my cousin let go of his left hand. He flicked the red mud on his left eye. The red mud had turned gray-brown, and it fell off with a light flick. My cousin's eyelids trembled. After a few strokes, he opened slowly, his eyes were very bright, and the pupils were emerald green, just like emerald gems.

"Everything is in the universe, yin and yang are infinite, and the magic eye array is here!"

My cousin's left eye suddenly began to change, turning into a black and white yin-yang fish, turning slowly, a gray light shot out, sinking into the soil under me, suddenly a Tai Chi pattern appeared around me, and slowly turning.

In this Tai Chi pattern, I felt that my irritable emotions were soothed a lot, and I stopped rolling on the ground. I sat cross-legged in the Tai Chi pattern, with one hand spread flat, and began to display the Dao pattern in my palm. Relying on the memory deep in my mind, Start to condense a talisman about soothing the soul, or reducing the pain of the body.

The process of being reborn is very difficult, but as long as I get through it, I will no longer be a body of the yin bone, but a body of fire virtue, and I can even use this special body to strengthen my body in the future.

"Master Huangtian, you must get through it. The body of fire virtue is just the beginning. As long as you cultivate successfully, you can use the power of fire to strengthen your body in the future. You can even walk in the fire without being hurt. Fire is The nemesis of all demons, especially those demon heads in the great world of Maha, they are all afraid of flames, if the body of fire virtue is cultivated to the highest level, the whole body can be transformed into flames, the flames will not disperse, and the body will last forever. So, now recast the body of fire virtue, cause and effect..."

Seeing that I was gradually getting into samadhi, Teng Qing spoke with great emotion, with a hint of longing on his face.

However, I can no longer hear what he said, because I am now concentrating on gathering the Taoist talismans in my palm, because the feeling of my body being burned by flames prevents me from concentrating on visualizing these runes, but my cousin's magic eye The formation diagram can make me calm down very well. If there is no help from the Dharma Eye formation diagram, I would probably still be rolling on the ground, suffering from the burning of the flames.

After a while, streaks of golden brilliance appeared in the palm of my hand, and these golden brilliance began to condense into a golden Taoist talisman suspended above my palm. Dao patterns are combined to form.

"The true talisman of eliminating suffering and difficulty?!"

Seeing the appearance of this talisman, I was stunned, why is there such a talisman?Can you make your suffering disappear in smoke?

I raised my arm and pressed it on my brow, and the talisman disappeared into my mind. The pain in my whole body was like a tidal wave receding. Even the trace of uneasiness in my heart disappeared completely when the negative emotions disappeared. It's like being in a warm water. I closed my eyes. I don't know how long it took. These waters suddenly turned into raging fires. These flames are not ordinary flames, but red gold. Walking around in the flames, these flames can't help me at all.

Time passed by, this wonderful feeling began to fade away, the burning sensation on my body had disappeared, I slowly opened my eyes, my cousin was gone, and my arm had returned to its normal color.

Teng Qing slept directly on the stone bed. I stood up, probably because the slight noise woke him up. He immediately sat up, blinked and stared at me, and said, "Lord Emperor Tian , you finally succeeded, you have been sitting for a day."

"Where did my cousin go?"

I glanced at the secret room, I could see everything here, and there was no special hiding place, but I didn't see my cousin.

"Go to the bottom of the pond."

Teng Qing walked to me, then pointed to the pool next to me, and said lightly.

"The bottom of the pond?"

I was slightly taken aback.

"Don't worry, he is a well-measured person, besides, he only absorbs this energy and transforms it into the power of hunting ghosts. He also has the source of faith, and not all people are like you, as long as he absorbs these fire elements You can achieve the body of fire virtue, although you have been reincarnated as a human in this life, your soul is still Lord Huangtian, but the mystery in the womb has not been solved."

Teng Qing said with a slight smile.

"Don't call me Lord Huangtian from now on. I am Zhong Yuan. Do you understand that Huangtian is in the past, and I want to live in my present identity."

I patted Teng Qing's shoulder earnestly. His shoulder was icy cold. My body has returned to normal now, so I am not worried about hurting him.

"Okay, then call Master Yuan."

Teng Qing stared at me with a faint smile on his lips.

"Okay, whatever you want, you said I have been sitting for a day? No, today is the day when the Hanxue fruit ripens. It is estimated that your clan will invade the Binghuo Lake to snatch those Hanxue fruits. We have to leave here early."

I spoke anxiously, and at the same time kept walking on the shore, hoping that my cousin would come up quickly.

After a while, the water bubbled up in the pool, and my cousin floated up, gasping for breath, seeing me wake up, with a rare smile on his face.

"Cousin, we can't stay here any longer, we have to leave here, your injuries should be fully healed now."

I asked.

"Well, it's ready, and it has increased a lot of strength. There are already two rings of faith, and more secret techniques of the Zhong family can be used. Let's leave."

The cousin shook his hair and spoke energetically.

I greeted Teng Qing, and the three of them found the hole leading to the ice and fire lake under the water droplets, and then left the secret room through this hole. Teng Qing is a body of ice corpse, usually does not breathe, especially in the water. He can come and go freely, but before he got into the water, he took a deep breath. He said that he was afraid that I am now the body of fire, and the seal of the city god official would lose its effect, just in case. Although we didn't find a way out of this secret room, I think there must be The ventilation holes, otherwise there would be no air in the secret room, otherwise I would have been suffocated to death long ago.

After jumping into the water, I didn't feel any discomfort. As before, the official seal of the city god still works, but my cousin, we swim about half way in the hole, he looks a little flushed, and bubbles start to come out of the hole. mouth floated.

Teng Qing was swimming at the front, I grabbed his feet, my cousin grabbed mine, I pulled Teng Qing's feet, and when he turned his head, I pointed to my cousin, who used a normal The method of holding one's breath can't last long at all. Even if we can swim out, we are still at the bottom of the lake of ice and fire, and the bottom of the lake is at least tens of meters above the water surface.

In the water, we couldn't talk at all, we could only use gestures. I gestured and told Teng Qingyou to go faster, and he nodded, and the speed was much faster.

Just when my cousin was about to faint, we finally left the hole. When we all came out, I pressed the raised stone again, and the stone plate moved slowly, sealing the hole.

My cousin started to struggle, he had to take a breath, otherwise, he would have to drown here.

Teng Qing turned back very decisively, his cheeks were still bulging, it was the oxygen that was prepared for me to prevent my hypoxia, but now my cousin actually used it, he grabbed his chest with his big hand, opened his mouth, My cousin's dizzy pupils gradually returned to normal after my own breath passed in, but my cousin just glanced at Teng Qing coldly, and moved upstream very neatly.

He shrugged helplessly at me, and I smiled and swam up.

The surface of the lake is still extremely calm. We are about 50 meters away from the island, which is not very far. There is a low roar like a beast coming from the island. When I heard this sound, I did not frown slightly, because this sound is not small. The silver came out, but those ice corpses that hunted us before.

"Sure enough, it's already here. These ice corpses can walk freely in the lake. It's impossible to guard against. Teng Qing, since you are the ancestor of the ice corpse, you should be able to drive these people of yours to leave here."

The cousin shook the water off his head, removed half of the glasses from his trouser pocket and put them on again.

"Well, yes, this place is very familiar, as if I have been here before."

Teng Qing was slightly taken aback, and nodded after listening to his cousin's words, and then he raised his head slightly, and let out a low roar that was almost like a beast, but it was very different from the roar made by those ice corpses. With a certain danger, and an unquestionable order.

After a while, we saw many cyan figures on the island, jumping into the lake one after another, just like dumpling.

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