Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 234 [Harvesting Cold Snow Fruits]

This situation lasted for several minutes before all the ice corpses on the island jumped into the lake, and the water splashed and rippled in the distance.

"Teng Qing, you must have recruited all your people here."

I secretly broke into a cold sweat, these ice corpses are all swimming towards us, I don't know what's going on in the island, whether something happened to Li Nianbai, Jiang He, etc. After all, there are so many ice corpses, and these ice corpses are physically It is unusually strong, and it is not difficult to tear the tiger and leopard apart with bare hands. I was bitten by the ice corpse before, and I always have some hidden dangers in my heart.

I heard from my cousin that Luo Yue'er has returned to the Ice Cave to recover from her injuries, which means that there are only Luo Shui'er, Luo Duohan's family, Grandma Lan, Hui Yang, Jiang He, and Li Nianbai on the island. Driving the first form of Taiqing swordsmanship consumes too much mana, lying on the bed, I don't know if it will recover, Luo Shui'er and I killed the King of the Giant Mouth, probably unable to move, which means that there are only two The old man, as well as the young monk Huiyang, can move freely. With so many ice corpses, it is probably a little daunting.

"Master Yuan doesn't like it, so let them return to the shore from another place."

Teng Qing opened his mouth again, and a hoarse roar sounded like thunder rolling and exploding. These ice corpses immediately swam from both sides of us to the shore when they heard the roar.

When we landed on the island, we went straight to the house. Along the way, we saw many remains of ice corpses. Some of these remains were burned by fire, some were frozen, and some were even torn apart. I think most of them were small Thanks to Yin, only this wolf demon can bite their bodies.

Seeing the corpse of his son, Teng Qing just frowned slightly, didn't say anything, and followed behind us without saying a word.

There was no one on the lawn, but no ice corpses or anyone I knew was found in this area. The gate was tightly closed, and twelve tall icicles stood up on the lawn at some point , These pillars are round and about ten meters high. The pillars should be crystal clear, but there are many gorgeous patterns engraved on the surface. As soon as we walked past, we felt a chill coming from these icicles. radiate out.

"Master Yuan, don't get any closer. This is the Ice Origin Pillar. It is Yuan'er's treasure. You should be very familiar with it."

Teng Qing reached out to stop me and said.

"Ice Origin Divine Pillar? I've never heard of it. Yuan'er can't be the God of Ice, right?"

I gave Teng Qing a strange look, and asked.

A look of reminiscence appeared on his face, then he nodded solemnly and said, "Master Yuan, Yuan'er is the Ice God you personally conferred, you may not remember it now, but when the mystery in your womb is solved, all I understand, there were ninety-nine and eighty-one of these Ice Origin Divine Pillars, why are there only twelve now? Could something have happened to Yuan'er?"

Teng Qing frowned slightly.

"The Ice God has disappeared thousands of years ago, not only the Ice God, but also the Snow Mountain Girl under her seat. This Ice Primordial Pillar is probably a descendant of Luo Yuan'er, Luoshui She is now the head of the Luo family, and these treasures are also under her control."

The cousin said from the side, with a cold expression on his face, but there was a hint of envy in his tone. These treasures that have been inherited for an unknown number of years are still left, but their power is still very powerful.

"Shui'er, we're back."

I stood more than ten meters away from these ice pillars and spoke loudly.

After a while, the door opened, and Luo Shui'er, who was wearing a long silver dress, came out. Seeing us, his face was full of joy, and then he stretched out his hand to strike at the ice pillars in front of him, and the silver light flowed on the pillars , began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into twelve thin silver lights and flew into Luoshui'er's hands.

My cousin and I looked at each other, I could see the astonishment in his eyes, and I could also see the influence of myself, I was also very surprised, this Ice Yuan Divine Pillar can actually become bigger and smaller, this... this It's too exaggerated.

Luo Shui'er came out after putting away the Ice Origin Divine Pillar. Her face regained a lot of color, but she still walked slowly. With tears in her eyes, she walked towards me and hugged me tightly. Choked up and said:

"Zhong... Zhong Yuan, I... I thought you were dead..."

I patted Luo Shui'er on the back, and comforted me: "How could I die? By the way, where are they?"

Luo Shui'er let go of me, wiped away tears, pointed to the distance, and said: "They are at Hanxueshu, these ice corpses dived from the lake, Grandma, Senior Lan, and even Li Nianbai and Jiang He went there Defend the Hanxue Tree, because my ghost hunting power has not been fully recovered, so I can only stay here and use the Ice Origin Pillar to guard my home."

"It is estimated that they should be returning soon, these ice corpses have already left."

The cousin stared into the distance and spoke quietly.

"Well, the ice corpse has already left, grandma and the others should come back soon, who is this ice corpse?!"

Luo Shui'er turned around and looked at Teng Qing, suddenly her expression changed slightly, she turned her palm over, and there was a crystal silver needle in her palm, but there was a faint icy power from this needle, which was different from the previous one. The Ice Origin Divine Pillar is exactly the same.

"Shui'er, don't worry, this is Teng Qing, and he is an old friend of your ancestor, the Ice God."

I hurriedly stopped between the two of them and explained that if they disagreed and fought, the end could be imagined. Although Teng Qing's strength has been reduced to a very weak level, it is easy to deal with juniors like us.

"Zhong Yuan...you...you released him from the sealed place?!"

Luo Shui'er looked at me in disbelief, but she still put away the Ice Origin Pillar and looked at Teng Qing with a serious expression.

"You know that place?"

I looked at Luo Shui'er in shock, thinking she didn't know about this place.

"Of course I know this place. This place is called a forbidden area. I also know that the entrance is in the lake, but I don't know the exact location, but it is said in the classics that there is flame mud at the entrance. People of the law are harmed, and most of these evil things on the grassland are afraid of this kind of flame mud, so no one or demons will go in. Unexpectedly, you went in and let him out. The ancestor is no longer there. He came out. Who else can surrender?"

Luo Shui'er's eyes were always full of hostility towards Teng Qing.

"Don't worry, Teng Qing will never fight against you. With him here, this is the best chance for us to destroy the kingdom of the dead. He is the ancestor of the ice corpse. He can definitely mobilize the ice corpses in the clan to help us attack the kingdom of the dead. .”

I tried my best to comfort Luo Shui'er, and at the same time told my plan.

"Where did Yuan'er go? Why isn't she here? She is already the God of Ice, so who can do anything to her?"

Teng Qing spoke anxiously. Judging from his state, it seemed that he didn't pay attention to the relationship between the Ice Corpse Clan and the Luo family at all. These were not important to him.

"The ancestor disappeared many years ago. Judging from the classics, it should be related to the Great World of Maha. Maybe she has already gone to the Great World of Maha."

Luo Shui'er frowned slightly.

It is the Great World of Maha again. The disappearance of the Ice God is actually related to the Great World of Maha, and the Blood Soul Sect is also related to this great world. Could it be that the devil in the Great World of Maha is really planning something and wants to reappear in the Great World? This interface is not working?

"Master Yuan, I want to return to the Ice Corpse Clan now, and I will lead our clansmen to wait for you around the Kingdom of the Dead."

Teng Qing broke the silence around him and spoke.

"Well, okay, although I know you want to find Yuan'er, but you don't go to the entrance of the Maha World without authorization, can you guarantee it?"

I nodded. Teng Qing is quite reliable. If he leads the Ice Corpse Race, our chances of winning will be much higher. How could the devil of the interface be Teng Qing's opponent?

The four kings have already lost two kings, and the rest, we can still defeat them together.

"I'll make sure."

After Teng Qing finished speaking, he left here resolutely, and soon disappeared without a trace.

The three of us were sitting on a stone bench in the lawn, waiting for Senior Lan and the others to come back. After about a quarter of an hour, they slowly came over. Li Nianbai walked in the front with a white jade box in his hand, smiling. , the little monk Huiyang looked eagerly at the jade box in his hand, while Grandma Lan and Luo Duohan's two seniors, as well as Xiaoyin, walked behind.

"Zhong Yuan! I brought you delicious food!"

When Li Nianbai saw me, he rushed over, grinning from ear to ear, and when he came to us, he placed the jade box on the stone table, opened it, and inside were densely packed cold snow fruits, like glazed beads. There were 40 pieces in total. There are many, these cold snow fruits exude a faint fragrance, and taking a sip will make people feel refreshed.

Luo Shui'er glanced at these Hanxue fruits, and said with a smile: "The harvest is not bad, a little more than in previous years, and there are only us. This time, our strength will increase greatly."

The two seniors were rather curious about my disappearance, and kept asking about my health.

"Okay, let's start distributing Hanxueguo now, we two old guys don't need it, you young people eat it, Shui'er, you have taken Hanxueguo, the ring of faith should be able to break through, and start to condense the fourth Alright."

Luo Duohan looked at her granddaughter with a slight smile.

"Shui'er, you now have three rings of faith?!"

I was slightly startled, and looked at Luo Shui'er dumbstruck. I also inhaled the red mud to increase my ring of faith by three. If I practice hard, it may take decades to form the third one. Luo Shui'er Shui'er is now going to break through from the third to the fourth, which means that her strength is even stronger.

"Well, the cold snow fruit is more in line with our physique. We have unexpected effects after eating it. Zhong Yuan, you are a yin bone body, so you should be able to understand it. It is equivalent to the holy fruit of the snowy land, but It is not so easy to break through the three rings of faith to the fourth ring of faith, just like Li Nianbai's world, the three rings of faith are equivalent to their foundation building strength, and the fourth is equivalent to their golden core If you want to build a foundation and reach Jindan, you need a huge amount of accumulation, what am I talking about, Li Nianbai."

Luo Shui'er's smile didn't change, she stared at Li Nianbai and spoke.

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