Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 235 [Strength Division]

"She's right. I'm only at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, which is equivalent to your three rings of faith. But I'm about to condense the Golden Core. Just condensing the Golden Core requires a lot of mana, that is, energy. It is estimated that if I eat these cold snow fruits alone, I may not be able to successfully form the alchemy, hey, if I was catching the demon sect, I guess I would have succeeded long ago, by the way, Zhong Yuan, what is your situation now?"

Li Nianbai glanced at these Han Xueguo, looked away, and asked me.

"My third ring of faith has been formed, and now I only need to accumulate the power of hunting ghosts to complete the accumulation of the third ring of faith, but I feel that the third ring of faith is to be truly completed, and it is estimated that it will be very large The power of hunting ghosts requires far more energy than the previous two rings of faith."

I smiled and stared at Li Nianbai. At any rate, we have narrowed the distance in the realm. Although we fight against him, I will still lose to him. The main reason is that he has too many methods, and I can't even imagine how many. Sixteen dao patterns condensed into the strongest attack talisman may not be able to break up his Ksitigarbha golden body protection.

"Zhong Yuan, you have condensed into a body of fire virtue at the bottom of the lake. Although these cold snow fruits are effective if you eat them, the effect is not strong. Jiang He's internal energy is still very weak. How about you give up your share? ?”

My cousin walked up to me and said.

Hearing this, Jiang He waved his hands in embarrassment, and said, "I'm not in the way, I'm just a support staff, and I don't want to fight these monsters, you should use them first."

"My cousin is right. You are not simply a support staff. Sometimes you are also a powerful fighter. I won't eat these cold snow fruits, because there are many flame mud in the bottom of the secret room. Come down with me Bai, you might be able to form a golden core."

I winked at Li Nianbai, Li Nianbai was slightly taken aback, and said: "Fire mud? It contains very powerful energy?"

"Of course, but this energy cannot be used to temper your own body, otherwise it may be burned by fire, my cousin is very clear."

I looked at my cousin with a grin. I wasn't worried about Li Nianbai, because they collected the vitality of the world to temper their mana. My cousin nodded and said, "Well, but I have one more thing to say. Although the red mud There is a powerful energy that can be converted into the power of hunting ghosts. Now, like Zhong Yuan, I have condensed into the third ring of faith. I don’t know why. I want to absorb more energy conversion, but this effect is not It's very weak, is it already immune to me?"

"It's not immunity, but the degree of your cultivation. The three rings of faith are the limit you can bear now. When you hone and improve yourself in the future, the ring of faith can increase. The reason why you can't continue to absorb these energies, then It is because your source of faith is protecting you, if you forcibly absorb it, your source of faith cannot make these energies form a ring of faith, then these excess energies will fill your mind, and even destroy the source of faith."

Grandma Lan explained next to her.

"Grandma, what is your ring of faith?"

Li Nianbai looked at Grandma Lan curiously.

Grandma Lan smiled slightly, without hiding anything, and said: "There are six paths in my ring of faith, which is considered to be in your world, in the late stage of alchemy, the ring of faith between the third and fourth is a hurdle, you have to break through the third path The fourth is very difficult, but as long as you have the fourth ring of faith, then you can easily accumulate the sixth ring of faith, and the cohesion of the seventh ring of faith is even more difficult. Afterwards, I was also able to break through from the third ring of faith to the fourth after taking the holy fruit of Maha back then, and for so many years, I only added two rings of faith."

"Our family's Shui'er's aptitude is very good. The third ring of faith has been condensed almost completely. Now we are starting to hit the fourth ring of faith. For these more than 40 cold snow fruits, our Luo family needs 20. , and the rest of the [-] or so are allocated to you."

Luo Duohan walked up to Luo Shui'er, and proudly pouted at Grandma Lan.

"Nianbai and I don't need it, so the remaining 20 pills are for you, cousin, Jiang He, and Huiyang to take. I am no longer a yin bone, you should be very clear."

I patted my cousin on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Grandma Lan actually possesses the ring of six beliefs, so it means that he can perform a huge secret technique. The extra ring is not only more power to hunt ghosts, but also has a lot of practice experience in it. If you meet a hunter of the same level Ghost masters fight, then rely on your own fighting experience, the number of secret arts and magic tools to decide the outcome. I am not boasting. Among the ghost hunters in the three rings of faith, I should be considered the best.

"Go down and absorb the energy contained in the flame mud. If the third ring of faith can't absorb it, you have to stop immediately, you know."

The cousin showed a smile and said.

"Well, I understand, I guess this will happen, it won't be a big deal, since that's the case, then Xiaobai and I will go first, and my demon-subduing sword and golden bone hand will be here with you, you wait for the good news, Shui'er, I also want to congratulate you in advance for condensing the fourth ring of faith."

I stared at Luo Shui'er and slowly opened my mouth. Luo Shui'er's cheeks had two blushes at some point, and she just nodded slightly after hearing what I said.

"Let's go, let's go, I'm going to see how powerful these flame muds are, maybe I can condense them into golden pills, and then I can perform more secret techniques, and maybe it can help me overcome fear of heights, blood dizziness, and getting lost These bad habits may not be known."

Li Nianbai couldn't wait to pull me to the lake.

"Don't think about this, you have to control these things yourself, haven't you restrained your fear of heights?"

I followed behind him and asked, the last time he used the ebony sword to save Huiyang and me, that is to say, it was overcome.

"You think highly of me too. If I wasn't worried that you would be eaten by those ice corpses, I wouldn't bite the bullet and save you. Now that I think about it, I regret it. Have you been moved?"

Li Nianbai suddenly stopped listening, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he stared at me with a smirk.

"Yes, I'm here to repay my favor. How long can you breathe underwater? We're going to swim below for a long time."

When I got to the shore and looked at the lake, I said.

"Just lead the way, my breath-holding technique is not bragging, not many people can match it... Hey, why are you pushing me!"

I couldn't stand his whining, so I pushed him back, jumped into the lake by myself, and swam to where the round pit was according to my memory.


In the extreme north, the sky is full of ice and snow, but there is an ice and snow castle in this place. Black clouds roll over the castle, and this black cloud has spread to the extreme far. In and out.

These undead are almost all black, their bodies are blurred, and their lower bodies are even more black mist.

"Giant Eye, did you really see it?"

There was a dull voice in a certain hall of the castle, full of anger.

This hall is completely white, but there are four Ice Thrones in the main hall. Behind these thrones are diamond-shaped ice, glowing with a cold glow. Two of the thrones sit undead wearing black cloaks. They are both humanoid, both of them have the appearance of a middle-aged man, one of them has a square face and big ears, the other has a very thin face, but his eyes are very big, a pair of pure white eyes, no pupils, talking, It is this giant-eared undead.

"Well, I saw that the giant mouth was killed by a kid with an ancient ghost-slaying talisman, and the giant nose was trapped by a formation similar to Taiji. Killed, didn't you hear what it was?"

The Giant-Eyed King turned his head to stare at the Giant-Eared King, his eyes blinked a few times, and white light flowed inside.

"It's not that you don't know about Ice and Fire Lake. My clairvoyance can't see the island clearly. Someone has set up a magic circle there, ancient ghost-slaying talismans? Are you kidding? There are still ghost hunters who can use ancient ghost-slaying talismans now." ? Buddhist exercises? Taiji array?! Are you sure you read it right?!"

The Giant Ear King gritted his teeth and spoke angrily.

"Of course I was not mistaken. It is indeed an ancient ghost-slaying talisman, and it came out of that boy's palm."

The King of Giant Eyes spoke quietly, rubbing his eyes at the same time, and continued: "This time, in order to see the battle clearly, it will take three days for my clairvoyance to be reactivated."

"Isn't it a paper talisman or a ghost-slaying talisman manifested by the power of faith? Could it be that this young man is the one the higher-ups are looking for?"

The King of Giant Ears touched his big ears, his face became serious.

"It should be, how could a young man who is only around the age comprehend the ancient ghost-slaying talisman? This is simply impossible. If he casts a paper talisman, I can still believe it. After all, talismans can be passed down, but when fighting I saw golden Dao patterns emerging from the boy's palm, these Dao patterns condensed into an ancient ghost-slaying talisman and killed Ju Zui, Ju Zui was considered the strongest among the four of us, but he still couldn't escape."

The Giant-Eyed King's face became a little ferocious, and at the same time he stood up with his whole body.

"Although your strength can't be recovered now, it will be in three days. Then you will monitor the movements around you to see what the Luo family will do. We can't get Han Xueguo. I have to go to the Maha University once." World, report to those above."

The Giant Ear King also stood up and spoke.

"Didn't the higher ups already send five envoys, why don't we contact these five envoys?"

The Giant-Eyed King stared at the Giant-Eared King with some doubts.

"Five envoys came to our interface, their strength must not be fully restored, and they are just envoys. Most importantly, the entrance of the Maha World is very close to us. If we want to find these five envoys, we It’s better to directly enter the Great World of Maha.”

The King of Giant Ears snorted coldly and opened his mouth.

"Entering the Maha World with your current appearance, can you succeed? At that time, there will be no return. After all, the real demons who support us are only one side, and there are other demons in the Maha World."

The King of Giant Eyes spoke a little worriedly.

"You don't need to worry about this. If I encounter any danger, I will run away in time. Don't forget my pair of giant ears. By the way, you have to be careful during the time I'm away, and listen to the undead. They said that they found that the monks from Kuzhu Temple haunted us in the area around us. Although the Luo family has fallen, it is not ruled out that they will join hands with the monks from Kuzhu Temple to deal with us. Can you defend the city of the undead?"

The King of Giant Ears stretched out his hands and put them on the shoulders of King of Giant Eyes, his face was extremely solemn.

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