Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 237 [Jing Ling Zhu Rong]

The world in the ring is full of fire.

The white-haired old man was able to drive so many flames with just a wave of his hand. It seemed that he was really a ring spirit.

The beating red flames quickly enveloped me. At first, I thought that these red flames could not burn my soul, but suddenly a golden flame floated in it. Facing this flame, I felt a fatal threat for the first time.

Don't let these golden flames touch your body. Although I don't know what kind of fire it is, it will definitely pose a lot of threats to my soul.

I instinctively raised my palm, and the Dao pattern emerged from the palm, and the Dao talisman formed turned into a round water-blue light shield in front of me. As soon as the light shield appeared, it stood in midair, and the light The blue light flickered on the shield, and the flickering blue light on the entire surface of the light shield was like pieces of blue scales. The golden flame hit it, and it disappeared after only a slight shake.

"I am the owner of the ring, you mere Ring Spirit dare to attack me?! Extinguish the flames around me!"

I shouted loudly, I don't know if it will work or not, the flames that surrounded me have subsided, only a trace of dark red still appeared in the ground.

The old man stared at me dumbfounded, with an expression of disbelief on his face. He gritted his teeth, but he didn't make another move. Finally, he shook his hands and said angrily, "Well, the old man is just a remnant soul. It depends on your ability. Even if you win your physical body, you can't control it, just let this old man fend for himself here!"

"If you don't pursue me, are you sure I won't pursue you?"

With five fingers together, I crushed the blue light shield and walked towards the old man.

"You... you kid, what do you want to do?"

The old man curled up into a ball and looked at me with a vigilant look on his face.

"I am a member of the Zhong family, and you are a remnant soul. Naturally, I want to send you to the underworld. What do you think I want to do?"

Looking at the old man who was majestic just a second ago, now he has turned into this, he immediately wanted to scare him.

"Are you crazy? Although I'm just a remnant soul, I'm still a ring spirit. If I lose me, this ring will be a death ring that has lost its spirituality. Doing so will not do you any good."

When the old man heard that I was going to take him to the underworld, his face turned extremely pale and his tone softened a lot.

"No benefit at all? I can re-create a ring spirit, and one of my cousins ​​is very good at it. You can stay here if you want. Tell me the reason why I let you stay. Don't forget, before You want to take my body."

I looked at the old man coldly and said.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "I thought I was an ordinary person before, but I didn't know that you were also a strange person. It's all my fault for being confused. How could an ordinary person have the power of fire virtue?" Body? Hehe, I will tell you a kind of cultivation method, which can make your soul stronger. You should know that if your soul is strong, your strength will increase. If so, then treat it as if I didn’t say it.”

"The strength will only increase when the soul is strong? I am a ghost hunter, and I have used three rings of faith, but now I can no longer gather too much ghost hunting power. Is it because my soul is not strong enough? You Don’t say that these things are useless, just now I condensed the blue scale shield, you know that I practice secret arts, it’s best not to show off in front of me.”

I looked at this smooth old man coldly and asked aloud.

The old man stared at me in surprise, smacked his mouth, and said, "You can't have cultivated to this level alone, how could you not know this? The old man is also a ghost hunter, and a strongman of the Seven Rings of Faith." Or, it’s just that when you encountered a strong enemy back then, your physical body was scattered, and a trace of remnant soul entered the Vulcan ring. If your soul cannot grow, the ring of faith cannot be increased, and your strength will be difficult to improve. I swear by my identity that what I said is true!"

"Take your word for it."

I frowned, I heard Li Nianbai mention this kind of thing, but they called the soul the primordial spirit, and the cultivation of the primordial spirit is very important.

"Based on the strength of your soul in this space, it is estimated that you can only stay here for three hours, but every minute you stay here, your soul will become stronger. Haven't you noticed that this space is full of fire energy? In addition, there are many talisman arrays engraved on the surrounding space walls, and these talisman arrays are an important basis for condensing the power of fire essence."

The old man stretched out his hand to caress his long gray beard, and smiled.

"what's your name?"

Zhong Yuan has already felt it, and he even suspects that the reason why these soils contain the power of fire is mostly because of this Vulcan ring.

"Zhu Rong."

The old man raised his head proudly, as if he was waiting for Zhong Yuan's surprised expression, but Zhong Yuan shook his head and said, "The Zhu family's ghost hunter? I haven't encountered it until now, except of course you."

In the following time, Zhu Rong gave me a set of secret techniques that can temper my soul. I practiced in the ring space for three hours before my soul was pulled out by a huge force. When I opened my eyes again, I couldn't help but go to Looking at the finger, the flame ring was containing a crimson light, which had slowly dissipated at this moment.

With this ring space, the soul goes in to practice for three hours every night, so that it can improve its own soul power. When the soul power is strong, the source of faith will grow with it.

"Master, you are now a body of fire virtue, and you can also absorb a huge amount of fire energy from the ring space to temper your body. If you need to find this old man, just ask. Of course, if you want this old man to come out and fight for you, then it will be avoided. I will Although Zeng Jin is very powerful, but now it is just a wisp of remnant souls. If you are dealing with those vicious spirits and wandering ghosts, you might as well use the Vulcan ring to take them all in. I can refine them with real fire .”

Zhu Rong's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, with a hint of evil.

I smiled coldly, and directly sealed the Vulcan ring with my mind, so that this old boy would not spy on my thoughts at any time.

Now I don't know his identity, and I can't believe everything he said. After all, this old man is not a good person. The reason why he wants me to let some evil spirits in is because these evil spirits can make him increase his own strength. Although he is a remnant soul, he is now the ring spirit of the Vulcan ring, so he can control the real fire inside to refine the rest of the spirit body, and then absorb it by himself.

Li Nianbai is still in a stable state, and the golden glow on his body is a bit thicker than before. , extremely dangerous, if it weren't for the blessing of the golden body of Jizo on his body, he probably wouldn't be alive now.

Time passed slowly, and I gradually became a little tired. I climbed onto the stone bed and curled up and fell asleep.


"Hey, Zhong Yuan, wake up, it's time for us to go home!"

Li Nianbai's voice came over, I opened my eyes in a daze, he was already dressed, energetic, he was leaning towards my face, and patted my face.


I let out a sigh and sat up.

"Well, it's already done. This time condensing the golden core is really dangerous. At that time, my inner demons broke out. If it weren't for your talisman, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to suppress it."

Li Nianbai reached out and grabbed me, shook my body, and said with a smile.

"Inner Demon? I've heard of this too. Could it be that you will encounter inner demons when you cross the Dao Golden Core from Foundation Establishment?"

I touched my palm and asked.

In my grandfather's notes before, I have also learned about inner demons. Generally, when practicing some powerful secret technique, inner demons will be produced, that is, my own obsessions, delusions and other negative emotions. These emotions will encounter when practicing. It can even make your brain hallucinate, so that you go crazy.

"I don't know, it's impossible according to reason. If I encounter demons and can't get over it when I am raising my realm, then my current will will disappear and I will become another person. Some people have encountered this kind of thing, even my father. It is a terrible thing to be controlled by the inner demon. Of course, the inner demon can also be understood as another side of you, another kind of dark side. to face."

Li Nianbai sighed, the smile was no longer on his face.

The inner demon is the most difficult thing on the road of practice. If you can’t overcome it, the whole person will be replaced by your inner demon, which is your dark side. For example, if you don’t like to eat potato chips on weekdays, it’s because you Afraid of gaining weight, but your heart is actually very eager to eat potato chips. If the whole person is controlled by the demon, then he will no longer control himself, but desperately eat potato chips, doing what he once liked, but because of some Don't dare to do it for a variety of reasons.

Of course, this also includes that you have a crush on a girl, but the other party has a boyfriend, and you can only miss it day and night, but if the demon decides, then you will get this girl regardless of the consequences, possess her, in order to do it, even will kill.

"It's been through now, don't worry, if you break through again in the future, I will protect you."

I patted him on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

Li Nianbai shook his head, and said in a solemn tone: "Zhong Yuan, although you helped me suppress it for the time being, it will be more fierce in the future. You can't keep suppressing like this. At the end of the suppression, it will explode, and the consequences will be terrible. of."

"And so will we?"

I froze for a moment and asked.

Li Nianbai thought for a while, then nodded solemnly, and said: "All practitioners are the same."

I let out a long breath, pointed to the water pool, and said, "Then let's go back now. We'll talk about this kind of thing later, and there will always be a way."

Li Nianbai nodded, we jumped into the water and left the secret room.

When we came out, it was already late, but in the Snowland Plain, there is no difference between day and night at all, except that the sky is slightly darker.

Luo Shui'er was already in seclusion, and Jiang He was practicing boxing and kicking skills on the lawn in front of him. His movements were very smooth, and every punch and every kick produced a strong wind, so after a set of punches, there was a sudden sound all around. Brother sat on the stone bench, holding an apple-like fruit in his hand, turning it slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

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