Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 238 [Entrance]

On a certain mountain top in the extreme north, the cold wind howled, and it was bitingly cold. A man in a black robe was slowly walking up the mountain. To be precise, he was not walking, because his lower body Shrouded in black mist, he had no feet at all, and only his face was exposed. His facial features were normal, but his ears were extremely large.

There is a deep giant pit on the top of the mountain. There is red magma flowing faintly in the giant pit. There is a black vortex on the magma. The vortex turns very fast. If you look carefully, you will find that there are The raised stones just come down from above and reach the place where the vortex is.

The magma below was tumbling, but it was still impossible to get close to this black vortex, and it was unknown how this vortex was formed.

Next to the huge pit stands a blue stone tablet, which is about a meter wide and two meters high, and it is full of cracks, and a corner of the stone tablet is missing. It seems that the stone tablet is about to shatter, but the stone tablet is covered with a thick layer of ice. The ice seals it, allowing the stele to stand there firmly.

Beside the stele, stood a tall, handsome man in a cyan robe, with long hair dancing in the wind. The man stared at the stele, stretched out his hand to touch it, his face showed a little astonishment, but soon Turning into a wry smile, the man said to himself: "No wonder you disappeared. It turns out that the sealed stone tablet has been cracked, and you went to the Great World of Maha in person."

After a while, his smile froze, and Youyou turned around, staring at the undead in black robes floating not far away.

"Who are you and why are you in this extreme north?"

The voice was calm, but exuded a cold smell. This black-robed man was the Giant Ear King of the Kingdom of the Dead. He wanted to use this passage to go to the Great World of Maha, but unexpectedly there was another person here.

"Teng Qing, who are you? Undead?"

Teng Qing lowered his hands naturally, glanced at the lower body of the King of Giant Ears, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a sneer.

"If you know, you still have to ask? This seat is the giant ear king of the kingdom of the dead, and who is Teng Qing? Why are you here, but I won't ask too many questions. Get out of the way, I have something important to do."

King Ju Er was unwilling to talk to Teng Qing, and went straight to the giant pit, as if he wanted to avoid Teng Qing.

"Oh? You are from the Kingdom of the Dead? Since this is the case, it would be even better. It can be regarded as doing something for Master Yuan. His strength is still very weak. It may take a lot of time to deal with you, so let's do it." I'll do it for you."

Teng Qing's footsteps slipped, and he stood in front of the giant ear king, grinning.

"You shouldn't be an ordinary person, but you can appear here. I have no hatred with you, and I don't know the Master Yuan you mentioned. I don't want to be your enemy, get out of the way!"

The King of Giant Ears shook his ears a few times and became a little impatient. If he hadn't been able to see the true strength of this guy clearly, no, he couldn't even see whether the other party was a human or a ghost. Otherwise, how could he have done it long ago? Will delay, or even avoid?

"You don't deserve to ask."

Teng Qing stepped forward, stretched his big hand forward, bent his five fingers slightly, and grabbed the giant ear king's chest.

"Hmph, do you really think you can catch me with one hand? You underestimate me!"

Seeing Teng Qing's big hand grabbing it, King Ju Er gave a smirk, and just when his palm touched his body, King Ju Er King's entire body exploded and turned into a sticky black mist that dispersed upwards. Teng Qing The palm of his hand happened to be caught in the black mist, but he didn't show any surprise on his face. Instead, he chuckled lightly, and the crystal light flickered on his five fingers. He grabbed it hard, and then retracted his arm. Invisibly, this The sticky black mist was unexpectedly held tightly in his hand.

The ferocious and terrified face of the King of Giant Ears appeared in the distorted black mist. He opened his mouth wide and screamed: "What the hell are you? Why can't I move? You have corpse aura! You are the ancient corpse of the Ice Corpse Race? ! Our Kingdom of the Dead and you Ice Corpse Clan have always been in harmony with each other, why are you dealing with me!"

"You have provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked. I can only tell you this. If anyone harbors ill intentions towards my master, there is only one end for him, death!"

Teng Qing's long hair fluttered, and his handsome face was tainted with a trace of evil. Immediately after he grasped it with five fingers, a crystal light appeared in his hand, and countless icy lights shot out from his palm. Under the blow of these black mist, one after another Collapse.

Unwilling to be reconciled, the two ears became extremely large, even covering the entire head, and the neck part split open, and the two ears flew into the huge pit again at an extremely fast speed. Incomparable.

Teng Qing glanced expressionlessly, sneered, stepped forward, bent his knees slightly, jumped up suddenly, Junwei's body rose from the ground, and his big fan-like hands ruthlessly slammed at the King of Giant Ears. The reveal shot.


The head was shot, but it didn't fly out, but exploded completely. There was no blood and pieces of meat, only thick and sticky fog, which slowly dispersed to the surroundings.

Teng Qing clapped his hands, fell from the sky, and resolutely went down the mountain.

After Teng Qing left, the Yin Qi that had not dissipated in the head suddenly gathered in the middle, turning into a blurred figure, which was the King of Giant Ears.

"Damn guy, the strength is so powerful, and he killed me without any effort. Now there is only a trace of remnants left, so I have to go to the Maha World to restore my strength. It is estimated that the kingdom of the dead will really perish. I hope the giant eye can escape. This calamity."

The entire body of the Giant Ear King was very dim, almost transparent. After speaking, he floated towards the giant pit, and finally disappeared into the black vortex below.


Early the next morning, Luo Yue'er came back from the ice cave, and she returned to her previous appearance. The icy aura on her body was even worse than before, because this time besides going to the kingdom of the dead, she also had to find Huiyang's seniors , so we have to prepare a lot of food, and after everything is ready, we set off for the kingdom of the dead.

As for Binghuo Lake, two seniors stayed behind. Although the Hanxue fruit harvest is now abundant, it is not ruled out that the ghost hunters in Bingcheng will come to snatch it, but the feasibility is not very high, even the Sikong family has failed. After all, the ghost hunters of other families dare not come, and the journey from Ice Field Town to Ice Fire Lake is far away, and there are fierce spirits and ice corpses appearing on the way.

Not long after we left, the sky in the distance blamed itself. A crimson shadow fluttered from the sky in the distance. I smiled slightly and stretched out my hand. Let him search for the whereabouts of the monks of Kuzhu Temple, and if he finds them, let him take us there. It seems that the monks of Kuzhu Temple have been found.

When the little monk Huiyang saw Yuan Qing, he was also grinning from ear to ear, and urged: "Sister Yue'er, hurry up and get the ice cart out, Yuan Qing has found our senior brother."

Luo Yue'er bent down, squeezed several ice carts with both hands, and then threw them on the ground.

We are still riding the ice cart, but Luo Shui'er is sitting on Xiaoyin's body, its speed running on the snow is no less than that of our ice cart.

Yuan Qing was flying to the extreme north, and after half a day passed, Yuan Qing stopped attacking in front of a snowy forest.

This snow forest is very different from the snow forests we have seen before, at least the trees here are very tall, with needle-shaped green leaves growing on the branches, and there is no end in sight.

"Zhong Yuan, this is the Lost Snow Forest of the Snowy Land. Those monks must be trapped in it, but with Yuan Qing leading the way, they should be able to find it soon. The forest here is very dense, so I won't go in. , Shui'er's little silver can easily walk inside, you and Shui'er go in together."

Luo Yue'er fell down and spoke.

"Well, well, Huiyang's seniors must be suffering from hunger and cold when they are trapped inside. Cousin, you live in camp here. Huiyang, you prepare vegetables and fruits, Jiang He, you prepare medical treatment, Xiaobai... Xiaobai, don't worry. Just add chaos."

I nodded and walked towards Luo Shui'er.

"Hmph, you're just adding to the confusion. I'm now a strong man in the early stage of Jindan, equivalent to your ghost hunter who has four rings of faith. Except for Sister Yue'er who can compete with me, I can't think of anyone else .”

Li Nianbai hugged his shoulders proudly and rolled his eyes at me.

"Then you will be in charge of patrolling. After all, it is close to the kingdom of the dead, and there are many undead haunting it."

When I arrived beside Luo Shui'er, she stretched out her snow-white palm, and I held it tightly. As she pulled, I landed on Xiaoyin's body, and then went into the Lost Snow Forest.

Luo Shui'er was still wearing a long silver-white dress, her arms were exposed, probably because of her physical fitness or her practice of ice-attribute skills, she didn't feel the cold at all, and she didn't feel the slightest jolt when she sat on Xiaoyin's body.

Gradually entering the Lost Snow Forest, there is nothing around except trees and snow, Yuan Qing is flying in front, its size is much larger than before, now it looks like a flying bird with wings spread It's not a white dove, but its wings are like flames, and the blood-colored marks also start to change as its body grows bigger, so now it looks like a group of crimson flames flying in the air.

"I didn't expect that your spiritual pet will change so much when it arrives in the Snowy Land. It's completely different from before. What are you going to do in the future?"

Luo Shui'er turned her head slightly and asked.

I sniffed the remaining fragrance in the air, and said, "If staying here is good for it, then let it practice here."

"You're really willing, aren't you afraid that Xiaoqing will blame you?"

Luo Shui'er froze for a moment, stared at the front with clear eyes, and spoke calmly.

"you know?"

I coughed a few times, stared into the distance and opened my mouth.

"Of course I know, the baby ice silkworm was given by Xiaoqing, right? The two of you should have incubated it together. What's there to hide? Although Xiaoqing has a weird temper, she treats you very well."

Luo Shui'er's voice was much softer, but still very calm.

I didn't speak again, but chose to be silent, and she didn't ask me any more. After a while, there was a burst of Zen singing in front of me, the voice was very weak and intermittent, and Yuan Qing immediately flew back and landed on my shoulder. The next smile also stopped, and a low growl sounded from his mouth, as if he was a little afraid of the front.

Yuan Qing and Xiao Yin were considered monsters, and the Zen singing was vaguely mixed with the power of Buddhism, so it was normal for them not to dare to approach.

"Shui'er, then you wait here for me, I'll go and have a look."

After getting off Xiaoyin, I held Yuan Qing in my hand and handed it to Luo Shui'er, and said.

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