Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 239 [Monks]

Walking forward, there is a small hillside, which is covered with thick white snow, and it creaks when you step on it, and there are occasional sounds of branches being folded by the snow around you.

Turning over this hillside, the Zen singing sounded a little louder, and the voice came from the left side. At a glance, there was a cave as high as one person on the half hillside, and there was a little fire in it. The voice was exactly It came from inside, I went to the entrance of the cave and said loudly: "The inside is the eminent monk of Kuzhu Temple?!"

The Zen singing stopped abruptly, and the sound of clothes fluttering came from the cave, and three figures galloped out of the cave.

These three monks are thin and tall, especially the monk in the middle, with high temples and hale and hearty, wearing a yellow-brown robe and a pair of straw sandals under his feet. The monks on the left and right are all dressed in this way, but they look younger The younger ones, as soon as the two monks came out, they looked around, and the monk in the middle stared at me, showing a trace of vigilance:

"The benefactor knows that we are from Kuzhu Temple?"

"Of course I know, because Huiyang entrusted me to find you, I never thought that you would be trapped in the Mizong Snow Forest."

I spoke with a slight smile, trying my best to defuse their hostility.

"Junior Brother Huiyang? Where is he? Did you come together?"

The seven younger-looking monks next to me took a few steps forward and came to me with eager expressions on their faces.

"He is outside the snow forest. If all the eminent monks are ready, you can leave here with me. However, I will also be a disciple of the Luo family in Xueyuyuan who has raised a spiritual pet. I hope all eminent monks will not treat him like that." shot."

I nodded and said.

"The poor monk will naturally control his juniors, and since the benefactor is a friend of Junior Brother Huiyang, that is, a friend of our Kuzhu Temple, the junior brother has been away for so many days, if he is himself, he must suffer a lot, but since When I meet the benefactor, I think the younger brother will have a good life, don't worry, Hui Yi will not embarrass the benefactor."

The tall and thin monk gave a salute, and then ordered the monk next to him to enter the cave.

"Master Huiyi and all the eminent monks should have been trapped here for a few days. Huiyang has brought a lot of fresh fruits and is waiting for you outside the snow forest."

Although this Huiyi looked restrained, his complexion was not very good, probably because he hadn't eaten for some days.

Hearing my words, Hui Yi showed a hint of embarrassment on his face, coughed a few times and said, "It's all our fault for being too reckless, I only know that the kingdom of the dead is in this extreme north, we came all the way, and arrived at this Lost Snow Forest, We originally thought we could get out of this snowy forest, but unexpectedly, we were trapped by a hidden formation in the snowy forest, so we built a cave here to escape the cold. If the benefactor hadn't found us, we don't know when we would be able to leave. "

"Huiyi's matter, everyone's body is not damaged. After all, we have been outside for so many days. If there is any injury, we can go back to Luo's house first, and then discuss the matter of going to the kingdom of the dead."

I took a look at the cave, and there was still wind and snow pouring in, and they had been there for several days, and it was estimated that they hadn't eaten for a week, so it was a question of whether they could leave, let alone go to the kingdom of the dead.

Hui Yi shook his head, chuckled and said, "Don't worry, the benefactor. Even if our monks in Kuzhu Temple don't eat or drink, as long as they have water, they can survive for a month. By the way, we haven't asked the benefactor's name yet."

"Under Zhong Yuan."

I smiled slightly. Although my face was calm, I was really shocked in my heart. Surviving on water for a month?Bigu?

These monks came out one after another, and there were a few monks with these bags, but the bags were all shriveled, and six of them were holding long sticks in their hands. I took a closer look at Huiyi, Huiyi's waist There was a wooden ruler pinned to the room, and after Huiyi introduced me to his younger brother, I led them over the small mound and walked to the original location.

After walking for more than ten minutes, I began to feel that something was wrong, and I couldn't get to the position where Luo Shui'er was originally.

Oops, Lost Snowwood!He also said that this is the Mizong Snow Forest, but he actually forgot.

"Master Zhong, have you forgotten your way?"

Hui Yi walked up to me and asked.

"It doesn't matter, I summon Yuan Qing to lead me the way. Yuan Qing is an ice butterfly, flying high in the snowy forest, and can find the way out correctly."

I closed my eyes and began to call Yuan Qing in my heart, hoping that it could come to me.

This feeling is very strange, as if my mind has been connected with it, but Yuan Qing is very repulsed to come to me, maybe because of the induction of these Kuzhu Temple monks on my side, they cut off our connection directly in the end.

Just when I was frowning, one of the monks suddenly said: "Brother Huiyi, there seems to be something strange coming over there."

I looked in the direction the monk pointed, and an ice rabbit was coming towards us. The appearance of this ice rabbit was melted by white snow, but the two eyeballs were replaced by two similar buttons. I recognized it. This button is the button on Luo Shui'er's body.

"Everyone follow the white rabbit, and you will be able to go out."

I followed first, followed by ten monks, and after a while, we found Luo Shui'er.

Little Silver let out a low growl, and many of the monks let out exclamations:


"Brother, this is a wolf demon!"

"Junior Brothers, don't panic. This silver wolf is the spiritual pet of the benefactor and will not harm us. As long as we follow them, we will be able to leave the Lost Snow Forest."

Hui Yi turned around, stretched out his hands, pressed down on the void, and the commotion slowly stopped.

"Shui'er, how did you come up with the idea of ​​using the Ice and Snow Rabbit to find me? Yuan Qing cut off our contact. I was really panicked at the time, afraid that I would never be able to find you again."

I sat on Xiaoyin and said with a smile.

Luo Shui'er waved slightly at the ice and snow rabbit in the distance, the button suddenly shot back and fell into her hand, and the rabbit lost its spirituality, turned into white snow and scattered all over the ground: "Hehe, this ice and snow rabbit It's just my little trick, it's the most suitable for finding people in this icy world, in fact, even if you don't plan to follow this rabbit back, I will look for you."


I nodded, and she began to tell me about creating creatures with the power of ice and snow, and she seemed to have a lot of experience.

Listening to her narration, I seem to feel a little familiar. It seems that a long time ago, there was also a girl who narrated in my ear, but I can't remember it clearly. It probably belongs to Huangtian's memory.

Under the leadership of Yuan Qing, we finally walked out of the Lost Snow Forest smoothly. Huiyang was very happy to see his senior brother, and began to greet them, and brought many fresh fruits from the small island of Binghuo Island.

After resting here for half a day, they quickly recovered, and more than a dozen of us went to the kingdom of the dead again.

The ice castle in the kingdom of the dead was built under a huge mountain, with black clouds covering the sky, and there were three exits from the castle. My cousin and Jiang He re-arranged a fire-like Yin-Yang array at one of the entrances. Luo Yue'er, who is a snow mountain girl, has fought for a long time without losing the wind. Now her cousin's strength has increased a lot, and she can hold on.

The other way out is guarded by Huiyang and his senior brother.

The last road is guarded by the Ice Corpse Clan who have been ambushing here for a long time. When I arrived here, I didn’t see a single person at all. I thought Teng Qing was fooling me. How could I know that the foot suddenly started to vibrate violently , like an earthquake.

Immediately after that, within a radius of one mile, blue arms stretched out one after another, and tall ice corpses came out from inside. These ice corpses were densely packed, and I couldn't count how many there were. They crawled out and didn't come to us. Attack instead stand still.

Among the corpses, an ice corpse surrounded by white animal skin came towards me. The dress of this ice corpse was very unusual, because there was hair on the head of this ice corpse, which was very long, hanging down to the ankles. Very resolute, with a smile on his face, he looks like he is in his 30s, and there is a strange blood mark in the center of Yintang.

"You are Lord Yuan, right? Our ancestors told us to wait for you here, at your disposal."

The ice corpse spoke very politely, but the words were a bit rusty, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time, but I could understand him, he seemed to have practiced his words no less than a hundred times.

"Is Teng Qing not here?"

I nodded and tried to calm down. Although these ice corpses look terrifying, they will not attack us. The ice corpse in front of me should belong to the level of ancient corpses, or be a descendant of Teng Qing. .

"The ancestor went to the entrance of the Maha Great World to see if he could trace the whereabouts of the Ice God, and he will return here. Master Yuan, don't worry."

The ancient corpse spoke again.

"Well, that's good, this entrance will be guarded by your Ice Corpse Clan. If these undead escape, don't let them go. Is it possible?"

I coughed a few times and said loudly.

"Our Ice Corpse Clan and the Kingdom of Kings do not interfere with the river water, but it does not mean that we are afraid of them. Don't worry, my lord, leave this place to me."

The ancient ice corpse smiled slightly, there are thousands of these ice corpses.And all of them are ice corpses with strong spiritual intelligence. Compared with the ones I encountered before, they are not at the same level at all, and they are guarded by ancient corpses, so they should be able to do it.

There are still many undead in the city, and they seem to be aware of our arrival. These undead are probably already ambushing in the castle, ready to go.

I guess it's the King of Giant Eyes in the city. Before coming here, Luo Shui'er told me about these four kings, and what they are good at. In fact, the most powerful of these four kings of undead are King of Giant Mouth and King of Giant Nose, but They were all killed by us, and as for the remaining two kings, they only have supernatural powers of ears and eyesight.

The undead in the city are certainly fierce, but how could they be our opponents.

This time we are attacking the Kingdom of the Dead, I, Li Nianbai from the Golden Core Realm, Luo Shui'er from the Ring of Four Faiths, Luo Yue'er from the snow mountain girl, and the demon wolf Xiaoyin, Bingdie Yuanqing, we don't intend to really wipe out all of them For the undead, as long as they escape, that's enough. An ambush has been laid at the intersection, waiting for them.

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