Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 241 [Giant Eye King]

"You haven't answered my question yet, are you going to take me directly to the Great World of Maha?"

It seems that there is still some time before the destination. Besides observing the terrain, I started chatting with the King of Giant Eyes.

"Why can't I just take you to the Great World of Maha? We're going now. To tell you the truth, your companions are pretty strong. I'm not an opponent. I'll take you there now, just in case."

The Giant-Eyed King chuckled, and he didn't shy away from chatting with me. Instead, he was extremely excited. It seemed that he wasn't worried at all about losing these undead.

"Why are these demons able to come through the interface? Isn't there a seal at the entrance? Could it be that someone planned to seal it?"

I thought about it and asked again.

"You don't know? Of course, the seal began to crack many years ago. It is said that many years ago, some real demons inside tried their best to break through the seal. Although they didn't really open it, the seal was loose. The demons of the world also took this opportunity to come out, but this is still not the Maha Great World, and they are the interface where they were exiled, so if they want to come out and reach this interface, their strength will definitely be damaged, they will be suppressed, and they will be exiled for too long. Excluded by the natural laws of this world, a creature that does not belong to this interface will definitely not be smooth sailing."

The Giant-Eyed King grinned grimly and explained.

I nodded and said, "Since this is the case, wouldn't we be suppressed the same if we pass through? Besides, the Maha Great World is the interface where we are exiled, and the demons there are very vicious. Are you not afraid?"

"Hehe, each interface has the power of the law of each interface. Do you really think that our current strength can threaten those demons? We will not be affected much if we go in. In fact, the least affected is You human beings, human beings are the spirits of all things, you can survive and adapt even in any interface with living creatures, but our spirit body is different, it is very likely to go to other interfaces and be disturbed by the energy there Cheng Shattering, that’s why I’m going to Hua Demon Pool, Cheng Demon, I’ve told you so much, let’s talk about your origin, these demon envoys and those big devils in the demon world seem to be very nervous about you, what do you have? What ability? Even Lord True Demon is afraid of you, so he sent so many demons across the border to look for you."

"What else can I do? I am a ghost hunter, a ghost hunter who hunts down demons and goblins. I am the opponent of these demons. Do you think they will let me go?"

I grinned, the pain in my shoulder made me a little numb, turned my head and glanced at the five fingers that were inserted into my flesh, his five fingers were faintly red, as if they were being burned by flames.

"Hehe, I don't believe it. The blood in your body can cause harm to us all. You are no ordinary ghost hunter."

The King of Giant Eyes looked down at me and said.

"Since my blood is hurting you, why do you want to hold it? You are the King of Giant Eyes, so you should have other means to take me away. For example, why do you want to do it yourself by setting up a ghost fog or something?"

I frowned slightly, this giant-eyed king is really forbearing, the blood of the body of fire virtue is already unusual, it can hurt ghosts, but he still uses this method to restrain me and take me to the sealed place.

"I don't worry. For a character that even real demons are afraid of, what reason do we have for small characters to be cautious? Although your current strength is very weak."

The King of Giant Eyes smiled slightly, staring at the front, and said again: "We are about to reach the sealed place, I will fall down, this sealed place has a very powerful force that prohibits us from flying, so we will go up, of course , I will do some tricks on you, for the sake of your honesty, I will not make you too uncomfortable, provided that you are obedient."

I saw a towering mountain in front of me. Even though we are flying hundreds of meters now, this snowy mountain is still higher than us. The King of Giant Eyes began to fall slowly. At the same time, he withdrew his palm and pressed it on my waist. Thick black mist diffused from the palm of my hand. This black mist turned into a black rope, wrapped around my arms and waist, and I was so sleepy. I struggled a few times. Not only did the black rope not loosen, but instead It is a little tighter.

"It's best not to struggle. This is a ghost weapon. The more you struggle, the tighter it will be, and it will hurt your soul in the end. You should pay attention."

The King of Giant Eyes reminded us that in the end we landed under this big mountain. Fortunately, the big snow mountain still has a lot of slopes, which are much bigger than I imagined. Now that our hands are bound, it is more difficult to walk up.

"How about this, what do you think of ghost messengers in the underworld? If you are willing to let me go, working as a ghost messenger in the underworld is also a good choice. Working for the underworld can accumulate merit, and it is not bad to have a good pregnancy in the next life."

I stood still and looked at the King of Giant Eyes with a grin.

There was a little light in the white eyes of the giant-eyed king, and he seemed to be a little shaken, but then he shook his head and said: "The undead in our kingdom of the dead are all wanted by the ghost messengers of the underworld, and it is impossible to become ghost messengers. You can't imagine the killings, well, let's not mention these, let's hurry, I guess it will be dark when we reach the entrance."

I sighed, and could only walk forward slowly. There were ten holes inserted into the clothes on both sides, and the black mist was scattered on the wound. Although no blood flowed out, the wound healed very slowly, which made me feel a little strange. I'm bored, and I can clearly feel that my body is repelling this eerie ghost energy. I think that only when these ghost energy is forced out can my wound heal faster.

The Giant-Eyed King has been following me, and the back is chilly. He purposely kept a distance from me. The reason is simple, because I am a body of fire virtue, and some ordinary ghosts dare not approach, but he is the Giant-Eyed King, of course not. Ordinary ghosts can be compared. He has been able to cause substantial damage to my physical body by virtue of the concentration of energy. Ghost hunters make an impact.

"Let's talk, this journey is boring enough, by the way, why did I only see you? I heard that there are four kings in the kingdom of the dead, with giant eyes, giant nose, giant ears, and giant mouth. Two kings have been killed by us. It was eliminated, logically there are still two kings, but only you appeared."

I opened my mouth and asked, why didn't the King of Giant Ears appear?Could it be hiding somewhere to ambush us?

"It's okay to tell you. In fact, you killed Juzui King that day. I saw it clearly. I know that you have the Dao pattern in your palm. Juer has already gone to the Great World of Maha in advance."

Behind me, the King of Giant Eyes spoke coldly.

"So that's the case, no wonder I didn't see him. How did you get this ghost weapon of yours? Logically, only ghosts in the underworld have ghost weapons. Looking at the ghost weapon, it shouldn't be the ecstasy lock of the ninth-grade ghost ghost. "

I struggled again, feeling that the black rope was a little tighter, and the dark pendant on my chest was faintly hot.

"I can't see that you still have some eyesight. This ghost weapon is indeed not owned by the ninth-rank ghost messenger, but the ghost weapon in the hands of the fifth-rank ghost messenger. I got it after hunting a fifth-rank ghost messenger. You know so Duo, I haven't asked you about your identity yet, why are you so sure that I will be appointed as a ghost messenger? Could it be that you are the acting ghost messenger of Yangjian? This is not surprising, but the acting ghost messenger of Yangjian doesn't have this right at all."

The Giant-Eyed King thought for a while before speaking.

"I'm from the Zhong family. You should know our ancestor Zhong Kui. Do you think I have this ability?"

I grinned.

Hearing this, the King of Giant Eyes almost laughed out loud, and said, "It seems that you don't know Zhong Kui well, he is jealous like a vengeful enemy, he probably ate me as soon as we met, you want to get away, so you led me there. The wishful thinking was wrong!"

"Since you think so, I can't help it."

I shrugged helplessly. Of course, what I said was just a stopgap measure. I was planning how to escape from here, but I didn't take it seriously.

After walking for a while, suddenly there was a cyan figure slowly walking over in front of me. After seeing the figure clearly, I was overjoyed that it was Teng Qing.

The King of Giant Eyes became alert, and walked directly behind me, put a hand on my shoulder, and looked at Teng Qing who was gradually stopping.

Teng Qing was a little surprised when he saw me, then he stared at the giant-eyed king behind me with a look of surprise, his lips parted slightly: "Let him go."

"Although I don't know who you are, do you think I'll let him go? Just dream."

The giant-eyed king suddenly grabbed my neck and laughed.

"If you don't want to end up with the King of Giant Ears, let him go immediately, and I can let you go."

Teng Qing looked at the King of Giant Eyes coldly, his tone became gloomy, and a cold wind blew from the middle of the mountain, making his green robe rattle.

"You...Since this is the case, it is even more impossible for me to let him go!"

The face of the King of Giant Eyes suddenly changed, thinking in his heart that the King of Giant Ears must have been poisoned, and the opponent must be very powerful. After speaking, he used a little force between his palms, and I was flushed, so I immediately said loudly: "Teng Qing, don't Enrage him, I can hardly breathe."

Teng Qing gritted his teeth, took a few steps back, and said again: "What do you want me to do to let him go?"

The Giant-Eyed King grinned ferociously, and said, "Kneel down, don't fight back!"

"Teng Qing, let's go, I'm fine, don't kneel, even if you kneel, he won't let me go, he wants to bring me into the great world of Maha..."

"shut up!"

The giant-eyed king pinched his palm again, and I opened my mouth, like a goldfish, I could only breathe heavily.

There was a strong killing intent in Teng Qing's eyes, he gritted his teeth, bent his knees slightly, and knelt heavily on the snow, but his eyes were unusually bright, staring straight at the King of Giant Eyes.

"What happened to the giant ear!"

The King of Giant Eyes looked at Teng Qing angrily.


Teng Qing smiled coldly.


The Giant-Eyed King let go of me with one hand, grabbed his cloak, and a long black whip appeared in his hand. On the black whip, there was a faint black mist. The Giant-Eyed King snorted coldly, shook his wrist, The long whip in his hand was thrown out, and after a sound of breaking through the air, it was like a poisonous snake, and it was slapped on Teng Qing's face fiercely. A whip mark was drawn on the fair face immediately, and a black mist faintly emitted.

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