Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 242 [Sacrifice of Life]

"Teng Qing, let's go!"

I took a deep breath and spoke loudly.

He is the ancestor of the Ice Corpse Race, and I am only the reincarnation of the emperor, so how can I let the ancestors of a race kneel down for me?Even if there is kindness to him, it is a matter of the previous life, not the present.

"Boy, you still don't shut up, are you asking me to crush your neck!"

The King of Giant Eyes spoke angrily, and at the same time blew ghost air into my ear, making my whole body extremely cold.

"Stop, you want to fight, even though he is, if you hurt him again, I will make you miserable!"

Teng Qing received a lot of whips, and the green robe on his body was torn, but no blood flowed out. The black mist scattered by the whip marks on his body seemed to have a corrosive effect, but Teng Qing's face did not show any signs of pain. color.

"What a strange fellow, my Ghost Whip is extremely powerful. You actually only suffered skin and flesh injuries. It seems that I have to make it worse. Anyway, you also killed Ju Er. It is my duty to avenge him, but I I won’t let you die so easily, I have to torture you slowly, haha.”

The Giant-Eyed King gave a sinister grin, and shook the long whip in his hand again, and the snake-like black ghost whip flew out, making an explosion sound in the air.

"Clap clap clap..."

The voice was exceptionally loud. The cyan robe on Teng Qing's body was torn apart by the whip, leaving behind scars. He still held his breath and stopped speaking. He was still being beaten by the whip. The whole person was like an ice sculpture. The green robe was drawn into strips, and the skin was covered with dark welts.

"Enough! I'll go to the Great World of Maha with you honestly! Let him go!"

I was trembling all over, gritted my teeth and spoke, I couldn't bear to watch this kind of tragedy, Teng Qing looked at me with some surprise, but still didn't make a sound, knelt there motionless.

"Didn't you hear that he killed Ju Er? Based on this alone, how could I really let him go?!"

The Giant-Eyed King snorted coldly, but he didn't let go of my neck. I could feel his sharp nails piercing into my skin, right next to my blood vessels. With just a slight cut, it would easily split my neck. Blood vessel.

"Teng Qing, let's go, I'm not Huang Tian anymore, I'm Zhong Yuan."

Gritting my teeth, I spoke again.

As soon as the voice fell, there was another tingling pain on my neck. Hot blood flowed down the fingers of the King of Giant Eyes. I could feel the fingers of King of Giant Eyes trembling. The hot blood directly stained his genitals. It caused a lot of damage. He didn't relax for a moment, but his nails penetrated a little bit more.


I gasped, feeling a little dizzy.

"Fool, I can still bear this level."

Teng Qing raised his head, smiled at me, and said very firmly, "Crack!" There was a crisp sound of the whip, which hit the corner of Teng Qing's mouth directly, and his head was slightly tilted.

I squeezed my fist tightly, my eyes were moist, and my nose was a little sore.

why go?We've only met once!Why? !Is it because I am the reincarnation of the emperor?

"King of Giant Eyes, you really don't intend to stop?"

I calmed down and said in a hoarse voice.

"Of course I don't intend to stop unless he dies! Of course, he must die, hehe, you seem to be his weakness, how could I not seize such a good opportunity? I want to see if he can survive my ghost whip How much pain he endured, I want to smash his soul! Haha..."

The King of Giant Eyes spoke viciously, while staring at Teng Qing with a strange smile.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's die together."

I smiled sadly, and after taking a deep breath, I began to mutter words: "Use my blood as a guide, life sacrifice, Zhong Kui borrowed the law, the art of sacrifice, as urgent as a law!"


The blood left on my neck instantly turned into a thick red flame, and this flame instantly enveloped my neck. The King of Giant Eyes let out an exclamation, and the finger he inserted into my skin was immediately caught by the flames. A golden flame swept over and quickly burned to ashes. At the same time, this huge golden flame also appeared on my body, and the ghost lock tied around my waist was also burnt at this moment, although it is a pity , I hugged the giant-eyed king with my backhand, and looked at him with a smile.

The strange thing is that I didn't feel the burning pain of my body, I only felt that something in my body was slowly passing away, but the King of Giant Eyes was different.

"You crazy, you crazy! Let go of me!"

The King of Giant Eyes twisted desperately in my arms, his body sometimes turned into a black mist, sometimes into a human form, but he still couldn't break free from me. Seeing the yin energy on his body disappearing quickly, he finally couldn't help but let out a scream.

The Mingyin pendant on my chest emitted scorching heat, and Zhu Rong's faint voice came from the Vulcan ring between my fingers: "Why are you doing this?"

"Master Yuan!"

Teng Qing jumped up from the snow and came straight to me. His big hands directly grabbed my back and lifted me up, trying to pull me back, but I was still clinging to the giant that was gradually disappearing. King Mouth, how can you let the King of Giant Eyes run away with your life as a sacrifice?

"Teng Qing, get out of the way!"

I spoke loudly, because the power produced by the golden flame also threatened him, and I could clearly see that Teng Qing's palm was burnt black by the golden flame.

"Quickly remove the secret technique!"

Teng Qing let out a low cry, and grabbed me directly. With the other hand, he slapped the giant-eyed king hard. The giant-eyed king was on the verge of losing his soul, but now he was hit by this palm, and immediately fell apart. The shape can no longer be condensed, but there are still traces of black mist that are about to overflow to the surroundings.

"Want to leave? It's too late!"

With a wave of my finger, a golden flame flew out, but it happened to engulf the black mist and burn it completely.

There was a little icy light on Teng Qing's big hand, and he pressed it on my head, trying to suppress the golden flames on my body. These golden flames were transformed at the cost of life, and they were extremely powerful. If they were not extinguished, my Life will also pass away, so Teng Qing is desperate to suppress it.

I can gradually feel the passing of life in my body, but the speed is much slower than before. I don't really want to die, and I started to desperately suppress the passing of my life.

But none of these seemed to work, even Teng Qing couldn't stop my life from passing, he could only use his own strength to suppress the flames.

"Zhong Yuan! Finally found you, I hope it won't be too late, Zhong Yuan, what kind of secret technique are you using?!"

Li Nianbai came running from the bottom of the mountain, and soon came to our side. When he saw the golden flames around me, his expression changed drastically.

"Some kind of sacrificial power was used at the cost of his life. This golden flame is burning his life and must be stopped. It's a pity that I only have some brute force and some talent, and I have nothing to suppress these fires of life." usefulness."

Yuan Qing explained beside him.

"Let me come, this kid is going crazy, he actually used this kind of sacrifice technique, fortunately you suppressed it in time, otherwise this guy would have to die here!"

Li Nianbai gritted his teeth angrily, stretched out his hand directly through the golden flame, gave me two slaps, slapped me soberly, and continued: "I don't care what method you use, it's best to give me the fire of life completely." Absorb, I will seal the space around you with the four-element gossip array now, you only have one stick of incense time to absorb these flames of life, after one stick of incense, there is nothing I can do!"

After finishing speaking, he drew out his ebony sword and cut his palm fiercely, causing blood to spill down.

Teng Qing left me, Li Nianbai was walking around me, his palms were drawing gestures that I couldn't understand beside me, I could only see that his face was very solemn, and the spilled water from his hands almost quickly condensed into streaks on the snow There are four bloody talismans.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, four images and eight trigrams, seal!"

Li Nianbai put away his palms and let out a soft drink, these four blood talismans burst into dazzling blood light, and each blood talisman began to change, one of them turned into a white tiger, the other three were green dragon, vermilion bird, Xuanwu, the five divine beasts are phantoms, but they are only the size of a palm. They spun around me, and soon I couldn't see them clearly. A bloody light curtain enveloped me, and the surrounding golden flames no longer continued to evaporate.

I was slightly overjoyed, opened my arms slightly, and absorbed the golden flame with all my strength, and the flame began to sink into my body little by little. As time passed, the bloody light curtain around me became weaker and weaker, and I Almost all the flames on my body disappeared into my body. When the last flame disappeared, I felt like I was going to collapse, and at the same time, the bloody light curtain around me gradually disappeared into the air.

Li Nianbai reached out to help me up, stretched out his hand to count on my neck, but the wound had not healed, he sighed, and took out a brand new talisman paper from his bosom, just the blood on the talisman After drawing on the paper, I was a little taken aback when I saw the talisman he drew, and asked, "Healing talisman?!"

"um, yes."

Li Nianbai didn't make any fuss when he saw that I recognized the drawn talisman. After drawing one, he stuck it directly on my neck. But soon the emerald light on this talisman completely dimmed, like a piece of waste paper, he reached out and took off the yellow talisman, took a closer look at my wound, and then nodded in satisfaction.

"Draw more, I still have injuries on my shoulder, and Teng Qing, Teng Qing also has... Eh? Teng Qing, you were injured by the ghost whip, why..."

When I turned to Teng Qing, I was a little surprised when I saw the condition of his body, because I didn't see the black whip marks on his body, except that the green robe on his body was shredded by the whip, revealing the strong flesh inside. Except for the muscles, the whole body is smooth and flawless, as if it has never been injured.

"Your Majesty Yuan, don't worry. This bit of ghost power has no effect on me. In the future, the secret method of sacrificing your life must never be used. Not every time you can meet this little brother."

A smile hung on Teng Qing's face, looking at Li Nianbai who was concentrating on drawing talismans.

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