Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 246 [True Blue Fire Cauldron]

Hearing my words, Li Nianbai stepped back, with his toes pointing on the snow, his hands outstretched, like a big bird.

Unexpectedly, he also used the technique of lightness during the exercise. He stayed away from me and raised his wooden sword on another corner. A hint of gloating.

But soon, his eyes fell on the sword formation beside me. There are twelve sword lights in total in this sword formation, each of which is extremely emerald green, but at the same time, there is a faint glare on the surface. The reddish flames exuded added a bit of power to the sword formation.

It is also the first time for me to activate the fourth rune circle, and I have no idea that such a powerful ghost-hunting power is needed for this sword formation, and to maintain the entire sword formation, it also needs the support of ghost-hunting power, if the energy consumption is not enough If the supply is not reached, the entire sword array will collapse, unable to support the attack.

Sikong Changfeng's expression became extremely solemn, and he pulled the robe around his waist from behind, and a cloth pouch was pulled out, and then he grabbed it hard, and the pouch was pulled out, revealing a small purple round tripod inside.

This round tripod can be held in the palm of one hand. It is a small three-legged tripod. Ding grinned.

"Elder Changfeng is finally about to use the magic weapon. The true blue fire cauldron is not just a treasure tripod for subjugating demons and demons. The real fire inside is extremely powerful. Hehe, they will definitely not be able to hold it."

The fat man patted Lidong's shoulder and said with a smile, while Lidong looked enviously at the real blue fire cauldron in Sikong Changfeng's hand, nodded and said: "Yes, this real blue fire cauldron hasn't been born for a long time, Originally thought it was to deal with some peerless monster, but now it is used to deal with these boys. It seems that the abilities of these boys should not be underestimated. We don't need to intervene anymore, just watch from a distance, so as not to get hurt. "

The top cover of the true blue fire cauldron in Sikong Changfeng's palm began to emit blue flames. After the blue flame emerged from the top cover, it began to change. This group of flames also began to condense into a small blue sword with a handle about a foot long. Each small sword seems to contain powerful power, which can easily pass through a person, and I know the power of the flame contained in it best.

Although there is a distance between me and this elder, the flames from the true blue fire cauldron in his hand are stronger than the one condensed in his hand before.

"Devil Demon Sword Formation, open!"

Stretching out his hand and flicking it, a green-red sword light in front of him pulled out from the ground with a buzzing sound, and went straight to Elder Sikong. The green-red sword light cut through the void, one after another, and saw I was stunned by this scene. It was really difficult to control this sword array for the first time. The sword light flew out just now, and it needs to be replenished with the power of hunting ghosts, and it is necessary to direct the sword energy to attack Elder Sikong.

My demon-subduing sword is also a magic weapon, and the opponent's true blue fire cauldron is also a magic weapon, and magic weapons can be divided into high and low, but those that can be called magic weapons are generally engraved with rune circles. Blessed talismans or Buddhist beads, etc., are not considered magic tools at all, because this kind of consecration is actually to bless one's own power to go up. As long as the energy disappears, the utensil itself will lose the ability to subdue demons and eliminate demons. Be like everything.

Of course, there are also some ordinary things that can have this effect, such as peach branches, and Luo family's blood emperor dragon wood. This kind of thing does not need to be blessed, and it also has the ability to exorcise evil spirits.

Seeing the sword energy flying over, Sikong Changfeng's expression became very ugly, and the other hand pointed at these small real fire swords that had already condensed into shape, and these small real fire swords also flew out, hitting Fumo hard. Above the sword qi, one after another exploded like fireworks, but the power was astonishing. The snow below couldn't bear the hot energy and melted one after another.

"Li Nianbai, although Zhong Yuan's sword array can contain Sikong Changfeng, the power of hunting ghosts consumed by the sword array is also amazing. Sikong Changfeng is at least the strongest of the four rings of faith, driving the true blue fire cauldron. The time is longer, so you can do it."

The cousin stood in the distance, stared at Li Nianbai and spoke.

"Lidong, stop that kid with the sword at any cost!"

Sikong Changfeng's face became a little ferocious, and he spoke in an unusually dull voice. At the same time, he glanced at his cousin in surprise, and said to himself, what this kid said is not bad at all, even though he is now a strong man in the ring of five beliefs , but to ignite the fire in the magic weapon of the true blue fire cauldron, the power of hunting ghosts is very amazing, and he can't control it for a long time. His True Fire Spear is several times stronger, but the opponent's sword array can resist it. This is his unique skill.

Hearing this, Lidong nodded, without any hesitation, he pulled out a black flag from his mouth, and when the flag was pulled out, a thick black mist appeared on it, and a black flag appeared faintly on it. With a ferocious grimace, Lidong said:

"Feihe, I want to recruit the ice ghost, you protect me."

"Sikong Lidong, you actually have an ice ghost?! Is it made by the ominous spirits on the Snowland Plain?"

When the fat man saw the pitch-black banner, his expression changed drastically, and at the same time he glanced at Sikong Changfeng. Sikong Changfeng couldn't be distracted at all now, so he didn't even look here.

"Stop talking nonsense, why can't you refine ice ghosts? Are you still afraid that the Ice City Ghost Hunters Alliance branch will investigate our Sikong family's failure to raise ghosts? They can't protect themselves now, and they still have time to control us? Forget it, This matter has long been acquiesced in the family, and we are still helping the battle this time, if we can successfully capture them, maybe we will do meritorious service, don't bother me, I will use my own blood to wake up the ice ghost."

Sikong Lidong smiled ferociously, took out a sharp dagger with the other hand, and cut his arm without thinking. The blood flowed down his arm into the flag he was holding, and penetrated the black flag along the bone-like flagpole. middle.

"Oops, I didn't expect that the Sikong family, like the Gu family, even raises ghosts. Li Nianbai's Taiqing swordsmanship cannot be disturbed. We need to go to support. Jiang He, can you hold on?"

The cousin glanced at Jiang He who was bandaging his wound, and asked.

"Don't worry, I only suffered a superficial injury. It's a pity that my internal strength is still too weak to resist these secret techniques. If you let me get close, he will definitely not get any benefits. You go quickly."

Jiang He had already stood up, patted the dust off his body, and looked at his cousin with a slight smile.

"Well, don't be afraid if there are ghosts approaching you, the ghost charm I left for you will automatically attack."

The cousin patted Jiang He on the shoulder, and galloped towards Li Nianbai. Li Nianbai had already raised his ebony sword horizontally, and the golden mark between his eyebrows also appeared. Holding a yellow talisman, the yellow talisman was clamped between his two fingers and became straight. A layer of icy light gradually shrouded the yellow talisman, burning like a flame.

Sikong Lidong let out a strange laugh, and waved the black flag in his hand forward forcefully, a sticky cloud of black mist was thrown out. This cloud of black mist rolled before them, and began to spread, turning into a mass of Zhang Xu. After that, two lantern-like crimson eyes popped out of it, the black mist began to recede, and a gigantic ghost with a height of several meters appeared on the ground.

This ice ghost is very tall, almost as tall as a floor, with very ferocious features, blue face, fangs, red eyes, fiery red hair, a little black mist overflowing from the whole body, and a giant mace in his hand.

"This is an ice ghost. You can use the secret fire technique to attack. I heard that you are very good at it. Then I will concentrate on dealing with this old man. No problem."

Li Nianbai glanced at his solemn cousin, and asked aloud.

"Of course there is no problem. Although the Dharma Eye Formation can only see through illusions and trapped enemies for the time being, my Zhong family still has a lot of secret techniques."

The cousin snorted coldly, took off his glasses, and his left eye turned into a piece of chaos, which was divided into black and white, yin and yang, and began to turn slowly.

The gigantic ice ghost let out a roar, raised the mace with both hands and smashed it hard at the top of his cousin's head, the ice light was shining on the mace, even without the power of ice, such a huge stick, If you smash it down, you will also smash people into meatloaf.

"Zhongli, be careful! This mace is a ghost weapon! Although it can't hurt your body, if it hits your soul, it will be smashed to pieces!"

Jiang He, who was watching the battle from a distance, spoke loudly, his eyes full of anxiety.

The cousin stretched out his hand to grab the three yellow talismans from his bosom, and when he raised his head suddenly, a gray light shot out from his eyes. Just as the mace was about to fall, the gray light swayed silently and turned into a round of Tai Chi diagrams. The ice ghost seemed to be a little stunned, the mace in his hand couldn't fall any more, with his hands again, the Tai Chi diagram under the mace rotated faster, but the mace seemed to be stuck, except that he couldn't attack Besides, it couldn't be drawn out anymore.

"It's time for me to make a move, let's taste the Flame Talisman."

The cousin raised his hand expressionlessly, and the three yellow talismans in his hand shot out, sticking to the forehead, chest, and abdomen of the ice ghost respectively. As soon as the three yellow talismans touched, they began to burn, and finally turned into a thick fire. Cover this ice ghost.

"Lidong, think of a way quickly, this is a talisman fire, which can burn dark things."

Sikong Feihe's chubby face trembled and he spoke loudly.

"Don't worry, this ice ghost has been cultivated by me for a long time, and it already possesses the normal power of ice. Although it is not worth mentioning compared to Snow Mountain Girl, this talisman fire can still be easily dealt with, but That Taiji diagram is a bit annoying, no, the kid with the sword is going to do it."

Sikong Lidong didn't care at first, but when he saw that Li Nianbai seemed to have finished reciting the mantra, he exclaimed again.

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