Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 247 [Retire the Enemy and Get Treasure]

"Taiqing swordsmanship, the second form, Qingsi!"

Li Nianbai grinned, and slammed the yellow talisman in his hand on the blade of the ebony sword, a little icy light glowed on the pale silver sword light, he swung the sword casually, and a silver thread flew from the blade He went out and went straight to Elder Sikong.

This black thread is covered by a layer of ice light, it is difficult to detect its existence in broad daylight, and its speed is extremely fast.

Sikong Changfeng had already made preparations, so when the ice thread came, the real fire sword in front of him immediately flew out, heading straight for the ice silk, but the facts surprised him, the real fire sword that flew out Huo Xiaojian disappeared without any sign, only a faint energy dissipated in the air.

In the next second, Sikong Changfeng's hand holding the real blue fire cauldron suddenly broke, and the whole arm fell to the ground connected with the small cauldron. However, the wound on his shoulder did not splatter with blood, and was even covered with a layer of frost. The wounds were frozen, the black hair hurt people invisible, even Sikong Changfeng didn't notice it, one of his arms fell off, and even half of his body was frozen, Sikong Changfeng was frightened and furious. After several continuous shots on his body, the layer of ice that gradually spread out disintegrated.

But precisely because of this reason, he moved a lot slower.

This is the best opportunity for me to attack. I lost control of the true blue fire cauldron, and the small real fire sword in front of the elder lost the support of the ghost hunting power, and began to collapse one after another.

With a flick of his finger, several waves of demon-subduing sword energy fell towards Elder Sikong. He lost his ability to attack, and even dropped the magic weapon on his body. He really wanted to pick up this true blue fire cauldron, but I didn't Give him a chance, he also knows very well how powerful these demon-subduing sword qi are, one after another emerald green sword qi fell towards him, although he narrowly avoided it, but the snow under his feet was hit by the sword qi, and immediately exploded one after another. Big pit.

"Master, the other party's magic weapon is not simple, really blue fire cauldron, interesting."

The voice of Zhu Rong, the god of fire and ring spirit, suddenly sounded in my mind, with a hint of longing.

"I have long liked the true blue fire cauldron. Now I can't use the magic weapon of Vulcan ring, but the real blue fire cauldron is different. This fire cauldron has no spirit at all. If there is a spirit, there must be a guardian spirit." The power of the Lord, but obviously, it doesn't exist, so I can definitely drive it."

I responded, all the sword energy around my body shot out, Sikong Changfeng dodged in a panic, even his hair was messed up, and the other shoulder was pierced by the sword energy, I closed the sword array, leaving only a line of faith in my body ring.

The true blue fire cauldron was still warm in my hand, I stuffed it directly into my backpack, Sikong Changfeng had already escaped, the speed of escape was very fast, almost disappeared in a few blinks of an eye.

Black air rolled over the huge ice ghost, the burning talisman fire had disappeared, he had completely given up the mace in his hand, his huge head moved down, his mouth opened wide, revealing a mouth full of fangs. The cousin bit his neck.

"Zhongli, step back, you are an auxiliary character, at most you are a trapped enemy, this kind of little monster, let me do it, Taiqing swordsmanship, the first move, Zhanyue!"

Li Nianbai smiled, and slashed forward with the ebony sword in his hand, a full moon-like sword aura fell from top to bottom, the huge body of the ice ghost was directly shattered by the silver full-moon sword aura, turning into a faint black The fog dissipated to the surroundings, and the mace-like ghost weapon supported by my cousin's Taiji array also fell down and turned into the size of a thumb, which was put away by my cousin. This is a ghost weapon.

Sikong Lidong spat out a stream of blood, and the black flag in his hand exploded out of thin air, turning into a black cloth and falling to the ground. Sikong Feihe immediately supported him, gave us a horrified look, picked up Lidong and ran away.

"Zhong Yuan, great harvest, apart from seeing your demon-subduing sword formation this time, I also got a fairly good magic weapon. Let's take a look at this magic weapon. The mace's Necromancer, I'm not interested."

Li Nianbai walked up to me, pointed to my pocket, and said.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Jiang He has already been injured, and Sikong Changfeng has already escaped. We must leave here as soon as possible. This time we accidentally injured him, and we may face even more powerful people next time. We can't bear it."

The cousin came over, stared at the disappearing figure in the distance, and said in a low voice.

"Then what should we do? It's impossible for Yujian to leave here, Jiang He is injured, and even if Luo Yueer is here, it's impossible to take us away so blatantly, this is a human city."

Li Nianbai put away his ebony sword and grinned.

"Since this is the case, then we will leave on our own and use human methods."

I glanced around, it was not yet four o'clock in the afternoon, and I couldn't see the shadow of the car from Bingcheng Road, so I could only think of another way, but there was an agricultural walking tractor not far away, this kind of Cars are very common in rural areas, and the operation is very simple. Although the speed is slow, it is better than walking.

There are still a lot of dry straw piled up behind the tractor, and the shaking car keys are still hanging beside it. Now the people here have dispersed long ago, so I came up with this idea.

"Zhong Yuan, are you kidding me? You asked me to drive this kind of car? I've never driven it before."

The cousin glanced at the tractor and shook his head decisively.

"I didn't ask you to drive it. I'll drive it. Hei Pang's family has this kind of tractor. The two of us drove it for fun. We quickly helped Jiang He up. We must leave Ice City today, otherwise the Sikong family will not will spare us."

I picked up the heavy key, pointed it directly at the hole on the tractor head, inserted it in, and shook it vigorously. After a while, the rumbling engine sounded.

Although I am not unfamiliar with this, but after I got on the road, I realized that it was not as easy as I imagined, because this is the north, and the snow on the road has not been cleared, so if you drive a little faster, it will skid, but this tractor The wheels of the car are not the same as ordinary wheels, and they are very effective in preventing skidding. Although the speed slows down, it seems to be a little faster than a car, but I am a little worried about Jiang He. After all, he was injured, and it is freezing cold of.

"Don't worry, both of them got into the haystack, they won't freeze, this thing is quite fun, how about I try it?"

Li Nianbai sat in the back, put his hands on my shoulders, and leaned over to me, with an eager look on his face.

"You always rest, I don't want to have any accidents, I just want to reach Bingcheng safely."

I didn't look back, I stared at the mainland in front of me, with my eyes level.

"By the way, your sword formation is quite good, but the accuracy is a lot worse, and the flexibility is not enough. If I come to use your sword formation, I guess Sikong Changfeng will not escape. Hehe, this time he was hurt. arm, he can go back and be a brother and sister with that Sikong Baye."

Li Nianbai patted my shoulder for me as he said.

"Hey, this time I provoked a big enemy. Didn't you listen to the proprietress? The Sikong family has already taken charge of the entire ice field town, and their power is still one of the best in the north. Their decline must be unreal. Elders appear one after another. , it is estimated that there are stronger experts in the family, I think they will not let it go, they will definitely come to trouble us."

I sighed, and once I came to Snowland, I not only offended the kingdom of the dead, but also the Sikong family. The kingdom of the dead is alright, it has been destroyed. The Luo family is here, so it is estimated that they dare not leave the Snowy Plain easily, but the Sikong family is different, they are not undead, but a family of ghost hunters, and they can definitely chase us to the south.

"What are you worrying about? Are you really afraid of them when soldiers come to cover you with water and soil? I'm not afraid. If their Sikong family only has this little stuff, let's bring some more. It's best to send something more practical. This is really blue fire cauldron." It’s a good magic weapon, and the thing in the hands of an elder is not too bad, can you give it to me?”

Li Nianbai put his chin on my shoulder, with a begging tone.

"Come on, you are a swordsman, do you think I don't know that you major in swordsmanship? I am a body of fire virtue now, dear, I lack a good magic weapon."

I grinned.

"Little Yuanyuan, I know you are a body of fire virtue, but don't you have a Vulcan ring, this Vulcan ring is much stronger than the true blue fire cauldron, and there is a ring spirit inside, which is amazing."

Li Nianbai rubbed my shoulder with his chin and said.

"I can't drive the Vulcan ring now, you can't do such a complicated thing now, you just have an ebony sword, and you have to specialize in secret arts, understand? For example, today, you performed the second form of Taiqing swordsmanship , it took a lot of time."

I shrugged my shoulders and said.

"I really have no conscience. The reason why I spent so long was to bless Sikong Changfeng with the Ice Flame Talisman. When the blue silk sword hurt Sikong Changfeng, I also froze him and slowed him down. Otherwise, I would use your three-legged cat's sword control technique Can it hurt him? Not necessarily, I don't care, I have to play with this real blue fire cauldron."

After speaking, Li Nianbai grabbed my waist, picked up the small tripod and played with it in his hand.

"Okay, just play around, if it's not suitable, give it to me."

I spoke with great distress. With my current attainments, although I have cultivated the Fumo sword technique, it is too simple. Compared with those powerful characters, it is nothing at all. I can't even compare with Jiang He in close combat. But the secret technique is different. It requires a huge amount of ghost hunting power to perform the secret technique, and the rune circles I opened with the Demon-Destroyer Sword are all for long-distance attacks, which also means that I am not suitable for melee combat.

Among the four of us, close combat is enough for Li Nianbai. Li Nianbai's swordsmanship is very powerful. He is proficient in both close combat and long range. The second rune circle on the body is the Demon-subduing Sword Light, the third rune circle is the killing spirit, and the fourth rune circle is the Demon-subduing sword circle, all of them, my cousin is more auxiliary, his yin and yang Fayan can see through anything and can trap the enemy. It is very helpful for us to fight and hunt monsters and ghosts. Jiang He, Jiang He can be regarded as a logistics doctor. If he encounters ordinary people, he can deal with them.

After two hours, we arrived at the train station to buy tickets. Fortunately, the Sikong family did not chase after us.

However, when we were riding in the car, earth-shaking changes had taken place in Jiuhuang City, which caught us off guard.

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