Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 249 [Internal Response]

"Xiaoqing, don't you know if you can bring two ghost hunters here first?"

Heishan glanced at the man in black angrily, and continued: "We are so familiar with each other, there is no need to use this dress again, by the way, have you considered what I told you, your aptitude is really It is very rare, I brought you into the Great World of Maha, so I naturally have the ability to transform you into the magic pool, you are a human being, it is very easy to transform into a demon, after so long, don't you think it through?"

Wei Xiaoqing stretched out his hand to pull off his hood, looked at Heishan blankly, shook his head and said: "I will not leave the Blood Soul Sect, nor will I betray my master, Lord Heishan, please don't mention this matter again , my master has been the head of the sect for a certain number of years, and he will never do things that harm the Blood Soul Sect. If he becomes a demon, why should he go to the Demon Pool? The Blood Soul Sect was originally the Maha Great World Created by the true demons of the world, the magic skills left behind are not necessarily weaker than the current Maha Great World."

Heishan frowned slightly, raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Oh? Is that so? Xiaoqing, I think your aptitude is very good. It's a pity that you didn't become an elder. Your strength is completely superior to theirs. Above all, since you said that Sect Master Zi Luo has no dissent, why has she never appeared? Afraid that I will monopolize the power? Or is she secretly planning something? You and Wei Wuya are her direct disciples, logically, you should know this , but since Wu Ya took over the position of elder, Zi Luo has never received him at all, what is this doing? Don't trust Wei Wuya?"

"Master Heishan is worrying too much. Since he also knows that senior brother Wei has taken over as the tenth elder, his status is different from before. Naturally, the master will not compare him with the previous one. The status of an elder has always been only that of the suzerain. The Great World of Bimaha has always been distinguished by strength, and our Blood Soul Sect is the same, since we have reached the same position, there is no need to treat them the same as before."

Wei Xiaoqing still had no expression on his face.

"Okay, I won't say much. You should know that it is not so easy to bring you into the Demon Pond when we enter the Great World of Maha. Since you don't want to, then I will take Wei Wuya there. You Help me get more blood from the ghost hunter, my strength has already recovered more than half, and it won't take long before I can really fully recover."

Hei Shan turned his head and slowly closed his eyes. Wei Xiaoqing took a serious look at the Hei Shan devil, then put on his hood again, and headed towards where the Blood Soul Sect was.

After a while, Hei Shan opened his eyes again, and said to the other Blood Soul Sect disciples around him: "If you add a few more people, don't you have children?"

Several disciples of the Blood Soul Sect immediately went to the big iron cage in the distance, grabbed two seven or eight-year-old boys, and then brought them directly to the blood pool. The two boys all looked ignorant, Seeing the blood pool in front of him, he was not afraid, and seeing Heishan soaked in it, he looked at him curiously.

"Not bad, kid, are you interested in playing with uncle here?"

Heishan stared at the two boys, showing a strange smile, and without waiting for their consent, he stretched out his hand to grab the void, and the two little boys fell into the pool of blood, screaming in horror.


Jiuhuang City, the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch in the suburbs.

The original building here was burned to ashes by the fire, but it has begun to be rebuilt now, but there are still many buildings that are not perfect. In addition, there are still many disciples patrolling, and the architectural style is the same as before.

"Damn it, the entire Jiuhuang City has been sealed off. Ayun, what do you think we should do now? Although the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch has been re-established, all the original people have disappeared, and there will be no more people." Any contact, your only disciple will be arrested by the Blood Soul Sect, hey."

In the conference room, a burly muscular man propped up the conference table with both hands, and spoke loudly, his eyebrows frowning as he spoke.

And on the chair next to this muscular man sits a middle-aged beautiful woman. This woman's hair is combed back, a few strands of hair hang down from the sides, with two crescent-shaped earrings, her crescent eyebrows are slightly frowned. On the other side of the woman sat a middle-aged man in a Confucian robe with his eyes closed.

"My own disciple, I naturally know that he is still safe now, the spirit card left in my hand has not been broken, but he is trapped now, the source of faith is sealed, and he cannot mobilize the power of hunting ghosts, but I believe He must have a solution. Although Jiuhuang City has been completely controlled by the Blood Soul Sect, the chance of him escaping is very small, and even ghost messengers cannot enter Jiuhuang City. It is estimated that almost all the citizens inside have been murdered. Now it's just the three of us, and we don't know if we can really deal with this monster from the Maha Great World."

The woman called Ayun is one of the elders of the ghost hunters at the headquarters, and she has only come here in the past few days, and Wu Tianxing is her direct disciple. came here.

"Don't worry, now they don't know that the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch has been re-established, and the Blood Soul Sect only has five elders in the sect. Based on my speculation, it is estimated that the current Blood Soul Sect headquarters has actually moved in from the outside. Jiuhuang City, do you think we can't control Jiuhuang City if it is sealed? Don't worry, I have an informant in the Blood Soul Sect, who will report the latest developments for me at any time. As for the situation at the headquarters, you should be the most clear. Our Ghost Hunters Alliance is no longer what it used to be, and now the branches of the alliance in many places are on the verge of disintegration, such as the Ghost Hunters Alliance branch in Bingcheng, and now the headquarters has completely abandoned this branch."

The middle-aged man in the Confucian robe opened his eyes, and looked at Ah Yun with a smile on his lips.

"Senior Brother Jiang, is the informant you mentioned a direct disciple of yours? I heard that you accepted a disciple a long time ago, but I have never seen it before."

Ayun stared at the man in the Confucian robe with some surprise, and asked.

"You will know later, Li Fei's temper is still relatively impatient. Regarding the Blood Soul Sect, we can't be anxious, we have to take our time. It is best to cut off their backup first. As for the ghost hunters who have been imprisoned , we need to form a special team to go in for rescue, Grandma Lan said, someone will come and join us."

The Confucian robed man surnamed Jiang looked at the door of the meeting room with a smile.

"I said, Brother Jiang, what are you trying to do? Do we have backup? Can Grandma Lan come from the Snowy Plains? It would be much better if she could come, after all, she has also taken the Holy Fruit of Maha, and He is a strong person in the ring of six beliefs. Of course, Senior Brother Jiang is also a strong person in the ring of six beliefs. I have no other meaning. Ayun and I only have the ring of five beliefs. The elders are stronger, and the Black Mountain Devil doesn’t know how his strength has recovered. What kind of headquarters do he want? Grandma Lan and the Luo Duohan family are both strong in the sixth ring. If a few come over, don’t they die?”

Li Fei slammed his hands on the conference table and spoke angrily.

"Dong dong dong...Master, are you in there?"

A young male voice came from outside the door.

"Youliang, come in."

The middle-aged man surnamed Jiang Rupao spoke, and then the door was pushed open, and a handsome young man in casual clothes walked in. As soon as the young man entered, he gave a salute to the man surnamed Jiang Confucian robe, and then cupped his hands at Ah Yun and Li Fei said: "I have seen the two seniors."

"This is Youliang. Your master really hid you well enough. Even we are seeing you for the first time. This time, you should come here with information. Don't just stand there, sit down."

Ayun pointed to the seat next to him, chuckled, Youliang glanced at his master, saw the man in the Confucian robe nodding, so Youliang sat down.

"This time I only have three hours to come out, master, I will briefly explain the current situation, the Blood Soul Sect is now..."

Yuliang began to describe the current situation of the Blood Soul Sect and the current situation of Jiuhuang City one by one.

After an hour passed, he stopped and stared at his master with his mouth slightly pursed, looking very shy.

"What?! Are you going to sacrifice with the blood of the ghost hunter? How is my disciple?"

Ayun clenched his fist and asked nervously.

"Don't worry, Senior Sister Xiaoqing will make arrangements, and Senior Brother Wu Tianxing will be fine for the time being."

You Liang said with a slight smile, as if he was thinking of something, and said again: "The suzerain seems to have some plan. After coming in from the Black Mountain devil, he hasn't shown up again. It should be against the Black Mountain devil, but the situation is not very clear now. , so there is no obvious action, but now among the elders in Jiuhuang City, three have completely surrendered to the Black Mountain devil, and one of the other two is very loyal to follow the suzerain, while the other is wavering. "

"Oh, I see."

The Confucian robed man surnamed Jiang nodded.


"Zhong Yuan, should we go back to Jiuhuang City directly, or go back to your hometown to visit your father first?"

After getting off the train, Li Nianbai stretched his waist and asked.

"Let's go directly to Jiuhuang City. Grandma Lan has already contacted the branch of the Ghost Hunter Alliance in a special way. I think the ghost hunters with headquarters should be near Jiuhuang City. We have to join forces with them." .”

After thinking about the seriousness of the problem, if my guess is correct, then the ghost hunters in the headquarters should have arrived at the former location of the ghost hunter branch. Grandma Lan also said before we left that we should cooperate with these headquarters. The actions of the ghost hunters, after all, the Blood Soul Sect is not something we can compete with now.

"Now that we have arrived in Yonghe City, why don't we go to Jiulongzhai?"

Jiang He asked beside him.

"It's useless to go to Jiulongzhai. Let's rush there as soon as possible. Zhong Yuan, return the true blue fire cauldron to you. I can't afford this thing. I still need the skill of controlling fire to be able to use it."

Li Nianbai handed me the real blue fire cauldron, and spoke with a depressed face.

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