Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 250 [Fire Control Art]

We plan to take a car directly from Yonghe City back to Jiuhuang City. After all, it has been a while, and the Blood Soul Sect's defense should be relaxed, but what surprised us is that there is no car directly to Jiuhuang City, or , The route to Jiuhuang City has been cancelled, and no car goes directly to Jiuhuang City.

"Sure enough, I acted, but I didn't expect that the power of the Blood Soul Sect is so powerful that it even dares to influence the secular world. It seems that Jiuhuang City is not so easy to enter. We must first discuss with the elders of the ghost hunter headquarters. Go back to the county town near Jiuhuang City, and then try to take a car to Jiuhuang City, what do you think?"

Looking at the few people who looked unhappy, I spoke out my thoughts.

"Now there is only this way. Let's go back to the county first, and then go to Jiuhuang City to find the whereabouts of the ghost hunters at the headquarters. By the way, Zhongli's younger brother has not been found yet, and we don't know if he has avoided the pursuit of the Blood Soul Sect." , even if the relationship between Ziluo Sect Master and the Zhong family is unusual, it is impossible to do this kind of thing by yourself."

Jiang He glanced at his cousin with a cold face, and said aloud.

"Let's go, I've met my younger brother once, he's very capable, even though he's still young, ordinary Blood Soul Sect disciples can't hurt him."

The cousin didn't have any expression on his face, and went straight to the place where the car was taken. I grabbed the real blue fire tripod and followed closely behind them.

I really didn't expect that Li Nianbai really couldn't drive this true blue fire cauldron, he had to practice the fire control technique, and I didn't practice it, which also means that I couldn't drive this treasure cauldron, and suddenly, my consciousness sank into the fire Among the gods ring.

"Old man, you should know how to control fire. The first time I entered the Vulcan ring, you drove the fire to attack me."

"Master, are you joking with me, or are you serious? I don't think you, who are a body of fire virtue, can't control fire. Otherwise, how would you form a body of fire virtue? Then how do you practice? "

Zhu Rong didn't mind me calling him that, but spoke in a little surprise.

"What's so surprising about this? I just absorbed too much power of the fire element. It's the power of the fire element that changed my body, that's all. Do you want to teach me the art of controlling fire? Simply put."

After getting in the car, he asked again. It would be strange if Zhu Rong didn't know how to control fire. Even if he really didn't know how to do it before, he didn't know how long he had been in the Vulcan ring and couldn't control it. The flames had long since been burned to death.

"Don't be angry, of course I will teach you. Your current attack methods are still very poor. As long as you completely control the Vulcan ring, I will also be free. Since I can't possess you, then only you can liberate me. If you promise to wait for you to fully control the Vulcan ring, you can give me back my freedom, if you don’t understand anything, you can ask me, and I will make you stronger, and even tell you my cultivation experience, Let you break through the fourth ring of faith as soon as possible."

Zhu Rong's voice rang in my head with a little charm.

"Hmph, are you threatening me?"

I have heard the meaning of his words, he is very clear, if he wants to learn the art of controlling fire, there must be a price, the price is his freedom, if the Vulcan ring lacks the ring spirit, the power will naturally weaken Not a lot.

"Master, why would I threaten you? I don't know how long I've been stuck here, and I don't know what changes have taken place in the outside world. I don't even know if there are any descendants of our Zhu family. Let me ask, if the two of us If the personal situation is reversed, what is the master thinking?"

Zhu Rong's voice was a little anxious.

"Xiaobai, take care of my body, my soul needs to enter the Vulcan ring."

I took a look at the seats around me that were already full, and I patted Li Nianbai who was dozing off next to me, and spoke. Hearing my words, Li Nianbai regained his energy and said, "Do you want to practice some special secret?" Art? Take me in together, a few hours drive, so boring."

"Hey, this is not a fun thing. I haven't fully controlled the Vulcan ring yet. I can't tell whether the ring spirits inside are friends or foes. I'm fine in it, but you are different. If your primordial spirit enters the Vulcan ring God Ring, the ring spirits have used tricks to imprison you in it, and then take away your physical body, this matter is very troublesome."

I looked at Li Nianbai earnestly, with the corners of my mouth slightly raised, staring at him.

"Little Yuanyuan, why do I think your smile is treacherous, are you scaring me? I am a strong man in the Golden Core realm, and my soul is much stronger than yours, and my father is very strict with me, so my The primordial spirit is also different from yours."

Li Nianbai pursed his lips, leaned in front of my face, and stared at me carefully, wanting to see a clue from my face, I stared at him, smiled again: "If you want to take risks, you can try it. The first time I came into contact with the Vulcan ring, the ring spirit inside wanted to take my body away."

"Okay, okay, I'll help you look at the physical body, you can go in with confidence, with a powerful friend like me by your side, what else do you have to worry about?"

Seeing that I didn't seem to be joking, Li Nianbai rolled his eyes, sat down again, and spoke with a little pride.

I nodded, and the car started slowly.

Entering the world of the Vulcan Ring again, the surrounding fire has dissipated, but the surrounding space is still crimson. These days, I will practice in the Vulcan Ring space for three hours every day to make my soul stronger and stronger. As Zhu Rong said, his soul has become stronger, and the power of hunting ghosts derived from the source of faith is faster and more powerful than before.

When Zhu Rong saw me coming in, his tense face relaxed, he let out a heavy breath, and looked at me with a smile on his face: "Master already has a plan?"

I nodded, stared at him and said: "I have already come in, so naturally I want to learn the art of fire control from you. When I fully control the Vulcan ring, I will let you go free. If I find out that you have concealed anything on the way, then that's okay." No wonder I used some means to punish you, after all, you are still a ring spirit."

"No, no, we are not only a master-servant relationship, but also a cooperative relationship. Now let me teach you the art of fire control. You must have the power of hunting ghosts to practice fire control. It is actually very simple. Now the master First feel the power of the fire element in Vulcan ring space, and then communicate with them, and I will teach the law..."

Zhu Rong began to explain one by one beside me, and showed it from time to time. Flames emerged from his hands, which was amazing. After explaining the formulas and seal formulas of the fire control technique, he spoke again:

"The technique of fire control is very suitable for the body of fire virtue, because if you want to cultivate the body of fire virtue, flame is indispensable, but how can you get the power of fire from the flame? You must use the technique of fire control To refine the power inside, if you directly ingest the power of these flames, your body will be burned, but this secret technique can transform your power of fire element into flames, but you are stronger, and the power of the transformed flames will be stronger. Qiang, I have cultivated in the Vulcan space for so many years, and I have also realized some things. Let me tell you in detail now. After all, you have the body of fire virtue. This rare physique, maybe one day, you can be I might take revenge."

"Who is your enemy? Ghost hunters of your level are already very rare. Of course, I ask this, but it doesn't mean I want to avenge you. I won't make enemies for myself for no reason."

I glanced at Zhu Rong with a serious face, and said.

Zhu Rong laughed a few times, with a look of reminiscence on his face, and walked up and down in front of me: "I'm just saying, even if you really can reach the seven rings of faith one day, it's not necessarily that person opponent, because he is not from our world at all.”

"Isn't it our world? Could it be the devil of the Maha Great World?"

I glanced at Zhu Rong in surprise, the one who killed him was not from this world, no, not from this world, could it be the spiritual world where Li Nianbai lived?

Zhu Rong shook his head, gave a wry smile, and said, "You may not believe me if you tell me, but his strength and I are on par, but the other party has a strange beast, and they united to kill me. This kind of strange beast is very It is powerful, but it has not turned into a human form. Its strength is similar to that of a transformed monster, but it is even more ferocious. Although I don't know which interface he came from, this kind of beast master is probably only possessed by strange people in the mountains and seas. , This kind of strange beast is not something that our world can have."

"Mountain Sea Realm? I heard that there are many strange beasts in this world. This interface is really separated from our current world, and there is no entrance to find, but there are people who can come out of it?"

This time, my heart trembled fiercely. There are many strange beasts in the mountain and sea world, which are very powerful, but most of them cannot transform into human form, unlike the monsters in our world. The strange beasts in the mountain and sea world seem to be bound by the laws of their world, no matter how many years they practice, they can only maintain their animal nature.

These things should belong to Huangtian's memory. The reason why they want to think about this world is to use the power of this world's laws to break through and take this opportunity to transform into a human form?

"I'm not sure about this. This happened 20 years ago. Master, there is still an hour left. Let's see how your fire control technique is doing. The flames mastered by this control technique are divided into red, orange and red." , yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, these seven levels, the more advanced the flame is, the more powerful it is, and there are several kinds of flames above these seven levels, namely the seven-color glazed flame, the three-flavored real fire, and the three-flavored flame. True fire burns everything, unless it is restrained by the same level of real water, but the seven-color glazed flame is different. This kind of flame may not be able to be achieved even by those who practice the art of controlling fire, or even if you have the fire virtue. Body, it may not be able to cultivate successfully."

Zhu Rong stared at me with interest and said with a smile.

"Oh? According to what you said, the real fire of the Sikong family is Lanyan, second only to Ziyan, the three-flavored real fire and the seven-color glazed flame? By the way, there is one more thing I don't understand. I once saw my cousin I have also used Sanwei Zhenhuo, but the power is not as powerful as you said."

I nodded, and while speaking, I stretched out my palm, and a flame began to condense in my palm.

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