Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 251 [Good at]

"The real fire of the Sikong family is indeed blue flame, otherwise it would not be so powerful, but even though it is blue flame, it is not easy to cultivate to the highest level. If the simplest blue flame and the highest level Compared with Chi Yan, the former is not comparable at all. Every kind of flame is very powerful when cultivated to the highest level. The reason for this ranking is because every time you pass a level, those basic flames become more powerful. The highest form of fire is better than the other six forms of flame... ah..."

Before Zhu Rong finished speaking, he stared at the dancing golden flame in my hand and was stunned. It was the first time I saw him lose his composure.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with Huang Yan in my palm?"

I have already felt the flame in my palm, the energy is very strong, although it seems to be very weak for the time being.

"No... no, I can still distinguish the golden flame from the yellow flame. Maybe there is another flame that I haven't introduced to you. What you understand should be another flame. This kind of flame is called the natal spirit flame. This kind of flame is very unique and very powerful. Generally speaking, only some heaven and earth spirit birds can have this kind of high-level flame, but I have never seen one with golden flame. It is really strange. How could human beings have such a flame? Natal spirit flame?"

Zhu Rong spoke in a strange way, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grab the thin white hair, looking very puzzled.

"Old man... are you beating me around and scolding me?"

Hearing the word lingqin, I rolled my eyes at Zhu Rong, and spoke with displeasure.

"No... no, maybe there are some people who are born with this kind of spirit inflammation, maybe the master is too worried... maybe the master was reincarnated as a spirit bird in the previous life."

Zhu Rong stared at me with a face full of embarrassment, and the voice of the latter sentence was already inaudible.

"Okay, the time is almost up, I'll go out first, you stay inside honestly, I will contact you at any time if there is anything."

Feeling the pulling force around me, I told Zhu Rong a few words, and then left the ring space. This space is not small, it is a real space, but there is no oxygen in it. Living people cannot survive for too long, but they can Put some things, but there are a lot of flames inside. If it burns, it will be more harm than good. It seems that the only hope is to use this space after controlling the Vulcan ring.

Three hours passed quickly, and when I woke up, we had already arrived at the county seat, and soon arrived at the station.

In this county town, we directly chartered another car and went to Jiuhuang City. During this journey, my cousin didn't say anything, but his face was gloomy.

"Cousin, you are worried about cousin Xiaoman."

I took the initiative to sit next to my cousin and asked.

My cousin gave me a surprised look, and didn't deny it, but nodded slightly. Although he was not born to the same mother, my cousin still has a lot of feelings for Zhong Xiaoman, but he rarely expressed it.

"Cousin, what kind of ability has my little cousin, who has never met, awakened? Why are you so confident that he has the power to protect himself?"

I glanced out the window and saw that I was on the road.

"His ghost-hunting power is thunder and lightning. You should be very clear that the attack of lightning power is very powerful and very destructive. Some ghosts are even more afraid of this ability. The reason why I am not worried is because of this This kind of lightning power has the same destructive power to any creature. In fact, it is a lie to say that there is no need to worry. After all, he is ten years old this year, and I may not have seen him for a long time. Before Zhong Shan gave you The photo was also taken a few years ago, and I don’t know what has changed now.”

The cousin sighed slightly, his eyes were hazy, with imperceptible worries.

"The power of thunder and lightning? This little cousin is really not simple. I understand your worry, but I also feel the same as you. He will be fine. This time, we can't delay any longer. We have met the elders at the headquarters. Directly entering Nine Desolation City, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, we have to go through it."

I patted my cousin on the shoulder and secretly made up my mind.

My cousin gave me a strange look, and said: "Zhong Yuan, you don't recognize Ziluo Sect Master? After all, she is your biological mother, and uncle loves her very much. The most important thing is that she saved uncle. If it weren't for you five I lost my memory when I was [-] years old, making the previous memory blurred, you should know that she often came to see you secretly."

Hearing my cousin's words, I remained silent. In fact, I didn't hate her that much. I even had her shadow in my vague impression. In fact, I couldn't accept that my mother belonged to the Blood Soul Sect. Sovereign, after all, the Blood Soul Sect was founded by those demons in the Great World of Maha, and I have seen her skills, which are very strange. Even if I have three rings of faith now, I am far from her opponent. The sixteen dao patterns can hurt her only if I can get close to her.

"I'm not as fragile as you imagined. Don't worry, I have my own plans in my heart. Let's not talk about it. Now I want to take advantage of this time to cultivate the True Blue Fire Cauldron."

I pouted, reached out and took out the small tripod, holding it with one hand.

Soon I sensed what was inside the true blue fire cauldron. I ignited it directly with the fire control technique, and the thing began to burn. The hollow part of the cauldron cover suddenly burned with blue flames. Not many ghost powers disappeared, and I was a little happy, maybe because I am a body of fire virtue, so I can use this magic weapon more flexibly.

Immediately afterwards, I used the fire control technique to manipulate these blue flames again, and used these blue flames to change their forms. I did not turn these blue flames into knives or swords. Although these condensed forms are very suitable for attacking, there are also many inconveniences. Because condensing these needs to consume a lot of ghost hunting power, and it is also very time-consuming, the attack speed is not necessarily fast, it is better to condense into the form of silver needles, although it looks very similar to the means used by women.

The needle-shaped state is my ideal, because there is little resistance and strong penetrating power, but this flame is special, as long as it is contaminated, it will burn and spread.

Seeing these blue flames gradually turning into dense blue fire needles, I breathed a sigh of relief and succeeded. Although the process was a bit difficult, the other hand lightly tapped the real blue fire cauldron, and these blue fire needles collapsed and turned into flames Get into the small cauldron, and then continue to condense to shorten the time.

The driver of the car glanced through the rearview mirror, and said in surprise, "Are you guys ghost hunters?"

"You know ghost hunters?"

Sitting in the co-pilot seat, Jiang He frowned, showing vigilance, and at the same time began to look at the young driver of the minibus. This young man looked to be in his early twenties, with a square face, very kind, simple and honest, seeing When Jiang He stared at him, the young man sighed and said:

"Don't be so nervous. I'm also a member of the ghost hunter family. It's just that the family has declined. Now I'm the only one left. Now I drive for a living. Are you really going to Jiuhuang City? Jiuhuang City is not as noisy as outsiders say The plague is as simple as that."

The young man glanced at Jiang He, then stared ahead again, and said while driving.

"Oh? It seems that you still know a lot of things, let's talk about it."

Li Nianbai who was sitting in the back made a sound, lazily, as if he hadn't woken up.

"Jiuhuang City was controlled by an evil sect. It is said that blood sacrifices were held in it. Many people died tragically inside, and their souls were directly sucked dry. They can't even enter Jiuhuang City, as if they are covered by an invisible barrier, people inside can't get out, and the places they want to enter are guarded by the disciples of the evil sect."

The young man spoke very plainly, but his tone was exceptionally dignified.

"Blood sacrifice? It seems that the Black Mountain devil has begun to restore his strength, and he actually used the lives of the people in this city to restore his strength. It is really vicious!"

The cousin let out a cold snort.

"The devil? It seems that the rumors are true, but how many people really entered Jiuhuang City like this? It's too dangerous. I heard that there are many ghost hunter families who want to rescue their own disciples, but all To go or not to return, you are still young, it is better not to ruin your life in vain."

The youth opened his mouth to admonish us.

"We have our own plans, you can just put us in the outskirts of Jiuhuang City, boy, you know a lot, are you really just an ordinary ghost hunter? We took a taxi to come to Jiuhuang City, but few people are willing, But you agreed, I think you should not simply send us here, or say, you concealed your true identity, the things you said, even a ghost hunter who escaped from Jiuhuang City I don't know, because you are talking about what happened after Jiuhuang City was closed, who are you?!"

I stared at the back of the young man's head and asked.

"Young man, listen carefully to your observations. I really didn't send you here simply. I am the captain of the headquarters of the Ghost Hunter Alliance. This time I went to meet the two elders Jiang Luo and Yun Qingying at the headquarters. Of course, there is also my master, Elder Li Fei."

The young man smiled, and said without any concealment.

"It turned out to be a colleague."

The cousin spoke with a blank face.

"Looking at the extremely dressed, the number of people, could it be the reinforcements that Elder Lan said?"

Shan Shan didn't know what he remembered, glanced at us again through the rearview mirror, and exclaimed.

"Grandma is really, she even told the alliance headquarters about our whereabouts. If the information falls into the hands of the Blood Soul Sect, wouldn't it be bad for us?"

Li Nianbai complained in the back seat with a displeased expression on his face.

"Please don't worry, outsiders from our alliance headquarters will not understand. Even if the information is intercepted, they will not be able to know the contents. With the help of a few people, it seems that our plan will be a lot more successful."

Good at heaving a sigh of relief, the smile on his face grew stronger, and he stepped on the accelerator unconsciously, making him a little faster.

"Plan? What plan? For the Blood Soul Sect? Since we are all in the united front, there is no need to hide some things."

I put away the true blue fire cauldron and said in a cold voice.

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