Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 253 [Night into 9 Barrens]

After being good at sending us back to the room, he did not leave immediately, but walked up to me and said: "Zhong Yuan, you really don't want to act with us? I can suggest you to come with me, because Master Yun and I It is to rescue that boy Wu Tianxing, which is far less dangerous than the Meteor Squad. Besides, the streets of Jiuhuang City are full of disciples of the Blood Soul Sect. Are you not afraid of exposing yourself? After all, one more person is A little more help."

"Expose yourself? It is the most dangerous to follow you. Although I don't know what method you will use to rescue Wu Tianxing, a fierce battle is unavoidable. If we don't have a detailed deployment, we will join your team. We are just cannon fodder. One more person is a boost? Are we really going to attack the Blood Soul Sect this time? Even if all the ghost hunters in this base add up to deliver food, the more people there are, the greater the possibility of exposure, Why should I take the risk?"

I took a cold look at Shan Yu, and my impression of the headquarters of the Ghost Hunters Alliance was a bit off. Originally, Grandma Lan planned to let me enter the headquarters of the Ghost Hunters, but now it seems that she has to think carefully, and she wants to use us as cannon fodder Come, hmph, without the help of their strength!With the strength of a few of us, we are capable of achieving our goal.

Hearing my words, he coughed a few times in embarrassment, then looked at me with a smile on his face, and said, "Since you have made up your mind, then I won't say anything more, but we will enter together tonight." Nine Desolation City, you shouldn't refuse it too, right?"

"Of course not. Since you have installed the inner Blood Soul Sect, you naturally have to make good use of it."

Seeing that I was in a bad mood, my cousin said.

"Well, since this is the case, I will take my leave first, and you all have a good rest."

Shan Shan glanced at me, said nothing, and quietly exited the room very wittily.

As soon as the front foot left, Li Nianbai jumped up, spat at the door, and said angrily: "Zhong Yuan, really don't join the Ghost Hunter Alliance in the future, go catch the demon sect with me, the disciples of our sect will You won’t calculate outsiders like this! You just treat us as fools, if you didn’t tell the truth just now, I would have been really fooled.”

"Let's talk about it after you find the map."

Jiang He looked at the aggrieved Li Nianbai, chuckled thoughtfully, and then simply packed his luggage.

"I don't know that there is no food at this hour. I'm hungry."

Li Nianbai stared at me pitifully, rubbed his stomach, I gave him a blank look, and said: "Young Master, you don't mean that you want me to cook for you now?"

"Cousin, I... I'm a little hungry too."

The silent cousin also raised his head and stared at me with a helpless expression. After sitting in the car for so long, we haven’t eaten yet. The battle with the Blood Soul Sect?

I was about to ask my cousin to take out his apples to contribute, when Jiang He came over and said, "Let me get some food. I think Zhong Yuan has been practicing along the way, so he must be tired."

"Brother Jiang He, remember to get some braised pork, I love you."

Li Nianbai smirked at Jiang He, and smacked his mouth, as if all the saliva remained.

"Cousin, if you see cousin Xiaoman now, can you recognize him, and where does Aunt Ling Zi live?"

After Jiang He left, the room fell into silence again, and I asked.

"I don't know. They used to come to my house. I rarely deal with Auntie Lingzi. This time we go home and get some equipment for arranging the magic circle and some important things. Let's go to Uncle. This time No matter what, I have to ask him to leave this place, this time the Blood Soul Sect will fight among themselves, and many people will definitely die."

The cousin looked calm, and said quietly.

"Well, I know, they all have to leave. My father, Xiaoqing, and even that woman all have to leave Jiuhuang City. The Black Mountain Devil is not so easy to deal with."

I gritted my teeth and said.

"Since you have made your decision, then think about it. Don't take action against Suzerain Ziluo. I miss my mother very much now. Don't wait until you really lose it, then you will regret it."

Li Nianbai was full of energy and looked at me solemnly.

I gave him a very rude look, stopped talking, and concentrated on meditating, trying to adjust my state to the best.

About half an hour later, Jiang He brought the food over. There was really braised pork. After we were full, we all entered the state of cultivation except Jiang He. Sitting down, he looked very calm, but every once in a while, he would open his mouth, and a white air flow spewed out from his mouth. This white air flow condensed in front of his nose and seemed to be rotating slightly, but A few seconds later, he opened his mouth and inhaled slightly, and the white air flow was sucked in again.

Shan Yu came to look for us at 10:30 in the evening, and there were three minibuses parked in Qianping, one of which was already full of people. Counting carefully, there were ten of them besides the driver, including Jiang Luo , two elders, Li Fei, and Elder Yun Qingying sat in the co-pilot of the other car. The safety of his personal disciple Wu Tianxing.

"I'll give you a few in the other car. We're about to set off. Be careful all the way."

After Shan finished speaking, we got into Yun Qingying's car, and we naturally rushed to another minibus.

It's not very far from Jiuhuang City. In less than half an hour, we arrived at the entrance. There are only two entrances and exits in Jiuhuang City, one is the east side and the other is the west side. The layout here is very similar to that of Yonghe City. , because Jiuhuang City is surrounded by water. Unlike Yonghe City, Jiuhuang City is really located on a large lake. The name of this lake is Huanghu Lake, and its coverage is extremely wide. It was built, and it was still in a small corner, otherwise there would be no other exit.

At the entrance where cars used to come and go, it has become very desolate at this moment, and there is no one at all.

As the car approached, a man in a black cloak walked out there. The car stopped and we got off.

"Master, you must leave here. Although Jiuhuang City is big, there are disciples of the Blood Soul Sect everywhere. If you drive into the city, you will definitely be noticed."

The man in black cupped his hands and spoke in a gentle voice.

"Well, I see, get out of the car and split up."

Jiang Luo didn't hesitate. After getting off the car, the members of Meteor Squad quickly disappeared into the night, followed by Huoyue Squad. When we passed by this man in black robe, he suddenly said in surprise:

"Zhong Yuan?!"

"you know me?"

I stopped and began to look at this young man carefully. He had already taken off his hood, walked up to me, and said with a slight smile: "You don't need to look at me, you don't know me, but I know you, because I have seen you."

"When and where!"

I moved slightly, put my hand into my pocket, and clenched the Demon Demon Sword tightly.

"My name is Youliang. I met you when you were with Senior Sister Xiaoqing. I am very happy to see you in person today. You came to Jiuhuang City this time to find Senior Sister Xiaoqing."

There was a sincere smile on Youliang's face.

"Do you know where she is?"

I do not deny that if we can get some information from him, it may save us a lot of detours.

Youliang nodded, put away the smile on his face, and a deep worry appeared on Junyi's face: "Senior sister Xiaoqing is with the suzerain now, but in fact they have been secretly monitored, and now I can't even send a message. This is possible because Senior Brother Wei is in charge of the gate of that community, and he is also the current tenth elder."

"Isn't this house arrest?! Could it be that the suzerain didn't take any measures?"

I opened my mouth in surprise, this is a bit unreasonable, even if there is Wei Wuya at the gate of the community, Xiaoqing alone can solve it, let alone her.

"I don't know about these things, you guys go in quickly, the time for changing guards is coming soon, if you are seen by the rest of the Blood Soul Sect disciples, you will not be so lucky."

Youliang glanced at the distance, and began to urge.

I nodded, and took my cousin and the others into Jiuhuang City very quickly. If you want to catch a ride in the residential area where your cousin originally lived, it is not far away, but if you walk, it will take a while Time, in order to get some equipment for arranging magic circles at my cousin's house as soon as possible, we had to expend some ghost hunting power to speed up the journey.

Even so, the community where my cousin lives is already approaching the central square, and the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect appear more and more frequently. We even met three disciples of the Blood Soul Sect, but we didn't wait for them to inform our companions Li Nianbai sacrificed his ebony sword to kill them.

When he was about to reach the community, he was almost in danger.

Walking along the street, suddenly the sound of lightning and thunder came from a distance. I glanced at the sky, and it seemed that there was no sign of rain. Not far away, the sound of fighting also came.

"There are people fighting in the community, do you have other ghost hunters in your community?"

I stared at my cousin curiously and asked, my cousin shook his head, suddenly a ballistic arc disappeared in the air, my cousin quickened his pace a little: "Xiao Man!"

Zhong Xiaoman? !

That's right, it must be him, because my cousin mentioned before that Zhong Xiaoman's awakened ability is the power of lightning, and his purpose of appearing in this community is also very clear, that is to find my uncle and cousin.

When we entered the community, we saw a man in a black cloak fighting with a young man not far away. The young man's movement was very light, and he was basically dodging. The only difference was that there was a ball of lightning in his palm It is condensing, a thunderball as big as an egg is condensing, this is the first time I see someone attacking with this ability, I don't think it's crazy.

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