Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 254 [Zhong Xiaoman]

It seems that this young man should undoubtedly be Zhong Xiaoman, he looks about ten years old, and his awakened ability is the power of thunder and lightning.

It's just that when he used this ability, he still seemed very jerky. If he didn't rely on this weird body technique, he might have been captured by the disciple of the Blood Soul Sect long ago. Even so, he still looked very embarrassed.

"Boy, your ability to hunt ghosts is very strong, but your mother is dead, you are still so young, what can you do to me? You don't really think that these lightning forces can hit me, right? I was teasing you before." You play, hehe."

The cloaked man's sinister sneer came out, and he easily dodged the thunderball thrown from Zhong Xiaoman's hand. The thunderball landed on the ground, making a huge roar, and directly blasted a huge earth pit on the ground , mud splashed, and some electric arcs flickered slightly in the pit.

"Where is my mother's body! Hand it over!"

Zhong Xiaoman clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were burning with rage, and he stared fiercely at the man in the cloak. When he grabbed both hands, electric arcs flickered in his palms, and the white light became more dazzling.

"It's been sacrificed a long time ago, and it's the same with you now. If you can't live well, then you'll make do with it. If you die, you're so young. You should still be a child. Master Heishan will definitely like it very much."

The man in the black cloak suddenly pulled out a long sword from his waist. The blade of the sword glistened with cold light, and attacked Zhong Xiaoman again, but this time he showed no mercy, and the blade was fatal.

"Nianbai, let's do it!"

I glanced at Li Nianbai, who was eager to try, and spoke. Judging from the opponent's skill, he should be a master of martial arts. Although this is a community, continuing to fight will inevitably attract the attention of other Blood Soul Sect disciples. It will be like a snowball effect, more and more disciples of Blood Soul Sect, we will be in trouble!At that time, it was difficult to fly even with wings inserted.

Li Nianbai's back shook slightly, the ebony sword flew out, he stretched out his hand to grab the ebony sword, tipped his toes, and flew out like a big bird. The disciple stabbed behind him.

I took out the true blue fire cauldron and walked forward slowly. The gorgeous blue flames slowly floated up from the stove top and turned into blue fire needles.

Seeing someone helping, Zhong Xiaoman was obviously a little taken aback. His strange movement was taught by his mother to escape, because his mother is also a ghost hunter, so this kind of strange pace needs to consume ghost hunting energy. Li, if he continues to fight, he can only catch him without a fight. He didn't expect that there would be other ghost hunters who dared to come out to rescue him at this moment. When he turned his eyes and looked at us, he was stunned , with a look of ecstasy on his gray face, he ran over here and into his cousin's arms.

"Brother Li, you are finally here. My mother was killed by them. Where is father?"

Zhong Xiaoman had no scruples anymore, buried his head on his cousin and began to cry. His cousin frowned, his face was cold, and he snorted coldly: "Cry again? Will your mother come back to life if you cry? I When mother died, she was not as old as you!"

... What logic is this!

I despised my cousin very much in my heart, and my eyes fell on the front again. The sword in this disciple's hand had fallen to the ground. Li Nianbai slapped the disciple's chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. The disciple was blown away and died. He fell to the ground and struggled a few times, unable to stand up again.

Just as I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a strange red glow suddenly appeared on this person, Li Nianbai was slightly startled, I stretched out my hand, and the blue fire needle formed by the condensed real blue fire cauldron shot out, heading straight for the blood soul The disciples left.

Blood Guard!

This disciple of the Blood Soul Sect is also a blood guard, no wonder he is so powerful, even Li Nianbai fought with him for several rounds before he shot down the weapon in the opponent's hand. The opponent is transforming into a blood guard. If there is a lot of trouble, it is better to strike first. The ten elders who fought before are a good example.

The dense blue fire needles were accurately pierced on this disciple, and suddenly a blue flame spread, completely suppressing the blood flames, and after a while, a strong smell of burning came, and finally the disciple The disciple had already been reduced to ashes, and the remaining blue flames slowly disappeared into the night sky. Fortunately, this time, not much ghost hunting power was consumed.

"Cousin, this is not a place to talk, let's talk after going home first."

I glanced into the distance, and winked at my cousin, this disciple of the Blood Soul Sect was burned to the point that there was not even a dregs left, so to save trouble, we only need to hide his weapon.

The cousin nodded, grabbed Zhong Xiaoman's hand, and went to the residential area together.

There was a stench here, and it was unclear whether the garbage was rotting or something was broken. There was no one to deal with the garbage downstairs. It was not until they entered the house that the situation was barely better.

The house is still the same, nothing has changed, it’s just as clean, it doesn’t look like it hasn’t been lived in for a long time, and there are some vegetables, fruits and snacks on the coffee table, and there are even burning incense in the incense burner on the altar. Sandalwood, Zhong Kui's picture scroll is still hanging on the wall, clean and clean, a young man in a red robe.

The cousin glanced at Zhong Xiaoman who was pouting, and said coldly: "Who asked you to live in our house without permission?"

Seeing this situation, Jiang He secretly broke into a cold sweat.

"Cousin, he is also our younger brother, and now he is alone, he doesn't live here, where does he live? Could it be that he lives in the Blood Soul Sect? You are Xiaoman, right? My father is your father's elder brother. You are older, you can call me cousin Zhong Yuan."

"Brother Yuan, I didn't intend to live here, because my mother brought me here to find my father, but my father is not here, we are all ghost hunters, and my father's house has many tools for making symbols, so we stayed here. "

Zhong Xiaoman walked up to me, looked at me pitifully, I reached out and stroked his braids, and said, "I don't blame you, as long as you're fine, your brother didn't mean anything malicious when he said that, but he's not used to it yet. .”

My cousin glared at me, and went back to his bedroom without saying a word and began to pack his things. Although he found Zhong Xiaoman by accident, he did not forget the purpose of going home.

"Brother Yuan, I heard from my father that you have never had the ability to awaken, but you were able to activate the magic weapon just now. Why is that?"

Zhong Xiaoman stretched out his hand to grab me, staring at me with a pair of bright eyes, and asked curiously.

"My brother has awakened his ability a long time ago, if you don't believe me, take a look."

I stretched out my palm, and several lines of lines appeared on my palm and began to combine and change in my palm.

"It's amazing, by the way, brother, when will we leave Jiuhuang City, there are blood soul sect disciples everywhere here, there are not many living people in the whole city, and the rest of them are hiding in Tibet, they should be the same as us. Is it the ghost hunter who has not escaped from Jiuhuang City, and where is Dad?"

Zhong Xiaoman looked worried, and his voice became very quiet.

"Your father is now at his hometown in the countryside. When we find your uncle, we will leave here together. Brother will take you to wash your face. You were not injured just now in the fight with the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect."

I glanced at Zhong Xiaoman's body, only to find that the clothes on his arm were torn, with faint blood oozing out, I forgot to ask him about his injury, how careless it was!

"Jiang He, Xiaoman is injured, you prepare something to help him bandage, I will take him to clean up first."

The water in Jiuhuang City has been cut off for a long time, but there are buckets of unopened buckets of purified water in the bathroom and kitchen, poured out to clean Xiaoman's wound, and wiped his dark face. A very delicate face appeared in front of me.

By the time these things were dealt with, it was almost a little bit, Zhong Xiaoman was very tired, but he reluctantly opened his eyes.

"Give you a fruit to eat."

After tidying up his things, my cousin walked out of the room and stretched out his hand. There was a cold snow fruit in his palm, emitting a faint fragrance.

"Thank you brother."

Zhong Xiaoman looked at the Hanxue fruit in his cousin's hand with bright eyes, and he was not polite, he directly grabbed the fruit and stuffed it into his mouth.

After eating the Hanxue fruit, Zhong Xiaoman became much more energetic, even his ring of faith increased a lot, he now has two rings of faith.

Leaving this community, we did not go in the direction of the central square, but deliberately avoided this place, and went to the location of the villa on the mountain. I remember that I met my father there before, and had a good As I said, Wei Wuya was guarding the entrance.

Although this mountain is surrounded by a tall wall, with the strength of the few of us, it is a breeze to climb over, but just when I was about to climb over directly, my cousin suddenly stopped me, with a dignified tone Opened his mouth and said:

"Be careful, this wall is weird, I feel the fluctuation of the magic circle."

"That's right, Sect Master Zi Luo lives here. If the Black Mountain Devil really wants to put her under house arrest, why would he deploy such a little defensive force? I guess Wei Wuya will definitely notice if we touch this wall."

Jiang He spoke very calmly.

"Then we must divide into two teams. Cousin, first look at the local attributes of this formation, whether it is to touch the formation, or to defend or attack. We have to leave a team here to deal with Wei Wuya and distract him. , the other team of characters broke into the villa directly."

I thought about it, and said, only in this way is the best. I hope we can get stronger through this side, just touch the magic circle, and let Wei Wuya and the others realize that if it is an attack or defense type magic circle, we need to use it. It takes a certain amount of time to crack, it is better to go in directly from the entrance.

"Zhong Yuan, this magic circle is similar to a trigger mechanism. It is not an attack or defense type of magic circle. Now you can talk about your plan."

The cousin put on his glasses again and said.

I nodded and said: "Wei Wuya is very powerful, at least I thought he was very strong before, so Xiaobai must stay here to restrain him. I don't know what happened on the mountain, and I don't know whether to arrange it. I formed a magic circle similar to this, so my cousin will be with me, Jiang He and Xiaoman will stay, you two had better find a place to hide."

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