Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 255 [Black Mountain Shot]

"Brother Yuan, I don't need to hide. I can fight too. Can this stupid-looking brother deal with it alone?"

Zhong Xiaoman stood up and looked at Li Nianbai worriedly in a grown-up tone.

Li Nianbai patted his forehead, turned around with black lines all over his head, and said, "Little boy, who are the two of us stupid? Where am I stupid? I can fly with a sword when you are your age and have mastered..."

"All right, you're amazing, and you're not stupid. We're about to start, and we need the strength of you and Jiang He to climb over this wall."

Taking a look at the height of the fence, in order to turn over, in addition to the run-up, you need external force.

"Take care of Xiao Xiaoman for me."

My cousin suddenly leaned into Jiang He's ear and spoke softly. After speaking, he walked several meters outside the fence with me.

Jiang He was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and then he and Li Nianbai stood obediently beside the wall, with their hands crossed and hanging down naturally.

"You two brothers must be careful."

Zhong Xiaoman waved his fists, with tears in his eyes, probably because he was afraid that we would end up with his mother, so he was worried.


The cousin yelled softly, and went straight to Jiang He, and when he reached Jiang He's side, he jumped up, stepped on between his hands, and used this force to turn over the wall.

Immediately, the fence glowed with a faint red light, and it quickly spread to both sides. I dared not delay any longer, and with the help of Li Nianbai's palm, I jumped onto the fence, then fell down, and went straight to the house where my father lived with my cousin. The villa ran away, and when I immediately surrounded the wall, I vaguely heard Li Nianbai's soft voice:

"Jiang He, cover me, I also want to set up a sword array!"

These are not too important. I didn't expect that Li Nianbai would also be able to use sword formations, but this is both expected and unexpected. After all, he is practicing swordsmanship, but sword formations are powerful, and his Taiqing swordsmanship can't be practiced now Is it not just the first two formulas?

When I arrived under a big tree at the entrance of the villa, my cousin stretched out his hand and grabbed me.

I took a look here, the surroundings were pitch black, only the lights were on inside, and there was no one on either side of the iron gate, and it was even slightly open. The evil spirit of blood.

"It should be the blood guards ambushing at the gate, shall we rush in now?"

I glanced at my cousin, who was about to take off his glasses to investigate, and nodded when he saw that I had spoken out.

"Zi Luo, I hope that when I leave, you can seriously think about it. The other four envoys will arrive in Jiuhuang City soon. You can barely be regarded as the descendant of Lord Shanmo. I don't want to be with you. Flip."

A cold voice came from inside, and several people on the lawn walked slowly towards the iron gate.

One is a man with a fair face but extremely sinister, wearing a black robe with dark red flowers tattooed on it.

The other three were Zi Luo, his father, and Wei Xiaoqing. Wei Xiaoqing looked at the sinister man with a very gloomy face, and said, "Heishan, you are just an emissary, a familiar demon, and the blood of a real demon flows from my master's body."

"Little girl, it seems that you are determined not to go back to the Great World of Maha with me?"

Heishan didn't get angry, but looked at Wei Xiaoqing with a wicked smile, a strange light shone in his dark eyes.

"Xiaoqing never planned to go to the Great World of Maha. Even if your master came up, he would not be able to take him away."

With a smile on her face, Zi Luo looked at the Black Mountain Demon very calmly, without any fear on her face.

"Girl Ziluo, you have such a big tone. Although I haven't recovered my true strength yet, it is more than enough to deal with the three of you. Xiaoqing, where did you hide these ghost hunters? I am not talking to you. Just kidding, Wei Wuya told me exactly what he wanted, and he wanted me to spare your life, if you hand over these ghost hunters, I will do what he wants."

Heishan stopped walking, a strong demonic aura emerged from his body, and his face was a little darker than before. He stepped in front of Wei Xiaoqing, and a huge aura swept over him. Wei Xiaoqing groaned, Stepping back a few steps, Zi Luo was already blocking Wei Xiaoqing's side, the powerful blow made Zi Luo's long hair flutter, her face was still extremely calm, and at the same time a faint purple flame emerged from her body.

"Yo, no wonder you dare to talk to me like that, so you have practiced Wuji True Demon Art."

Heishan was slightly taken aback, then sneered, and said again: "Zi Luo, do you really want to fight me? If you don't hand over Xiaoqing today, then I will really have to learn about your Wuji True Demon Art!"

"I said that I will never leave Master. It is true that I hid these ghost hunters. Master, should we do it? He is the only one now."

Wei Xiaoqing gritted his teeth and stared at the Black Mountain devil coldly.

"Blood guard, do it!"

Zi Luo snorted coldly, and suddenly some blood light fluctuations appeared behind the Black Mountain Demon, and four blood shadows appeared strangely, and they drew out their sabers one after another, and slashed at the back of the Black Mountain Demon.

"With these things, you dare to deal with me? It's too arrogant."

The Black Mountain devil didn't move, and let the blood guards slash behind him with their knives, but they didn't slash in, but were bounced away by the evil power around him.

"Zhong Kui borrowed the law, using blood as a guide, and the sword of exterminating demons, condensed, and hurried like a law!"

Father suddenly pulled out a dagger and cut his arm, the blood spread down the arm until it sank into the palm, red light flickered, and the red light turned into a blood-red long sword between the palms , the long sword trembled slightly, and the tip of the sword went straight to Heishan's chest. There were bloody runes on the sword body, which were very obscure.

Seeing the long sword stabbing towards him, Heishan didn't think much, stretched out his hand and held the Demon Extinguishing Sword directly, but as soon as he held it, there was a "chi chi" sound in his palm, and he couldn't let go of his palm , the originally white palm turned scorched black at this moment, and there was a faint smell of stench. He took a few steps back, looked at the blood-red long sword in surprise, and snorted coldly:

"Sword of Exterminating Demons?! People from the Zhong family, no wonder you are confident, but I heard that the Mingyin pendant is in the hands of a young man, so it should not be in your hands, but since you are from the Zhong family, that's okay Do it, you can take you as a hostage and lure him out. This is not bad. Finding the Mingyin Pei is also a very good job. It can be gained, and it can be destroyed."

"Don't think about it!"

The father seemed to be a different person, and once again raised the sword of exterminating demons.

At this moment, a strong demonic aura emanated from the palm of Heishan, and the burnt wound was completely healed at this moment. Facing his father's sword of exterminating demons, his figure flickered and disappeared, and the next second appeared on the four Behind the blood guard, he stretched his arms forward, piercing directly through the chests of the two blood guards. He still held two beating red hearts in his palms.

Seeing this scene, Zi Luo's face changed slightly, and suddenly Hei Shan gripped it hard, and the beating heart was crushed directly, without blood splashing out, and the body of the blood guard who lost his heart crashed to the ground.

The other two blood guards didn't seem to have seen this scene at all, and they still waved the blood blades in their hands to attack. Heishan smiled ferociously and did not avoid or dodge. The hearts of the two blood guards were crushed again.

"Zi Luo, you can't blame me for this. It seems that you still don't know my true strength, and you actually want to use this blood guard to deal with me. They can't pose any threat to me! You know the demon body we have very well!"

Hei Shan clapped his palms and looked at the three of them with a smile.

Originally, he thought that Wei Xiaoqing would personally escort the imprisoned ghost hunters to come, but after waiting for a long time, Wei Xiaoqing did not come over, and sent his confidants to inquire, Wei Xiaoqing actually hid all these ghost hunters, how can we not make him angry ?

Unexpectedly, Wei Xiaoqing actually hid here. Heishan knew that this was the place where Sect Master Zi Luo lived. Logically, this time, it was the first time to really negotiate with Sect Master Zi Luo. He originally thought that Sect Master Zi Luo would be afraid of him, but Never expected that the other party has no fear at all.

In fact, Heishan himself was also a little nervous. The reason why he came to see Sect Master Ziluo was to restore his strength. It was because the Blood Soul Sect was created by one of the top ten true demons. It is also a person who has been inherited, and this time he came here not only to find the reincarnated person with the Dao pattern in the palm, but also to obtain the two important tasks of winning the Mingyin Pendant. However, after he came to this interface, he found that the Human beings are no better than those monsters in the great world of Maha, and these human blood food are fatally attractive to their monsters. In addition to recovering their own injuries, they can also improve their strength. The most important thing is It can be slowly integrated into this interface, without being oppressed by the force of the law of this interface.

Therefore, Heishan didn't want to return to the Great World of Maha in such a hurry. Instead, he was playing in this interface, and he was not in a hurry to complete these two important tasks.

"The Light of Destroying Demons!"

Father's face was heavy, the blood-colored long sword in his hand was thrown up, and then fell from the sky, heading straight for the Black Mountain Demon Head. fall.

"You still want to hurt me with your little skill? Because you are about to step into the level of a big devil. If you ask your ancestor Zhong Kui to come out, I might be afraid."

Seeing the light of exterminating demons fall, Heishan smiled ferociously, and without avoiding or dodging, he slashed fiercely into the air with his palm.

An astonishing black giant handprint emerged and slapped fiercely on the Extinguishing Light. There was a huge roar, and the palm and the Extinguishing Light disappeared. The dizzy halo made the father close his eyes involuntarily.

"Wei Qiang, be careful!"

Zi Luo suddenly appeared next to his father, grabbed him and pulled him back, then struck forward with a palm, and a vigorous and powerful palm in front of him also struck, Zi Luo snorted, and Ziyan shook violently on his body. After getting up, it took a while before they regained their composure. When they opened their eyes, Montenegro had disappeared.

"Cousin, use your yin and yang eyes to find out where Hei Shan is hiding!"

Seeing that Black Mountain disappeared, I tugged at my cousin next to me and asked.

"Hey, you two little guys, you haven't come out for so long, do you want me to invite you in person?"

The black mountain devil's cold voice came from above my head. I looked up and saw that he was standing on the big tree where we were hiding.

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