Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 256 [Devil Killing] Part [-]

"Please don't use it, the third rune array is activated, killing spirit!"

Originally, I had already held the Fumo Sword tightly in my hand, ready to sneak attack at any time. How could I have expected that we would be discovered by Hei Shan long ago. My cousin is not very good at close combat, so I took the initiative to attack, and also let my cousin be able to fight. Safe to reunite with my father.

My cousin also understood what I meant, and at the moment I made a move, he twisted his body and ran towards the gate.

The scarlet sword energy turned into a scarlet dragon hovering upwards, with a mouth wide open, and biting fiercely at the head of the Black Mountain devil. The scarlet dragons were all transformed from killing sword energy, the more ghost-hunting power, the transformed The red dragon became stronger and stronger, and when Heishan saw the sword dragon that was biting him, he snorted coldly, stretched out his big hand silently, and patted forward lightly, this powerful sword dragon was unexpectedly killed by the Black Mountain demon in an instant. The big hand covered with black magic energy was directly slapped away.


The scattered killing aura scattered in all directions, and a large amount of sword aura shot towards me. In shock, I used the Seven Star Step to escape. Just as I turned around and fled, the dense sword aura fell behind me, blasting a Potholes of various sizes.

If this sword energy falls on me, it will definitely pierce a few holes in my body!

Oops, the killing spirit has no effect on him at all. If you want to use the sword formation now, it must be too late to set it up. It seems that you can only use the Zhong family's secret technique to resist it for the time being. I also thought about using the Dao pattern in the palm. The condensing time of the dao pattern is not much faster than the time of the sword formation, and the closer the attack is, the greater the power, now I want to get close to the black mountain, it is undoubtedly difficult to reach the blue sky.

"You want to deal with me just because of this ability? Eh? What is the Demon Subduing Sword in your hand? Who are you, Zhong Ziyun?!"

The Black Mountain Devil jumped down from the tree and stopped a few meters away from me.

"My grandfather, you have already killed him, what else do you want to do?"

I raised the Demon-Destroying Sword and looked at Montenegro coldly.

Hei Shan chuckled, shook his head and said, "Actually, I didn't kill your grandfather, it was the demon guard who killed your grandfather, and my demon guard is naturally exactly the same as mine, so it's not my demon guard who killed your grandpa." , It was the hands of the Red Devil Messenger himself."

"The Red Devil envoy is also one of the five envoys?"

I held the sword in my hand tightly, and looked at Hei Shan staring at the sword with a slightly heavy gaze, and I knew that he must still remember the Fumo Sword, and he had even been injured by the Fumo Sword.

"Of course, but you don't have to know that much. What you hold in your hand is the Demon-Destroying Sword, which can only be held by the current Patriarch of the Zhong family. If you hand over the Underworld Pendant and Demon-Destroying Sword, maybe I can make your soul safe." Leave your body, if you don’t agree, then take out your soul, refine you into a ghost slave, and use your body to refine into a magic guard!”

Heishan looked at me with gloomy eyes, and his eyes were fixed on the subduing demon sword with a faint silver light in my hand.

"Don't you know that the Mingyin pendant has been broken?"

I stared at Heishan curiously, because apart from a few people, almost no one knew that the Mingyin pendant was still on my body. How could Wei Wuya not know about the Mingyin pendant that Wei Wuya had personally planned?

"Hmph, the yellow-haired boy wants to deceive me? Do you really think I'm the same as others? If the Mingyin Pendant is so easy to break, it won't be handed down to this day. Hurry up and hand it over, or I will do it myself."

A strong demonic aura emerged from Heishan's body again, and there was a faint crimson light in his eyes, like a bloodthirsty beast.

"I'm afraid my surname is not Zhong!"

Although he admitted that he was not the grandfather he killed, but he also sent demon guards, and he couldn't escape. Thinking of the black handprint on my grandfather's neck, I clenched my fists even tighter, but I have already put away the demon sword , took out the true blue fire cauldron, the other party was a devil, and the flame was designed to subdue evil things, so it should still be of great use.

Seeing that I took out the true blue fire cauldron, Heishan just frowned slightly, opened his mouth and sprayed, a thick black flame spewed out from his mouth, and rolled towards me.

"True Blue Fire!"

Driving the flames in the furnace, the blue flames came out a few feet high. With a touch between my fingers, these blue flames broke away from the furnace and rolled towards the black magic fire. When the two flames touched in the air, Immediately, there was a crackling sound of "嗤嗤". Originally, these black magic fires could not resist the true blue fire, but the number of magic fires has far exceeded my expectation. Although they barely gained the upper hand in the resistance, the mouth of Montenegro It wasn't closed at all, so a steady stream of magic fire spewed out from the mouth.

Although I am a body of fire virtue, it doesn't take much ghost-hunting power to control this true blue fire cauldron, but after a long time, my ghost-hunting power is exhausted, and there is nothing left to be slaughtered.

"Devil Demon Talisman!"

A familiar low voice came from behind me, a blood-red talisman passed over my head, stirred up the magic fire, and hit the mouth of the Black Mountain devil, the magic fire disappeared instantly, I was overjoyed, really blue The flames of the cauldron rose several feet high again, and condensed into blue fire needles in the air. With a wave of his hand, these blue fire needles shot towards the Black Mountain devil, and instantly his body was covered by blue fire needles. Covered by fire needles.


Father's voice sounded full of surprise. The demon-killing talisman just now was naturally cast by his father. I have never seen him use this method before. I didn't expect him to be so powerful.

Zi Luo also walked to my side and said in a low voice, "Yuan'er."

I didn't agree, and stared coldly at the Black Mountain devil covered in blue flames, I didn't want to be distracted by it.

"Zhong Yuan, you have finally rushed over. If that's the case, let's work together to kill this devil."

Wei Xiaoqing stood side by side with me, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, staring at me with a hint of amusement.

"I really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and the flames of this level want to kill the deity? Today, none of you want to leave this place, demon guard, set up the black wind demon formation!"

Heishan came out from the other party with a trace of anger. The blue flame on his body disappeared strangely. A black armor was revealed on his body. There was a cold glow on the armor, and there was no sign of being burned by the flames. , Then he took out a banner and waved it forward fiercely, the banner suddenly flickered with blood and turned into a person's height, the blood on the banner was diffused, and it was impossible to see what was inside, but it was chilling to the bone, There was an unusually fierce feeling.

"Magic weapon, everyone be careful!"

Zi Luo gritted her teeth, then flipped her hand over, and there was a small and exquisite purple ancient mirror in her hand. The mirror was round, but it had a silver handle. On the handle was a milky white skull with eye sockets. There is a red glow in it.

"For you are knowledgeable, this is not just a magic weapon, Black Devil Guard, come out!"

Heishan let out a sinister laugh, and shook the blood-colored banner vigorously in his hand, the blood light fluctuated, and clusters of thick black fog rolled out from the blood-colored banner and fell to the ground, turning into men with expressionless faces.

Seeing the faces of these men, I was a little surprised. These Black Devil Guards were actually carved out of the same mold, and they were exactly the same as the Black Mountain Devil.

Seeing the astonishment on my face, Zi Luo hesitated for a while and said:

"These black devil guards are actually very similar to refining corpses. The Black Mountain devil chose men with similar bodies to him, took away their souls, and then refined them in a special way. The body must be filled with devil energy, and every time The day will be raised with fresh blood. These black magic guards are similar to puppets. The reason why they are similar to Montenegro is because they have absorbed his blood essence. Every black magic guard is extremely powerful and possesses magic skills. Their appearance is considered to be some low-level demons, who can freely switch between solid and incorporeal, so physical attacks are not effective at all, they must be attacked with secret techniques, and must be secret techniques that restrain magic skills. Don't let these If the Black Devil Guard touches his body, if he is restrained by them, there is no possibility of escape."

"Although you haven't been to the Great World of Maha, you know quite a lot."

The Black Mountain devil nodded appreciatively.

"How do you know that I haven't been to the Great World of Maha? If you dare to hurt my relatives today, I won't care about your status as an envoy."

Zi Luo stared coldly at the Black Mountain devil.

"Yo? A suzerain of the Blood Soul Sect, a descendant of a true demon, is actually a family member of a ghost hunter. Are you kidding me? If those old guys know what you have done, don't want me to take action, they will kill you." It will directly take your soul away, refine your body into demon guards, imprison your soul, and be punished by the thunder bombing, but I don’t think they will do it for you, and the black wind demon formation will be activated!”

Heishan threw the blood-colored flag in his hand forward with all his strength, and the flag was inserted straight into the soil. When the blood light dispersed, a wave of blood mist spread out from the guards, covering our sight in an instant, and the surroundings were suddenly blown A gust of black wind blew up, and my soul swayed, almost floating away from my body.

But at this critical juncture, the token that Huiyi gave me suddenly emitted a faint golden light, which made my feeling disappear. I was about to discuss with Wei Xiaoqing how to break the black wind demon formation, but Wei Xiaoqing suddenly disappeared.

"Father! Cousin, Xiaoqing, are you there?"

I spoke loudly, and the sound was heard far away, and even echoed, but there was no sound around me except for the sound of the black wind blowing.

The surrounding area is crimson, and the red mist is mixed with black wind. If it weren't for this token to stabilize my mind, I guess my soul would have left my body long ago, let alone broke out. things, but what about them?Especially my cousin, who can handle this situation?Thinking of this, I broke out in a cold sweat.

We must leave here as soon as possible, or break the formation, otherwise we will all die here!

Just when I was about to act and burn the red mist with the true blue fire cauldron, a few faint figures suddenly appeared in front of me, and these figures gradually became clear.

Black magic guard!Three black magic guards came towards me!

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