Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 258 [Doubt]

My father stared at my cousin with satisfaction, nodded, then turned to me and said, "It seems that Yin-Yang Dharma Eye is more powerful than I imagined. If you continue to practice, your future will be limitless. Your cousin should learn a lot."

"Well, okay, I see. This time I came here to ask you to go with us. The Ghost Hunter Alliance branch has been wiped out by the Blood Soul Sect. You should be very clear, Xiaoqing, these ghost hunters have been killed by the Blood Soul Sect." Where is it hidden, at noon tomorrow, the branch elders of the Blood Soul Sect will arrive here, we must leave here before this time."

Staring at Wei Xiaoqing, I didn't hide anything, and directly stated my intention this time. The reason why they really fought against the Black Mountain devil must be a break.

"Don't worry, the ghost hunters have been moved to a safe place. Now that the Black Mountain devil has been completely wiped out, it doesn't mean that the other four envoys are also dead. They will definitely return to Jiuhuang City. With the help of the Blood Soul Sect to achieve their purpose, master, now is the time."

Wei Xiaoqing turned around and stared at Zi Luo with a firm expression on her face.

Zi Luo nodded, sighed, and said: "I also know, this time I will not disband the Blood Soul Sect, I will return to the sect alone, Xiaoqing, you take them out of Jiuhuang City, I will rush back joined you."

"No, it's too dangerous for you alone, I'll go with you, Xiaoqing, take Xiaoyuan out of here, I will act together with your suzerain."

Father stood beside Zi Luo, reached out and held her hand with a gentle expression.

"Well, now Li Nianbai is still dealing with Wei Wuya, so we have to go back as soon as possible, we don't know how strong Wei Wuya is, we have to get there as soon as possible, Xiaoqing, the headquarters of the Ghost Hunter Alliance has sent someone Come to rescue the ghost hunters, you just need to guide them there, and then we will gather at the Ghost Hunters Alliance Branch and go back to our hometown together."

I don't know how my uncle is doing in the country. Besides, I am more worried about Gu An'an, who has not seen him for a long time.

"Well, okay, master, you go in and pack your things first. Zhong Yuan and I went down the mountain together. With the help of the Black Mountain devil a few days ago, Wei Wuya has broken through the third ring of belief and reached the fourth ring. You The boy mentioned is probably a bit dangerous."

Wei Xiaoqing didn't know Li Nianbai's strength, so he spoke.

After they went to pack their things, I dismissed these nine-rank ghost messengers and let them return to their posts.

When we got to the bottom of the mountain, things really happened as I expected. There were many disciples of the Blood Soul Sect lying on the ground, and Wei Wuya was lying on the ground unable to move. Li Nianbai put one foot on his chest hard, crushing , and said angrily:

"It's because you almost killed him before, and I want you to taste it today. I have cut off your tendons. Let's see how you can still use seals to perform secret techniques..."

Wei Wuya was in a state of embarrassment, his red hair was covered with mud, his mouth was overflowing with blood, his eyes were even more red and swollen, and one side of his face was swollen high, the palm prints on it were clearly visible, Jiang He squatted beside him, Holding a silver needle in his hand, he said to Li Nianbai:

"Beat me hard, and if he passes out, I'll stab him back."

Zhong Xiaoman was stunned and didn't greet us until we came over.

Wei Wuya turned his head away with difficulty, seeing me, his eyes were even more ashen, but his eyes turned slightly, and seeing Wei Xiaoqing next to me, the gray in his eyes faded away, and turned into burning hope: "Junior Sister help me!"

"Zhong Yuan, you should do it yourself, my hands are sore."

Li Nianbai's foot was still on his chest, he didn't let go, he shook his hand in the air, and stared at me with a smile.

"Junior Sister, help me, Junior Sister."

Wei Wuya's face was completely replaced by panic. After condensing into the fourth ring of faith, his own strength has increased a lot. Coupled with the protection of Montenegro, he firmly sat on the position of ten elders. The rest of the elders didn't dare to make things difficult for Wei Wuya because they were afraid of Black Mountain, but now they were defeated by a strange young man, and the injuries were not serious, which had already seriously frustrated his self-esteem.

"It's your fault, brother, I told you a long time ago that you don't believe me when I want you to join forces with us."

Wei Xiaoqing looked at Wei Wuya indifferently, but a trace of unbearableness flashed in his eyes.

"Junior Sister, I know I was wrong. Now that my Tesuji has been disabled, if you let me go, I will never appear in front of you in the future."

Wei Wuya's voice was a little choked up, and his face was filled with frustration.

Wei Xiaoqing hesitated for a while, then turned around and said to me: "Zhong Yuan, can you let my senior brother go, he has already received the punishment he deserved."

"Then just let it go, the temuscles have been abolished, and I don't think he will make trouble again."

The cousin spoke in a cold voice, and he put on his glasses again, but the blood was not wiped clean.

"Xiaobai, let him go."

I nodded. Now that his tendons have been cut off, it would be unfair for me to fight him again. Both hands are very important to a ghost hunter, because he must rely on his hands to perform secret techniques.

Without any hesitation, Li Nianbai let go of his foot, seeing Wei Wuya who got up, he gave him a hard look, Wei Wuya gritted his teeth, and ran away in a hurry.

"Zhongli, have you used Yin-Yang Dharma Eye again?"

Jiang He frowned, walked up to his cousin, stared at him, and questioned him.

The cousin looked at Jiang He strangely, and nodded.

"Now is not the time to talk, Zhong Yuan, see you at the branch of the Ghost Hunter Alliance. I'm going to guide those ghost hunters and find their companions."

Wei Xiaoqing walked up to me and spoke with a smile on her face. She seemed to have a lot to say, but because of time constraints, she had to leave first.

We went back the same way, but unfortunately only Zhong Xiaoman was rescued this time, while Aunt Ling Zi was a step late.

Back at the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch, there were already a lot fewer people here. As soon as my cousin came back, he stayed in the room alone. Even Jiang He refused to give him a diagnosis and treatment.

"Little Yuanyuan, are you sure you're not joking with me? Can Zhongli kill that demon? I know very well that his current ability of Yin-Yang Magic Eye may have some offensive power, but his strength is still too weak. It's the devil."

I told Li Nianbai and Jiang He about my cousin's killing of the Black Mountain devil, but Li Nianbai's expression was unbelievable. Apart from Li Nianbai, Jiang He also had a strong look of doubt on his face.

"Yeah, I saw it with my own eyes. It may be that my cousin and the Black Mountain Devil were both injured. I heard my cousin's screams before. When I rushed over, they both fell to the ground. My cousin woke up first. Yes, and saw with his own eyes that he used a dagger to destroy the physical body attached to Heishan, and cast a secret technique to shatter Heishan's real body."

I recalled that scene at the beginning. Although I don't know what method my cousin used to immobilize Montenegro, I did see it with my own eyes.

"If I remember correctly, the Black Mountain Devil took away the body of Qi Jianfeng, the ghost hunter of the Qi family, right? Are you sure that Zhongli directly destroyed Qi Jianfeng's body? If so, then Qi Jianfeng is truly dead. Because even if some demons and ghosts take away the human body, they will not really drive away their souls, but just seal them, otherwise the body will fester. Of course, if Black Mountain fits with his body and provides vitality again, then that is another matter Well, the problem is that a demon will not be compatible with the human body. Even if it is compatible, it cannot be achieved in such a short period of time. Even if Zhongli really killed Hei Shan, he also killed Qi Jianfeng at the same time. He must understand this truth.”

Jiang He sat on the sofa with a tense face. After coming out of Jiuhuang City, he didn't see any effect. He seemed to be worried about this all the time.

"Perhaps my cousin knew that we had an enmity with the Qi family, so he got rid of Qi Jianfeng together, or maybe he couldn't get rid of the real body of the Black Mountain devil, so he had to make such a bad plan. Didn't you see Tang? Didn't brother say a word all the way back, it must be out of self-blame."

I thought about it, and when I came back from Jiuhuang City, I didn't say a word except to help Wei Wuya intercede, even Jiang He asked him about his injury, but he ignored him.

Did this matter hit him hard?The relationship between my cousin and Jiang He has always been very close, and he can even wear a pair of underpants, so how could he refuse his kindness?Moreover, the cousin used the yin and yang method too much before, and Jiang He has always been the one to deal with the treatment.

"No, I know about the enmity between you and the Qi family. Zhongli will not kill people because of this, and I have been watching him carefully all the way back. There is something wrong with him. When I looked at him, there was a trace in his eyes Puzzled, this is a completely strange look, and your cousin was already furious when he knew Wei Wuya seriously injured you, so how could he plead for Wei Wuya?"

Jiang He shook his head and denied my thoughts.

The room suddenly fell into an embarrassing, silent atmosphere, Zhong Xiaoman had already curled up next to me and fell asleep, it was already past four o'clock, and it was almost dawn.

That's right, my cousin should be very clear that the black mountain devil took away Qi Jianfeng's body, Qi Jianfeng didn't really die, how could he kill Qi Jianfeng?

Just when I was thinking about this, the door opened and my cousin came out. He looked very indifferent, glanced at us, and walked to the bathroom.

"Zhongli, are you hungry, would you like an apple?"

Jiang He made a sound, and at the same time took out a red apple from the fruit plate on the coffee table, and shook it at his cousin.

The cousin glanced at Apple, with a hint of disgust in his eyes, then shook his head and said, "I'm not hungry, you can eat by yourself."

After finishing speaking, I continued to go to the bathroom. Li Nianbai and I looked at each other in surprise, the apple in Jiang He's hand fell to the ground, and the whole person suddenly seemed to collapse, and he fell down on the sofa. become very hollow.

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