Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 259 [Cousin Being Possessed]

"This...it's impossible."

Trying to calm down my restless heart, I lowered my voice, looked at Jiang He again, his face became extremely pale, and he fell into a state of sluggishness for a while.

This time, we have gone through the Nine Desolation City, consuming too much of our physical strength and ghost hunting power, and my cousin is no exception, but he has no reaction to his favorite apple, which never leaves his body. This is really unreasonable , although there is no change on the surface, but careful people will find that he seems to have changed.

Oops!If it's a different person, could it be... Could it be that my cousin's physical body has been taken away by the Black Mountain devil? !

This... This is really unbelievable, or I don't want to believe it in my heart, this Black Mountain devil is not the eel spirit I met in the countryside before, this is much more powerful, it is simply a world of difference.

I once again recalled the scene that happened at the beginning. In the black wind demon formation, my cousin’s cry was terrible, and then disappeared quickly. Although he finally got up, it seemed that he was not injured at all, and walked directly to the black mountain demon head. Go, at that time, the physical body of the Black Mountain devil, that is, Qi Jianfeng, woke up, his eyes were full of confusion and confusion. If the Black Mountain devil was attached to his cousin, then Qi Jianfeng's soul would return to his place, so it was the real Qi Jianfeng back then. He woke up, not the Black Mountain devil, the Black Mountain devil who possessed his cousin killed Qi Jianfeng, and used secret techniques to disperse Qi Jianfeng's soul.

If this is the case, then it can also explain why the cousin pleaded for Wei Wuya, because in addition to Wei Xiaoqing, the Black Mountain devil also wanted to bring Wei Wuya into the magic pool of the Maha World, so that Wei Wuya Ya turned into a monster.

"What's impossible? I also feel the unusual aura on your cousin, but I just don't dare to judge it lightly. After all, what he is showing now is not very different from before, except for some normal behaviors that seem to be problematic. In addition, now we need to find out what is going on. Of course, one thing I can be sure of is that he didn't drive away your cousin's soul. If you want to completely occupy this body, you can't do it in a short time. So before the investigation is clear, we can't let him have the opportunity to act alone, even when he sleeps, he must be supervised."

Li Nianbai touched his chin and spoke cautiously.

Hearing this sentence, Jiang He recovered from his sluggish state, and his face gradually returned to rosy. He pursed his lips and said, "I have never seen such symptoms of demon possession before, so I must not use it. The general method of exorcising ghosts is used to deal with it, Zhong Yuan, relying on the Dao pattern in your palm to directly knock out the Black Mountain devil from your cousin's body."

"Since he chooses to possess his cousin, he must do some things. The most basic thing is to get the dark pendant. The King of Giant Eyes from the Kingdom of the Dead once told me that the five great demons came to our interface. The main thing is to find someone with the dao pattern in the palm. If my dao pattern can't force his demon body out, then the situation will be bad. I didn't realize that if I get rid of this demon and leave my cousin's body, I won't If he acted rashly, I don't want him to make my cousin lose his wits in a fit of anger."

After thinking for a while, thinking of the stakes involved, I couldn't help but feel a chill.

"Well, that's what you said, but this matter can't be delayed for too long, not to mention that his possession of Zhongli will damage his yang energy. After a long time, the degree of compatibility will become higher and higher, and Zhong Ling's soul It will become weaker and weaker, and eventually it will be completely replaced by Montenegro."

Jiang He glanced in the direction of the bathroom, the sound of water inside stopped abruptly, his cousin came out with a white bath towel around his waist, and was wiping his wet hair with a dry towel in his hand, his cousin was tall , the lines are smooth, there are obvious six-pack abs, some water droplets that have not been wiped dry rolled down, but these are not the point, the point is that there is a cloud of black air on his belly button, I am about to take a closer look at what it is At that moment, he suddenly lowered his arms, covering them inadvertently with the towel in his hand, grinning at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile:

"Why don't you go to bed? It will be dawn in two hours. Don't you want to stay here until the elders of the Blood Soul Sect come to arrest you in person?"

"Even if the elders are here, why should we be afraid? Isn't there a cousin!"

I deliberately said the word "cousin" very emphatically, and then looked at his expression.

My cousin was just slightly taken aback, then stared at me as if suddenly enlightened, and said: "Xiao Yuan, you think too highly of me, and my magic eye just happens to restrain Montenegro. If those elders come again, I'm not sure. Take some rest, I'm going to bed first."

After speaking, he took a step and went into the room.

"Sure enough, I was controlled. My cousin would never call me Xiao Yuan. The reason why he called me that is because my father also called me that. Well, this time we are going back to our hometown anyway, Jiang He, you take Xiaoman back first, and communicate with Uncle Manye and the others, including Xu Wanzhou and Gu Anan if possible."

I turned around, stared at Jiang He, who was still frowning, and said, the reason why the two of them were asked to go first was to be prepared. If Montenegro suddenly snatched any of us, the two of them would be the last Those who have no resistance, especially Jiang He.

"Well, I understand. You're right. Try not to attract his attention, so as not to hurt Zhongli. Okay, I'll go and pack up."

Jiang He nodded solemnly, and went back to the room very quickly, while I woke up Zhong Xiaoman and told him that Jiang He took him back to his father first, and he was naturally very happy when he lost his mother. Asked, he followed Jiang He and left the branch in a desperate manner.

"Xiaobai, don't you have a better way? If there is, I will try it no matter how dangerous it is. The one who is possessed is my cousin."

Li Nianbai didn't feel sleepy at all, instead he was sitting there eating some odds and ends on the coffee table, he really deserved the title of foodie.

He shook his head and said: "I can't help it. If my father or Senior Qing Ming were there, they might have a way, but I can't."

Hearing his words, I suddenly had an idea, chuckled, walked to him and sat down, said with a smile: "I thought of a wonderful way, if your father and senior Qing Ming are really as powerful as you said, We might as well introduce him into your spirit world, and then... hehe, you understand."

Li Nianbai stared at me like an idiot, and said: "The problem is that I can't find the map to return to the spirit world at all, what's the use?"

"If you can't find it, then I'll help you find it. Let me tell you about the place where you lost the map, and then narrow down the scope. Using the method of elimination, I can now drive six nine-rank ghost messengers and ask them to help you find them."

I have already made up my mind, since I can easily drive these ghosts now, why not make good use of them?

"What you said makes sense. I think about it carefully. I remember that I came out of the Mijiang Mountain Range. At that time, I was lost in the mountains. The map should be there, and I don't know exactly where it is... Little Yuanyuan, why are you looking at me like this?"

Li Nianbai was peeling a banana in his hand, seeing me staring at him and taking a bite of the banana, he asked puzzledly.

"Little ancestor, young master, do you know that the Mijiang Mountain Range is vast? This mountain range spans from north to south, and even the mountains on the other side of Bingcheng belong to the Mijiang Mountain Range. How do you find such a large area?"

I rolled my eyes, I was going to be dizzy with anger, the hope was really slim, no wonder the senior Lan Long'er in Jiulongzhai couldn't find it, how could it be possible to find such a big primeval forest?The Mijiang Mountain Range is called the Mijiang Mountain Range because there is a big river on one side, plus the dense jungle on the Mijiang Mountain Range, and there are even untamed wild animals in it, so it is called the Mijiang Mountain Range. He actually lost his map here, but he said it was Coming out of the Mijiang Mountains also means that the entrance to the spirit world is not far away.

"You...you know that I am the young master, little ancestor, but you still dare to murder me?!"

Li Nianbai pouted with displeasure, pointed to the fruit plate on the coffee table, and continued: "Peel a tangerine for me, maybe I can recall it, there is a ghost messenger to help find it, I believe I will find it soon."

I took a deep breath, calmed down the resentment in my heart, gritted my teeth, grabbed a citrus from the fruit plate, peeled it and said, "Don't you have any impression? For example, what are there around? What strange trees, caves?" Ah wait or something."

Li Nianbai threw the banana in his hand to the side, opened his mouth, I threw an orange slice in, he took two bites, then suddenly patted his thigh and stood up, his face full of excitement, said:

"I remembered, that place should be near the river, and that place is very strange, with many graves, I remember a blue stone tablet was erected next to the graves, with something written on it, some evil spirits came to Sneaking at me, the map I dropped when I ran away."

I nodded, swallowed the remaining oranges in one gulp, stood up, and said: "It's getting late now, it's time to go to bed, tomorrow night I will summon the messenger to go to your place, and now I will go to my cousin's room , you have to be vigilant at all times, I have the brand of the Netherworld Pendant on my body, and no ghost or spirit can possess me, but you are different."

Li Nianbai looked at me with some disdain, and said, "Aren't you afraid that he will find that you have the brand of the dark pendant on your chest, and then use a knife to cut off the skin on your body?"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and made a cutting movement back and forth, coupled with the smirk at the corner of his mouth, I felt my scalp explode immediately.

"Well, you go and watch him."

After finishing speaking, I planned to go back to the room to rest, but I was stopped by Li Nianbai just after walking a few steps, he threw me away, ran to another room, and smiled at the door: "I think it's better for you to go, after all It’s brother, I won’t join in the fun as an outsider.”

Then the door closed, and the sound of locking was heard.

I sighed, and walked to the room where my cousin was. When I got to the door, I didn’t dare to open the door. What if he is stripping my cousin’s soul now?Is it reckless?There were all kinds of guesses and doubts in my heart, but I still gently opened the door. The light inside was very dim, and I could barely see the general scene inside.

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