Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 260 [Close Guard]

The room was exceptionally quiet, and I could even hear my cousin's breathing. I let out a long breath, put my toes on my toes, and walked in.

"What were you talking about outside?"

The person on the bed suddenly turned around, and looked at me with pale green eyes, his eyes were extremely deep, his entire face was covered by darkness, because the pupils emitted a faint green light, like a beast dormant in the dark , it will look particularly creepy.

"No...it's nothing, it's just chatting. You also know that we like to stay and chat for a while when we have nothing to do. Cousin, why don't you go to sleep?"

I walked to the bed and started to take off my shoes and socks. He moved inside without making a sound.

Lie down next to my cousin, his back is facing me, I can just see his back, the quilt is very cold, as if lying on the ice, I am already a body of fire, so the body temperature must be normal It's much taller, and ordinary wandering ghosts don't dare to get close at all, but sleeping with my cousin, the body of fire virtue doesn't seem to have much effect.

I sneered in my heart, and suddenly leaned towards my cousin, the cold feeling became more serious, I put my hand on his arm, and I leaned against him, as if hugging a ball of ice, he There is no temperature on his body at the moment, like a corpse taken out of the mortuary, and I am sure that his hands were shaking just now, and I secretly guessed in my heart that he should be choking the law now, maybe he is casting something Secret technique, but when I put my whole body on him, his movements stopped.

"Xiao Yuan, what are you doing?"

My cousin made a slightly depressed voice, his body was twisting, trying to break free from me, it seems that my fire body has already had an effect, I didn't rely on this fire body to get rid of me. He forced him out, but it would cause him pain, and he couldn't make any small moves, so why not do it, thinking of this, I hugged him even tighter, held back my mouth, and said:

"Cousin, I've always slept with you. I'm used to sleeping with someone in my arms. What's wrong with you? Didn't you enjoy it a lot before? There's something wrong with your body."

The lie came out, and it went very smoothly. I never slept with my cousin before, but I am sure that he is now possessed by Montenegro, and he will definitely not have the memory of his cousin, because he may have blocked his cousin in some way. .

"It's nothing, well, sleep."

I could hear him saying this, gnashing his teeth, probably because he was furious. I don't care so much, if you want to completely take away my cousin's body, ask me first!And he didn't have any doubts about my words, it really is a fake!

Of course, I didn't dare to really fall asleep. After a while, my cousin snored softly.

It seems that his body has become warmer. I don’t know if it’s because I warmed him up, or because the Black Mountain Devil stopped doing things, so he gradually returned to normal. Looking at the familiar back, but it feels strange to me , I kept staring at the back of his head, what if he turned around and there was another face?

My heart was full of fear and anxiety, but I was still unable to overcome the drowsiness and slowly closed my eyes.

And when I opened my eyes again, it was because his movement woke me up. He struggled a few times and wanted to sit up. I took this opportunity to stretch and continue to sleep. It became brighter, he got out of bed quietly, his movements were a little uncoordinated, it took him a while to recover, then he turned his head and glanced at me, I had already closed my eyes until that threatening gaze left me Only then slowly opened his eyes.

He walked to my clothes, paused for a while, and then began to turn over one by one, as if he didn't find what he wanted, and then grabbed my bag, I frowned slightly, there was something there My demon sword and golden bone hand.

After tossing around for a while, he took out the Demon Demon Sword from his bag. I could clearly see that his body was trembling slightly, and his breathing also became heavy. Fumojian was put back into the satchel, then slowly turned around, without wearing eyes, just walked to my bed and sat down slowly.

I felt that I was shrouded in a shadow, and then slowly opened my eyes, rubbed them, and asked deliberately pretending to be sleepy: "Cousin, why did you wake up so early? Didn't you sleep well?"

The cousin smiled, but his tone was extremely cold: "Thanks to you, I slept well last night. Get up quickly, don't you have to go back to your hometown today?"

I nodded, got up, and then slowly put on my clothes. His eyes never left me for a moment. He probably wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of the Mingyin pendant. Show disappointment.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Wei Xiaoqing sitting on the sofa, staring at me with a smile. She got up and pointed to the sumptuous breakfast on the table, and said, "What a slob, what time is it? She's still sleeping, I Breakfast is ready, let's go after eating."

"What about my father and them?"

I glanced at the living room, but I didn't find my father's whereabouts. My heart sank slightly, maybe something happened.

"It's almost here, the main headquarters of the Blood Soul Sect is disbanded, but there are no entrances to the five branch halls, and I don't know what kind of expressions the five elders of this branch hall will have when they come to the headquarters. I am looking forward to it more and more. "

Wei Xiaoqing smiled wickedly, and spoke lightly.

I took a special look at my cousin, his pupils shrank slightly, seeing me staring at him, he quickly returned to normal, and then went to the bathroom to wash up.

Wei Xiaoqing glanced at her cousin, with a slight frown between her brows, she walked up to me, brought a burst of fragrant wind, and whispered to my ear: "Your cousin didn't come out when he killed Heishan. What's the problem, why do I feel that he is weird, and his eyes are very familiar, as if I have seen him somewhere."

I was slightly taken aback, I didn't expect her to be so careful, I glanced in the direction of the bathroom, and said in a low voice: "I suspect that my cousin has been possessed by the Black Mountain devil, be careful when you talk to him, don't show any flaws .”

Wei Xiaoqing opened his red lips slightly and stared at me dumbfounded, but he soon regained his composure and nodded solemnly.

After washing up, I left here and planned to go to the gate to meet my father, but found that almost all the people from the Ghost Hunters Alliance branch had disappeared. Only two or three people had already walked out with their luggage on their backs. I walked into it Next to a young man, he asked:

"Where are Elder Jiang Luo and the others? Why are you the only ones? Where are you going? Where are the rest of the ghost hunters?"

Seeing me appearing, the young man had a strange expression on his face, and then he said, "Don't you understand? After saving Elder Wu, they left here directly. Didn't it mean that there will be elders from the Blood Soul Sect at noon today?" Gather in the headquarters, how can we be opponents? Of course, we should evacuate here and return to the alliance headquarters. I advise you to leave as soon as possible. Now this place is an empty shell, and almost no ghost hunter is willing to stay here , the three of us were the last batch to leave."

"Well, then, let's go."

I nodded and watched them leave.

After waiting in the forest for more than half an hour, a white minibus stopped outside the forest, and two figures walked out of it. I was slightly relieved when I saw familiar figures. They came back safe and sound. The two walked through the woods and saw Seeing me, Zi Luo suddenly smiled, waved at me, and said:

"Yuan'er, we're back."

I gave Zi Luo a cold look, but didn't respond, but quickly walked to my father, looked at him to see if he was injured, and was relieved to see that my father was safe and sound, seeing that I ignored her, Zi Luo With deep disappointment in his eyes, his father put his hand on her shoulder and said softly, "Don't worry, take your time, the child is grown up after all."

Zi Luo nodded, and stared at me with a smile on her face again: "Has that girl Xiaoqing come here?"

"Well, we've arrived, and there's one more thing I want to tell you. Jiang He and his cousin Zhong Xiaoman have already left here, and rushed back to their hometown beforehand. In all likelihood, my cousin has been possessed by the Black Mountain Devil. Me and He slept with him and observed him closely, his body temperature was no longer normal, and after getting up, he searched through my things to find the Mingyin Pei, and I knew that Montenegro would not be wiped out so easily."

Looking around, my cousin didn't come out, and I took this opportunity to tell the two of them about it so that they could be on guard.

"Li'er is possessed? This will be bad, because the Black Mountain devil is not an ordinary wandering ghost, he is extremely powerful."

Father frowned slightly, and froze in place for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"Yuan'er, since you have already guessed that he is possessed, why do you still stay together? If Hei Shan uses you to seize the house while you are asleep, you will be in trouble. The devil's methods are very vicious, but judging from the current situation Look, Li'er's soul should only be temporarily sealed, even if Heishan wants to truly take away Li'er's body, it's not so easy, after all, Li'er is a ghost hunter."

Zi Luo started to analyze and stared at me at the same time. She disagreed with my actions, but she didn't dare to criticize too much.

"I have my own measure. Now the brand of Mingyin Pei has been imprinted on me. In addition, there is also the official seal of the City God. It is impossible for him to take away my physical body. Moreover, I am the body of fire virtue. Which demons and ghosts would be interested in the body of fire virtue, unless they want to taste the taste of being burned by the flames, I am with my cousin, naturally to protect my cousin and protect him from the persecution of Montenegro."

I glanced at Zi Luo and snorted coldly.

Zi Luo shook her head, with a hint of relief on her face, but she still said worriedly: "Yuan'er, you don't understand, the devil's methods are more than that, they can control our minds, I have a treasure here, you take it."

After finishing speaking, she took out a purple bead from her bosom, which was strung together by a red string, and then stuffed it into my hand.

"Who wants you to pretend to be kind?"

I threw it on the ground fiercely and strode towards the place where I lived.

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