Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 261 [Branch Elder]

My father was waiting for us outside, and when I got back to my residence, my cousins ​​had already packed their luggage, and Li Nianbai was also holding a bowl of millet porridge, and he drank it all after a few sips. Seeing me, he stared at me in embarrassment. Looking at the breakfast on the coffee table, and then staring at the two meat buns that Xiao Qing was holding, he grinned strangely.

"Li Nianbai, you kid, don't you call Zhong Yuan brothers and sisters, and you won't let go of the two meat buns in my hand?"

Wei Xiaoqing pushed back, with a look of vigilance, lest Li Nianbai would suddenly pounce on him.

This time she truly understood Li Nianbai's eating skills. Although she had already prepared breakfast for three people, he ate it all by himself, which was too little. Now she managed to grab two meat buns , but the other party still had an expression of wanting to grab it.

Seeing me coming in, Wei Xiaoqing was overjoyed, ran to my side, and said to me, "Open your mouth!"

I opened my mouth instinctively, she gave a chuckle, and stuffed the meat bun in my hand into my mouth. I just ate half of it, and then the other meat bun was stuffed into my mouth, and finally she patted it contentedly. Clapping, completely ignoring me who was almost choking.

Seeing me swallowing the steamed stuffed bun with difficulty, Li Nianbai showed unwillingness in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and seemed to rush over. My scalp was a little numb, so I quickly hid behind Wei Xiaoqing. He is a foodie, and a very bad foodie , I don't guarantee that he will jump over and snatch these buns from my mouth.

"What's the trouble? Xiao Yuan, your parents haven't arrived yet? If you don't leave now, all the elders of the Blood Soul Sect will come out. Zi... Auntie will disband the Blood Soul Sect, but she won't attack those elders. "

The cousin picked up the luggage bag and spoke with a dull expression.

I patted my chest, swallowed the food in my mouth, and said, "They are already waiting for us at Pingdi. If you are ready, then go."

When my cousin came out, he called my father and Zi Luo, and then a group of people boarded a minibus and headed towards their hometown.

Half a day later, the Ghost Hunter Alliance was empty, but five elders of the Blood Soul Sect brought their disciples to this place, and they searched the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch thoroughly, but found no one, and one of them had a sinister face. , the old man with a bald head stomped his feet angrily, and made a hoarse voice:

"Damn it, let them run away! Even the suzerain is gone!"

"Elder Jiu, run away as soon as you run away, so what if you find it again? The Blood Soul Sect has been disbanded, and all the five elders who stayed at the headquarters have disappeared. I heard from those disciples who are still in Jiuhuang City that the sect master has already disappeared. After the order is given to disband the Blood Soul Sect, we can all go back to our respective halls. Anyway, our so-called hall masters are just names. The suzerain has not asked us to complete the task for many years. We already have our own halls. Career, I heard that the one who gathered me here this time is not the suzerain itself, but the devil from the great world of Maha."

Another cold woman in a green dress and high heels spoke in a cold voice.

"Elder Lu, what do you mean? Do you really think that the suzerain was forced to disband the Blood Soul Sect? You are right, we have been away for too long, and even such a big thing happened in the sect. Clearly, I don’t care about this, no matter how powerful the devil from the Maha Great World comes, I will still be loyal to our suzerain.”

Elder Jiu raised his head and looked at the woman in the green skirt with unkind eyes.

Elder Green's icy cold face suddenly smiled, and he grinned and said: "Listen to your tone, it seems that I want to fight against the suzerain, we are all elders promoted by the suzerain, and even taught us magic skills personally, how can I, Lu Liu This kind of ungrateful villain? Elder Jiumo, you must be holding your hat high, what do the other three elders think."

The other three elders seem to be younger, and even a pair of them are twin brothers. The middle-aged handsome man stood up and said:

"Elder Lu's words are very good. The suzerain must have her intentions in doing this. Now the disbandment of the sect may be for the benefit of the blood soul sect. No one knows the meaning of the existence of the blood soul sect better than us elders. I People are soft-spoken, the two elders Luliu and Jiumo are older than the three of us, so the three of us still listen to your opinions, but I am more inclined to the meaning of Elder Lu, the devil in the Great World of Maha is not ordinary powerful character, and I heard that five familiars came this time, I think the suzerain did not want our Blood Soul Sect to really fall into their hands, so he made such a bad move."

"Clap clap..."

The applause sounded, and Lu Liu glanced at the middle-aged man with admiration, and said with a smile: "Elder Liu Qi is indeed a thoughtful person among us elders, but it's a pity that some simple-minded guys still don't understand the style, fortunately We are all managed by branch halls, and we have not contacted the headquarters for many years, so some information left in the headquarters is not complete, and one more point, didn’t you realize that the disciples who came to inform us this time did not have the suzerain at all. The token, if my guess is correct, it should be driven by those demons."

"These devils should completely want to take over the Blood Soul Sect, and want to use the Blood Soul Sect to achieve their goals, and almost all the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect in the headquarters are controlled. I have already asked a disciple privately, and they are all arrested. The Black Mountain devil planted a curse, and if he doesn’t obey, he will die without a place to bury him.”

An elder among the twins stood up and said.

"It's still gold and silver elders who are careful, unlike some people who have no brains and only have brute force."

The corner of Luliu's mouth slightly raised and she spoke, but soon thought of something, her face darkened again, curse!Could it be that the suzerain is also under the curse?

"Green girl, who are you talking about! This time you rushed over and even the suzerain was not found, and you still blame me? It's all your fault, you have to interrogate those disciples at the headquarters, shouldn't it be enough to hand them over to the two elders, Jin and Yin? The magic skills they practice are very special, they torture and interrogate them, and no one can withstand it."

Elder Jiumo touched his bare head and said angrily.

Lu Liu's face turned cold again, and said: "If you don't ask the disciples of the headquarters, how do we know this place? Well, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you. I will leave some disciples in Jiuhuang City and let them pretend to be ordinary people. The common people will notify me when they see the suzerain, and I will naturally come to meet the suzerain in person, no matter what kind of monster the other party is, I, Lu Liu, will follow to the death, because there is still something to do at the hall, so I will go first."

After speaking, he turned his head and left, unusually decisive, and many of the disciples also left, leaving behind the remaining four elders.

"Elder Jiu, the three of us have to say goodbye."

Liu Qi smiled softly, gave a salute, and left the place with the other two elders.

"Elder Jiu, what should we do next?"

One of the disciples walked up to Jiumo, clasped his hands together, and spoke humbly.

"Nonsense, of course it's going back to the branch hall. Is it true that you really want to regain your strength? That girl Su Ri'an Luliu is very mean, but she is right. If we go to the suzerain now, it will undoubtedly be detrimental to the suzerain. You guys also stay here, if you meet the Suzerain and need support, please let me know right away."

Elder Jiumo angrily turned around and left, leaving behind a group of stunned disciples.


When I returned to my hometown, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and the weather was fine. Although the village was small, the villagers were still doing farm work in an orderly manner. There were many acquaintances in the farmland, especially the aunt of the Zhang family, who was also called Heipang My mother was surprised when she saw us, and when she saw my father and Zi Luo walking together, her eyes almost fell out of shock.

After saying hello to these familiar villagers, I walked to my house. The yard was already full of vegetables, and the chickens in the other chicken pen had grown up a lot. There was a wooden table in the yard. Zhong Xiaoman He was drawing amulets with a Langhao pen, and his uncle Zhong Shan was guiding him. He raised his head when he heard the sound of footsteps. When he saw us, he burst into laughter immediately. His legs were intact and he was walking like flying. Beside him, he stretched out his hand and hugged his father fiercely, and said in a choked voice:

"Brother, you are still back."

"Both are the fathers of two children, and they are still the same as before, no one is doing well."

The father patted the uncle's back helplessly, his eyes were moist, the uncle let go of his father, smiled sheepishly, then stared at Zi Luo, and said with a little fear on his face: "Daddy!" "Sister-in-law."


Zi Luo smiled gently, without any strange color on her face.

"Uncle, I brought my cousin back together."

At the same time, he winked at him, my uncle's eyes met mine, and he nodded slightly. It seems that Jiang He's meaning has been brought. Before the uncle opened his mouth, it was the cousin who was possessed by Black Mountain who spoke first:

"Father, we are back safely."

As soon as I said this, I was stunned, shook my head, and realized that he was possessed by Heishan, because Allah's cousin would never call my uncle and father, but called Zhong Shan directly. I was shocked, like a person who only got up at noon for more than ten years, suddenly woke up at six o'clock one morning.

In addition to my surprise, my uncle also had the same expression, but soon he calmed down and smiled again on his face. Even so, I saw the disappointment in his eyes, yes, this is not How can he be happy when his real son calls him?

"Xiao Yuan, take Li'er to rest, I have to catch up with my elder brother and sister-in-law."

Uncle smiled at me, and then his eyes fell on his father again, as if he had a thousand words.

"Xiao Man, where is Brother Jiang He?"

I walked up to Zhong Xiaoman and asked.

"He went to the mountain to gather medicine. By the way, cousin, father is calling you. The statue of Patriarch Zhong Kui is hanging in the lobby. I won't tell you any more. I have to finish drawing these ghost-exorcism charms, otherwise I will be punished."

Zhong Xiaoman stuck out his tongue mischievously, then grabbed the Langhao brush with peace of mind, dipped it in cinnabar and drew on the talisman paper.

Watching his strokes and his focused expression, I couldn't bear to disturb him. I thought to myself, Jiang He should have notified Xu Wanzhou and Gu An'an when he went to the mountain.

"Portrait of Zhong Kui?"

On the other hand, the cousin next to him was taken aback for a moment, but in an instant, a trace of anger could not be concealed from his eyes.

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